PETERBOROUGH CITY COUNCIL SUMMONS TO A MEETING You are hereby summonsed to attend a meeting of Peterborough City Council, which will be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Peterborough on WEDNESDAY 8 APRIL 2009 AT 7.00 P.M. AGENDA Page No. 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Minutes of the Council meeting held on 25 February 2009 1 4. Communications Time (a) Mayor’s Announcements 19 (b) Leader’s Announcements (c) Chief Executive’s Announcements 5. Community Involvement Time (a) Questions with Notice by Members of the Public (b) Questions with Notice by Members of the Council relating to Ward Matters and to Committee Chairmen (c) Questions with Notice by Members of the Council to representatives of the Police and Fire Authorities; (d) Petitions submitted by Members or Residents. 6. Executive Business Time (a) Questions with Notice to the Leader and Members of the Executive (b) Questions without Notice on the Record of Executive 21 Decisions 7. Council Business Time (a) Executive Recommendations 27 (i) Peterborough Housing Register and Allocations Policy 29 (ii) Cultural Strategy 65 (iii) Children’s and Young People’s Plan 175 (iv) Safer Peterborough Partnership Plan 217 (b) Committee Recommendations (c) Notices of Motion 253 (d) Reports and Recommendations (i) Proposed Calendar of Meetings for 2009/10 and Draft 255 Calendar for 2010/11 31 March 2009 Town Hall Bridge Street Peterborough Chief Executive There is an induction hearing loop system available in all meeting rooms. Some of the systems are infra-red operated, if you wish to use this system then please contact Carol Tilley, Legal and Democratic Services on 01733 452344. PETERBOROUGH CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 25 FEBRUARY 2009 The Mayor – Councillor Pat Nash Present: Councillors Ash, Benton, C Burton, Cereste, Collins, Croft, Dalton, C Day, S Day, Dobbs, Elsey, Fazal, Fitzgerald, Fletcher, Fower, Goldspink, Goodwin, Harrington, Hiller, Holdich, Hussain, Khan, Kreling, Lamb, Lane, Lee, Miners, Murphy, Nawaz, Newton, North, Over, Peach, Rush, Saltmarsh, Sanders, Sandford, Scott, Seaton, Sharp, Smith, Swift, Thacker, Todd, Trueman, Walsh, Wilkinson and Winslade. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Allen, M Burton, J Fox, J A Fox, Gilbert and Lowndes. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS All Members were provided with a copy of their respective Declarations of Interest forms for the purposes of agenda item 8.1 (Budget Report). Members were reminded that they need not announce any interests which were included on the form. The following interests were declared in addition: Item 8.1 - Councillor Cereste informed those present that he was Chairman of NHS Peterborough. Whilst emphasising that this role was not affected by the proposals within the Budget, he would nevertheless vacate the Chamber during the Budget debate in light of its implications for the Primary Care Trust. 3. MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD 10 DECEMBER 2008 AND 13 JANUARY 2009 The Minutes of the Council Meeting held 10 December 2008 and the Extraordinary Council Meeting held 13 January 2009 were agreed and signed by the Mayor as an accurate record. 4. MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 4.1 The Mayor’s engagements for the period 30 November 2008 to 15 February 2009 were noted. 5. QUESTIONS ASKED WITH WRITTEN NOTICE 5.1 Questions were asked of Cabinet Members and the Leader of the Council in respect of the following: • Publication of Members’ attendance at all formal council meetings and the possibility of introducing video coverage for all Council, Cabinet and Scrutiny Committee/Panel meetings; • The number of complementary tickets received each year from Peterborough United Football Club, the arrangements for allocation of such tickets and the cost to the Council of its sponsorship of the Club; • The possibility of moving towards the introduction of an elected Mayor; • The approach of Cabinet Members should ID cards become compulsory; • The deletion of posts within the Council and the use of interim managers/consultants. 1 5.2 Members asked questions of Cabinet Members and Committee Chairmen about issues relating to their wards as follows: • Anti-social behaviour caused by the use of ‘mini-motos’ in recreational areas in the South Werrington and North Gunthorpe areas. A summary of all questions and answers is attached at Appendix A. 6. PETITIONS No petitions were submitted. 7. EXECUTIVE DECISIONS Council received and noted a report summarising: • Decisions made at the Cabinet Meeting held 15 December 2008; • Decisions made at the Cabinet Meeting held 2 February 2009; • The Council’s ‘call-in’ procedure, which had not been invoked since the last meeting; • Special Urgency and Waive of ‘call-in’ provisions in relation to the refurbishment and enhancement of Clare Lodge Secure Unit, Glinton (Phase 3); • Cabinet Member decisions taken during the period 1 December 2008 and 16 February 2009. 8. EXECUTIVE RECOMMENDATIONS Budget 2009/10 and Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) to 2011/12 Council considered the Budget for 2009/10 in the context of a three year medium term financial plan and corporate plan running to 2011/12. Council was also required to set the Council Tax for 2009/10 taking into account both its own requirements and those of relevant precepting bodies such as the Police, Fire, and Parish Councils where applicable. The Leader of the Council presented the budget and moved the recommendations detailed in the Budget Book, together with amendments detailed in Appendix A (i) of the Order Paper (attached as Appendix B to these minutes). During his speech, the Leader highlighted the following points: • The impact of the economic downturn, and the decline in the property market which has led to a reduction in expected levels of capital receipts and reduced levels of income from planning fees and rents; • The impact of the Council’s business transformation programme which had produced cumulative savings of £10 million in 2007/8 and 2008/9 and identified a further £6 million savings and efficiencies for 2009/10; • The proposed 2.5% increase in Council Tax was well below the average national increase and would be kept under review; • Proposals to enable the Council to invest over £200 million in major projects over the next three years, including £91 million on schools; • Provision of free entry to the Lido swimming pool on its opening weekend in May; • A one-off investment of £100,000 for the maintenance of footpaths and pavements; • Provision of £10,000 Community Leadership Fund for each ward for expenditure on capital projects recommended by ward councillors; • Efficiency savings achieved by unifying some ‘back-office’ functions, transferring operational information and communications technology to a third party supplier and a review of charges and operation hours at a range of Council-run facilities. The Leader commended the budget to the Council. In seconding the proposals, Councillor Goldspink expressed the view that the Budget was balanced, responsible and one which would protect services. 2 Council signified consent to the proposed amendments. The Mayor announced that an amendment had been proposed by Councillor Swift, details of which were outlined at Appendix B of the Order Paper (attached as Appendix C to these minutes). Councillor Swift presented the amendment which proposed the following: • A reduction in Member allowances, including the deletion of at least three Cabinet positions; • A reduction in allocation of funding to Opportunity Peterborough • The introduction of charges for staff seconded to Opportunity Peterborough; • Reinstatement of community planning funding • Reinstatement of the pest control service • Removal of proposals to introduce charges for use of internet at libraries; • Reduction in savings targets in order to reduce headcount reduction requirements. The amendment was seconded by Councillor Ash. A debate followed and a vote was taken on the amendment. This was DEFEATED by 9 votes in favour, 37 against and 4 abstentions. A debate was held on the substantive budget as proposed by the Leader of the Council and a vote taken. It was RESOLVED (37 votes in favour, 12 against and 1 abstention) to approve: • the draft revenue budget for 2009/10 and the draft Medium Term Financial Plan for 2009/10 to 2011/12, set in the context of the community strategy; • the draft capital programme for 2009/10 to 2011/12 and related strategies and indicators; • the proposed council tax increase of 2.5% for 2009/10 (and indicative increases of 2.5% in each of 2010/11 and 2011/12), • the amendments set out at Appendix B to these minutes; • the Council Tax setting resolution set out a below. 3 COUNCIL TAX 2009/10 Following consideration of the report to this Council on 25th February 2009 and the setting of the Revenue Budget for 2009/10, the Council is requested to pass the resolution below. RESOLVED 1. THAT the Revenue Budget in the sum of £133,636,330 (being £247,903,330 less the Dedicated Schools Grant of £114,267,000) now presented be approved. 2. THAT it be noted that at its meeting on 15th December 2008 the Cabinet calculated the following amounts for the year 2009/10 in accordance with regulations made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992: - (a) 54,835 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordance with regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as its council tax base for the year. (b) Part of the Council's Area Ailsworth 220.17 Bainton 143.70 Barnack 361.22
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