DIRECTORY.) STAFFORDSHIRE. EtTINGSH.ALL. 171 which the sulphate of barytes, from its Teadily taking in right of his Duchy of Lancaster is owner -of the -'hroughout its substance the tints of metallic oxides, manor, and the Wedgwood family are .the principal was especially serviceable in the manufacture of white landowners. cameo devices cemented on its surface; of all his works, The soil is principally clay; subsoil, clay and sand­ the greatest was his magnificent reproduction of the stone. The area is I,200 acres; the population in I90I celebrated Barberini or Portland vase, discovered near of the ecclesiastical parish of St. Matthew was 6,437· Rome between I623-44 : of this superb vase Wedgwood Town Sub-Post, M. 0. &; T. Office..-James Faram, sub- produced, in the first instance, so oopies only, each of postmaster. Letters arrive through Stoke-on-Trent; which, it is said, was sold for as many guineas; the delivered at 7.30 &; II.30 a.m. & 2.30, 5·I5 & 8 p.m.; <Original is in the British Museum. Etruria Hall, to which box closes at 9 &; II a.m. &; I, 2.45, 5·I5, 6.5, 8, 9.10 Wedgwood removed in 1771, is a brick mansion of three & It.45 p.m. & sundays, 8.40 p.m. only storeys, standing on rising gronnd at the east end of Public Elementary Schools. the village; here Wedgwood died, 3rd January, I795, Built in I88I, for 225 boys, 205 girls & 207 infants; and was interred in the parish chureh of Stoke ; it is aver~ge attendance, 210 boys, 183 girls &; 189 infants; the property of the Duchy of Lancaster, and now used James White, master; Miss G. M. Gl'ay, girls' mis• as offices by the Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Ltd. tress; Miss .A.lice Hodder, infants' mistress whose works are chiefly situated here. Etruria Park, opened in I904, contains a fountain presented by Mr. Railway Station, George Henry Fisher, station master H. B. Shirley and .A.ld. Jesse Shirley. The King, who Electric trams from Hanley to Newcastle run through PBIVATE BESIDENTS. Edge Mary Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, Pointon Mary Jane (Mrs.), beer re- Barrett Rev. Willis M . .A.. Vicarage, 24 Ladysmith road ta.iler, 55 Lord street Lord street Edwards Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 Sargeant Mary .A.lice (Mrs.), Etruria Cul'bishley Harry, Navigation house Wedgwood street inn, I8 Lord street Jones Elijah, I Etruria vale Faram James, butcher, Post office, Sharp Wm. shopkpr.43 Ladysmith xd 34 Leese Richard, Wharf house I8, 20 &; 22 Lord street Shelton Iron, Steel & Coal Co. IJm.; Sadler Jn. Broomfield lo. Etruria vle Finlay &; Co. Ltd. tobacconists, Bail- offices, Etruria hall Shirley Jesse, Etruscan villa way station Shipman Ernest, grocer, 6I Lord st Warrillow James, Gas Works house Foot Alfred Oharles, boot repairer, Shirley J. &; H. B. bone manure 6o Ladysmith road manufacturers, potters, millers &; Goodall Walt. printer, 23a, Lord st china clay merchants,Etruscan mills COHMEBCIA.L. Hammersley .A.rthurt shopkeeper, 3 Shore Thomas & Sona, engineer-s .!bbotts John, shopkeeper, 73 Lord st Cavendish street & iron founders; specialities, Alcock .A.lbert, wheelwright, I Lord st Hammond James & Thomas, boot "The Shore" direct acting steam Ball Wm. fried fish dealer, 3\3 Lord st makers, 16 Lord street pump; patent feed water heater Barker .A.nnie (Mrs.)t shopkeeper, 6 Hood John, ·ha.ir dresser, I Salem st & independent condensing plant, Salem street Hughes Henry, crate maker, Forge la .A.lbion Engineering works. T .A. Bennett .A.rthur, insurance agent, II Inskip Florence (Miss), stocking "Pumps, Stoke;" T N 74 Hanley Ladysmith road knitter, 33 Ladysmith road Smallwood Ga>rge, china & earthen· Berrington Waiter R. shopkeeper, 54 Jones Annie (Miss), corset maker, ware dealer, 87 Lord street Sandon street 346 Etruria vale Smith W. H. &; Son, booksellers, Bail• llirks Ernest, shopkeeper, 63 Lord st Kaine Selina (Mrs.), haberdasher, 65 way station Boughey Jarnes, confectnr. 25 Lord st Lord street Tatton John, shopkeeper, 2 Sefton st llrammer .Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shop- Kirkland & Co. earthenware manfrs Tellis Lucy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 32 keeper, 4 Kimberley road Leadbetter George, shopkeeper, 352 Ladysmith road Brealey Wm. Jn. butcher, 53 Loro st Etruria vale Tew Edwd. shopkeeper, 22 Oavour st British Gas I,..ight Co. (The) Limited Lincoln Wagon &; Engineering Co. Tew Ernest, shopkeeper, 28 Lord st (John Richard Heath, engineer &; Limited, railway wagon builders Tooth Carolina (Mrs.), Railway inn, manager; James Warrillow, assist. Macdonald Thomas, tobacconist, 107 125 Lord street ~ngineer & manager) (T N I96); Lord street Vincent Chas. shopkeeper, 21 Lord st town offices, Broad street, Hanley Mel'ISey, Weaver & Ship Canal Carry- Walton Jas.insurance agt.ns Lord st Brown John, boot repair-er, 79 Lord st ing Co. Ltd. (The) (John Walker, Wedgwood Josiah & Sons Limited, Brown John, shopkpr.332 Etruria vale agent), Weaver wharf, Belmont rd jasper manufacturers Brunt Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I2I Mills Frederick Sydney, grocer, Ioo Wengers Ltd. potters' colour manufrs Lord street Ladysmith road Whittaker Joseph, painter 43, &; llurton Ernily (Mrs.), beer retailer, Mills William Hy. grocer, 56 Lord st greengrocer 45• Lord street 28 Cavour street Moore Annie (Miss), confectioner, Wildblood Wm. shopkpr. 104 Lord st Butler Wm. shopkeeper, 49 Lord st Station bridge Williams William, road contractor, 9a, Butters Jas. shopkpr. Etruria Locks North Staffordshire Railway Co. The Grove Chatfield .A.lfred, beer retlr.44 Lord st (Harry Curbishley M.I.C.E. canal Wilshaw Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Clark John Stephen, beer retailer, engineer), canal carriers, Canal side 4I Salem street 2 &; 4 Lord street Owen Fredk. hair dresser, 46 Lord st Woodhead George, fried fish dealer, Clarke Emma (Mrs.), farmer PaJmer George, butcher, 52 Lord st 41 Lord street Cowlishaw, Walker &; Co. Limited, Perry Hy. &hopkeeper, 28 Sefton st Woolliscroft George & Son Limited. engineers, Railway works Phillips Bertha (Mrs.), beer retailer, tile manufacturers, Canal tileries Dean Geo. shopkpr. 45 Kimberley rd Canal side Woolliscroft Daniel, haberdasher, 2 Eastwood .John & Sona, engineers Podmore Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper, I5 Sandon street &; encaustic tile die manufacturers Lord street Wra.gg Thomas &; Sons Ltd. brick & (postal address, Stoke-on-Trent) tile manufacturers, Etruria tileries ETTINGS:HALL is a village, partly in the townships held since I905 by the Rev. Albert Joseph Reginald of Bilston and Sedgley, and was formed into an ecclesias­ Haworth M . .A.. of Worcester College, Oxford. There t.ical parish in I84I from the civil parishes of Sedgley, are Wesleyan chapels at Lanesfield and New Village and Wolverhampton and Bilst()n. It has a station on the Stour a Primitive Methodist chapel at Priestfield. The chief Valley branch of the London and N:orth Western railway, trade of the district is in iron and coal; but there are 124 miles from London, I south-west from Bilst()n, 2 flour mills belonging to Messrs. Barlow and Sons, and north-east from Sedgley and 2 north-west from Wolver- the Bilston Gas Works are also in the village. The . hampton and 12 from Birmingham, and is in the Kings­ trustees of the late John Lewis Petch esq. are lords of the winford division of the county, Dudley union, Wolver­ manor. The land is held by various small owners. The hampton petty sessional division and county court district, soil is a rich loam; the subsoil, sand and gravel. The rnral deanery of Wolverhampton, archdeaconry of Staf­ population in 1901 of the ecclesiastical parish of Holy ford and diocese of Lichfield ; it derives its name from the Trinity was 6,643. "Ettings," who, during the reign of Edward the Confessor, Town Sub-Post, M. 0. &; T. Office. Mrs. Helen Howell, held the manor of Stop.rheath and had a hall or cast.!e sub-postmistress. Letters received through Wolver­ here. The township is within the O:lseley i.ocal board district. Holy Trinity church, rebuilt in I874 at a ccst hampton arrive 7 &; 1o.I5 a.m. &; I2.15, 2.I5, 4 &; 7 p.m.; dispatched 8.30 & Jo. IS a.m.; Ill noon & 2.45, of £s,ooo, and consecrated April, 1874, is a building ()f stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, 5·I5, 8 &; IO p.m nave, north aisle and transepts, and affords 620 sittings. Town Sub-Post &; M. 0. Office, Millfields road.-Mrs. The register dates from the year I835· The living was Sarah Ann Lamb, sub-postmistress. Letters through constituted a vicarage under II and I2 Vict. c. XCV. s. 12 Wolverhampton arrive 7·45 &; II.3o a.m. & I, 2.30, (1847-8) net yearly value £275,including 4 acres of glebe, 4.15 & 7.30 p.m.; dispatched 8.I5 &; Io a.m. & 12.15, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Lichfield, and 2.30, 4·I5, 7.30 & 8.25 p.m STAFFS. 12 .
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