INTRODUCTION THE JESUITS OF MID-AMERICA, 1673-[763 The arrival of Father Van Quickenborne and his Belgian novices at Florissant, Missouri, in 1823, marked the renewal after a period of forced interruption and not the actual beginning of Jesuit missionary enterprise in the Middle United States That beginning was made at least as early as 1673 when Father Marquette in his historic voyage down the Mississippi ministered to the Indians along its banks and formed plans for evangelizing the region drained by the great water­ way and its tributary streams. These plans were to be realized, if not wholly, at least in part The work of religious and humanitarian service on behalf of the native red men inaugurated by Marquette was carried forward in the face of tremendous obstacles by successive members of his order, mid-America remaining a favorite field of Jesuit missionary activity down to 1763, when, as an incident in the general destruction of the Society of Jesus throughout the world, its missions in that section of North America were stricken down at a single blow. Between Marquette, the first Jesuit to traverse the watershed of the Mississippi, and Sebastien Louis Meunn, the last of his eighteenth-century successors to exercise the sacred ministry in that region, a long line of missionaries of the Society of Jesus devoted themselves to the formidable task of Christianizing and civilizing the savage population of mid-continental North America. It would not be in accord with the facts to say that their labors issued in complete success Difficulties of every description were met with thwarting their pious designs and preventing them from reaping in proper measure the fruits of the harvest. But the work was nobly planned and heroically persevered in, and its written record, as we read it in the letters of Gravier, Gabriel Marest, Vivier and their associates, is a fascinating chapter in the history of Catholic missionary achievement in the New World. The group of Belgian Jesuits that settled on the banks of the Missouri in the third decade of the nine­ teenth century were therefore not the first of their order to enter the great sweep of territory flanked by the Alleghanies and the Rockies A path for civilization, no less than for the Gospel, had been blazed before them by their brethren of the seventeenth and eighteenth cen­ turies , and, as grateful personal recollections of the earlier line of Jesuit workers still lingered in the memory of the oldest inhabitants when 2 THE JESUITS OF THE MIDDLE UNITED STATES Van Quickenborne and his party appeared on the scene, the thread of continuity between the old and the new Society of Jesus in the Middle United States remained in a sense unbroken.1 Rounding out in 1936 a hundred and thirteen years of history, the midwestern Jesuits of the United States were in this year conducting establishments in the states of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, as also in British Honduras and British East India. Moreover, they had in the past maintained houses in Louisiana and Kentucky and in the territory now comprised within the states of Mon­ tana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. Their present field of operations may be said to comprise in the rough two great regions, one, the part of the basin of the Great Lakes lying south of the Canadian border and west of New York State, the other the upper Mississippi Valley, exclu­ sive of its extreme northwestern reaches.1* The first Jesuit name to be associated with the upper Great Lakes region is that of St. Isaac Jogues, who, in 1641, in company with Father Charles Raymbault, planted the cross at Sault Ste. Mane in what is now the state of Michigan, the first Jesuit name to be distinctly connected with the Mississippi Valley is the historic one of Jacques Marquette, who with Louis Jolliet discovered the upper Mississippi River at Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, June 17, 1673 With these memorable names, Jogues, the martyr-priest, and Marquette, the discoverer, begins the story of Jesuit activity in the great sweep of territory now cultivated by the Society of Jesus in the Middle United States. No more engaging pages in history may be read than those which unfold the successive scenes in the gripping drama of discovery, explora­ tion, and splendid pioneering that was enacted on the stage of mid- America by the French of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The theme has been handled repeatedly by the historians, notably by Francis Parkman in his classic volumes and by Clarence Walworth Alvord in his Illinois Country. Two sharply contrasted groups of participants divide the action between them, on the one hand, the empire-builders, the colonial officials of whatever grade, the fur-traders, the adventurers by forest and stream and the sparsely scattered hab­ itants, on the other hand, the Church's representatives, more particu­ larly the missionaries to the Indians, as the Franciscans and Jesuits, 1 The Trappist, Dom Urban Guillet, communicated to Bishop Carroll, Novem­ ber 16, 1810, a petition on the part of the people of the "Illinois country" for a Jesuit missionary Baltimore Archdiocesan Archives la The Jesuits of the lower Mississippi Valley are organized as a separate ad­ ministrative unit with headquarters at New Orleans THE JESUITS OF MID-AMERICA, 1673-1763 3 whose activities in evangelizing the native tribes of the New World are of lasting record On the secular side the stage is crowded with figures whose names spell the very glamor and romance of history— the roll-call includes, among others, Nicolet, Radisson, Groseilliers, Frontenac, Jolliet, Tonti, Duluth, Perrot, Bienville, Iberville, Cadillac, and Laclede-Liguest But outstanding ecclesiastical figures mingle with these, lending to the moving drama in which they shared just those elements of the spiritual and supernatural which, as much as anything else, probably more so, make of that drama a thing of perennial interest and charm The incidents and conditions of whatever kind that entered into the highly significant action of which we speak do not merely con­ stitute a phase of French colonial history on American soil, they mark also the historical beginnings of many of the middlewestern states With these beginnings the Society of Jesus came in various ways to be identified. While detail is not pertinent here, even a meagre enumeration of particulars may serve its purpose, as suggesting the wealth of significant data left unnoticed In Michigan pioneer history the outstanding Jesuit names are probably Menard, Marquette, and Dablon The first Mass on the shores of Lake Superior was said by Father Rene Menard at Old Village Point, Keenewaw Bay, on St. Theresa's day, October 16, 1660, and said by him "with a consolation," so he wrote, "that repaid me with usury for all my past hardships " 2 Eight years later, in 1668, Father Marquette opened at Sault Ste. Mane, on the Michigan side of the rapids, a mission-post that was to become the first permanent white settlement within the limits of the state 3 Then, in 1670, came the establishment by Claude Dablon of the Ottawa Mission of St Ignace at the straits of Michilimackinac or Mackinaw, a long-standing center of Gospel light and leading for all the region of the Great Lakes 4 In Wisconsin the earliest missionary endeavors on behalf of the Indian gather around the name of Claude Allouez On Chequamegon Bay near the modern Ashland, at De Pere, and at various points in the interior of the state, he set up mission-posts that became so many starting-points for the civilizing influences that he sought to bring to bear upon the children of the forest His appointment to the post of vicar-general by saintly Bishop Laval, July 21, 1663, marked in a way the first organization of the Church in mid-America. From his pen came the earliest published account of the Illinois Indians, 2 John Gilmary Shea, History of the Catholic Church m the United States (Akron, 1892), I 263 3 Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections, 35 341 (1905-1906) 4 Antoine Ivan Rezek, History of the Diocese of Sault-Ste-Marie and Mar­ quette (Houghton, Michigan), 2 73 4 THE JESUITS OF THE MIDDLE UNITED STATES who were to give their name to the future state No other figure at the dawn of Wisconsin history rises to a more commanding height If the name of Jacques Marquette stands apart in the fervor of its appeal to sentiment and the historical imagination, the name of Claude Allouez deserves to be remembered as that of the first organizer of Catholicism in what is now the heart of the United States 5 To come to Illinois of the colonial period, its best known Jesuit figure is Marquette. One thinks of his heroic wintering of 1674-1675 on the banks of the Chicago River, the opening episode in the life-story of the future metropolis, also, of his memorable Kaskaskia Mission on the Illinois River, destined to stand out in history as the spot where Christianity and civilization made their first rude beginnings in the Mississippi Valley. It is to the pen of Father Marquette that we owe the earliest descriptions of the streams and prairies of Illinois The expedition of 1673 ^e<^ him along the entire western boundary of the state and then through its interior as he ascended the Illinois on his homeward course. His accounts of the upper Mississippi, the Illinois, and the Chicago Rivers are the earliest that we possess, and the record he has left us, whether of travel or missionary experience in the country through which they flow, is the first page in the written history of the commonwealth of Illinois.
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