NEWSLETTER NATIONAL SOJOURNERS, INC. FT SAM HOUSTON CHAPTER #17 ALAMO CAMP HEROES OF ‘76 SEE OUR WEBSITE AT http://www.ftsamhoustonsojourners.txmasons.org Editor: Thomas J. Griffy Email: [email protected] President 1st Vice President Secretary / Treasurer Commander Adjutant H. Nelson Dunn Luther Lee Leopard, Jr. J. R. “Bob” McConnell Al Putnam J. R. “Bob” McConnell 4411 Talullaw 226 Highview Dr. 134 Rhonda Dr 746 San Gabriel Loop 134 Rhonda Dr San Antonio, TX 78128 San Antonio, TX 78228 Universal City, TX 78148 New Braunfels, TX 78132 Universal City, TX 78148 (210)656-8466 (210)434-7429 (210) 659-6813 (830)632-5732 (210) 659-6813 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ISSUE 16-05 May 2016 ganizations. Minutes of Business ESSAY: Bro Hopkin stated that the next Essay Contest letters will be sent to schools using Meeting 6 April 2016 the ROTC listing. FLAG PROGRAM: The next one, The Monthly Business Meeting of the Chap- “Building the Flag”, will be presented on 7 April ter was held on 6 April 2016 at The Barn Door. 2016 at the San Antonio de Bexar Chapter of the The meeting was preceded by lunch which was DAR. Two more are currently projected for No- ordered from the menu provided. President, H. Nel- vember 2016. Others are pending. son Dunn opened the meeting at 1205 hours. The BY LAWS: Nothing new. Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was led by Presi- FINANCE COMMITTEE: No report. dent Dunn, Toast to the Flag was given by Brother MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Bro Sid Shaen- PNP Elliott Samuels, and the prayer by Chaplain field was not in attendance. Just keep looking for Roger Hopkins. new members. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMITTEE: March meeting were approved as published in the None presented this month. Newsletter. PROGRAMS: The next dinner meeting is on 13 TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer’s report April at the Barn Door. Speaker will be Rebecca was approved as presented. McMinn on the new Bar Association dealing with CORRESPONDENCE: Received the MIP num- Health Issues. bers for Bro Dickinson and Bro Soto. SICKNESS AND DISTRESS: Bro Bob Cox is REFERRAL OF APPLICATIONS: None now back home and doing therapy. Bro Sid Shaen- APPLICATIONS VOTED ON: None field is at home doing rehab and doesn’t think he is INITIATION OF NEW MEMBERS: None. progressing. Bro Jim Jensen is in North Central REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Baptist Hospital and is in room 329. Bro Paul Ad- AMERICANISM: Bro Elliott Samuels deferred to kins is now home. Bro Dan Mason is now home the committee chairs. and dealing with his cancer. Bro Lee Leopard is re- ROTC: Bro Dennis reported that we are couping from his surgery. Bro Dock Dixon’s wife receiving information from schools about their cere- Virginia is recuperating from knee surgery. R:.W:. monies and provided a signup sheet for presenters Brown’s, Chairman of the Committee on Work, for the schools on which we have data. wife has some problems. Bro Armando Soto is to FREEDOM FOUNDATION: Bro have surgery and will be out for about two months. McConnell stated that the 2016 brochure has been Jean Stultz, wife of Bro Jim Stultz passed away this provided to the Masonic Youth Organization for morning. Bro Sam Green has several doctors’ ap- nominees. pointments. Bro Douglas Goodell passed away on MOWW YLC. Bro McConnell also sent the flyers for the YLC’s to the Masonic Youth Or- (continued on page 2) National Sojourners, Inc. Ft Sam Houston Chapter #17 Alamo Camp Heroes of 76 (continued from page 1) 10 March 2016. Bro Elliott Samuels expressed his MONTHLY BIRTHDAYS !!! deep appreciation for the cards and calls that he re- ceived dealing with the loss of his wife Elizabeth. Jack Coffey 5/4 She will be missed by all. Bro Lee Leopard stated that he had taken over the funeral details of Bro Dan William Viner 5/6 Mason due to Bro Dan’s condition. Keep these Brothers and their families in your prayers. Riley Miller 5/7 BRIDGE OF LIGHT: Bro McConnell reported Arthur Polsey 5/7 that the Bridge of Light will be held in February 2016. Larry Garcia 5/10 COMMANDER OF HEROES: The next Bivouac will be on 29 June 2016. Charles Folsom 5/10 OLD BUSINESS: The South Central Area Confer- ence and Encampment is still on for 8 – 9 April. We Fred Allen 5/12 currently have 37 signed up to attend. Frederick Vihovde 5/16 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Finalization of all items for April 2016 Conference and Encampment Andrew Hirst 5/19 is in the works. NEW BUSINESS: None. Earl Kuhn 5/20 ANNOUNCEMENTS: The dinner meeting will be held on 13 April 2016. The Annual National Con- Freddie Freeland 5/20 vention will be held in Greenville, SC from 14 to 19 June. Registration forms are on the web site or you Stephen Burch 5/29 can obtain a copy from the Secretary. The nominat- Clyde McCormick 5/31 ing committee will present a slate of officers at the May Business meeting and election will be held at the June Business Meeting. Charles W. Anderson is holding a pancake breakfast on 16 April along with a blood drive. The Masters Wardens and Secretar- ies will be honoring the funeral masters at their May meeting. The Grand Lodge will hold a special meeting on 10 May at 10 AM at the Grand Lodge to determine the date for the Grand Communication in January 2017. FT. SAM HOUSTON CHAPTER 17 CLOSING: There being no further business, Pres- DEATHS ident Dunn closed the meeting, at 1250 hours; peace and harmony prevailing. Bro. Douglas W. Goodell 10 FEB 2016 Bro. Donald E. Opperman 4 MAR 2016 Page 2 | MAY 2016 National Sojourners, Inc. Ft Sam Houston Chapter #17 Alamo Camp Heroes of 76 Minutes of the Dinner Meeting lations, Privacy Laws, Senior Housing and Long 13 April 2016 Term Care, Health Care Providers and Litigation. The first meeting will be held on 5 May 2016 at the Petroleum Club and will cover Legal Issues with The monthly Dinner Meeting was held on 13 April Ebola. Cost for the session, which includes lunch, 2016 at the Barn Door Restaurant. An enjoyable is $30.00. More can be learned by going to the San social hour beginning at 1800 hours was held. Pres- Antonio Bar Association web site. A round of ap- ident Bro Dunn welcomed those present at 1830 plause followed the presentation. President Dunn hours, and had Chaplain Brother Roger Hopkins presented Rebecca with a Certificate of Apprecia- give the blessing on our endeavors and meal. tion for her presentation. INTRODUCTIONS: Bro McConnell in- ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Business troduced attending dignitaries and guests: R:.W:. T. Meeting will be on 4 May 2016 followed by the K. Anthony, Committee on Work, Grand Lodge of Dinner Meeting on 11 May 2016. The Annual Na- Texas, R:.W:. Donald P. Garrido, 33rd Degree tional Convention is from 14 to 19 June 2016 in Grand Cross and Past District Grand Master of the Greenville, SC. Bro McConnell read a note from Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in the Panama Canal the San Antonio de Bexar Chapter of the Daughters and his lady, Lydia. Bro Elliott Samuels, Past Na- of American Revolution reflecting appreciation for tional President and Recipient of the Legion of a “Building the Flag” presentation. They also made Honor, 2011, Bro Bob McConnell, PNP, Trustee, a donation to our Americanism Program. Bro recipient of the Houghton Award. Bro Dock Dixon, McConnell passed on the comments from the Na- Right Eminent Past Grand Commander, The Grand tional Commander, Brother Ray Vanden Berghe Commandery Knight Templar of Texas and his lady dealing with the South Central Area Conference and Virginia, Bro Nick Ramos, Most Illustrious Past Encampment. A letter of thanks has been sent to Most Illustrious Grand Master, Most Illustrious the Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel for the efforts put Grand Council of Royal and Select Master of Ten- forth by their catering department for the SCACE. nessee. Sweethearts attending were: Helen Kelly, Bro Lafferty expounded on the need for ROTC Pre- Jackie Purvis, Betty Sanders and Margaret Linn. senters. This is a very meaningful opportunity for Chapter officers in attendance were Bro Dennis each of us to provide support to this program and to Lafferty, Past President and Flag Bearer and his la- show that we are in support of the youth of our Na- dy Tina, Bro Roger Hopkins, Chaplain, Bro Bob tion. Bro McConnell then presented Certificates of McConnell, Secretary/Treasurer, Bro Nick Ramos, Appreciation to: Sally Freeland, Tina Lafferty, Zola 2nd Vice President, Bro Lee Leopard, 1st Vice Pres- Dunn and Julia Perkins for the support they gave to ident and Bro H. Nelson Dunn President. Guest the Hospitality Room during the SCACE. Brother was Rebecca McMinn Elliott Samuels thanked everyone for their letters, SICKNESS AND DISTRESS: Bro Sid cards and calls on behalf of the whole Samuels Shaenfield is home and receiving assistance and Family. gets around in a wheel chair. Bro Bob Cox is back DRAWING: Drawing resulted in the fol- home. Brother Jim Jensen is now in Warm Springs lowing individuals going home with a prize: Bro Rehabilitation on Jones Maltsburger and is in room Bob McConnell, Betty Sanders and Zola Dunn. 100. He likes visitors and calls. Bro Jim Stultz’s CLOSING: Without further ado the meet- wife’s graveside services were on 12 April 2016. ing was officially closed at 2030 hours by President Bro Sam Green is attending some functions.
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