E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1996 No. 117 Senate The Senate met at 10:30 a.m., and was the American people in passing con- morrow, if we are unable to complete called to order by the President pro ference reports which are completed action on these important matters. tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. and ready to go to the President for his Mr. President, if I could continue, I signature. Truly monumental accom- am prepared now to ask consent to ap- PRAYER plishments can be achieved today—or prove the nomination of Ann Mont- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John tomorrow. We have a lot of work to do, gomery to be a district judge for Min- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: but it is work that we can finish, I nesota. I would like to do that. I am Gracious Father, our hearts are filled think, in a responsible and agreeable also, though, then going to move to ap- with gratitude. We are thankful that way. prove the Commodities Futures—CFTC You have chosen to be our God and For the information of all Senators, nominees. I believe there is a Repub- chosen us to know You. Your love em- there are a number of important mat- lican nominee and a Democratic nomi- braces us and gives us security, Your ters that are available for consider- nee. That has been held up for weeks joy uplifts us and gives us resiliency, ation that I hope the Senate will be and weeks and weeks. After a lot of ef- Your peace floods our hearts and gives able to proceed to and complete action fort and serious consideration we have us serenity, Your Spirit fills us and on today. I understand at this time cleared that. We are ready to go with gives us strength. You have blessed us that the D.C. appropriations conference that. with the privilege of prayer so that we report, the military construction ap- could receive Your wisdom and guid- We need desperately to have the propriations conference report, the De- ance. With never-failing faithfulness Chief of Naval Operations in place. It partment of Defense authorization con- You hear and answer our prayers as we has been a very slow but very careful ference report, the legislative appro- seek first Your will and the courage to consideration of the next admiral to be priations conference report and the do it. During the intensely busy past the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral health care reform conference report few weeks, You have been with the Johnson. His nomination is ready to be are available for Senate action. I hope Senators through long days and late moved, along with a long list of other all my colleagues will cooperate in al- evenings. You have honored their com- military personnel that deserve the op- lowing the Senate to do its business mitment to hard work. Thank You for portunity to have their nominations and complete action on these measures the magnitude of legislation that has completed. I would like to do that. prior to recess. been accomplished. Grant the Senators We have a number of other very non- and all who work with them the per- It is also still my intention to con- controversial actions that we can take, spective of taking victories and defeats sider the Veterans’ Administration, including the naming of Federal build- in stride. Our best efforts are incom- Housing and Urban Development ap- ings and a list—I mentioned some of plete so we press on; our steps in each propriations matter this week. We need them last night that we can get ap- day are only part of the long journey of to get that bill completed so we can get proved. So I am prepared to get started progress, so we do not lose heart. into conference. Our veterans and peo- with that. I hope that would break We commit this day to You and ask ple who seek the American dream of through the logjam and get things that You will grant us a second wind of home ownership are dependent, in started in the right direction. renewed energy and vision for the chal- many instances, on this very impor- I am prepared also to begin dis- lenges ahead of us today. In the name tant legislation. This is a bill I believe cussing the D.C. appropriations con- of our Lord. Amen. we can get completed, get it into con- ference report, the military construc- f ference, and then move it on to the tion appropriations report, the legisla- President early in September. tive appropriations conference report, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY I will, once again, remind my col- and also to begin discussion on the all- LEADER leagues there is a lot of work to be important health insurance reform The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Our done and not a lot of time to accom- package. Is it perfect? No. Is it every- able majority leader, Senator LOTT, is plish it if we want to get out sometime thing we want? I know it is not. But it recognized. today or tomorrow to go be with our is a major, major step forward for the f constituents in our respective States. women and men and children of this Therefore, Members can expect a full country—the guarantee of available SCHEDULE day and evening with rollcall votes and affordable health care. Could we Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, this is the throughout that time. Also, it may be leave this building tonight, not having day we can accomplish an awful lot for necessary for the Senate to convene to- done that? ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9455 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:50 Jun 21, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S02AU6.REC S02AU6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S9456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 2, 1996 After a lot of fuss and carrying on statement the night before last, when I Texas has been working diligently on yesterday and complaining and grous- objected, the distinguished leader of for months now. I was here the night it ing, the House voted 417 to 2 for gen- the Democratic Party said that I was all cleared right up to the last uine, responsible, affordable health should be grateful to him for his help minute, and all of a sudden something care reform that will make it available on the stalking bill and, therefore, not happened and it was objected to. to people, with choice of the medical use my right to object to a judge. And There is not a Senator who thinks we savings account. Senator KENNEDY, I was just very concerned about that, should not pass the stalking bill. If you Senator KASSEBAUM, Congressman because I have worked on this stalking really care about women and children HASTERT, Congressman ARCHER, have bill since Memorial Day. I have tried to and how they are treated across State worked heroically to bring this to con- pass a bill that would protect the lines, being harassed and stalked, this clusion. Can we not begin debate and stalking victims of this country since bill should be done. But it was held up come to conclusion on this important Memorial Day. I have been held up by for quite some time by a Senator that legislation now? Why not? a Senator, whose sincerity I do not had an amendment he wanted to offer. Who among us here today, for what- doubt, but, nevertheless, he knows that There was a lot of cooperation from ever reason, wants to stop funding for the amendment that he wanted to put the Senator from Texas, the Senator the District of Columbia, as des- on had some problems. He knew that it from New Jersey, the Senator from perately as it is struggling to survive might cause a problem. Idaho, Senator CRAIG. It was worked and stand on its feet? And we are going I suggested that if he would just put out. It was sent to the House. It looks to walk off and leave this conference his amendment on another bill, mine like it may not get through the House report uncompleted? I do not believe then could go forward to the President now. The understanding was if it got that will happen. and we could have the protection for tangled up, we would bring it back Are we going to walk away from safe the stalking victims of this country freestanding without the amendment. drinking water? Safe drinking water? today, because the President, I believe, Mrs. HUTCHISON. If the Senator will Mr. FORD. It’s not here yet. will sign it very quickly. yield. Mr. LOTT. I am a little worried that All the indications are it passed Mr. LOTT. I yield. that bill would not be completed. I live unanimously in the House. We wanted Mrs. HUTCHISON. I think it is im- in the District of Columbia. I worry it to be passed unanimously in the Sen- portant to know the arrangement that about the water. ate without amendment so it could go was given, because I have not men- It is not here yet. The distinguished straight to the President. We wanted tioned that because I did not want to minority whip makes that point.
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