PVSSPVSS ConferenceConference Hypothermia,Hypothermia, DrowningDrowning andand ColdCold--WaterWater SurvivalSurvival By RADM Alan M. Steinman USPHS / USCG (Ret) DisastersDisasters atat SeaSea AircraftAircraft DitchingDitching atat SeaSea FallingFalling OverboardOverboard WashedWashed OverboardOverboard Understand Cold Exposure: Immersion vs Submersion Immersion - Head Out! Submersion = Head In !! PhysiologicalPhysiological ResponsesResponses toto SuddenSudden ImmersionImmersion inin ColdCold WaterWater Responses to Cold Water Immersion • Cold Shock (0-2 min) • Functional Disability (2-15 min) • Hypothermia (> 15-30 min) • Peri-Rescue Collapse ColdCold--ShockShock ResponseResponse OccursOccurs immediatelyimmediately uponupon entryentry LastsLasts upup toto 22 minutesminutes CausedCaused byby stimulationstimulation ofof truncaltruncal skinskin nervenerve endingsendings TheThe coldercolder thethe water,water, thethe strongerstronger thethe responseresponse ColdCold--ShockShock ResponseResponse GaspGasp reflexreflex HyperventilationHyperventilation DifficultyDifficulty holdingholding youryour breathbreath TachycardiaTachycardia (rapid(rapid heartheart rate)rate) HypertensionHypertension (elevated(elevated bloodblood pressure)pressure) When and How You Can Die in Cold Water 1) Cold Shock Response (0-2 minutes) Gasp Æ Drown (Keep head out of water) Hyperventilation Faint Æ (Don’t panic, keep calm) Æ Drown à Cardiac Work Æ Cardiac Arrest (If existing heart problems) IncapacitationIncapacitation inin ColdCold WaterWater DifficultyDifficulty swimmingswimming LossLoss ofof functionalfunctional abilityability IncreasedIncreased viscosityviscosity ofof coldcold waterwater LossLoss ofof manualmanual dexteritydexterity MuscleMuscle crampingcramping SwimmingSwimming speedsspeeds onsetonset ofof hypothermiahypothermia When and How You Can Die in Cold Water Local Cooling Decreases Performance Or Functional Disability (2-15 minutes) • If you can’t get out in 5-15 minutes, you might not get out on your own power! • If so, prepare to survive. • Widen window of opportunity for rescue. • Thrashing around will - increase heat loss - cause exhaustion (Drowning) When and How You Can Die in Cold Water Onset of Hypothermia (>30 minutes on) • Cooling to UNCONSCIOUSNESS • If head goes under, Drowning (30-120 minutes). • If head above water… • Cooling to CARDIAC ARREST, Death (90-180 minutes or more, depending on water temp, body size, etc.) SummarySummary ofof ColdCold WaterWater RisksRisks ColdCold ShockShock (0(0--22 minutes)minutes) FunctionalFunctional disabilitydisability (2(2--3030 minutes)minutes) HypothermiaHypothermia (>30(>30 minutes)minutes) RoleRole ofof FlotationFlotation PFDs,PFDs, immersionimmersion suits,suits, etc.etc. cancan assistassist inin survivingsurviving coldcold--shockshock && swimswim failurefailure RoughRough seasseas remainremain aa significantsignificant risk,risk, eveneven withwith flotationflotation assistanceassistance ImmersionImmersion suitssuits cancan assistassist inin preventionprevention ofof hypothermia,hypothermia, ifif properlyproperly donneddonned HypothermiaHypothermia inin ColdCold WaterWater AirAir isis anan ExcellentExcellent InsulatorInsulator Body Fat is an Excellent Insulator HeatHeat isis lostlost fromfrom thethe bodybody inin proportionproportion toto itsits surfacesurface areaarea Large,Large, fatfat peoplepeople coolcool farfar moremore slowlyslowly thanthan dodo small,small, thinthin oror lankylanky peoplepeople AdultsAdults coolcool moremore slowlyslowly thanthan dodo childrenchildren HypothermiaHypothermia resultsresults whenwhen moremore heatheat isis lostlost fromfrom thethe bodybody thanthan isis producedproduced (through(through metabolismmetabolism andand shivering)shivering) andand retainedretained (through(through bodybody--fat,fat, clothing,clothing, andand behavioralbehavioral adaptation).adaptation). WaterWater isis anan ExcellentExcellent ConductorConductor ofof HeatHeat PhysiologyPhysiology ofof HypothermiaHypothermia HypothermiaHypothermia defineddefined asas corecore temptemp << 9595 degdeg F.F. EveryEvery organorgan systemsystem isis affectedaffected (e.g.,(e.g., similarsimilar toto multiplemultiple trauma)trauma) PhysiologyPhysiology ofof HypothermiaHypothermia ConstrictionConstriction ofof surfacesurface bloodblood vesselsvessels ColdCold sensationsensation andand shiveringshivering PhysicalPhysical impairmentsimpairments (motor(motor skills)skills) MentalMental impairmentimpairment ColdCold--inducedinduced urinationurination PhysiologyPhysiology ofof HypothermiaHypothermia AbnormalAbnormal heartheart beatsbeats andand slowingslowing ofof thethe heartheart raterate DecliningDeclining bloodblood pressurepressure DecreasedDecreased metabolismmetabolism CessationCessation ofof shiveringshivering LossLoss ofof consciousnessconsciousness VentricularVentricular fibrillationfibrillation // CardiacCardiac arrestarrest ClassificationClassification ofof HypothermiaHypothermia 3535--3737 degdeg C:C: coldcold--sensation,sensation, shivering,shivering, constrictionconstriction ofof surfacesurface bloodblood vesselsvessels 3232--3535 degdeg C:C: MildMild hypothermiahypothermia;; physicalphysical andand mentalmental impairmentsimpairments ClassificationClassification ofof HypothermiaHypothermia 2828--3232 degdeg C:C: ModerateModerate hypothermiahypothermia;; cessationcessation ofof shivering,shivering, abnormalabnormal heartheart beats,beats, lossloss ofof consciousnessconsciousness <28<28 degdeg C:C: SevereSevere hypothermiahypothermia;; vitalvital signssigns reducedreduced oror absent;absent; spontaneousspontaneous ventricularventricular fibrillationfibrillation oror cardiaccardiac arrestarrest BloodBlood VesselVessel ConstrictionConstriction onon ImmersionImmersion inin ColdCold WaterWater HHiigghh HHeeaatt LLoossss AArreeaass iinn HHyyppootthheerrmmiiaa DoDo NOTNOT DrownproofDrownproof HELPHELP PositionPosition HuddleHuddle TechniqueTechnique ShouldShould youyou SwimSwim forfor Shore?Shore? HHeeaatt LLoossss AArreeaass AAfftteerr SSwwiimmmmiinngg iinn CCoolldd WWaatteerr PhysiologyPhysiology ofof DrowningDrowning LossLoss ofof breathbreath--holdingholding abilityability AspirationAspiration ofof waterwater Coughing,Coughing, violentviolent strugglestruggle toto reachreach surfacesurface LaryngospasmLaryngospasm (vocal(vocal cordcord constriction)constriction) PhysiologyPhysiology ofof DrowningDrowning LowLow levelslevels ofof oxygenoxygen LossLoss ofof consciousnessconsciousness ReflexReflex swallowingswallowing VentricularVentricular fibrillationfibrillation DeathDeath PathophysiologyPathophysiology ofof DrowningDrowning SubmersionSubmersion inin coldcold--waterwater isis associatedassociated withwith aa significantlysignificantly higherhigher survivalsurvival raterate RapidRapid coolingcooling ofof thethe brainbrain increasesincreases thethe abilityability toto survivesurvive lowlow oxygenoxygen levelslevels HigherHigher probabilityprobability ofof successfulsuccessful resuscitationresuscitation EvenEven upup toto 6060 minutesminutes submersion!submersion! PracticalPractical ApplicationsApplications ofof StudiesStudies inin ColdCold--WaterWater ImmersionImmersion HypothermiaHypothermia TestTest SubjectsSubjects RoughRough WaterWater vs.vs. CalmCalm WaterWater TestTest GarmentsGarments FSFS FlightFlight SuitSuit (control)(control) BCBC BoatBoat CrewCrew CoverallCoverall (Stearns(Stearns worksuitworksuit)) ACAC AircrewAircrew CoverallCoverall (Mustang(Mustang worksuitworksuit)) WSWS FullFull WetWet SuitSuit SWSSWS ShortShort WetWet SuitSuit FCFC FloatFloat CoatCoat ISIS ImmersionImmersion SuitSuit DSDS DryDry SuitSuit (working(working deckdeck suit)suit) TestTest ConditionsConditions 5050 degreedegree F.F. waterwater CalmCalm SeasSeas –– testtest performedperformed atat docksidedockside RoughRough SeasSeas –– 44--66 ftft waveswaves everyevery 3030 secssecs;; CalmCalm WaterWater TestTest –– 5050 deg.deg. F.F. RoughRough WaterWater TestTest –– 5050 deg.deg. F.F. CalmCalm vs.vs. RoughRough WaterWater ResultsResults Cooling Rates in degrees C. per hour 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 Calm 1.5 Rough 1 0.5 0 FS FC SWS AC BC WS DS IS SurvivorSurvivor LocationLocation inin ColdCold Water:Water: TestTest ConditionsConditions RoughRough SeasSeas -- 55 footfoot breakingbreaking waveswaves 4343 deg.deg. F.F. waterwater 4646 deg.deg. F.F. airair 1515 knotknot windwind CapsizedCapsized boatboat SurvivorsSurvivors inin thethe waterwater nextnext toto thethe boatboat SurvivorsSurvivors atopatop thethe boatboat exposedexposed toto windwind andand waveswaves SurvivorsSurvivors inin aa oneone--personperson liferaftliferaft WhatWhat wouldwould youyou do?do? GetGet outout ofof thethe water,water, sitsit atopatop thethe boat,boat, andand thusthus bebe exposedexposed toto windwind--chillchill andand waves;waves; OROR StayStay inin thethe water,water, hanghang ontoonto thethe boat,boat, andand thusthus bebe exposedexposed toto waveswaves andand coldcold--waterwater TestTest GarmentsGarments FSFS FlightFlight SuitSuit WSWS WetWet SuitSuit BCBC BoatcrewBoatcrew coverallcoverall ACAC AircrewAircrew coverallcoverall NINI NavyNavy flightflight ensembleensemble –– intactintact NXNX NavyNavy flightflight ensembleensemble ---- torntorn 55 Ft.Ft. BreakBreak onon aa 2020 Ft.Ft. wavewave TestTest GarmentsGarments FSFS FlightFlight SuitSuit WSWS WetWet SuitSuit BCBC BoatcrewBoatcrew coverallcoverall ACAC AircrewAircrew coverallcoverall NINI NavyNavy flightflight
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