NEW'DEAN Sculpture Exhibition The Vlce-Olancellor, Professor D.W. George, has announced the appolnt... nt of Dr. John HamIl­ ton, M.S., B.S., FR~ (ClInada), FRCP "( London), as the next Dean ,of tledlclne at the Unlver- ~Ity. Dr. Hamilton will succeed Professor Geoffrey Kal ferman, who has been Dean since the death In November, 1981 of the Foundation Dean, 'frofessor David Maddison. Or. Hamilton, who Is 45 years of age, Is currently public Health Specialist of the World Bank, based In washington D.C .. with project responslbll­ I ty for East and Southern Africa and South Asia. Orlgln­ a Ily a graduate of the MI dd I e­ sex Hosp I ta I tied I ca I Schoo I , London, Dr. Hamilton Joined the Scu I ptures made by Second Year Arch Itecture students have been staff of the McMoster Un I ver­ mounted between the Auchmuty LI brary and the un Ion Ell II dl ng to make slty tied I cal School In Canada a delightful outdoor exhibition. The sculpture project Is part of )In 1969 and was closely assoc­ the students' VIsual Studies course work. The sculptures were mede Iated with the Innovations In In the Depar1ment of Architecture with the assistance of Depart­ ...dlcal education there which ...nta I Graftsman Jeff RI chards. were the subject of close exam­ Ination at the tl ... the New­ The group of 40 students Initially selected the area for the exhibition and then Individually developed their sculptures In castle OJrrlQJlum was being various materials, attempting at the same time to maintain the ,~eve loped. He cha I red the '. cohesion required for a group exhibition and to achieve a sympath­ Student Adml sslons Committee etic relationship with the exhibition area. and the Education Committee at' McMaster, as well as being Co­ The exhibition will remain In place until Tuesday, September ordInator of Gastroenterol'>QY 27. Photo: Peter Muller. sarvl cas and Sen I or Consu I tant ( to the McMaster University affiliated hospitals. On leave Iran and at the WHO Eastern ,tween the Facu I ty, the commun­ of absence from his appolnt... nt tied I terranean Region Teacher Ity and the medical profes­ as Professor of tledlclne at Training Centre and h.s a wide sion. He will hold a personal McMlister Un I vers I ty, he was experience of public health chair In his own dIscipline Professor and Head of the Issues In developing countries. wh 11 st Dean and I s expected to Department of tied I cl ne I n the Dr. Hamilton has a strong take up duty at the end of the new tied I cal School at the Uni­ comml1ment to the new approach­ veer. versity of 1I0ri n, Nigeria from es to medical education at the Dr. Hamilton Is married' 1978-81. In 1977 he was a University of Newcastle .nd to and h.s two children aged 10 Vlsltl Professor In Volume 9, Number 16, September 15 to 29, 1983. Registered by Australia Post, Pub II cation No. NBH 3127 2 Honour to raphy Course was Introduced In Dear Sir, senior secondary schbOls. Twenty years later It Is stili As a result of Resolution being taught In schools In a 346/82: of University Council more refined form. IIThat Coun cf I agree 1n pr f n­ clple to meetings of Council Dr. D.S. Biddie, President be 1ng open to a I I members of of the Geographical Society of the Un I vers I ty". New South wales delivered the I was under the Impression citation at a function on Aug­ that wheels had been set In ust 12 at the University of New South wa I es. mot I on to Imp I amant th I 5 policy. This resolution, may I Dr. Biddie said Professor remind you, was passed In Tweedle conti nued as a member December, 1982. SI nce that of the Syllabus Committee until time tour meetings of CouncIl, ttlvember, 1973. or eight months have passed and IlHe was active In the st" I the status quo remains. forrretlve years of the Geog\ ) The reason 1 am 'lrlrltl09 Is raphy courses prepared at threJ that my attempt to observe the EmerItus Professor Tweedle levels In Years II and 12. He AUgJst Council meeting was assIsted In the promotion of thwarted, when Item 111.2 on Geography In the secondary the Agenda of that meet 1 n9, a schoo I s by his wll II ngness to report from a I ega I firm was The awardl ng of a Mocllonal d gIve up his weekends to speal ) not made. Holmes Modal to Emeritus Prof­ at teachers' and STudents' con­ The concept that Univer­ essor Alan Tweedle, forrrer ferences around the State and he contributed textbooks and sity Council meetings should be Vice-Principal and Deputy Vlce­ open to al I members of the Olancellor, by the Geography art I cl es on natura I systems University Is a simple one, Teachers' Association and the which have been widely used· In open and confident governing of Geograph I ca I Socl ety of New schools In Australia and New South We I es, honours a man who this University would be Zealand. demonstrated by such a move. has made a distinguished con­ Some of the techniques tribution In the field of geo­ t therefore urgently developed In the corporate graphic education. request that the delay In mark 1ng system I n Geography, Implementing this policy should Professor Tweed I e was a and for wh I ch Geography examl n­ cease, and action be taken. I member of the Geography Syl I a­ ers have been pr a I sed I n more sha II be I n the foyer at the bus Comml ttee of the Board of recent times, would not hav{ ) next Council awaiting a result. Senior School Studies In July, been Implemented except for the 1964, when the· most advanced, support given by Professor some saId revolutionary, Geog- Terry Slevl n, Tweedle, Dr. Biddie said. SAC President. """""""" .. "~~"""""'. attract I ng of new 'nvestment, Summit Talks The theme of the Hunter meTh~.ds of job protection, Region SLmmit Is Job cre.tlon technological change, and The V Ice-Chance Ilor commended and job protect Ion. A ser I es employment opportunities for the Hunter RegIon SlITIml t of papers wIll be presented disadvantaged groups. The Conference, planned for the covering manufacturing, the conference will seek to update CI ty Ha lion September 29 and public sector, social Infra- I nformatlon on the forces 30, at the September Senate structure, the coal chaIn, operatl ng I n the reglona I meetIng. He saId he would be rura I I ndustr' es, tour Ism, economy, with a view to propos­ disappointed If University commerce· and retailing, educat­ I ng an ongo I n9 mechan 1 sm for a staff did not make a signific­ Ion and training, finance and reg I ona I structure to play an ant contr I bu t I on TO The reet­ building and consTruction. Important ro I e I n the I mprove­ Ing. In these papers, many of ment of our economy and amp I oy­ Followl ng the National than prepared Jointly by men'" prospects. SlJ1Imlt In canberra, the Premier bus I ness and trade un I on Further Information about of New South wa I es, ~. ~an, I nterests, an attempt wi I I be the Hunter RegIon SlITlmlt can be Initiated a series of regional made to survey a II avenues of obtolned from f.t'. Karel Grezl, sllnml t conferences I n New South Job creation, Including the of the t-i.Inter o~ve-I opmenT We I es. promotion of the region and the Board, at 26 2666. 3 Federal Universities Councils Visit ! Registration SOught Among the decisions taken at the Federation of Australian University Staff Association's annual general meeting In Bris­ I' bane was one to proceed with an I' application for federal regist­ I ration as a Union. This University's Staff Associ at I on was represented by the President, Or. Don wright and the Vice-President, Noelene Willi ,""son. The meeting authorised the FAUSA ExeOJt Ive to seek to have Its Industrial matters dealt .~ . with by the /'<Jstrallan Concil­ iation and Arbitration Commls- with the Vice-Chancellor during the UnIversities 5 I on rather than a specr a II st Council's visit on September 6 and 7: the Olalrman of the Council, tribunal. Professor N. Dunbar (second from left) and other members, Assoc. Member associations are to Professor I. r-brr I son (fourth from I eft), and Mr. John Me Intyre be asked to ratl ty a proposa I (extreme right). At the back, the Vice Chancellor and CTEC staff, for FAUSA to affiliate with the Mr. C. Burgess, Mr. K. Flaherty and Ms. S. cal vert. ACTU. Action will only proceed If two-th I rds of member asSoc­ Iations vote In favour. The The meeting also adop~ed a question wi II be dealt with at po II cy on equal apportun I ty the UNSA Term I I I general meet­ with respect to the emp I oyment Ing_ of women staff and the encour­ A lengthy resolution was agement of women students to passed I n connect I on wi th over­ undertake research degrees. seas appo I ntments. I t seeks to want to kn C1fi' rore about a have each university establish The National Executive for country seldom out of the an Appo I ntments Revl ew Comml t­ 1983-84 I s: PresidenT, Adrian news, South Africa? If so tee to wh I ch It wou I d be neces­ Ryan (Sydney); Vice-Presidents, you can hear the Ambassador sary to Justify the appointment Ian Lowe (Griffith) and Jo Gaha for South Afr I ca, Dr.
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