ftj & M ? ) ►**%-*•■ MAKE EASTLAND MAKE EASTLAND YOUR SHOPPING YOUR SHOPPING CENTER! Ca$tlaru!r CENTER! UNITED PRESS BRINGS LATE NEWS OF THE WORLD TO TELEGRAM READERS VOL. XVII EASTLAND, TEXAS, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 1942 PRICE Sc DAILY (5c ON SUNDAY) No 72 Bonnet By Mars 28 KILLED IN Get Well Quickly, Mr. President ARMED FORCES OF U. S. TORNADO AT SEEKING TO BLAST JAPS OKLAHOMA CITY OUT OF ALEUTIAN ISLES By United Press OKLAHOMA CITY. June 13— Forces Have Been Forced to Flee Into 3,000-Foot Only six of the 28 killed in last night's tornado had been identified [ Mountains, Where More Attacks Are Due As early today. They were: ELEVEN SEEK Soon A" Weather Will Permit. Alma Koszanu, 22. Erca Hayes, 46. By JOE A1.EX MORRI S fleet. They have not n<-ces.sartRg Ralph Hayes, 11. JERRY SADLER S United Press Foreign Editor | turned th* tide of war in the Pa- Mrs. Inez Trout. Armed forces of the United cifie. But they have definitely John I.. Cox. Staten sought to blast outit Japanese bmii*,, the enemy plan* and Thomas A. Clark. forcea which have gained a foot­ brought our torces much nearer FORMER OFFICE hold on the fringe of the desolate j I equality. Partially identified were a girl Aleutian Iidand chain west of Alas­ The Japanese must now reorgan­ whose last name was Tensley; a, ka today following crippling blows S, I’nlix. f tMS ize their offensive sea forces and Mrs. C ox; and three other mem-1 A free-for-all contest between j1" «ff*"sive «-a in protect their uangeruualy extend Dori* McEwan, British Columbia'* bers o f the Erxu Hayes family, hisd I 11 Texans seeking to serve the 1/'<" , I ui supply linss. in the meantime first Kiri ship welder, shows u war­ The Japanese naval operations wife ami two daugnterr. r— two-year portion of a ,th i f f they must face the growing air time hat style. j power as well as sea power of the The area affected by the storm | Jerry Sadler's railroad commiss- ; f„|wlway Island buthwlvy resulted, according Mld. ' American forces whose effecti**- was sparsely-housed, inhabited by J ion term was assured today when to a Washington communique, in many workers in Oklahoma City ■ ness was fuliv discioaed today in the State Democratic Elective 1 lauding of enemy soldiers on the ! dispatches describing torpedo and City’s Dispute On war industries. Power lines in the ,, ... , . westernmost Aleution Island of Committee certified their names .other air attacks on the enemy. area were blown down and some A great, good friend of the U. S., Brazil's President Getulio Vargas, recovers from an auto accident in Attu, same 1,500 miles from the On other world fronts, th* flow Contract Will Be sections were without lights, milk­ Rio de Janeiro. School children wish him well. as candidates for the July 2o mainland and 800 miles ing rescue work doubly difficult. party primary. I west o f the U. S. Dutch Haifa* j of American fighting strength to One entire block of frame The committee action came af- j baae Enemy ships also were seen Europe continues with arriv­ Reviewed By Court houses was knocked flat. Police ter the fifth Court of Civil Ap- at Kmka Har„ or? 700 n; al of another AEF contingent in said most o f the residents had been I John T. Begg*3 Is {T P SINGERS peals at Dallas decided it was Dutch Harbor. Northern Ireland to join the forces massing for an eventual second AUSTIN—The Texas Supreme asleep although some were found I RUMANIAN OIL without authority to grant the re- Air attacks already have driven I European front. Court has advised litigants that cowering in storm cellhrs adjoining j quest of James E. kilday for an a,* j apaT,eM. from the populated Now In Ordnance i In Libya,th e Axis forces massed it will review a dispute between their homes. order to compel the committee to orea into the 3,000-foot high | south of Tobruk struck out again the city o f Big Spring and Engin- Policeman Jack Caldwell esti­ certify him as the party nominee, mountains o f Attu and, as weath ARE MEETING I and were heavily engaged and re- mated that more than “ 0, ‘‘perhaps FIELD BOMBED Kilday, head of the commia-1 cr permits, further operations are eer John E. Ward about an en­ Co. Of U. S. Army gineering contract. 100 houses” in what he termed ! sion’s Motor Transportation Divi- being pressed against the enemy, j th* "a sort of a little village; were de­ * aisvn ftlorl kiu camlwl uct' fur th»* I 1 ’L t _ _ _ i »t -llU KAr ifl tfiP P- Afl^ITl BflU Many cities and towns o f the CAMP BOWIE, Texas. June 131 , aion, filed hia candidacy for the! Th,* Japanese stab into the- Aieu-i . molished. ] urn-xpw-d part o f Sadler's term tian» ape., y , Acroma areas, only 15 mile* soath state probably will be interested — One of the 1 4 men recently as­ IN EASTLAND A group of 80 soldiers, traveling BY AMERICANS on June 1, before expiration of j fensive anrf southwest o f Tobruk. Naxi Col. in the result, of tie' n it, Marlin-] signed to duty with the 8th Or­ to block American naval I ^.~t| Ken. Houston, and Cleburne al- •>>’ bu* from Oklahoma City to the the deadline for filing in all state attacks from Dutch Harbor tc . Edwin Rommel evidently Had dinance Service company at Camp Eastland is host today to the returned to his original plan o f en- ready have had litigation over j “ ■‘my base, were caught as the By United First Bowie is Pvt. John T. Beggi of race* Sadler’* resignation was Tokyo or to protect the Japan***. , . ANKARA, Turkey. June 14— T-P Sunshine Singers meeting aimilar subject matter. I fur>’ of itorm s»*nt- Two Eastland, who volunteered for J not announced until the next day. flank jf an attack is made on Rus- f 'rc ‘nr “ nd U*k,n* 1 “ brukL *fter The state committee then ex- sian Siberia breaking through the Bntimh mine Ward was en.pl.' I Jig 't"«ere.| m.nor mjunes. I he oth- American Army pilots have ‘ ‘suc­ army service on June 1. he was in annual convention. ers disembarked and aided in the Spring to draft general plans for cessfully” bombed the big ruman- transferred here from the re­ The convention met last even­ tended until Thursday midnight But the operations also might be lin<- with capture rescue work. an additional water supply to be ian oil fields. It was reliably re- placement center at Camp Wai­ ing at the Eastland High School the time for filing candidacies in 0f great offensive importance if °T ,! "" M’u'heini Military and civil authorities th* speetel railroad commiaaioi . were tak- presented to Federal agencies in ters. uuditorium and today's sessions hMrkfd the area o ff anil set an all- liorted tonight, after a number requesting a grant to assist in th ‘ Pvt. Beggs, a former halfback will be held there. race and ten other applications should be successful. The Japan- 1 b'“atlnr from th* RAF 1 night watch while rescue parties o f big, four-motored United Sta- project. The city also contracted for the Eastland Mavericks, was Attendance at last night’s ses­ were received. use probably planned to take Mid-' U '* ,pbting power continued tramped over the surrounding ter­ with Ward to place him in charge | tes bombers were forced down on employed by the Carl Johnson sion indicated a very large crowd Those certified were Kilday; way and advance on Hawaii and to ' 8rr^a* . ritory in a errh for victims who o f the work if the funds to do the I Turkish soil while enroute back Dr)’ Goods company at the time would be present at today’s sea- State Sens. Clem Fain of Living- jse the northern island stepping „ r‘ Ku“ “ -w Axu stuck o» the may have been carried away by the ston and Karl Lovelady of Mer- -tones for advance, toward Dutch' o f Sevastopol work was obtained. , to their unidentified base. of his induction. sion. twister. Police refused to permit idian; former .-tat* Sen. Will Harbor and Alaska. continued relentlessly but the So- He prepared the plans and the Four American planes were federal grant was secured and even those who lived there to en­ Pace of Tyler; C. E. McCormick| Failure of the Midway attack V,et arm,<*' rt'p,,rt' d ■ « * forced down, according to an of­ counter-attacking in the Kharkov he was paid the agreed amount ter the restricted area. o f San Antonio; T. Leo Moore, | and loss of probably four Jap-1 ficinal announcement, and three -ector o f the Ukraine in an effort for that part. The city issued An unidentified man attempted I mayor of Eiectra; Beauford Jes-janese aircraft carriers there, others were reported to have land­ to ueeak- up enemy preparations bonds to supplement federal funds to warn persons living on one A PROCLAMATION I ter. Corsicana oil man; Fierce | well as the smashing AThirican ed in Turkey, due to lack of for a summer offensive toward the and some one else was placed in street o f the damaged area. As the , Brooks o f Dallas; Bryan Patter-j victory in the battle o f the Coral fuel. At least 28 American fliers By the President of the United States of America Caucasus oil fields.
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