students evicted over Res gun policy By Sarah Clsaroakl houaiiig offioe oo-ordiaator. Cathie Duf­ standard disdpHnary procedures it( the terms of the agreement, saying she did not fiu. refused, saying any action taken on eviction. have the infonnalitm at the preseoi time. our gun policy ia between the housing of- OsK student, wlio wishes to remain "No rcikicat may tmog fueaiim or ex­ / The students liave asked the present gun floc and the students involved. ^ anoaynaous. says the ooOege assomes no pletive wibatanfei of any type into tbe itorage arta be moved froo the main WuDum says the pair were evicted with reapoiMibiHty for the guns wlien they are rnidfnrf. The Housiat OfBoe wiD store campus into tbe raridenoe area. They also no advance warning. Wolhim. on protw- in storage at tht college. aD tueanm for residents for safekeeping. ssked for iodhridnal kKbers to be placed tion from his stay in residence last ycar This individissl says he owm three gum. Any resident foimd having a firearm or in the stora*).area. flanmiable or exi^osive subttanoe within due to damages did not have to be givcB a twp of which are in storage. The tUid he the residenoe wiD face the possibility of written warning before Us evictioo. Duffus says uie p(t>pa>al is being oon- feoa ta too valissble to keep in the storage eviction." Roonunate Cberepak. however, was ndercd. and that sltbough "kinks need aica, and h is itored hi hta rrskimcc onh. So states the LCC Student Housing evicted with no written wamiag giveo. working out, detaDs. tlfe kleas are good, IU( nys it ta placed in hta vehicle during in- Handbook. Cherepak, wiio appealed the evictioa to we cao make the system better." sp^odon periods. Dean Stetson, director of stndent services. CJiuTcatly, students sign their ftreamu The stndent sgrecs a system of storage Curtis WuDum and Barry Cl>erepak was tokl by Stetson he had no choice but into the storage area, leaving infonnatkn is needed to keep gims out of the units, were evicted last week wben they were to uphold the housing office's dediion for kJentJlicatkai on fDe. When the but he says the one they havc now is a found to be storing two rifles and a because Cberepak hid broken s rule, lays fiream is placed in storage a Uahility joke. shotgim in their two-bedroom townhousc. WuUum. agreement ii signed l>y the student. Dean Stetaoo was unavailable for com­ Upon txing asked for com^Knt. the Duffus tays the Iwusing offke followed Duffus wouki make no comment on the ment at presa time. Screening is Orientation By Torn Collins Admission into college programs is dependent raainly on academic re­ quiremenu. ID most instances tbe screen­ ing candidates go through is merely stu­ dent orientation. The screening process may involve psychological testing, orientation to faifiOiarize students «ntta the courses and an evaluation of student potential. This process is basically designed to brief students on course content and to detect spcdric tircaknesses says Al Blakie. registrar^ There arc hurdles a student must over­ come before being admitted. If it's recom­ mended by department beads that a stu­ dent not be admitted be isn't, he says. However, students arc recommended by their high school standing. If they meet the program requirements, which is often a high school diploma, wc have to accept them, says career counsellor Doug Patching. "Our hands are tied." Often a student is conditionally ac­ cepted and must upgrade academically while taking minimal subjects in his chosen program. If a student doesn't fulHll the re­ quirements sel out for him in his first senaester."Tbc jig is up," says Blakie. Program screening often makes a stu­ dent aware cf spedfic deficiencies. A potential student with a handicap that would hinder his chances of employment will be made aware of his opdons. He might bc better suited for a different pro- graun. AU students don't make the right career decisions. Blakie sayi three students withdrew one Students go to the polls month into their first semester after fm­ ding out the program wasn 't what they ex­ Voting for student representatives began yesterday. These participants are (left to right) Kevin Kinahan. Darryl Gibb pected. and Byron Brooks. It was a case of students having a no­ tion of what the course offered, he says, and ignoring the course descripton set ou^ Media Mania event 'pretty shakey' in the calendar. A lower-than-usual nimiber of entries with Airband being beld earlier than in If there aren't enough bands, the crowd Ultimately, studenu meeting academic in Friday's Media Mania Airband has previous years. clulis meeting and the lack of a clubs* requirements compete in an "application caused some concern with the future of "It meam we've bad three weeks less manual has not helped his effort in race." Seau arc offered to those first to the event, said the club president Wednes­ organization and preparation." organizing Media Maiiia. apply. day. "It was partially my fault. 1 came in late Studenu «ritfa high academic standings "I'm a little worried, to say tbe least," and wasn't aware of all the red tape in­ "The morale in the club is high, we have been denied scau because tbey ap­ said Bruce Henning. "There are Hve volved in the process of forming a club." have ample volounteen and we aU want to pUed too late and studenu unlikely to suc­ bands entered now, but for the longest He was elected in the second week of promote a good time." said Henning. ceed havc been enrolled. time we only had one." September after the original president "but we need bands." The academic council is rductant to Even with the five confirmed entries decided not to retum to coUege. recommend an ditisi approach, where the one day before the entry deadline, there "There aren't any records for the club, A major loss could jeopardize tne most inteUigent are given priority. arc only half as many bands as iti previous so k havc to go by heresay. 1 have a general future of the event. Henning said. Someone with medium or bare years. ^ idea of how things were run lastvear, but Although things are "pretty shakey" the* minimum academic ability, says Blakie, Henning attributes the low turnout to nothing specific." ^. addition of the four more bands has les- wiU often bc very successful in his career. the late organization of the club along But he added the postponing of the all- send his worries. This Week Inside ™E|^«)E\M3R Profile Conunent Play review "They give me a rough time. They're typical guys..." says Viewer^ -are taught diat ag­ Les Belie Soeurs...'*the reality Gina Wolbert. gressive behavior is acceptable. may be a little ftard to taice, '* page 6 page 4 pages 1 IHB BNDBAVOB Council increases members pay rate By Donna Ch«yna The LCCSA has approved increases in the amoum of honorariums paid to iu members, raising the pay level to the pro­ vincial average. Kevin RothweU, Special Events Coor­ dinator, says compared to other Alberta coUeges LCC's honorarium system is lower than most. Colleges were contacted by the LCCSA in Olds. Medknne Hat. Red Deer an^ Calgary to find out their rate of pay. fl Honorariums paid to executi^ monbers wiO bc increased to SI90 from Slio per month. /The president's wiU be increased $60 to Sil5. Enterprising children RothweU says, "you can't really caU it (the honorarium) a salary," although he Mindy Krokom (10 yrs. old) and Jillian Kapke (8 yrs.) constructed tree house built with scraps of wood col­ adds that it does compensate for the inany spend their leisure time exploring their newly- lected from around the neighborhood. houn spent working for the LCPSA. He says he feeb, "this (increase in honorariuim) is artnqiiatr for us now and The program trains studenu to work government increases the age in which probably for a few more vears." with youths between tbc ages of 12 and a person may by tried in a juveiule Program needed 17. court. Graduates of the courae differ fro^ The program came about, in part, Events planned to help youths social workers. They wUl Uve with the — by prompting from the community. As kids on a day-to-day basis and a result, two years of funding have therefore, bc more involved in Ihe lives been approved. Council also approved a SS an hour of Ihc teenagers. Both instructors have on-the-job ex­ By Jim Ellaaaon wage for 19 polling clerks working in the The two-year program has a fuU perience as wcO as practical training. Oct. 17-18 elections. enroUment of 21 studenu which may Instructor Carol Ing has a diploma Emotionally disturbed teenagers wiU Plans to bring the Orey Cup game to be expanded next year says instructor in Special Care Cpunselling and a BA bc helped to cope witb tbeir lives by the Bam on big-screen television arc being Livingston Fmch. in RehabiUtation Services. Instructor LCC paduates of the Youth and Child considered by the LCCSA. The age of the adolescenu LCC Livingston Finch has a M. Ed. Care program. They are investigating the possibiUty o^ studenu train to work with may be Finch says there is a definite need for obtaining a liquor licence for Sunday, raised to 19 next year if the federal this type of work. Nov. 18, the day of the game. A suggestion to purchase a Remem­ brance Day wreath was accepted by coun­ cil members.
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