Tsinghua ISSU E 36 April 2018 President’s Message for Tsinghua’s 107th Anniversary The Unveiling Ceremony of the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub and the Tsinghua Arts and Design Institute in Milan The Higher Education Roundtable, with the theme of the Rise of Asian Universities, held during the Boao Forum For Asia Annual Conference 1 APRIL | TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER At this time of the scientific research Tsinghua’s majestic system and mecha- spring, it gives me great President’s nisms that focus on a pleasure to extend cor- few key areas, includ- dial greetings and best ing interdisciplinary wishes to all Tsinghua Message for research, cutting-edge students, faculty and technologies, and tech- staff, as well as alumni, nology transfer. at home and abroad. Tsinghua’s 107th In 2017, five inter- My heartfelt apprecia- disciplinary research tion is extended to all institutes have been friends of Tsinghua, established: the Center throughout the world, Anniversary for Intelligent Auton- who have contributed omous Systems; the to Tsinghua’s develop- Center for Intelligent ment over the years. & Connected Vehicles The past year has been truly In replacement of the tradition- and Transportation; the Center for remarkable and fruitful. Major tasks al examination based admission, we Flexible Electronics Technology; the have come to fruition and solid prog- have adopted the application based Laboratory of Brain and Intelligence; ress in advancing the comprehensive admission process for Ph.D. programs, and the Future Laboratory. reform has been made, and we’ve which includes a comprehensive Policy reform measures have stepped up the implementation of review of the application materials been implemented to break the tradi- our global strategy. In addition, the and interview performance. This is tional silos that separate schools and Institutional Evaluation on Under- designed to carry out a sound evalu- departments. By promoting interdis- graduate Education was concluded ation of the comprehensive quality of ciplinary research across the board, with a strong endorsement by the doctoral applicants, and facilitate the allowing faculty to work across experts of the evaluation commit- emergence of innovative talents that departments, conferring interdis- tee of Ministry of Education. With possess great academic potential. ciplinary degrees and establishing renewed confidence and strength- For the first time in the univer- special funds earmarked for interdis- ened resolve, Tsinghua is poised for sity history, Tsinghua introduced ciplinary studies, we will enhance our excellence. the New Centennial Achievements reputation as a university that places Breakthroughs have been made Award and the Annual Award for great attention to academic innova- in advancing the Education and Excellence in Teaching to recognize tion and the cultivation of creative Teaching Reform the extraordinary commitment of talents. In 2017, Tsinghua received Tsinghua has given top prior- best performing teachers. The Center 11 National Science and Technology ity to the Education and Teaching for Faculty Development has also Awards, including the first prize for Reform. We have fully adopted the been established to enhance profes- the State Scientific and Technolog- multi-disciplinary admission pro- sional skills and encourage world’s ical Progress Awards, and 16 major cess. 49 majors are consolidated into best teaching practices. research grants from the National 16 multi-disciplinary categories. This Reform on the scientific research Social Science Fund. admission reform helps break down system and mechanisms has been The Implementation of the Global disciplinary barriers and promote accelerated across the board Strategy has moved forward in leaps general education. Led by 16 distin- Higher education is a natural and bounds guished scholars, a university-level place for innovation to thrive. Tsin- Openness is one of the defin- Supervision Committee was estab- ghua has set its sights on the frontiers ing features of higher education in lished to oversee this implementation. of science and technology together the 21st century. In line with Chi- Furthermore, we have restructured with the national strategic objectives. na’s increasing role in world affairs, the undergraduate education curric- We will continue to strengthen our Tsinghua must actively participate in ula across the board, in order to give innovative capabilities and strive the knowledge sharing and common students greater academic flexibility, to produce more advanced research development of global higher edu- and support students to excel in mul- outcomes. Tsinghua has brought for- cation. By implementing the Global tiple disciplines. ward its reform program related to Strategy, we will continue to cultivate TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER | APRIL 2 talents with global competence. have launched the “Double P” Plan Tsinghua is in full bloom. In February 2017, witnessed by (Plateau and Peak) to strengthen the Building on past success, Tsing- Chinese President Xi Jinping and development of the liberal arts and hua will push ahead and make solid Italian President Sergio Mattarella, announced the first group of distin- progress in its comprehensive reform, Tsinghua University and Politecni- guished professors of arts, humanities with a strengthened sense of respon- co di Milano signed an agreement and social sciences. sibility and mission. We will make to establish the China-Italy Design Tsinghua continues to be a sustained efforts to tackle grand soci- Innovation Hub in Milan. On April source of inspiration for talent- etal challenges head-on and make 17th 2018, the Design Innovation ed young people. In 2017, we have concrete, meticulous, and effective Hub was officially opened, and the successfully attracted 49 young schol- efforts in all our work. Tsinghua Arts and Design Institute in ars who were approved to join the It is my firm belief that, with the Milan was formally established. “National Thousand Talents Plan” for joint efforts of our faculty, staff, stu- In April 2017, Tsinghua initiat- young scholars, and eight scholars dents and all stakeholders, 2018 will ed and jointly established the Asian were elected as Academicians of the be the starting point for Tsinghua’s Universities Alliance with 15 found- Chinese Academy of Sciences or the new era of even greater endeavors ing members, aiming at addressing Chinese Academy of Engineering. and achievements! regional and global challenges, spe- In the past year, Tsinghua cifically related to higher education University has forged ahead in a and economic, scientific and techno- comprehensive, orderly and coor- logical development. In April 2018, dinated way, and reached new the AUA founding members attended milestones across the board. As we a higher education roundtable “The celebrate the 107th anniversary, we Qiu Yong Rise of Asian Universities” at the can reflect on Tsinghua’s enduring President of Tsinghua University Boao Forum for Asia. The first annual vitality and dynamism. With more President of Tsinghua Alumni Asso- report on Asian higher education will than 100 years of combined effort, ciation be released this July. The Global Innovation Exchange (GIX) institute, a joint initiative with University of Washington and Micro- soft based in Seattle has continued to attract leading innovators and build global competence to tackle complex problems. In September 2017, the GIX teaching and research building was officially opened. “Double First-Class” Initiative has moved into a new phase In 2017, Tsinghua official- ly released its “Double First-Class (First-Class University & First-Class Disciplines)” development plan, in which a three-tiered discipline devel- opment system has been put in place, outlining four key disciplinary areas and 28 discipline groups and subjects. In the fourth round of national assess- ment of disciplines, 21 disciplines of Tsinghua University were graded A+. Tsinghua has established the School of Clinical Medicine and the Department of the History of Science, expanding its discipline layout. We 3 APRIL | TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER The Unveiling Ceremony of the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub and the Tsinghua Arts and Design Institute in Milan On the afternoon of April 17th Chen Xu noted that the inau- (local time), the China-Italy Design guration of the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub and the Tsinghua Innovation Hub is an important Arts and Design Institute in Milan step in the implementation of Tsin- were officially unveiled in Milan, ghua’s Global Strategy in Europe. It Italy. This is an important constituent will make the most of the advantag- part of Tsinghua’s Global Strategy, es of Tsinghua and the Politecnico and the first teaching and research di Milano in arts and design, forge base Tsinghua has established in Chen Xu delivers an address a comprehensive platform for the Europe. Simultaneously, the Tsinghua Sino-Italian cooperation in design and University Alumni Center in Italy Chen Xu, Secretary of the CPC innovation, and endeavor to become was also inaugurated. The China-It- Tsinghua Committee and Chairper- a design and innovation center with aly Design Innovation Exhibition, son of the University Council, Song global influence. co-organized by Tsinghua’s Academy Xuefeng, the Chinese Consul General As a crucial part of the Univer- of Arts & Design, the Politecnico di in Milan, Giuseppe Sala, the Mayor of sity’s Global Strategy, the Tsinghua Milano, and the China-Italy Design Milan, and Ferruccio Resta,
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