T he C X)URI ER-C vzette. ROCKLAND GAZETTE ESTABLISHED 1S46. 1 COURIEIt ESTABLISHED 1874. I $rtss is tbf ^nbimebfan £ebtr fljat globes tbe Otorlb at tTtoo dollars a ^ear l A TEAR IN ADVANCE: ROCKLAND /SINGLE COPIES PRICE FIVE CENTS. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, AUGUSt 14, 188s. V o l . 7 . - -N ew Se r ie s . N umber 31. SPECIAL SALE! OWL'S HEAD PARK MOTHER TONGUE. Th e Cour i er-gazette ABOUT TOWN. By PORTER St JONES. HEADQUARTERS — AT THE— Has a Successful and Largely Attended " K " asks whether he should say “ muggy" O pe n in g . or “ m urky.” They are both good words, if HERBERT M. LORD, E d it o r . -----FOR---- Boston 5 and 10c Store The overcast sky o f Wednesday did not pre­ properly used. “ M uggy" conveys the idea of vent a goodly turnout o f the martial appearing damp, thick weather, which accompanied with A MODERN PAPER. and handsomely attired Knights of Claremont high temperature is sticky and uncomfortable. SATURDAY, AUG. 18. Commnndery,under Commander Lawry,bound “ M urky” conveys the idea of a thick, impene­ Forty-third year...........o f t h e . Rockland Gazette for Owl's Head Park to assist in the opening trable atmosphere, not involving the idea of Fifteenth year.................of the .. .Itocklnnd Courier Woolen Yarns' 24 Doxcn 8 Inch Footed Perry Bros, arc breaking ground for a new of the Simpson House, in which twe members moisture. That yellow Tuesday was a murky kiln. of the Commnndery, Edwin Sprague and Capt. day. Two dollars n year in advance—$2.60 if paid at end of yeaf: $1 for eix mouths; 60 cents for three GLASS SAUCE DISHES W in. Moore has added a very fine specimen A. F. Pillsbury,are interested. The Comman- Speaking of weather, I am reminded that months1 trial trip. -----AT----- AT 20 CTS. EACH. o f sea horse to our collection. dery escorted by the City Cornet Band in full same people fail to grasp the conception that uniform steamed in the Pioneer to Owl's Head Entered as second class mall mntter. Stephen Chase ft Co. report the past week an the weather is the sum total o f all the atmos­ Park and took up tbeir quarters nt the holel. The unusually dull one in the fish business, the pheric conditions. The weather is the state of ONE LOT trim and speedy little Oracle Bell puffed mer­ N IC E N A M E . weather interfering with the fishermen. the atmosphere. Neighbor Mnlaprop meeting rily hack and forward between Tillson’s wharf one says: “ Muddy weather isn’t it? It may Colored Glass Cheese Dishes The I toys for amusement, nowadays, arrange H.GALLERT’S during the day. The Knights and their ladies he plensant overhead ; but the old saw repeats A Curio from a Place W ith a Very San­ themselves in n row on the Mnin street cross­ AT 15 CTS. EACH. enjoyed the day in social converse, strolling "that isn't the way he is going.” Still, the guinary Title. ings, and k ill swallows with sticks as they go Regular Price 25 cent?. about the picturesque grounds, enjoying the going is not the weather. We received by mail Wednesday from F. R. shooting by. One lad killed three, Thursday elegant dinner served, listening to the fine How many people know when it is that “ the noon, 'Tis a cruel sport. Rowell, esq., of Seattle, W. T., until recently Owing to the great success music of the bind and other innocent diver­ wind backs in,” or "backs around” ? A better- of this city, a pipcc of ulder hark from nn alder BOSTON 5 & 10 CENT STORE, A Rockland picnic party swooped down on sions. Speaking of the dinner perhaps the best posted titan may correct me, if I err. M y ex­ in the town of Slaughter. W. T., the tree being of our Woolen yarns, and on Ballard Park last week, and have come home way to show what the brave Knights had to en­ planation : When an east wind goes intoa west­ 80 feet tall nnd three feet in diameter. The fol­ Opp. Thorndike Hotel, Rockland. 20 full of the beauties o f the place. They speak counter would be to reproduce ern quarter via north, instead of via south, the lowing letter accompanied it. The letter is highly of the kindness of II. H. Mngune and special demand of our cus THE MKNV. fair weather route. Isn't that “ hacking" ? dated August 7: others who nre cottaging there. I have heard the statement: “ It has rained " I send by this mnll a piece of hark labeled tomers, we have opened this The various island packets brought off con­ Julienne Soup. Fish Chowder. angleworms." Who has ever seen any angle- in accordance with facts which I took from an Mountain View House, siderable live stock Tuesday. The Mayflower risn. Bol led Salmon. Fried Cod worms coming down in a shower, like long nlder, at Slaughter, a week or two since. Thero year our Imported and Domes CAMDEN, MAINE. of Pulpit Harbor brought a pair of steers, a ROAST. dashes amid a whole pace of periods? But Is nothing very curious about it, t>ut still a lit­ Ribs of Beef— Brown Gravy. Chicken—Gibict Sauce OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER. pair of calves und a drove o f sheep, while the Spring Lamb—Caper Sauce you saw them in a tub. Yes; they didn’t tle uncommon to even a state of Maine man, tic Yarns earlier than at any Grayhound of North Haven landed a hand­ MOILED. “ rain" there; but they got there “ just the same." and they are expected to have, and know it all. Cold Corned Beef. Sugar Cured Ham 4 9 * This house is no r open to receive parties and some yoke of oxen. ENTREES. By the way what Is this " it , " which we use The town Slaughter, about 25 miles south from other season. Ladies who are the traveling public. We respectfully acknowledge a kind invita­ Jellied Chicken. Lobster Salad so much? It rains; it thunders; it is nine Seattle, on the Puget Sound Shore R. R., re­ VEGETA tll.ER, Fine Bay, Harbor and Mountain Scenery, Beau­ tion from Gen. Henry L. Mitchell and Clarence Mashed Potatoes. Green Pens. New Potatoes o’clock ; it is a long road, that has no turn ; it ceived Its name from the killin g of one Colonel doing Knitting and Crochet tiful Driven, Good Boating, S. Lunt, Major and Asst. Adj't. Gen’l to visit, Stewed Tomatoes, string Beans. New Beets was Jane not James, that brought the bonnet. (I think it was) Slaughter, by Indians, some Bathing and Fishing. Superior Table. RELISHES. What do we mean ? Why lust this. Our with ladies, headquarters of the First Brigade, Cucumbers. MiXed Pickles. Olives years ago. I am liking the place and its peo­ Work during the summer and 49-W ill receive parties after one day’s notice..*# Maine Volunteer M ilitia, at “ Camp Marble," Lettuce. Worcestershire Sauce iuncuage ctnnot predicate anything without a ple here very much, and could 1 sit In T h e DESSERT. subject. ’J he verb must have a subject ex­ F. 0. MARTIN, Proprietor. in Augusta Thursday and Friday, Aug. 10 and Simpson House Pudding—Vanilla Sauce. C.-G. sanctum and converse with yon lor an provide for the winter will find 17. Mince P.e. Berry Pie. ■- Lemon Pic pressed or distinctly understood. A ll we wish hour or two this afternoon would leave you Vanilla, Raspberry. Pistachio, Chocolate Ice Cream to state is the ruining, the thundering, the time ‘ringing ns to your ears’ and ’drooping as to Belfast Journal: "The stewards of the B. Lemon Sherbert. o’day : but we nre not wont to say “ rains” your chin’ fully convinced that I had gone it convenient and also to their & B. line having been remembered by tbeir Assorted Nuts and Fruits. “ thunders." “ nine o’clock is," as a Latin might- daft on the question of Washington in general, HOTEL ST. MARC, friends, it is now the clerks' turn. Eaton of T ea Coffee So we use “ it.” In the other two cases “ it” and Seattle in particular. advantage to purchase Yarns the Lewiston, Hanscome of the Penobscot, During the day the steam launch was con­ 434 Fifth Ave., New York City. reverses the subject and predicate. You can­ Guernsey of the Katahdin—where w ill you tinually adding to the crowd, and when the “ A Maine man has no need to be homesick ON THE AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN not give such an “ it” an antecedent if you tty. of us now, as the variety and Bluehill in the evening deposited her big loads or lonesome here for want o f fellow citizens, PLAN. find three better fellows or more popular offi­ cers.” That's so! the crowd was some.hing entirely unlooked for. for every odd (no pun) man is sure to hail assortment of shades we have Special Rates from June to October. OLD LADIES HOME. from Maine. East Machias is so well repre­ Win. Davidge, the veteran comedinn, and and it seemed to lie a very jo lly crowd, too. J. ALONZO NUTTER, Proprietor. sented thnt we nre frequently asked what part for three years past a member of Palmer’s The Knights returned to the city on the lirst in stock to-day is very immense return trip o f the Bluehill. Before entering To Make Things Move—Some Plans.
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