September 30, 2010 Vol. 46 No. 25 The University of Western Ontario’s newspaper of record www.westernnews.ca PM 41195534 OUTSTANDING ALUMNI GRIN AND ‘BEAR’ IT GOGO ENG GIRL Western honours its brightest stars Another view of being left off the list IntroducingIntroducing gigirlsrls tot the world of engineering Page 10-12 Page 5 Page 17 Strategic plan gets tune-up B Y PAUL MAYNE s university officials prepare to craft the institution’s next Afour-year academic, opera- tional and budget plans, they have identified four areas in the Strategic Plan (Engaging the Future) potentially worthy of greater priority. At Friday’s Senate meeting Pro- vost and Vice-President (Academic) Janice Deakin spotlighted a stronger focus on raising the university’s inter- 2010 national profi le, enhancing the quality of undergraduate/graduate programs, enhancing faculty/staff support and expanding educational reach in the region and around the world. “We are paying attention to some of the wishes of our government and understanding how we at Western For decades, alumni have made are going to respond to the idea of increased enrolment,” says Deakin. She notes the provincial government’s a tradition of ‘coming home’ to desire for 70 per cent of all Ontarians to boast a post-secondary education continue a lifelong connection and the accompanying commitment to 50,000 new seats provincewide with one of Canada’s great between now and 2014. To raise its international profile, Western will look to expand selec- universities. This weekend, tively the number of active partner- ships with preeminent international your Western family again research and teaching institutions. That effort will focus on joint/dual degrees for undergraduate/gradu- welcomes you back. ate students, along with using the Endowed Chairs Matching Program to attract and retain internationally recognized scholars. In the area of enhancing programs, the university plans to integrate Special pullout section teaching and research by embedding a research focus into undergraduate featuring a full calendar curriculum, as well as increase career counseling, professional development of events, alumni award and employment search support for all students. winners and much more. In an effort to increase support for faculty/staff, the university hopes to Inside today, Pages 7-14. increase the attention paid to career mentoring for faculty, emphasize staff access to professional devel- opment and training, and increase diversity among the group, with the aspiration of surpassing the national averages for representation of cer- tain designated groups To expand its educational reach, Western looks to increase the number Continued on page 16 INSIDE: Academe 20 | Coming Eventsents 19 | CareersCareers 20 | Classifi ed 20 | Student SerServicesvices Bulletin 20 2 SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 WESTERN NEWS Rolling out the welcome mat Jim Weese, The University of Western Ontario’s dean of health sciences, chats with a prospective student during the Ontario Universities Fair in Toronto. More than 130,000 students, parents and educators attended the fair at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre last week. Dozens of Western faculty and staff were on hand to answer questions and promote the Western experience - handing out more than 40,000 Viewbooks over the three days. Next year’s fair runs Oct. 14-16 at the Convention Centre. Science honours its own On Sept. 23, The University of Hudson and Bernie Kraatz, chem- biology. Western Ontario Faculty of Science istry; David Riley, mathematics; Best paper award at the 2010 honoured its own at a Faculty and and Eugene Wong, physics and IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Staff Recognition Day banquet. astronomy; Management Symposium: Mike Those recognized were: Western Award of Excellence: Bauer (and R. Bahati), computer Professor emeritus: M.B. Fen- Mitch Zimmer, dean’s offi ce, and science; ton and P. Handford, biology; P. John Brunet, earth science; Best paper in North Ameri- Gutherie, R. Martin and P. Norton, Staff Award of Excellence: Sherri can Actuarial Journal: Rogemar chemistry; R. Kane and P. Milnes, Waring, biology, and Brian Dalrym- Mamon (coauthors Christina Erl- mathematics; ple, physics and astronomy; wein and Tak Kuen Siu), statistical Research Western is pleased to announce the open competition for: Retiring: A. Downing, computer New Staff: Hillary Bain and and actuarial sciences; science; Monica Chirigel, biology; Monique CRC Chairs, new: Brian Bran- Awards of Excellence for Under- Durr, Biotron; Allison McInnis, fi reun; Undergraduate Award in grad Teaching: Jisuo Jin, earth sci- Centre for Environment and Sus- CRC Chairs, renewals: Martin ences, and Carol Jones, physics and tainability; and Kate Baker, dean’s Houde, physics and astronomy, and Human Rights Research astronomy; offi ce; Rick Jardine, mathematics; Award of Excellence Outreach NSERC Accelerator Award 2010: Chairs completing terms: John and Recruitment: The Astronomy Chris Guglielmo, biology; deBruyn, physics and astronomy; Research Western has recently established the Undergraduate Group; Electrochemical Society Cana- 25 years service: Robert Dean Award in Human Rights Research to support scholarly research Awards for Excellence in Gradu- dian Section Electrochemical and Tom Haffie, biology; Anna undertaken at the undergraduate level at Western in the areas ate Student Mentoring: David Shoe- Award: David Shoesmith, chem- Vandendries-Barr, chemistry; Sue smith, chemistry; istry; Brown, dean’s offi ce; Robert Mer- of human rights, genocide, social justice and related issues. The University Students Council Canadian Association for Com- cer and Areski Nait-Abdallah, com- research may be undertaken in compliance with the requirements (USC) Teaching Award Recipients: puter Science Outstanding Young puter science; Lex Renner, math- of a regular university course, as part of a ready or special topics Robert Hudson, chemistry, and Jan Computer Science Research Prize: ematics; Jackie McLean and Mahi course, or at the student’s own initiative. Minac, mathematics; Eric Schost, computer science; Singh, physics and astronomy; and Dean’s Special Award of Merit: CBA Lawson Medal: Paul Cav- Cindy Munro, SharcNet; Sharon Kennedy, dean’s office, ers, biology; 35 years service: David Bell- Funds for this award are provided by the Office of the Vice- and Patrick Whippey, physics and GM & R&D Innovation Award for house, statistical and actuarial sci- astronomy; Fundamentals of Interfacial Tribol- ences; President (Research & International Relations). OCUFA Teaching Award: Cam ogy: Peter Norton, chemistry; 40 years service: Alan Noon, biol- Tsujita, earth sciences; Green Umbrella Award: Jane ogy; Paul Milnes and Janet Wil- USC Teaching Honour Roll: Bowles; liams, mathematics; Grant Amount: Allan Macisaac and Adam Metzler, Ontario Green Chemistry and Retiring staff: Mary Dillon, biol- Max. $2,500 annually applied mathematics; Michael But- Engineering Award: Leo Lau, ogy; David Martin, computer sci- ler, Irena Creed, Norm Huner, Daria chemistry; ence; and Mike Debruyn, physics Koscinski and Jennifer Waugh, Mitacs Mentorship Award of and astronomy; Deadline: biology; Kim Baines, Nathan Jones Excellence: Marc Moreno Maza, Promotion to professor: L. Wahl, and Felix Lee, chemistry; Michael computer science; applied mathematics; D. Chris- On-going Burrell, Claudette Critchley, Mark John C. Polanyi Award of the tensen, mathematics; S. Basu and Daley, Lucian Ilie, Lila Kari and Canadian Society of Chemistry: P. Brown, physics and astronomy; Sylvia Osborn, computer science; T.K. Sham, chemistry; Promotion to associate profes- See “What’s Happening in RD&S” for more program Stephen Hicock, Jisuo Jin, Gordon Distinguished Service Award sor with tenure: C. Guglielmo, H. information: http://www.uwo.ca/research/ Osinski and Gerhard Pratt, earth from the American Associate of Henry and E. MacDougall-Shack- science; Andre Boivin, Jan Minac Physic Teachers: Patrick Whippey, leton, biology; N. Jones and P. and Gordon Sinnamon, mathemat- physics and astronomy; Ragogna, chemistry; P. Corcoran, Contact: ics; Eugene Wong, physics and Ranked Top 10 by the Microsoft earth sciences; T. Foth, mathemat- astronomy; Bruce Jones, Rogemar Academic Search in the area of Sci- ics; R. Shafikov, mathematics; P. Florence Lourdes Mamon, John Mereu and Serge enctifi c Computing: Stephen Watt, Wiegert, physics and astronomy; W. Internal Grants Coordinator Provost, statistical and actuarial computer science; He and R. Mamon, statistical and Research Development & Services sciences Early Researcher Awards: Victor actuarial sciences; Distingished Research Profes- Staroverov, chemistry; Neil Baner- New faculty: Brian Branfi reun [email protected] sorship: Bernie Kraatz, chemistry; jee, earth sciences; Giovanni Fan- and R. Zabulionis, biology; Robert 519.661.2111 ext. 84500 Florence Bucke Prize: Dan Chris- chini, Sarah Gallagher and Tamie Linnen, earth sciences. tensen, mathematics; Poepping, physics and astronomy; Faculty Scholars Award: Robert CSPP Gold Medal: Norm Huner, – Staff reports WESTERN NEWS SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 3 Cymbal of excellence Time to reevaluate investment policies B Y HEAT H ER TRAVIS or our overall investment returns – it’s very hard to predict that,” he global recession caused she says. many economic players to “It’s fair say that in terms of Treevaluate their investment our expectations going forward, strategies and The University of generally speaking … our expec- Western Ontario is among those tations for investment returns are taking a step back
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