' W m P""-*"fl f "THE SOUTH'SFOREMOSTCOLLEGEWEEKLV VOLUME LXXXVI MONDAY, 28, NOVEMBER 1994 NUMBER Yl Cutting financial Searching for harmony aidcurbs ■ Despiterecent efforts, tuition Davidson does notmeet our needs, say some African hikes American students. jk M wl Mary By LauraMoretz . ByJennifer Kerns L K |w Whenasked whysomeofthis The DavidsonClassof 1995 stillremem- year'sfreshmen arenotreceiving bers the intense racial tension createdby an f 100 percentfinancial aid for their incident in the 1991-92 school year, which B^ 4^k demonstrated need,Dean of Ad- forcedstudentstoconfront theissueofracism. JJma missionsandFinancial AidNancy Intheintermittentyears,thecampushasmade Hk CableWellssays,"Ifsavery,very special efforts to fulfill the needs ofminori- complicatedissue." ties,specifically African-Americans. jL■LV In the spring of 1992, "Iremember having to justify my pres- L^fl^l Davidsonannouncedthatitwould encehere to myselfandothers. Now,Ithink BLj soonbe unable to meet all need- there is much more awareness of cultural basedfinancial aiddemands. The differences,"says seniorNikkiLiverman. classof 1998is the firstclass tobe FreshmenOrientation al^^l^^^H^^^H affectedby the limitations. To ease the transition into Davidson, PhotobyRob Kosicki Trustee policy now limits fi- graduateTonyPerez,Assistant totheDirector Oz Prioleau,Brian Parrish,DebbieLiverman,andNikkiLiverman at theBlack- ial aid to 13 percent of the ofCareer Services,organizeda weekendori- Student— coalition. tall college budget. "A very entationfor minorities. Perez hopesthat the : few students are not having their weekend will expandinto afour-week semi- minorities a head start." Heplans to submit a TheBlack StudentCoalitiongivesAfri- metnow,"CableWellssays, needs nar, with incoming freshmen taking classes detailed requestto thepresidentby thefall of can-Americansaplacetobethemselves. In and"moststudents are stillgetting withprofessorsandtalking withspeakersabout 1995. rebuttal. PresidentCharlieBlake statesthat helpthey the need." life asaminority. Thisprogramisanaugmen- perezalsoscheduledaspeakeronthe topic "BSCcontinuestoprovideasocialoutletfor Continuing provide to forev- tationofthetwo-weekprogramalreadyheaded "How tp Survive on aPredominantly White African Americans,and acenter for aware- ery demonstratedfinancial need upbyDeanJohnEaves. Campus" for Monday, November 14. The ness ofdifferences."Theyhostedaspaghetti posed a dilemma for the college "One weekendis not enough. The fourr speakercanceledatthelastminute. Theforum supperatthe beginningoftheyear toattract budget. CableWellssays,"Finan- week seminar would encourage leadership willbe rescheduledfor nextsemester. a diversegroupofnew members, cialaidhadbeen the fastestgrow- support and development,give a group, give Black Student Coalition SeeSERCH continuedon2 of the budget. We were tpartring moneyinto it, andit was roaching on other important Chemistry Society plays withkids at Discovery Place areasof thebudget." By Jay Jennings ice cream mix is stirred together Cable Wells says thechange TheDavidson CollegeChap- withliquid nitrogen. The cream "makesithardtodoeverything we ter of the AmericanChemicalSo- freezes, a cloud of nitrogen gas want to do" in the 1 financial aid 1^^K"- cietycelebratedNationalChemis- risesfrom thebowl,andicecream office,sincethere arestillabout \: as try Week by giving demonstra- remains inthebowl, manyneedystudentsas therehave tions at Discovery Place. They This society started this se- been every year for the past de- demonstrated chemistry for chil- mesterbecausetheir participation drenfromNovember5throughl2. willbe"beneficialtothecareersof Cutting financial aid, how- A group of ten students and its members either in graduate er, means not having to raise ( four professors participatedinthe schoolormedicalschool,"accord- as year. ition mucheach Slow- demonstrations of making GAK, ingtoPresidentTheoCurey.There therateof tuitionincrease"will ■bu|M slime, for are two more and ice cream children about 13 members with efully keep and more and adults who attendedDiscov- advisors,Dr.RuthBeestonandDr. pie from needingfinancialaid <^fc IP ery Place two weeksago. In the «eachyear.Ithelpsputthesituation — UB^ — T : , ,W- Instant Ice Cream demonstration, See Kids continuedonpage 3 inbalance," saysCable Wells. TheChemical.cSocietyr-T^^^^^^whelpskids. Pho'° courtesyofrnChemistrySocietyJ r « SGA unanimously passes resolution demanding removal of Christian requirement for religionprofessors ByMegWolff which prohibits professed non- Rosenbachsays, "The idea of be- partof thecollege's Statement of reportedtotheSGAonNovember The SGA unanimouslyvoted Christians from teaching religion ingtaughtBuddhist traditionsby a Purpose: "The loyaltyof thecol- K thatotherdepartmentshaveelimi- onTuesdaytosubmitaresolution atDavidson. Theresolutionstates: Buddhist monk, for example, is legethusextendsbeyondtheChris- natedtherequirement inthepast. to the Board of Trustees which "TheChristian faithis notaneces- just veryexcitingtome." tiancommunity to the whole hu- Theresolution, whichpassed would officially allow non-Chris- sary qualificationforprofessorsto Rosenbach encouraged the man community and necessarily unanimouslyintheSGAmeeting, tians to become members of the teachsuchdiversecoursesasBud- resolutionbecausehefeelsthe col- includes an openness and respect will now be sent to the trustees. ReligionDepartment. dhist Traditions,Chinese Popular lege by-law, which requires any for the world's various religious SGA resolutions are intended to The SGAraised this issue in Belief,andModernJewishLitera- professor hired by the Religion traditions." presentthestudentviewoncurrent responsetothediscoveryofanold ture." Department tobe oftheChristian Junior Latasha Jenkins, who issues;they donot directlychange college constitutional by-law SGA President Eric faith, fundamentally contradicts did initial research on the issue, school policy. ~~^KEE^Mr~ Presidential Tragedy in S.C. Night music Men's Hoops [HIS lVEEK OllSllifiratinn^ DavidSantschiexplorethe Orchestrapremieres Cats to compete V^U<UlllC«tllUll» impact this tragedyhas hadand successfully on November 17 for theconference ~*^^jt FirstClass Mail SGA resolves to send letter to willhaveon all Americans. withanoutstandingprogramof title. Is this the \$f) U.S. PostagePaid trustees instead ofa vote. music. year for NCAA? News Opinions 8 Arts & living 10 Sports I DaviZ7NC28036 2_ 1£ 2 NEWS requirement for college president inletter to trustees BySarah Teachworth mainconcern withthe current by- tionwaspassed,some alumnimay However, the importance of make a statement. Theletter will The Davidsoncampushas re- law wasthat therequirementcriti- become angry with the school. the Presbyterian tradition at be a more valuable tool for the centlybeenabuzzwith thecontro- cally limited thepoolofpresiden- According to the SGA Min- Davidson brought the greatest trustees whenthey discuss the is- versy over whether the college's tial applicants.FreshmanSenator utes from November 1, Senator amount of division among the suein thespring." By-Lawsshouldcontinue torequire Lucian Dervan says, "There are Rick Onkey found that "eight out SGA. Because of their lack of Dervan comments,"The let- thepresidentofthecollegetobean veryfew African-Americans who of the top 10 donors toDavidson cohesion,theSGA decidedattheir ter whichpassedtheSGAand will activePresbyterian. Animportant are Presbyterian, and the current were Presbyterian" and that "ap- November 8 meeting that in the be sent to the trustees is the most stepintheresolutionofthedispute rulealmost assures that there will proximately $20,000 per year is place and stead ofa resolution, a viable solution,givingboth sides wastakenattheNovember15SGA neverbe a presidentof Davidson receiveddirectly fromtheChurch." letter explaining the controversy oftheissue thechance tolobbythe meeting whenthe senators votedto Collegefrom a minority group. Becauseofthis financial tie,some to the trustees wouldbe drawnup final decisionmakers." submitaletter to the trustees pre- Thecurrentdebate senatorsfeel that theschoolowes and votedonatthefollowingmeet- Last Tuesday,thefirstdraftof senting bothsides of the issue. The interim SGA meetings it to the Presbyterian Church to ing. the letter was circulated among The originof theargument have found division among the remainaffiliated inmorethanjust Rosenbach says,"A letteref- thosepresentattheSGAmeeting. The matter wasFirstbrought senators and a large amount of atraditionalsense. fectively articulates the concerns The letter's main argument in fa- up by SGA President Eric indeqsiveness. Opponents of the TheSGA acts,sendingletter to ofthestudents.TheSenate should Rosenbach six weeks ago. His change point out that if aresolu- trustees not feelithas topassaresolutionto See PreS. continuedonpage 3 * " * * Ecumenical Council ■ J V 0 starts petition to reaffirmpresidential ties to PresbyterianChurch By Mary Clare Jalonick Church and support these signifi- People all over campus are cant ties in the future, including currently debating whether the thattherequirementthatthepresi- presidentof thecollegeshouldbe dent be an active member of the requiredtobePrebyterian,andthe PresbyterianChurch." Ecumenical Council wants the "There seems tobe ageneral trustees toknow how theyfeel. trendthatSGA is trying to cut the Studentssignedapetition writ- ties,and thisis areaction to that," tenby theCouncillastWednesday says SamanthaHackett,amember and Thursday in Chambers. The of the Council, petitionstated the positionof the Matt
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