Presidents of the Congress Professor Marco Filicori Chairman GynePro Medical Group, Bologna, Italy Professor Giuseppe De Placido Head Reproductive Medicine Unit Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy International Scientific Committee Fleming R (UK) Hugues JN (FR) Macklon NS (UK) FACULTY Nardo L (UK) Pellicer A (ES) Ubaldi F (IT) Italian Scientific Committee Caserta D (IT) Chiantera A (IT) Cicinelli E (IT) Colacurci N (IT) Colao A (IT) Crosignani PG (IT) Dessole S (IT) Genazzani AR (IT) Locci M (IT) Moscarini M (IT) Nappi C (IT) Perino A (IT) Petraglia F (IT) Pivonello R (IT) Volpe A (IT) Zullo F (IT) Local Organizing Committee Clarizia R (IT) Mollo A (IT) Ranieri A (IT) Strina I (IT) E.C.M. • Continued Medical Education The congress participates in the Continued Medical Education National Program instituited by the Italian Ministry of Health. The credits assignment is being processed. www.ovulationinduction2010.org ENDORSEMENTS SOTTO L’ALTO PATRONATO DEL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA ITALIANA www.quirinale.it MINISTERO DELLA SALUTE www.salute.gov.it REGIONE CAMPANIA www.regione.campania.it COMUNE DI NAPOLI www.comune.napoli.it ALMA MATER STUDIORUM UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA FACOLTÀ DI MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA www.unibo.it UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI FEDERICO II FACOLTÀ DI MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA www.unina.it SECONDA UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI www.unina2.it MIDDLE EAST FERTILITY SOCIETY www.mefs.org AGUI ASSOCIAZIONE GINECOLOGI UNIVERSITARI ITALIANI www.aguionline.it AOGOI ASSOCIAZIONE OSTETRICI GINECOLOGI OSPEDALIERI ITALIANI www.aogoi.it SIGO SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI GINECOLOGIA E OSTETRICIA www.sigo.it ORDINE DEI MEDICI CHIRURGHI E ODONTOIATRI DI NAPOLI E PROVINCIA www.ordinemedicinapoli.it GENERAL INFORMATION Congress Venue Royal Continental Hotel Via Partenope 38/44 I 80121 Napoli, Italy www.royalcontinental.it Tel. +39 081 245 2068 Fax +39 081 764 4616 [email protected] WE THANK Scientific Secretariat Dr. Graciela E. Cognigni Dr. Lodovico Parmegiani Ferring International GynePro Medical Centers Center S.A. Via T. Cremona 8 Chemin de la Vergognausaz, 50 CH - 1162 Saint Prex - SWITZERLAND I-40137 Bologna, Italy Phone +41 58 301 00 00 Fax +41 58 301 00 10 Tel. +39 051 442094 www.ferring.com Fax +39 051 441135 [email protected] IBSA Institut Biochimique S.A. Via del Piano, 11 Dr. Carlo Alviggi 6915 Pambio Noranco - SWITZERLAND Reproductive Medicine Phone +41 58 360 1000 Department of Obstetrics Fax +41 58 360 1677 www.ibsa-international.com and Gynecology University of Napoli "Federico II" Merck Serono S.p.A. Via Sergio Pansini 5 Via Casilina, 125 I-80131 Napoli, Italy 00176 Roma (RM) - ITALY Phone +39 06 703841 Tel. +39 081 746 2699 Fax +39 06 70384643 Fax +39 081 746 3747 www.merckserono.it [email protected] Merck Serono S.A. 9, chemin des Mines, Case postale 54 CH-1211 Geneva 20 - SWITZERLAND Phone +41 22 414 3000 Organizing Secretariat Fax: +41 22 414 2179 www.merckserono.com Schering-Plough S.p.A. Via Fratelli Cervi snc 20090 Segrate (MI) - ITALY GynePro Educational Phone +39 02 210181 Fax +39 02 21018602 Via Lame, 44 www.schering-plough.it I-40122 Bologna, Italy Tel. +39 051 223260 Fax +39 051 222101 Takeda Italia Farmaceutici S.p.A. [email protected] Via E. Vittorini, 129 00144 Roma (RM) - ITALY Phone +39 06 50260 Fax +39 06 5011709 www.takeda.it www.gynepro.it PROGRAM AT A GLANCE Thursday Friday Saturday 30 September 2010 1 October 2010 2 October 2010 morning 8:30-10:45 8:30-11:00 Session 1I Session IV ANOVULATION AND FSH FORMULATIONS MILD STIMULATION AND REGIMENS 10:45-11:15 11:00-11:30 coffee break coffee break 11:15-12:45 11:30-13:00 IBSA MERCK SERONO SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM 13:00-14:00 13:00-14:00 lunch lunch afternoon 13:15-13:45 Opening Ceremony 14:00-16:15 14:00-16:10 Session III Session V 13:45-14:30 GnRH LH ACTIVITY: Keynote Lecture ANALOGS FORMULATIONS AND REGIMENS 14:30-17:00 Session 1 14:00-16:00 14:00-15:45 BASIC ASPECTS FREE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FREE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Session I Session II 17:00-17:30 coffee break 16:15-17:00 16:10-16:40 coffee break coffee break 17:30-19:00 FERRING 17:00-18:30 16:40-18:45 SYMPOSIUM Session VI SCHERING-PLOUGH SPECIAL REGIMENS 19:00 SYMPOSIUM Welcome Reception 18:45 at Castel dell’Ovo Close of the Congress Thursday • 30 September OPENING CEREMONY AUDITORIUM 13:15 Welcome and Opening of the Congress Filicori M (IT) De Placido G (IT) 5 13:45 KEYNOTE LECTURE The ovarian lifecycle: from genesis to preservation (AB-00) Oktay K (US) AUDITORIUM SESSION I BASIC ASPECTS Sponsored by IBSA PHARMACEUTICALS Chairpersons: Fleming R (UK), Di Carlo C (IT) 14:30 Genetics of folliculogenesis (AB-01) Raijkovic A (US) 14:55 Follicle and oocyte aging (AB-02) Artini PG (IT) 15:20 Reproductive hormone receptor dynamics in developing follicles (AB-03) Mason H (UK) 15:45 Androgens, follicle development, and oocyte quality (AB-04) Andersen CY (DK) 16:10 AMH, antral follicle count, and other parameters to predict COS and ART outcome (AB-05) Broekmans FJ (NL) 16:35 The endometrium in ovarian stimulation (AB-06) Macklon NS (UK) 17:00 COFFEE BREAK AUDITORIUM 17:30 FERRING PHARMACEUTICALS SYMPOSIUM GONADOTROPINS, BACK TO THE FUTURE? Chairperson: Ubaldi F (IT) 17:30 hCG, Progesterone and LH levels during ovarian stimulation: the GOOD, the BAD an the UGLY Platteau P (BE) 17:55 Progesterone and hCG driven LH activity in GnRH antagonist cycles Bosch E (ES) 18:20 Use of AMH to decide between GnRH agonists or antagonists in controlled ovarian stimulation Fleming R (UK) 18:45 Discussion 19:00 WELCOME RECEPTION at Castel dell’Ovo www.ovulationinduction2010.org Friday • 01 October AUDITORIUM SESSION II ANOVULATION AND 6 MILD STIMULATION Sponsored by MERCK SERONO PHARMACEUTICALS Chairpersons: Nardo L (UK), De Leo V (IT) 08:30 Aromatase inhibitors (AB-07) Requena A (ES) 08:55 Metformin update (AB-08) Palomba S (IT) 09:20 Low-dose gonadotropins in anovulation (AB-09) Hugues JN (FR) 09:45 Controlled ovarian stimulation for intrauterine insemination (AB-10) Somigliana E (IT) 10:10 Minimal ovarian stimulation for ART (AB-11) Fauser B (NL) 10:45 COFFEE BREAK AUDITORIUM 11:15 IBSA PHARMACEUTICALS SYMPOSIUM MANAGING PCOS PATIENTS IN ASSISTED REPRODUCTION Chairpersons: Loutradis D (GR), Requena A (ES) 11:15 Choice of GnRH analog regimens for controlled ovarian stimulation in PCOS (SS-01) Orvieto R (IL) 11:40 Use of highly purified FSH in PCOS (SS-02) Grudzinskas G (UK) 12:05 Effects of in vivo and in vitro gonadotropin supplementation in PCOS patients undergoing oocyte in vitro-maturation (SS-03) Fadini R (IT) 12:30 Discussion 13:00 LUNCH www.ovulationinduction2010.org Friday • 01 October AUDITORIUM SESSION III GnRH ANALOGS 7 Chairpersons: Hugues JN (FR), Colao A (IT) 14:00 Improving efficacy of GnRH antagonists (AB-12) Lambalk C (NL) 14:25 Pituitary suppression regimens in poor responders (AB-13) Sunkara SK, Braude P (UK) 14:50 Oral contraceptive pre-treatment in GnRH antagonist cycles (AB-14) Griesinger G (DE) 15:15 Final follicle maturation trigger with GnRH agonists (AB-15) Humaidan P (DK) 15:40 Luteal phase support of GnRH antagonist cycles (AB-16) Nardo L (UK) Room ARAGONESE 14:00 FREE ORAL CATALANA 16:00 COMMUNICATIONS SESSION I 16:15 COFFEE BREAK AUDITORIUM 17:00 SCHERING-PLOUGH PHARMACEUTICALS SYMPOSIUM NEW PERSPECTIVES IN CONTROLLED OVARIAN STIMULATION Chairpersons: Nappi C (IT), Perino A (IT) 17:00 Optimisation of rFSH protocols: a patient focused approach (SS-04) Alviggi C (IT) 17:25 Evolution and future of antagonist protocols (SS-05) Palermo R (IT) 17:50 Corifollitropin a novel long acting rFSH: clinical features and clinician’s perspective (SS-06) Devroey P (BE) 18:15 Discussion www.ovulationinduction2010.org Saturday • 02 October AUDITORIUM SESSION IV FSH FORMULATIONS 8 AND REGIMENS Chairpersons: Pal L (US), Benagiano G (IT) 08:30 FSH structure-function relationships (AB-17) Wide L (SE) 08:55 Design and action of hyperglycosilated recombinant FSH molecules (AB-18) Lustbader JW (US) 09:20 Androgen priming before FSH ovarian stimulation (AB-19) Fleming R (UK) 09:45 Effects of high-dose FSH regimens (AB-20) Pal L (US) 10:10 Gonadotropin stimulation and follicular phase progesterone levels: mechanisms and outcome (AB-21) Bosch E (ES) 10:35 Tridimensional automated ultrasound for monitoring ovarian stimulation (AB-22) Raine-Fenning N (UK) 11:00 COFFEE BREAK AUDITORIUM 11:30 MERCK SERONO PHARMACEUTICALS SYMPOSIUM THE FUTURE OF CONTROLLED OVARIAN STIMULATION: FROM REPRODUCTIVE PHYSIOLOGY AND GENOMICS TO INDIVIDUALIZED THERAPY Chairpersons: Lenzi A (IT), Levi-Setti P (IT) 11:30 Welcome and introduction 11:40 Role and responsibilities of LH during early follicular growth: gonadal and extra gonadal effects (SS-07) Andersen CY (DK) 12:00 Customized COS to patients needs (SS-08) Humaidan P (DK) 12:20 From Subjectivity to Objectivity in gametes/embryo selection (SS-09) Montag M (DE) 12:40 LH vs hCG in endometrial gene expression profile (SS-10) Horcajadas JA (ES) 13:00 LUNCH www.ovulationinduction2010.org Saturday • 02 October AUDITORIUM SESSION V LH ACTIVITY: FORMULATIONS AND REGIMENS 9 Sponsored by FERRING PHARMACEUTICALS Chairpersons: Pellicer A (ES), Aboulghar M (EG) 14:00 LH activity-containing gonadotropin preparations (AB-23) Ubaldi F (IT) 14:25 Orally active LH agonists (AB-24) Van de Lagemaat R (NL) 14:50 Clinical use of recombinant LH (AB-25) Alviggi C (IT) 15:15 hCG in ovarian stimulation (AB-26) Filicori M (IT) 15:40 LH activity supplementation during GnRH antagonist cycles (AB-27) Devroey P (BE) Room ARAGONESE 14:00 FREE ORAL CATALANA
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