NO MATTER HOW SMALL! AMERICA’S ONLY WORKING Order a Daily Worker Bundle for Sale To Those You Know DailyS^Vorker CLASS DAILY NEWSPAPER CENTRAL ORGAN COMMUNIST PARTY U.S.A. (SECTION OF COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL) the Po*t Offlct BntereC u iceond-elMi matter »t it MAY WEATHER: Cloudy, Vol. XI, No. 119 Hew York, N. Y., under the Act of Merck S, 187». NEW YORK, FRIDAY, 18, 1934 warmer. (Six Pages) Price 3 Cents COMMUNISTS DEFEND RACE EQUALITY IN ALA. COURT General Strike Sec’y Perkins Vague On Looms in Frisco; Terror; B’mingliam Cops Ship Pilots Out Jail’Daily’ Correspondent Masters and Mates on Sec’y Perkins Blames Boss Court Told Party 2,000 Longshoremen Ocean Ships on Strike T’WlLe.' i . Workers for Strike Unites Negro, White With Longshoremen Strike in London; Violence Workers in Struggle May Spread Strike HIT TROOP THREAT IGNORES MURDERS LAWSON LONDON, May 17.—A strike of BANISH 2,000 Hayes dock workers at against by police! Men on Fery Boats to Wharf, between the London and Striking San Francisco longshoremen defend themselves a brutal attack armed One Does Not Criticize Use Court Forced to Delay Tower bridges, where 90 per cent enp was knocked to the pavement. Another cop, carrying a long nightstick, is pictured at the left picking Vote on Walkont of London’s perishable food im- up his cap, knocked off as the longshoremen met the police clubs with rocks and planks. of Troops Against Passing of Sentence * .« ift j ports are unloaded, is expected to Pickets SAN FRANCISCO, May 17. spread to other docks. By JOHN HOWARD LAWSON strikers are demanding The (Special Worker) A general strike as an that five men who formerly were Mass By MARGUERITE YOUNG to the Daily answer to the shipowners’ employed at clerical work and Industrial Steel Union Jailings (Daily Worker Washington Bureau) BIRMINGHAM, Ala., May threats to bring in have now been transferred to 17.—For first time in federal longshore duty to take the place WASHINGTON, May 17. I the an troops to smash the long- of regular longshoremen be taken After Latvian Secretary of Labor Frances Alabama jim-crow court, the shoremen’s strike loomed here off the job. Launches Preparations program of the Communist Scabs have been brought in by Perkins, asked today to com- j today. the company to unload the ships. Fascist Coup ment on the violence of police, \ Party rang out in Judge Aber- Masters, mates, and pilots of This has aroused the union men, private armies, and National nathy’s kangaroo court today, out who say they will spread the For j ocean-going ships have walked Big Strike Struggles troops murdering: strikers as Ralston and five other and are striking, along with the strike. Hitler Press Is Highly in longshoremen and seamen. point Congres- svorkers militantlv defended them- It is to a where against frame-up reported of ferry Pleased As Terror selves the at- that crews the Calls for Building of sional investigation is being sought Sempt ply Bay are of the steel bosses. boats which Frisco to High Prices Drive on Baltic in the House of Representatives, The trial took place vote on the question of joining the Rages two floors Bronx Meet To $2,000 Fighting declared. “Sometimes violence comes below the cells where the strike. Scotts- Women s Wear Sales (Special to the Daily Worker) from one side, sometimes from the JOHN HOWARD LAWSON :oro Boys are confined in solitary The movement of all ships to the Fund other.” The American author MOSCOW, May 17, (By Radio).— noted -'onfinement. north Pacific ports has been can- Protest Nazi 25 P.C. Below 1933 say playwright, who has been Troops are patrolling the streets of Pressed to whether the terror and Ralston, conducting his own de- celed by the companies. NEW YORK—The preparations for the Daily In- Riga, after the fascist coup yester- in major strikes has not been insti- special correspondent fense, declared in ringing tones: Meanwhile Mayor Dore of Seattle of the Steel and Metal Workers NEW YORK.—Women buyers Worker, with four strike in day, and numerous leaders of the tuted against rather than by labor, together “I am an organizer for the sought the aid of federal troops to j ExecutionPlan dustrial Union for struggle of clothing are now. after one others, was jailed yesterday as revolutionary work- as recognized in the Lundeen reso- Communist Party is actively par- exert violence and terror against the steel industry, and the campaign year of the Roosevelt N. R. A., left parties and part of the reign of terror and lution, Perkins merely said: “I think ts the and Negro the strikers. of the S.M.W.I.U. for a Steel Work- paying 50 per cent more for 25 ers are being arrested throughout attempt to suppress all news. uniting white nothing is ever more unfortunate workers the South in immedi- Will Demand Freedom ers Fighting Fund, were endorsed per cent less clothing, the Jour- Latvia. so of Me Grady to Arrive far as the settlement of industrial ate struggle for conditions, yesterday in a statement by the Na- nal of Commerce reports. Reports from give addi- better Warsaw disputes is concerned than violence iinrmplcym-ut equal Edward F. McGrady, Assistant of Thaelmann, Ger- tional Executive Board of the Trade Reports continue to come in tional details of the Fascist coup in 1 insn—rncr. on either side.” rights for (he Negro people and Secretary of Labor and aid to N. Union Unity League. that show declining purchases of Latvia. On the night of May 16. R. A. Administrator General John- man C. P. Leader statement, issued by apparel result of Even while thus bandying the out- Miner, self-determination for the N-rro The women’s as a the government buildings in Riga, Negro majorities in son, is due to arrive here by plane Jack Stachel, Acting Secretary, de- retail prices. The N. worn anti-labor slur, the Labor Sec- the Black Belt. The. the soaring capital of Latvia, were occupied by Oommunici Parly is pra- today, from Washington. He will NEW YORK.—Protest against the clared that the steel workers, suf- R. A. retail advances, how- retary announced that Edward F. actively price troops. The order for their seizure ticipatin? in and propose a strikebreaking arbitration criminal conspiracy of the Nazi ering a severe attack on their liv- ever, in the last 12 months, even McGrady, Assistant Secretary of In Ala. strike struggles was signed by Premier Ulmanis and Shot building a powerful trade scheme as a trump card for the butchers to rush Ernst Thaelmann, ing standards, are disillusioned with the of declining demand, Labor, who the Administra- union in face War Minister Balodis. They pub- helped movement as part of the struggle shipowners. heroic German Communist leader, the N.R.A. and Labor Boards and brought a sharp upturn in prof- tion break the Pennsylvania Mine summary lished a decree proclaiming the of the working class for the over- Judge Reynolds, of the Federal to trial and death within the A. F. of L. leaders, and are pre- merchandisers. The re- strike last August by tricking work- Dies next mys, will its for whole country under martial law Terror, throw of capitalism, confiscation Arbitration Board, said that if the the ten be thun- paring for strike struggles. striction of the market through to "rely on the President,” has dered by Bronx workers in an open- for six months. Parliament was sus- ers of the factories, mines railroads strike is not settled speedily the National Board Decisions high prices is beginning, how- gone to the Pacific Coast to try his and wealth a to air meeting tonight at Wilkins and pended. of the Southern bour- government will take hand of ever, to pile up unsold stocks hand in the Longshore strike. And Four More Arrested in the Wall Street keep freight moving. Intervale Aves. at 8 o’clock. This sentiment the steel work- Leaders of the left parliamentary bons and oli- ers straggles is in the grow- once more. including the Social-Dem- therefore “we are hopeful.” garchy In order to establish a strikers demanding The meeting will also protest the for seen fractions, Raids, Lawson Wires The are of ing influence of the Steel and Metal ocrat Kalnynsh, president of parlia- Also, Perkins defended General Soviet America as part of the their international union officials in growing fascist terror in this coun- Union, and in world struggle of the toiling try, the mass murders of strikers Workers Industrial ment, was arrested. Pelham Glassford’s activities as Just Before Arrest the recent convention of the Amal- “People’s “mediator” in Imperial Valley masses for Communism.” on Page 2) in Alabama, San Pedro, Galveston, Vets Confab The House,” Socialist (Continued gamated Association of Iron, Steel against widespread protests by Buffalo, etc. headquarters in Riga, was occupied the ED. NOTE.—The following wire Prosecutor Praises A. F. of L. and Tin Workers (A. F. of L.) where, by troops Aisargi, a semi- American Civil Liberties Union and from the Daily meeting, directly fol- and the was received Leaders The called in spite of the reformist character reactionary organization. others. Perkins admitted that Glass- correspondent Birming- lowing the publication yesterday by militarist Worker at of some of the opposition leaders, Opens Today Break Up Political Parties ham, Ala., John Howard Lawson, Ralston was finally stopped and Dockers Strike for the “Daily Worker” of the cabled told to the voice of the rank and file could All political parties were dissolved.
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