E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2004 No. 135 Senate The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was our work and adjourning the 108th Con- pending that we either need to wrap up called to order by the President pro gress. We anticipate the omnibus con- today or it will be in the next Con- tempore (Mr. STEVENS). ference report will arrive from the gress. It is not 10 or 20 or 50 or 100; it House of Representatives today. In all is almost 200 nominations that have PRAYER likelihood that would be early to mid- been held up for various reasons. But The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- afternoon. I hope we will be able to they made it to the calendar and I am fered the following prayer: have a short period of debate and then very hopeful that over the course of Let us pray. proceed to a vote on adoption of that the next several hours we can reach an O Lord our God, You are the fountain conference report. agreement to address all 200 or so of of all wisdom. We will praise Your Once the report arrives officially those pending nominations. Many peo- mighty deeds and Your power to save. from the House of Representatives— ple are working on that. I just encour- Teach us how to trust You completely, again, I think it is going to be early to age our Members to continue to work for You are our mighty protector. Help midafternoon, possibly around 2 on that. o’clock—we would like to go to that us to see that You know our hearts and These individuals have accepted the bill at that point in time. As you can plan to prosper us and to give us abun- call to public service in many different see before me, we have the copies, both dant life. Guide us along right paths, so capacities. Yet because of inactivity on here and each of the cloakrooms have that we depend upon Your providence the floor of the Senate, they are going and follow Your precepts. Make us a several copies at this point in time. I know people have been interested and to be just a name in that book where if nation that acknowledges Your sov- we can act on that, they will be al- ereignty and seeks You in all of life’s have been looking through the copies of that report. But we will be prepared lowed to proceed. They have gone seasons. through the entire process. I know it is Today, strengthen the Members of to go to it this afternoon. One of the issues we will be checking incumbent upon us to act. We just have this body. May people be attracted by to find a way to confirm these non- the strength and beauty of their lives. with also, over the course of the rest of controversial executive nominations Let those who watch their delibera- the morning and early afternoon, is to before we finish our work. tions be impressed by their impar- ask Members how much time they do tiality and by their desire to always do want to spend on debate and how much MIDDLE EAST PEACE debate time will be necessary in order right. Empower them to administer the I want to comment on two things. affairs of this Nation faithfully and that we can advise our colleagues with regard to their schedules. First is a resolution we passed yester- wisely. We pray in Your strong Name. day, last night, in support of democ- Amen. In addition, over the night—which was a long night for many people, both racy in the Middle East. On November f staff as well as Members, in bringing to 12, the President of the United States PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE a close the 108th Congress—there was a and the Prime Minister of England ar- ticulated their joint resolve to press The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the lot of work on the intelligence reform for a peaceful resolution to the Pales- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: bill, the 9/11 intelligence reform bill. tinian-Israeli conflict. Specifically, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Huge progress has been made over the last 24 hours under the leadership, from they support the creation of a Pales- United States of America, and to the Repub- tinian State that is peaceful, that is lic for which it stands, one nation under God, the Senate side, of Senator COLLINS, democratic, that is free, and that is indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. joined by Senator LIEBERMAN and, in- based and grounded on the rule of law, f deed, they have done yeoman’s work in bringing us to this point. So if that that will include free press and free RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY conference report becomes available, speech and an open political process LEADER we may also be considering intel- and religious tolerance. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The ligence reform over the course of the Last night, here in the Senate, we majority leader is recognized. day. voted unanimously to ratify this vi- f A third issue that we have spent a lot sion. It is our hope that both parties to of time with yesterday and through the roadmap will follow it to a peaceful SCHEDULE last night and over the course of the resolution. With courage and deter- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, today we morning is the nominations. People do mination on both sides, we believe, in are convening for this unusual Satur- not realize that in our calendar right fact we know, that peace can be day session with the hope of finishing now there are over 200 nominations achieved. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S11665 . VerDate Aug 04 2004 23:52 Nov 21, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20NO6.000 S20PT1 S11666 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 20, 2004 POLITICS OF DECENCY fashioned over the last several years, Every year, more and more people One final issue I want to spend a few culminating last year, a Medicare mod- are commenting on the partisan divide minutes talking about is the people’s ernization package that extended, for and the bickering and the sniping back expectation of how this body should the first time in the history of Medi- and forth. As my distinguished col- function as we come together after care, prescription drug coverage to sen- league, Senator DASCHLE, has said, it is what we know have been tough, com- iors; and with Senator RON WYDEN on not enough to say that society has be- petitive elections. Two days ago I had flexibility and accountability in edu- come divided and throw up your hands. the opportunity to travel with Senator cation, and Senator KENNEDY on issues We have a higher responsibility, he DASCHLE and a number of Senators and surrounding public health and bioter- says, and I quote his words, ‘‘to try to House Members to the opening of the rorism. bridge the divide, not simply mirror or Clinton Library, and it was remark- Throughout our history, indeed, exploit it.’’ I simply could not agree able, while I was there, the number of America has been governed best when with that more. people from other countries—there was the women and men of the Senate—and At the Clinton Library opening 2 a huge delegation from other coun- I should also add the House of Rep- days ago we had the opportunity to tries—who came forward and spoke resentatives—and the Executive have spend a couple of hours together. It about the remarkable flexibility, pli- treated each other with respect and was a tremendous ceremony, the open- ability, resilience of America in com- with civility and with decency. A lot of ing of that library. But as we sat there, ing together after tough elections, ag- it comes down to personal relation- we very specifically talked about how gressive elections. Within a week or 2 ships, which a lot of people don’t see best this institution can be served by weeks, we come together. That is what but really is the heart of this body. moving toward greater civility, more the American people expect and that is Rule XIX says—I don’t need to remind opportunities for us to come together. characteristic of America. my colleagues of the clear message of Civility in this body has eroded over To accomplish the people’s work, the rule XIX of this body: time, and it will take time and a re- Senate and Senators, the Members of No Senator in debate shall, directly newed commitment, maybe a new com- this body, must work together and do or indirectly, by any form of words im- mitment for many, but a renewed com- pute to another Senator or to Senators work together. They must work toward mitment to regain it. But we have got any conduct or motive unworthy or un- consensus. They must conduct their af- to begin. becoming a Senator. I think we have a great opportunity fairs with respect for each other and The American people have sent us a to begin in the coming weeks. We have with civility. They must practice those clear message as well.
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