Application for outline planning permission for one detached 3 bedroom dwelling with all matters reserved The Hyde Farm Little Yeldham Road Little Yeldham Halstead CO9 4QX PARTICULARS DOCUMENT TITLE Planning Statement PROPOSAL Application for outline planning permission for one detached 3-bedroom dwelling with all matters reserved APPLICANT DETAILS Charles Gardiner & Co. SITE DETAILS The Hyde Farm Little Yeldham Road Little Yeldham Halstead CO9 4QX PREPARED BY Melanie Bingham-Wallis AGENT DETAILS Foxes Rural Consultants Ltd Foxes House Foxes Lane Eight Ash Green Colchester Essex CO6 3PS Introduction This application is submitted for outline planning permission for one detached 3-bedroom dwelling with all matters reserved on Land at Hyde Farm, Little Yeldham. (“the application site or the site”). The application is submitted on behalf of Charles Gardiner & Co (“the applicants”). Application Site The application site is on the corner of Hydewood Road and Little Yeldham Road. There are a mixture of residential and agricultural buildings forming the character of the area surrounding the site. The development in this area follows a historic linear pattern along Little Yeldham Road. The houses in the area are a mixture of age, size and design. The site is currently occupied by a single storey mono-pitch open cart lodge and an outbuilding. Immediately west of the site is a weatherboarded agricultural barn which has planning permission for a residential dwelling under planning approval 19/00504/FUL. Planning History 10/01599/FUL - Erection of 1 no. four bed dwelling – Refused. This application is 11 years old and pre the NPPF adoption and current position relating to the Braintree District Council 5 year housing supply. The determination of this application was for a different proposal in terms of character and planning policy assessment. Design The indicative layout plan which accompanies this application illustrates development of 1 detached dwelling accessed onto Hydewood Road through a single entrance point. The design of the individual dwelling is left to reserved matters. The design will however be similar to other houses within the surrounding area such as they may have rendered plaster or brick walls, slate or tile roofs and in keeping with any requirements of development policy. The design and layout of the property demonstrates that there is sufficient parking and private amenity space. The footprint of the proposed property can be comfortably accommodated within the proposed plot to comply with the Council’s requirements in relation to private amenity space. The application is in outline form only with all matters reserved and as such the detailed design of the dwellings is reserved for later consideration. However, the indicative layout facilities a design which would meet the Council’s identified design requirements. Layout Residential development in this location would be in keeping with the existing pattern of development and would therefore appear as part of the established developed area and not intrusive into open countryside. The proposal would therefore not appear prominent and out of character in this location being set against a cluster of buildings both residential and agricultural. Access and Parking Access to the dwelling is directly from Hyde Road. There will be a single access point which leads to the car parking and garage as per the site layout plan. The application includes the provision of off-street parking. Two car parking spaces are provided – one in a garage property and it is confirmed that the internal measurements of the parking space is 5.5m x 2.9m. There is enough turning space for vehicles to enter and exit the site in forward gear. Local Service and Amenities 19/00504/FUL – Conversion of redundant agricultural building to form 2 new dwellings and annexe to be used as ancillary accommodation to the existing dwelling The Old Hyde and construction of detached workshop building | The Old Hyde Little Yeldham Road Little Yeldham Essex CO9 4QT In the Braintree District Council planning committee report for this application it was determined that this building immediately adjoining the application was not in an isolated location and the location of this building was considered sustainable in the context of the NPPF. This application site lies immediately adjacent to this approval and therefore will also be considered to be a sustainable location in respect of services within Halstead, Sible Hedingham, Great Yeldham and Little Yeldham. 20/00142/FUL – Demolition of existing workshop, sheds and car port and construction of new detached 1.5 storey dwelling and separate garage | 70 Little Yeldham Road Little Yeldham Essex CO9 4LN This application is some 100 metres to the east of the application site further away from services. In the delegated planning report for this application it was determined by Braintree District Council: “Whilst the proposed development would have an adverse effect in respect of accessing services and facilities by the use of private car, the extent of the effect from the use of private vehicles arising from 1 dwelling would be limited, in particular the site is within cycling distance to a higher tier settlement with a range of services and facilities.” 18/02184/FUL | Demolition of existing commercial storage building and construction of new dwelling and garage. | Land Adjacent 67 Little Yeldham Road Little Yeldham Essex This site lies to the south east of the application site and the determination of this approval was defined as infill development and granted by Braintree District Council. With the application site being to the north west of this site, it can also be considered as infill development on the same basis. The nearest village is Great Yeldham, the centre of which is approximately 1km away from the proposed development site. It is considered to be a second tier village providing many services for day to day requirements. It should be noted that the village benefits from a doctors surgery, primary school, village hall, play areas, a post office, general convenience store, a takeaway restaurant, hairdresser and two community Public Houses, the Waggon and Horses and the Three Bottles. Bus links (service 89) also provides opportunities for sustainable travel to Halstead and Braintree which provide social, recreational and shopping facilities. School bus services also operate to the secondary school at Hedingham. There is an alternative bus route from Little Yeldham (less than 1 km away) to Sudbury. CS7 core strategy stresses the importance of provision of sustainable transport modes and travel choice. However more up to date guidance on the NPPF also recognises that sustainable transport solutions will vary between urban and rural areas, and that this should be taken into account when decision-making. It should be recognised that transport solutions will vary between urban and rural areas. It is to be expected, therefore, that some travel by private vehicle is likely in rural areas such as this. It would be naïve to think that all transport can be achieved through public services, however the proximity to both Halstead (7 miles) Braintree and Sudbury (both approx. 10 miles) which provide main services, would result in relatively short car journeys. The addition of 1 house will not significantly add to the journeys that already occur from this location. The site is not in an isolated or unsustainable location (with this point being determined under the adjoining approval 19/00504/FUL) and that there is adequate access to services and facilities for future occupiers of the proposed dwellings and, therefore, no harmful effects in this regard. Consequently, there is no conflict with Policy CS7 of the Core Strategy. Braintree District Housing supply The NPPF seeks to boost sustainable development and housing supply nationwide. Braintree District Council with Colchester and Tendring have published the North Essex Authorities’ Shared Strategic Section 1 Plan, which Braintree adopted in February 2021. This plan is concerned with the effective delivery of planned strategic growth – most notably housing, employment, infrastructure and the development of garden communities to meet housing supply across multiple districts. Within the document, policy SP4 sets out the strategy for meeting the demand for housing. “The annual housing requirement figures set out below will be used as the basis for assessing each authority’s five-year housing land supply, subject to any adjustments in Section 2 of each plan to address any undersupply since 2013”. Local Authority Housing Requirement per Total minimum housing requirement for the plan annum period (2013 – 2033) Braintree 716 14,320 Colchester 920 18,400 Tendring 550 11,000 However, BDC have accepted that it cannot demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites as required by the NPPF. A recent planning committee report (20/01882/FUL) considered an application for 4 dwellings within Pebmarsh. Within the report, it finds that: “Given all of the evidence before it – including the use of the new housing requirement from the Section 1 Plan, the use of a 5% buffer, and the adjustment to supply, the Council considers that the current 5-year Housing Land Supply for the District is 3.73 years. As the Council cannot demonstrate the required 5-Year Housing Land Supply the ‘tilted balance’ of Paragraph 11d) of the NPPF is engaged. It also means that the most important Development Plan policies for determining this application, those relevant to the provision of housing, are out of date.” The above point was further reinforced under the appeal APP/Z1510/W/20/3256120. The NPPF provides specific guidance in relation to the determination of planning applications in such circumstances stating that housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Relevant policies for the supply of housing should not be considered up to date if the local planning authority cannot demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites.
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