Eastern Illinois University The Keep August 2006 8-25-2006 Daily Eastern News: August 25, 2006 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2006_aug Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: August 25, 2006" (2006). August. 5. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2006_aug/5 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 2006 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in August by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "TELL THE TRUTH AND DON'T BE AFRAID." WWW.DENNEWS.COM Eastern Illinois University, Charleston UNIVERSln I PRESIDENT LOU HENCKEN Hencken's decision expected today ON THE VERGE Of lliE WEEKEND The DEi's special weekend By Cathy Bayer To hear President Hencken's ace much nicer chan in Champaign, university ... " preview section is back Senior Campus Rep<l(ter announcement on whether he she explained. Eastern President Lou Hencken will retire or not, go the Grand The man listened intently. cold Sevier chat srudents mean the Earlier chis week, graduate Ballroom at 11 a.m. today. She couldn't gee over che face most co him, and if she ever had student Nyesha Sevier had che ride chat she was saving hundreds of any questions or needed anything of her life - or at lease her fuse week University of Illinois at Urbana­ dollars by renting her books eicher, at all not to hesitate in calling him at Eastern. Champaign and was celling the she said, while being dropped off at or making a visit to bis office. Sevier was picked up on a golf driver about her experiences so fac Booth Libraty. "I haven't even met che president cart by a silver-haired man who at Eastern. That's when the man opened his ofU ofl and that's where I did my offered her a ride. The campus is smaller, which mouch. Sevier cransferred from the she was happy about, and people "Well, as the president of th.is » SEE HEICUM, PAGE 6 CAMPUS I ALUMNI QUAD Page 81 SPORTS Interim head coach Mark Hutson has taken over Page BS ONLINE listeA to a pockast of a women's rouncltable ,, Listen to Jill Nilsen, vice president for external relations, Melinda Mueller, a professor in WllE HOWS I THE DAILY EASTEll IEWS political science and Sarah Whitney, The Alumni Quad, located between Booth Library and Lumpkin Hall, is under construction to turn it into a commemorative square. Daily Eastern News news editor, disruss women in leadership roles. www.dennews.com Alumni Quad renovations begin BJ Cathy Bayer The quad addition has been a pact of che The clock tower was che 6rst step in che plan's Senior Campus Reporter master plan approved in 1999. The Alumru production, but che money wasn't chere for CAMPUS Quad acea was mapped out as a plaza, said Steve development, Shrake said. & tra security for Black Fences have surrounded Eastem's newest Shrake, manager of design and construction. The Alwrutl Association has donated up to Student Union party construction site: the Alumni Quad. Part of che quad's purpose is co enhance the $75,000 to the $130,000 proj~t, said Steve Rich,_"' Beginning Monday, trucks zipped away loads entrance to Booth Library, Shrake said. executive director of the Alumni Association. n Eastern's ~pus police will be on hand at the BSU's opening of dirt, leaving a trail of dust and debris on what "It seemed like a logical gathering acea for event of the year. Organizers will be, in six-co-eight weeks, a finished producr. srudencs and faculty," he said. H SEE QUAD, PAGE 6 say they do not expect problems, but past incidents have left them wanting to be sure. UNIVERSln I BUDGET A $504, 300 increase in utilities Page A3 requesr to the Baaed of Trustees makes up 20 percent of che request CAMPUS office in June, and because of rising utility costs. Local religion: find out Fight for funds · it was submitted Cooley said the scrubber on where you can worship to rhe Illinois Eastern's steam plant has been ,, A guide to local places of Boacd of Higher broken for chree yeacs and will need religious worship, with pictures, Education in July. $13 million dollars for repairs. Until Cooley expects to the scrubber is fixed, Eastern has to addresses and additional Jeff Cooley keeps on going hear a response from bum clean air coal from Indiana information. Vice president IBHE in October to comply with environmental for academic By Ashley Rueff the budget office. or November. laws. Importing coal from Indiana Page AS affairs Senior University Repoc'ter "We really start this process The university is about $300,000 more expensive almost cwo years before it gets to has requested an rhan using Illinois coal, partly The fight for more scare funding chat final acrion," Cooley said. 8.4 percent increase for che 2008 because of the transportation· fuel never scops for Jeff Cooley, EasLern's The depactmenc presented the operating budget from che state, or vice president of business affairs and university's 2008 fiscal year budget $7.9 million. H SEE BUDGET, PAGE 6 Pl•' , ..... .._.cllllf .,.....,... Local band moves to Clta•paign lmllle99------- .,.....,.... "-...... ToM llablr1s Copr ec11on--_.... ____1.1za lllshlan ...., ....... .... ~---~~---DMIHirilJ ...1hl.,.., EaAlrn .........br1he lludllllls LEAD SITARIST OF ELSINORE nu -.=I ----~~·--OwlesMnr cl EaAlrn Ibis~ II ls~ dlly ------Msa!Sarana C•ulesto• ba•d Mandlr'"""' o..tmmn. ... UWlg Ill "Our hometown 1s Ch<trlcston and \'Jc zire not ---~~·---Clns"*lln 11111.-a 11111 llliCe _.., UWlg .. -llnnaceptcb"illlMnlJYaClliolaor Elsl•ore •as •••.. , Oltneprorkllan-----·-1..uen w _...... gonnJ forget that." -~---- ,, ____,.NaraMlberry but wows to re•••ber One CllpJ per dl'f is free lo sludenls Ind laaay. ............ MllliDlllil C1i1J1es can be oblllned far so ans .:ti In lhe Sludlrl Ollce In 8uimd Its ••••tow•. Ecklncllllf .......... Niclllars Hll Tiie DllJ&slsll ..ii I ....cl ........... ____DBl&tl. ,,,,,_... ·- TlleMIDdlllll'""-INdlllnllldlD ...... ......_ .. ______ llll ... sni....,,..,- - cl al lftidlls appemlltg In tis plMailion. l5d ... I SSOper...-,S301or - ..·-- ..-----.11111..t IOpMla1111 t• opnlansdar Halt Hnchen -.S95al,- FJsinore does not want to forget ~----llBlai*•...,...._ wbcrc it originated. PlllllD... tarWilec C•-·-1 n,. ____,llBlpl • , ,.., ·- c...-.c1 ..........-n,..w... The local full-time band Oltnedar ........., ,....................... p...ided ..... began performing twO yean ago """'.. .1..,, _ ...... in Charleston, and although ... Yau111J9al581·1942orWillhe ... _ piMcllblS-111111 8uimd Hll the memhen recently moved to .._ ........ ___ O..mprign lO apand their &n = 1 ••• ·- ....... bae they c:ominue to rancmber s.llar.......... ....., ... 'lhlDllJEalllrll .........._,,. ...........~ln .. their bomaown. a1·;; r • •- ..................................... •0ur hometown is Cbadeston, s..r-.-...-_____ ...,. ..r..19 ,_.... Clll9CllllC11llPllP111•....., ........ and we an: not gonna forget t1w,• s.11arc11r...- - DMllNI Tollllllle.,........... said Ryan GrofF, ad guitar and llll';' ... ·- weals fur the band. -We llill m ...... ....Hllr11- ,_ ,...,_,,..;;r;_=~.:tn:r~ '°"and sdll m cmning back.. - Groff' grew up in Cwlaton ·- ......... .,.I ,. '!!!"­ and graduated &om Eastern in May !ipndar---' -IllWMl~,-(11111 , tit, ....... "--!ipndar-...AlalS.......... ... ·- :,:.=maad-~~-mmic rwhlnr,......,...11 =4 1' ... ·- OlllllllDll. L 61920 He and me== &m Ml art, .... ISlllmN:t!i99 met in and pla,m their a..-.,,, ............ ~..... ....., 6m 10 shows in 1DWD. __ ..... ., ,... &mm.. ......, The band bu a-good iepuwion ,....~ .Mt'.. •• . .., at Eucan, cvidmr bymemwar .. ,, ...sn .......... =- eac the pabme..._, wbida ue ahraJs llllllllf&lln... pd. aid Par Lamorte, Unhmlty ........... ii ,..,..... tlD2Blmanlffll.&lln ........, Baud mat,,.. eootdinalOr. -------- ,,, . o.rtmlan, 1.619211 Showing dw tbq mnanber Omlaron, the fOur band manben Gloff, Daft Pride, Mask Woolwine Edllllll ...._ ................ ~ ~ and Olria F.ml will perform at 8 :.--_____.,_:-_,_~ ~I p.m. today 1n me University Grand Balhoom in the Manin Luther ....,..,.. ~ King Unhmlty Union. .Allo tonight will he two mon: performanas by Sleepiag P..t 'Im and Brad C.WU.. Sleeping Put Ten is a Charlatoo band that can he dacribed u altemadvc punk or indie rock. Brad Curds is an Eucan Student who bu won • amar oi the Univasity Boud's opm mic nights in the put. Not all pain relief comes in a bottle... 581-2816 Tell your doctor The Black Knlpts the right choice... '1t is:J¥Jt die mtic Who .... not tbe 11118 who poinll out bow 1be llRJDl IDID .......... where Central Illinois Physical 'lbenpy 1be doer~ deedl could haw dcm 100 Professional Plaza, Mattoon them better. 1be cndit beloap 235-1245 345-1245 10 tbe IDID who i8 8QbJllly iD die -.wbmeflice ii mand by ..........blood. who llriwa 'ftlilndy. who-... comes llatapila andapila because Ibero is DO effort without WESLEY UNITED enor: and lbolt coudnp, who ~JI Big Bottles METHODIST CHURCH b6ws die pat de¥odoa, who spends himlelf in. worthy came. wild at best ID 1be end bows,dle ~ b•bles Wbent you are alftyl WllcomeJ wboatwont.ifbefailshiah acbievemeQt of ~iand wllle*- .,..,.......,_..,._.,.... ...,. ___________ .. Sunday, August 27th iDg peady. knows bis pl.ce tball ONE WOR8fmt SERVICE AT never be with dlOle timid and Poteete 10:45 IOUla who lmow neilbm' Yictlory Property followed by a FREE RIMI at DOI' defeat." noonI -Theodore Roosevelt- Rentals - Check us out on the web: -AC-WVeterwANnru- www.potaeterent.ls.ccm SappOl .... tlletn ... Or 2208 4th Street .., ...... cal: (217)345«J88 (aaoss from Lawson Hall) Contact Eric J. Nelson liul1 and Aplrlmm c.tllld a., the ca, rl Chnan can 345-3917 tor info (847) 97S-3936 CAMPUS I ACllVITIES outlook TODAY SATURDAY SUNDAY BSU as· I &9° a1 · I 11 · • increases Sunny Afternoon T-storms Scattered T-storms CAMPUS I TRANSFER STUDENTS dance ca briefs Carman diners to create security TREE event a 'knockout' cereal combinations ,, Carman Dining Center introduced By Tabitha Singleton a new food item during their Thursday BTS wt HoPKW Staff Correspondent dinner meal.
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