S4876 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2014 the utmost confidence in her abilities, levels of her education and career. Yet Fourth Circuit shall be brought to a talent, and competence for the job. The she has seen people in her life confront close? ABA agreed—they gave her their high- adversity and she knows the impact The yeas and nays are mandatory est rating of unanimously well-quali- that the law has on people’s daily lives. under the rule. fied. I believe it is this which contributes to The clerk will call the roll. I thank Senator REID for being so her very humble nature. She believes prompt in scheduling this vote. I also that the Court is a place for justice and The bill clerk called the roll. thank Senator LEAHY for his expedi- not a stepping stone. Ms. Harris con- Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators tious movement of her nomination tinues to give back to the community, are necessarily absent: the Senator through the Judiciary Committee. serving on the board of trustees at her from North Carolina (Mr. BURR), the I have had the opportunity to rec- children’s school, and also to legal Senator from Georgia (Mr. CHAMBLISS), ommend several judicial nominees for scholarship, as a member of the board the Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. our district and appellate courts. I of directors for the American Constitu- COBURN), the Senator from Kansas (Mr. take my ‘‘advise and consent’’ respon- tion Society and the Constitutional MORAN), and the Senator from Kansas sibilities very seriously. When I con- Accountability Center. (Mr. ROBERTS). sider nominees for the Federal bench, I So I am so honored to be here today The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. have four criteria: absolute integrity; to support her nomination. I ask that HIRONO). Are there any other Senators judicial competence and temperament; you all join me in doing the same. It is in the Chamber desiring to vote? a commitment to core constitutional critical that we have judges with com- The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 54, principles; and a history of civic en- mitment to public service, civic en- nays 41, as follows: gagement in Maryland. I expect our gagement, and the rule of law. And we [Rollcall Vote No. 241 Ex.] recommendations to not only meet have that in none other than Pamela these criteria but to exceed them, as Harris. YEAS—54 Ms. Harris surely does. She has dedi- Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I would Baldwin Hagan Nelson cated her career to the rule of law, just like to again ask unanimous con- Begich Harkin Pryor Bennet Heinrich Reed achieving equal justice under the law sent to be recognized for 1 additional Blumenthal Heitkamp Reid and the perfection of appellate advo- minute following the Senator from Booker Hirono Rockefeller cacy. She is truly an outstanding Maryland being recognized for 4 addi- Boxer Johnson (SD) Sanders nominee. Brown Kaine Schatz tional minutes. Cantwell King Schumer Ms. Harris’s career spans academia, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Cardin Klobuchar Shaheen private practice, and government. But objection? Carper Leahy Stabenow there has always been a common Ms. MIKULSKI. I object. Casey Levin Tester thread of public service. We are proud Collins Markey Udall (CO) The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ob- Coons McCaskill Udall (NM) to say that she is ‘‘home-grown’’—al- jection is heard. Donnelly Menendez Walsh though born in Connecticut, she has The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Durbin Merkley Warner called Maryland home since she was a Feinstein Mikulski Warren the previous order, all postcloture time Franken Murphy Whitehouse child, eventually graduating from Walt is expired. Gillibrand Murray Wyden Whitman High School in Bethesda, MD. The question occurs on agreeing to She went on to Yale where she received the motion to proceed to S. 2569. NAYS—41 her bachelor’s degree summa cum The motion was agreed to. Alexander Graham McConnell Ayotte Grassley Murkowski laude as well as her law degree. After f completing a clerkship on the D.C. Cir- Barrasso Hatch Paul BRING JOBS HOME ACT Blunt Heller Portman cuit, Ms. Harris went on to clerk for Boozman Hoeven Risch Justice Stevens on the Supreme Court. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Coats Inhofe Rubio She has served at the Department of clerk will report the bill by title. Cochran Isakson Scott Corker Johanns Sessions Justice Office of Legal Counsel and at The bill clerk read as follows: Cornyn Johnson (WI) Shelby Crapo Kirk the Office of Legal Policy under two A bill (S. 2569) to provide an incentive for Thune Cruz Landrieu different administrations. She also businesses to bring jobs back to America. Toomey Enzi Lee spent 10 years appearing regularly be- f Fischer Manchin Vitter fore the Supreme Court while counsel Flake McCain Wicker and then partner at O’Melveny & CLOTURE MOTION Myers, taking on some of the most The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant NOT VOTING—5 complex issues of our time. to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Burr Coburn Roberts Ms. Harris also has a distinguished Senate the pending cloture motion, Chambliss Moran career in academia as a Professor at which the clerk will state. The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this the University of Pennsylvania Law The bill clerk read as follows: vote the yeas are 54, the nays are 41. School, co-director of the Harvard Ap- CLOTURE MOTION The motion is agreed to. pellate Practice Clinic, and later, at We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Georgetown, where she is today. At ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the f Georgetown she serves as executive di- Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination rector of the Supreme Court Institute, EXECUTIVE SESSION preparing litigants—first come, first of Pamela Harris, of Maryland, to be United served—and regardless of their posi- States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit. tion—for arguments before the Court. Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Barbara A. Mikulski, Benjamin L. Cardin, Thomas But Ms. Harris remained connected to R. Carper, Sheldon Whitehouse, Chris- NOMINATION OF PAMELA HARRIS Maryland, whether it was a pro bono topher A. Coons, Bernard Sanders, TO BE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT appellate clinic at O’Melveny to work Dianne Feinstein, Mazie K. Hirono, JUDGE FOR THE FOURTH CIR- with Maryland’s public defender or an Richard Blumenthal, Amy Klobuchar, CUIT amicus brief in major litigation involv- Edward J. Markey, Tom Harkin, ing Montgomery County Public Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Christopher Mur- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Schools. phy, Cory A. Booker. the previous order, the Senate will pro- Ms. Harris has a commitment to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- ceed to executive session to consider legal profession that is unmatched. It imous consent, the mandatory quorum the Harris nomination, which the clerk shows in the students that she has call has been waived. will report. taught, the litigants that she has pre- The question is, Is it the sense of the The assistant bill clerk read the pared, the briefs that she has written, Senate that debate on the nomination nomination of Pamela Harris, of Mary- and the pro bono service that she has of Pamela Harris, of Maryland, to be land, to be United States Circuit Judge rendered. She has risen to the highest United States Circuit Judge for the for the Fourth Circuit. 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