If you no longer need thia publication write to the Geological Survey in Washington for an official mailing label to use in returning it UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR WATER LEVELS AND ARTESIAN PRESSURE IN OBSERVATION WELLS IN THE UNITED STATES IN 1943 PART 6. SOUTHWESTERN STATES AND TERRITORY OF HAWAII Prepared in cooperation with the Statea of ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, and NEW MEXICO, the Territory of HAWAII and other agencies GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 991 STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Harold L. Ickes, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. B. Wwrtfeer, Director Water-Supply Paper 991 WAT$R LEVELS AND ARTESIAN PRESSURE IN OBSERVATION WELLS IN THE j UNITED STATES IN 1943 PAJUT 6, SOUTHWESTERN STATES ANB TERRITORY (W HAWAII BY O. E. MEINZER, L. K. WENZEL and others Prepared in cooperation with die State* til ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, and NEW MEXICO the TERRITORY OF HAWAII and other agencies . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 194& For Mb by the SiaperintoadeBt of Documents, U. S. Govern Priee 50 cents (paper corea) CONTENTS Page Introduction, by 0. E. Melnzer and L. K. Wenzel, .......... 1 Significance of records of water level and artesian pressure. 1 Annual publication of records by Geological Survey. ...... 1 Scope of present volume ................. V .. 2 Land-surface datum. ...................... 2 Network of key observation wells. ................ 4 General summary of changes in ground-water level In 1943 In the southwestern part of the United States ........... 4 Acknowledgments .......... ^ ............. 5 - Arizona. .............................. 6 Program of work, lay S. P. Turner. .'....,......... 6 Graham County (Safford Valley), by R. L. Cushman. ....... 8 Greealee County (Cancan Valley), by R. L. Cushman ....... 43 Maricopa County {Queen Creek area), by E, M." Gushing and J. P. Hostetter. .......................... 47 Pima County, by E. M. Gushing and M. J. Scott ......... 52 Final County, by E. H. Gushing and J. F. Hoatetter. ...... 59 Santa Cru-z County, by E, H. Gushing and M. J. Scott ..".,,, 69 California, by J, P. Poland, J. W. Robinson, H. H. Stafford, J. E. Upson,- and others .......'.......*........,*- 72 Scope of the water-level program. ................ 72 Rainfall and snowfall ....,...........'..... 75 Runoff, ............... .x ............ 77 Summaries of programs, hydrologic conditions, and water-level- fluctuations ............ * .,..."....,. 77 Coastal Plain in Los Angeles and Orange Counties ....... 77 Mojave Desert region, Eern^Loa Angeles, and Stein Bernardlno Counties'. ....................... 85 Mokelumne Siver Basin, San Joaquln County. ...... .r , -34 San Gabriel River Bagln, Los Angeles County. ....... 86 Basins in San Diego County ................ 86 Santa Ana River Basin, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. ...... ...... ........... 37 ,Basins in Santa Barbara County ............... 87 Symbols assigned to observation wells ............. 95 Well descriptions and water-level measurements. .......'. 100 Hawaii, by H. T. Stearns ........................ 184 Introduction. ......................... 184 Records bf artesian head, water*level, and pumpage. ...... 164 Island of Oahu. ..,........,..'....'...,... 185 Island of Maul. ............" -..,........* 193 Island of Molokai ....................... 194 Island of Lanal ........................ 195 Island of Ha»ali. .............. * .,,.».... 196 Island of Kauai ......................... 197 Pumpage ............................. 193 Hew Mexico ............................. 202 Introduction, by C. R. Murray ................. 202 Program of work. ........,............' 200 , , Fluctuations in water level. ........... ^ '.». 202 - Well-numbering system. .................. SOS Well descriptions, records of artesian head,. a,nd,#ater- i , . level measurements................... 2O4 Chaves, and Bddy'Counbies (Roawell artesian basin),, by P. B. Akin. ...%...*..........».. V . , . .*. 205 Artesian wells ............. ~. ^ |» "^ « ^ .... 206 Wells-in the artesian intake area. ...... .j . ,2Q& Shallow weUs. ......... * ..... * 21° Grant County, by C. R. Murray ................. 244 ' ' III COHTB&TB Page 'Hidalgo County (Virden Valley), by R. L. Cushaan. ........ 245 Lea County, by C. R. Murray and P. D. Akin. ........... 247 Luna County (Mimbres Valley), by 0. B. Murray .......... 256 Quay County (House area), by 0. R. Murray and P. D. Akin. .... 269 Booeevelt County (Portales Valley), by 0. R. Murray and p. D. Akin ............................. 276 Sierra County (Hot Springs area), by C. R. Murray ......... 295 Torranee County (Bstaneia Valley), by 0. R. Murray. ....... 299 ILKJSTRATIOH3 Figure 1. Outline nap of the united States, showing sections of the country covered by the six water-supply papers on water levels and artesian pressure in observation wells in 1945 .......................... 5 2. Graphs showing fluctuations of water level in observation wells in the Safford Valley, Graham County, Ariz. ... 10 5. Graphs showing fluctuations of water level in observation wells in the Duncan-Vlrden Valley, Qreenlee County, Arlz., and Hidalgo County, H. Mex. ........... 44 4. Graphs showing fluctuations of water level in observation wells in the Queen Creek area, Maricopa and Final Counties. Arlz. .................... 48 5. Graphs showing fluctuations of water level in observation wells in the Santa Cruz Valley, Plma and Santa Cruz- Counties. Ariz. .................... 54 6. Graphs showing fluctuations of water level in observation wells in the Cas'a Grande-Bloy area. Final County, Ariz. 61 7; Graphs showing fluctuations of water level in a typical well in each of the two ground-waier basins on the Coastal Plain in Los Angeles ase Orange Counties, Calif., and monthly and seasonal precipitation *t Long Beach, 1929-45. ...............'......... S81 Q. Map of the Carplnteri* Basin. Calif., showing net ehang* of ground-water level in the o»le»dar year 1945 KB&, _ - graphs showing fluctuation* of water level in a typical well and monthly precipitation in 1948 and 1943. ... 90 9. Map of the Goleta Basin, Calif., showing net change of ground-water level in the calendar year 1943 and graphs showing fluctuations of water level in two typical wells and monthly precipitation in 1948 and 1945 ......*. 91 10. Map of the Middle Santa *nes Valley, Calif., showing net change of ground-water level in the calendar year 1943 and graphs showing fluctuations of water level in a typical well and monthly precipitation in 1942 and 194$. 93 11. Map of the Lover Santa Ynez Valley, Calif., showing net change of ground-water level in the calendar year 1**I and graphs showing fluctuations of water level \ln $w» typical wells and monthly precipitation in 1948 and 1943 ..,....,.......,...*.* * r .. 34 . 18, Map of the Saota Maria Valley, Calif-., afcowia$ net change -. of ground-water level in the eal«ndftv year 1945-and graphs showing fluctuations of water l«v«l "in two typi- . oal wells and Monthly precipit&tioa la 194# ang 1045 . 96 IS. Ma? of the Cfcyaaa Valley, Calif., showing net .change of groundfwater level JiB,tiJ» calendar year 19*5 am grapiis showing fluctuations of water level in a typical well and monthly precipitation in 194S aad 1945 .'..,... 97 14. Map of northern part of Roswell Basin, in Chaves County, N. Mex., showing decline of water level from January 1945 t6 January 1944 .................. «U 15. Map of southern part of Roswell Basin, in Chaves and Bddy Counties, H. Mex., showing decline of water level from January 1943 to January 1944 .............. 212 :.: L;:i;Wf s-.'1 ~v'!';- ~.,"; ',*<;,»""y> SS*1'^"/:"-'-'-" '-!'-". '" i'.+ . ."".'"';. * Jr* 2 O «t «o» * 1 ; > « » f * «H 4* £ P 19 O 0 * * O O * S ^J 9 WATER LEVELS AND ARTESIAN PRESSURE IN OBSERVATION WELLS IN THE UNITED STATES IN 1943 Part 6. SOUTHWESTERN STATES INTRODUCTION By 0. E. Melnzer and L. K. Wenzel Significance of records of water level and artesian pressure The rock formations of the earth are great natural underground reser­ voirs In which a part of the water derived from rain and snow Is stored to supply wells and springs and to maintain th,e flow of streams during periods of fair weather. Water levels in wells register th* stages of these 4 natural reservoirs; they show the extent to which water supplies are de­ pleted by drought or by heavy pumping, whether for public waterworks, Irrigation, or Industrial uses,'and the extent to which they are replen­ ished In seasons of abundant rainfall or melting snow. The changes In pressure recorded on flowing wells indicate depletion or replenishment of the artesian reservoirs. Annual publication of records by Geological, Survey The regular publication of records of water level and artesian pressure in the United States was begun by the Geological Survey in 1935 and has continued yearly since. The records for the entire country were published in a single volume each year through 1939. Beginning with 1940 the records have been published In six volumes, covering the northeastern, southeastern north-central, south-central, northwestern, and southwestern sections of the country. Hawaii Is Included in the southwestern section. (See fig. 1.) The following table gives the numbers of these reports. This series of water-supply papers is In a sense an inventory, year by year, of the , i ground-water supplies of such parts of the country as have been covered. HATER LEVELS AND ARTESIAN PRESSURE, 1943, SOUTHWESTERN STATES Water-supply papers on water 1« svels and artesian pressure In observation wells lii the United States South­
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