B”H The Chabad Weekly Parshas Tetzaveh / Parshas Zachor Chabad of Beverly Hills Vol. 23 Issue 20 Friday, Adar 10, 5780 / March 6, 2020 9145 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Chabadofbeverlyhills.com Candlelighting In this week's portion, Tetzaveh, essary for the Sanctuary, whose Rabbi Yosef Shusterman (Los Angeles) the Torah states: "Aaron shall purpose is to make it possible for burn incense each morning the Divine Presence to dwell Rabbi Mendel Shusterman 5:35 PM when he cleans the lamps. And among - and thus within - the 310-271-9063 he shall burn incense in the Jewish people, that it mentions Friday Mincha: evening when he kindles the the incense offering, which al- 5:50 PM lamps." What purpose did the lows for a bond of oneness to be The Rebbe Writes:...As you surely know, Parshas burning of incense serve in the established between them. Zachor, which is read on the Shabbos before Purim, Sanctuary, and later, in the First contains the commandment to remember what Amalek, LATEST SHEMA: 9:10 AM This theme of oneness is also and Second Holy Temples? Fur- the archenemy of our Jewish people, did to our people reflected in the dimensions of the when they were on their way to receive the Torah at Sinai. thermore, what can we learn Shabbat Schedule incense altar, which measured Amalek's unprovoked and sneaky attack was calculated to from this to apply in our daily one cubit by one cubit. Likewise, shake their belief in G-d and dampen their enthusiasm for 8:45 AM lives? His Torah and Mitzvos [commandments]. Tanya when the incense offering was Haman, a direct descendant of Amalek, was driven by First of all, it is important to brought, the priest making the similar hatred of the Jews, because "their laws were Shacharit 9:30 AM followed by note that the command to build offering was alone with G-d. No different from those of any other people," as the Megillah Kiddush, the incense altar and bring its one else was allowed to assist. [Scroll of Esther] states. Likewise all subsequent Ama- Cholent & offering are mentioned in the lakites and Hamans of all ages. These concepts must be paral- But "Amalek" - in a wider sense - represents all obstacles Farbrengen Torah as the final elements in leled in our daily service of G-d. and hindrances which a Jew encounters on his, or her, the construction of the Sanctu- Every day, a person arises as "a way, to receive and observe the Torah and Mitzvos with ary. In fact, the Divine Presence enthusiasm, and joy in the everyday life. And so Parshas new creation." Every day, there- Overview of did not rest in the Sanctuary Zachor comes to remind us, and never forget, that "Amale- 4:50 PM fore, we must renew our inner Megillas until the incense offering was kites" exist in every generation and in every day and age, Esther bond with G-d as expressed by and that we must not allow ourselves to be deterred or brought. the recitation, in our daily pray- discouraged by any Amalekite in any shape or form. Mincha 5:25 PM If the question be asked, "Why has G-d done thus?" Why followed by What is the reason for this ers, of the verses concerning the should a Jew be confronted with such trials and difficul- Seuda uniqueness? Our Sages explain bringing of the incense offering, ties? - the answer is that every Jew has been given the Shlishit that the sacrifices offered on the and how that offering was necessary powers to overcome all such "Amalekites," and altar in the courtyard of the brought in connection with the he is expected to use them, in order to demonstrate to Shabbat 6:35 PM Sanctuary relate to a Jew's cleaning and the kindling of the himself and others that nothing will deter him, nor dampen ends body, while the incense offering Menora. This teaches us that the his fervor, in the observance of the Torah and Mitzvos in accordance with G-d's Will. And once he recognizes that brought on the inner altar re- bond between us and G-d must whatever difficulty he encounters is really a test of his faith Announcements: lates to a Jew's soul. be extended into our worldly in G-d, and resolves firmly to meet the challenge, he will affairs, causing them to be car- soon see that no "Amalek" of any kind is a match for the Yartzheits: Sabina Spiro - This concept is reflected in the Hebrew names used to describe ried out in the spirit of "All your Divine powers of the Jewish soul. Indeed, far from being Adar 12, Emanuel Hazany - insurmountable obstructions, they turn out to be helpers these different offerings. The deeds shall be for the sake of Adar 13. Heaven," and "Know Him in all and catalysts for ever greater achievements, having been Hebrew word for "sacrifice" is instrumental in mobilizing those inner powers which would Happy Birthday to Dr. Alan your ways." (From L’Chaim #1410) - have otherwise remained dormant. "korban," which has it root in the lchaimweekly.org Dauer, Rabbi Moshe Kessel- word "karov," meaning "close." This is also forcefully brought out in the Megillah, in the man, Dr. Yakov Gangian, In contrast, the Hebrew for example of Mordechai the Jew, who "would not bend his Ora Lichtenstein, Ester knee nor bow down" before Haman. As a result of this "incense" offering, "ketoret," re- indomitable stance, not only was Haman's power totally Hezghain,Michael Tehrani, Purim With Chabad lates to the root "ketar," Arama- Please join broken, but many enemies became friends, as the Megil- Aaron Mishael, Menucha ic for "bond." By bringing a sacri- lah tells us that "many of the peoples of the land were Chabad of Beverly Hills Rina Davidpour, Rutie fice, a Jew draws close to G-d. turning 'Jewish,' for the fear of Mordechai fell upon them!" Lipsker, Nechama Sulami Purim Night May G-d grant that each and all of you should go from Through the incense offering, strength to strength in emulating Mordechai the Jew, and Mendel and Yehoshua however, a Jew and G-d be- Mon. March. 9 @7:25 PM Charytan. advancing in all matters of Yiddishkeit [Judaism], Torah come fused in total unity. For Megilla reading, Live and Mitzvos, with joy and gladness of heart, and may you Happy Anniversary to Me- Music, Food, Prizes and all be blessed with a full measure of "light, joy, gladness, Thus, it is only after the Torah and honor," both in the plain sense as well as in the inner ir & Lida Davidpour, Rabbi & describes the preparations nec- More… Mrs. Tzali Sztillerman. meaning of these terms in accordance with the interpreta- All Are Welcome tion of our Sages - "Light - this is the Torah ... honor - this is Purim Day Tefillin," since the Torah and Mitzvos, though a "must" for Don’t forget to Taanis Esther Tues. March 10 their own sake, are the channels and vessels to receive move your clocks 1 Mon., Adar 13, March 9 Purim Seuda and enjoy G-d's blessings in all needs, materially and hour ahead this spiritually. 5:30 PM Motzei Shabbos. Fast Begins: 5:56 AM Wishing each and all of you a happy Purim, and may the Adults: $65 inspiration of it be with you every day throughout the year, Mincha: 6:40 PM Children (under 12): $40 With esteem and blessing, GOOD SHABBOS! Maariv: 7:30 PM From: L’Chaim #1463 - lchaimweekly.org RSVP a Must PURIM SCHEDULE - 5780 times, the chassid tried mightily to influence his Purim Insights Story of the Week: neighbor to taste the depth and joy of Chassid- On Purim we have the mitzva Monday Evening, March 9 ism. Finally, after numerous debates, the When the Purim Jester Was (commandment) of giving charity to chassid succeeded, and the mitnaged agreed anyone who extends his/her hand for Maariv…………7:30 pm Sad to learn more about Chassidism. Immediately, help. Our Sages explain that on Purim, we By Asharon Baltazar the chassid stood up and began preaching the Followed by… foundations of Chassidism, lingering especially too have the right to "put out our hand" Everyone in Aleksander, Poland, knew and to G-d and ask Him for our needs, even l o v e d R e b Yerachmiel, the on the significance of joy. Happiness, he Megilla Reading, more than on any other day. As we are learned shochet of Kinov who always had a preached, meant sustaining unequivocal joy in commanded by G-d to give to others Music, Dancing , Food , smile on his face. A devoted chassid, he the face of life’s challenges, without a stutter of when they extend their hands on Purim, often came to Aleksander to bask in the despair. Children’s Program G-d will also fulfill our needs when we do sanctity of his rebbe, Rabbi Yerachmiel The chassid asked his neighbor if he’d like to the same. Tuesday, March 10 Yisrael Yitzchak Dancyger (1853–1910). join him on his next visit to visit his Rebbe, and First Shacharis……6:15 am Reb Yerachmiel held a special position in the two set out on foot. As the journey pro- How do we put out our hand to G-d? the Rebbe’s court, serving as a jester of Through prayer. First Megillah……… 6:45 am gressed and their provisions depleted, their sorts, tasked with bringing joy and levity to stomachs began to moan with hunger.
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