Romanian oceanographers: Black Sea gradually recovers No. 7, 2013 Belarus- Land under Sergei White Wings Konoplyov About Harvard’s programs on Eurasia Eurovision-2013: “Eastern European domination” Black Sea - Caspian Sea International Fund: ISTANBUL MERIDIAN OF COOPERATION Colors of new Georgia BSCSIFCHRONICLE BSCSIFCHRONICLE PHOTO: АrCHIVE The awards were given by cat- egories that provided for the main activities of BSCSIF: sustainable economic and regional develop- ment, world peace, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, protection of cultural heritage, implementation of democratic reforms, significant progress in European integration, international cooperation in the field of energy, sustainability and protec- tion of the environment, moderni- zation of the education system and BSCSIF President Dr. Akkan Suver (right) hands the award to Siim Kallas, Vice-President health care. of the European Commission and Commissioner for Transport BSCSIF-2012 awards were granted to distinguished personalities as fol- lows below: • Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament - for his contribution to the strengthening of the role of the European Parlia- ment as a democratic forum, and for his contribution to a unified and integrated European Union as an economically strong, socially just, Awarding ceremony free and democratic structure for all Europeans. Among the awardees - Dacian Ciolos, European Commissioner • Johannes Hahn, European Com- for Agriculture and Rural Development missioner for Regional Policy - for the promotion of EU investments in Brussels through dynamic initiatives and On June 19 of the this year, the International Fund projects that have real economic and social benefits to the citizens for Cooperation and Partnership of the Black Sea of the EU, and for strategic deci- and the Caspian Sea (BSCSIF) organized a Gala sion to encourage Member States to incorporate priorities of the new Dinner in Brussels on the occasion of BSCSIF-2012 programs for Regional Policy 2014- awards to high-ranking officials of the European 2020 into the Danube Strategy; • Stefan Füle, EU Commissioner for Union and the countries represented in BSCSIF, which, according to Enlargement and European Neigh- international bodies, excelled in areas that are particularly relevant borhood Policy for his leading role BSCSIF CHRONICLE BSCSIF in the Enlargement Process and for The well-deserved award also goes to the Mayor of Bucharest, Sorin Oprescu (center) to the Black Sea-Caspian Sea region. support to political associations and partner countries regarding the one of the world’s largest donors – tural Policy that would change he award ceremony, held integration into the EU, as a part of European Union; the paradigm in EU’s agricultural at the European Parlia- the Eastern Partnership; • Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the policy, for his central role in setting ment premises, was • Andris Piebalgs, EU Commission- European Commission and Com- up the European Neighborhood attended by over 200 er for Development - for the con- missioner for Transport - for pro- Partnership for Agriculture and European officials, rep- tribution into the modernization moting transport services through Rural Development; for design and resentatives of diplomatic corps, civil of aid policy and delivery mecha- better use of EU infrastructure and establishment of the European In- Tsociety and press. nisms; for his leading role in the for the development of policies and novation Partnership “Agricultural The guests were welcomed by most important initiatives of the legislation that bring greater safety Productivity and Sustainability”; Marius Opran, Director of the Brus- Millennium Development Goals, and security; • Hans Martens, Chief Executive sels branch of BSCSIF, who spoke of education, health, sustainable • Dacian Cioloş, European Commis- of the European Policy Centre in about the activities of the Fund, and agriculture and energy, professional sioner for Agriculture and Rural Brussels - for his activity that covers On behalf of the European Parliament President, Martin Schulz ,the prize receives his deputy Jacek then the BSCSIF President Akkan development of innovative financial Development - for proposing a various global aspects of economic Protasiewicz (at the stand). On the extreme left - Director of the BSCSIF Brussels branch, Marius Opran Suver officially opened the ceremony. instruments to leverage the aid of reform of the Common Agricul- and social life, dedicated to build 2 3 CONTENTS BSCSIFCHRONICLE BSCSIFchronicle bridges between EU institutions, Awarding ceremony in Brussels / 2 companies, social partners, dip- Istanbul Meridian / 6 lomatic world, regional and local Dr.Akkan Suver: My priorities / 10 Governments, as well as NGOs;. • Sorin Oprescu, the mayor of Bu- EVENTSAND PEOPLE No. 7, 2013 charest - for regional and local Eurasia on Bosphorus / 12 ____________________________________________________________ development, for major achieve- Azerbaijanis face an important choice / 13 EDITORIAL BOARD ments and realistic vision on local Mahir N.Quarayev, Azerbaijan infrastructure development of Bu- NEWSFrom THE REGION Murat Auezov, Kazakhstan charest, the capital city of Romania, Bayan Sarigulov, Kyrgyzstan Azerbaijani flag in Constanta / for the benefit of citizens; 15 Ion Hadârcă, Republic of Moldova Rovana Plumb, THEcoUNTRIES OF THE REGION Mikhail Sinelnikov, Russia • Minister of Envi- In this section we present to our readers another Corneliu Vlad, Deputy Editor, Romania ronment and Climate Change of Romania - for special achievements The award conferred to the Republic of Moldova is handed by the member of the European Parliament, country, member of the Black Sea - Caspian Sea Çağrı Erhan, Prof. Dr., Turkey Adrian Severin (right), to the President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the Academician in the implementation of EU poli- Gheorghe Duca (center) International Fund Editor-in-Chief: Vyacheslav Samoshkin cies and standards on Environment BELARUS English version: Olga Condratiuc Protection, also for the initiative Land under White Wings Art Director: Dan Mihalache to support the important role of / 16 ____________________________________________________________ “green economy” in Romania’s sus- EVENTSAND PEOPLE The Magazine is being published tainable development. Pragmatism accompanied by the International Fund For Cooperation BSCSIF awards were also bestowed and Partnership of the Black Sea by „heartfelt diplomacy” to the following countries, represent- / 20 and the Caspian Sea ed in the BSCSIF: INTERVIEW • Azerbaijan - for its contribution Harvard: Ways of Black Sea security President: Akkan Suver Secretary General and Vice-President: to international peace and security, and cooperation / 21 Eldar Hasanov as well as for the progress made in ECOLOGY Vice-President: the promotion of dialogue between The Black Sea is recovering, but the risks stay Gabriel Comănescu (Romania) civilizations, and for the active role / 26 Executive Director: Alev Balgi The award, bestowed to Montenegro, is handed to the ambassador of this country to the EU, and contribution to the develop- Ivan Lekovic (center) CULTUREAND US Adviser to Secretary General: ment of new strategic regional Bosnia: a “landscaped” history / 34 Janna Donică energy corridors, including major Projects Coordinator, Adviser to investments in energy resources; IDEASAND PEOPLE Secretary General: Julia Akhunova • Georgia - for progress made in Coordinator of the Center for Strategic political stability, for the establish- Caspian expectations / 36 Research of the Black Sea-Caspian Sea ment of a favorable climate for for- EXLIBRIS Region: Valentina Albu Adviser for Economic eign investment and for the reform Iran: kaleidoscope’s eye view / 37 Cooperation: Orhan Mammadov of the education system; Republic of Moldova ATTHE crossroads OF CUltURES Project Manager: Luiza Niţă • - for Euro- ____________________________________________________________ Eastern-European domination pean integration and the successful / 38 ISSN 2069 – 766X; ISSN-L = 2069 – 766X accession to the 7th EU Frame- PROJECTS,projects Printed at Tipografia Everest, Bucharest work Programme for research, BSCSIF CHRONICLE BSCSIF technological development and In pursuit of high technology / 40 Azerbaijani Ambassador to Belgium, Fuad This award will go to Turkey, together with the demonstration activities, covering Iskandarov (left), accepts the award conferred Deputy Minister of this country for EU Affairs NEWSFrom THE REGION 2007-2013; to his country Dr. Alaattin Buyukkaya ____________________________________________________________ Baku breakthrough / 43 The opinions expressed by the authors • Montenegro - for environment do not necessarily reflect the views of the protection, for conservation of In conclusion, Vice-President There is no doubt that the GALLERY «Dialogue of the Seas» editors. biodiversity and preservation of Gabriel Comanescu expressed his event, held in Brussels, will attract Georgian painting in searches / 44 When using the material, the reference natural values; gratitude to the outstanding nomi- even greater interest of European OH,sport, YOU ARE peace! ... to the magazine is obligatory. • Turkey - for special achievements nees and all the participants at the institutions, international Sports and society: a win-win platform / EDITORIAL ADDRESS: in the field of economic develop- event, to the BSCSIF team and to the organizations, representatives 46 București, bdul Nicolae Balcescu, №32-34, ment, preservation
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