THE LETHBRIIM3E DAILY HERALD Saturday, Ootolifr 18, 1913 PUBLIC H[ COURSE It II QUESTION WAS DISCUSSED AT RECENT TORONTO. GOLF • BANQUET By BILI, FliO.M SCOTIANU, , iTuronto Slur.) '; I hear that a tannucl given-, re- cently at ou« of tbo prominent e: WAS THE WORLD'S THE VVORLD'S STAR clubs of Toronto the ijuestion of a JOf. L^LLY AND LAOBOS9C public s»l( course was discussed :: PACKEY GAVE TOMMY iouio. leneth. Tto sufgestlou seem 10 bo an excellent one.'lri that It noulj Once, again Joo M^y Das *a* AERIE'S ON THE M)f PUTTER A LESSON IN BOXING odpnced that ha IB going to revive 1 1/rovIiio healthy escrclso arid reeri^ Ucroaae In We«lern Canadi. Joe atiou for many huu-Jrcds who eould a&s made thU announcement ev- ^SQUARE? . DEAD never hope'to bo able to afford tuj ery y**f or at least eferr second heavy expenses of the dubs. Harlem Scrapper No Match for Chicago Bo.y in Short Bout at Poor as well as rich man's game. year for a long time, but as f»r as NO (MOUND FOR THE KNOCK. RALPH ROSE OF OLYMPIC FAME New York Last Night-Fought at Catch Weights .MberU .Is cooceniej nothing verj" There are many hundreds of- OH effective has been done. ^ ESS TO BASE BELIEFS SUCCUMBS TO TYPHOID Couutrymeu In Toronto who h: : Mr. lolly's favorite practice is ON . , . FEVER played a good deal of golt In llieli na'jve laud, whcro it Is a poor, as well (Special to the Herald! . | He did not land a doren clean biowa lo. give lacrosse Btlcis to school »F, a rich man's game. Here th ' Xew York, Oct. 17—In a ten round and these had no effect on the stock- children »t the cost of manufac- yards champion. ture,' which i» a very laudable (By C. A. Smith). Sari Krancisco, Oct. H.Halph Hose,'only form of recreation is Ucu!:! •>oul at Madison Square • Garden to- Znglish Lady Wins llie National Murphy was frequently carried thing to do. It lie wouM also (alie ^. no*-. Lave everlasting sil- holder ol tlie Olympic and world's them. The city championship of DuX ilsi-t. I'aciey McFarland. of Chicago, across the. rlcg with" right . band the matter up with the physical di- ence Irom tlje knockers who are every records for shotputtii:.?, died here olo was won recently by ono of th. Golf Tide al Wilming- outboied and outfought Tommy Mur- smashes to Uie head and race and at rectors of schools Instead of mere- rejr.ia evidence with tie wise con- yesterday ol tjphoid'lever,' after.. a:"meailow larks." I.e.. one of the play- phy of this city from ttan to Bnlsh, times he stood as If bewildered. ly with the spOTtir.t editors of teMlSMiif Tte wirtiV Series ball hrlel illness. I ers on the public e«.r» In the p«fc never giving .Murphy a chance In any Murphy appeared to. tire in the newspapers, .who are. as a nilei too times'are not on the squire because* Ilalpli Hose was born in Hesl.ls- Tbo Park Golf Club, of tutMIo. have ton Today there is too much money at stake. burg, Col., 29 years ago,- graduated nine holes laid out on the.r own pro- round. McFarland weished HO and sixth nfter receiving a bard right up athletes or senior leiguea to find, time with the school children-c-a Surely the series which "eVded Sat-! from Ilia Healdsburg high school, ard -pcrty, and the oilier nine belong Ic Murphy 1SS pounds. r::;•". to the Jaw. The crovvd kept : urday'"Vas sufficient evidsnce'lo dls- for a time attended the- University e,! the city, nnd are thrown open, to-tin The Chicago fishier gave a clev:: railing to McFarland to put him out, condition which ought to be reme- prove th-ir foolish contention,.. even. Michigan, hut did not graduate, lie public. lu exchange for the niivrtej GLADYS RAVENSCROFT exhibition of boiing throughout. In but .McFarland contented himself with died—much more would be accom- to th*hiselvcs ' ' ' .returned to Ualilotnia, studied law,• of playiug on the public cnuree in- the first round Murphy was unable to Jaubing lefts to the face and hooking plished. -.He ..might to advantage rights to the head with an occasto'na offer a trophy foT.competition am- BJ-; winning the game Saturday, -the ' was admitted to the bar and , has | park Club look after tie green-keep- reach hts opponent with a clean blow, ; Wilmington, Del., Oct. 16.—Af- hard left to the body. ong schools. ...... - ". 'oiladflphia team citched the champ-, been a practicing attorney since. | fug. etc. I am told that many huurt- while .McKarland rained left Jabs and ionsbip;and endtd the series with on-1 p j |,t years Hose lud been a I reds of the liuffalo people nvp.ll then:- ter several rcctnt atUmpls Eng- right: hooks to tte face and head. At . During the seven 111 and eighth' Me .However,- Ifihe'siicceeds'in get- ot c s land h»> tod»y. captured from the 1 Farland frequently Elapped'.-Murph) ting the schools engaged in the ly Bn games played out ol the sev>n chainpiousbiu" figure, in amateur ath-. sieves of Iho privilege of playing on tlie close quartei :! -Murphy's srjirt that-',might have bren played_. v;'rhe i ti . His prowess wen him a" piiu-c ilLis"cuuiee. Ufiltsd'sulei a sporting chim-. arm work was cleverly blocked by in tbe face with the;.back of his -righ .garae, it will be the start of a re- ; e cs ; attendance was not tallir:^ c;R v_ on on the first American Olympic team plbnihipi -when; Mils Gladys Rav-; gloved • It'appeared ,aa >tliough th vival ol Canada's national game. A StriklnE'Example. ' McFarland, who acted as "though he the contrary, it was jnrreasttg. Each that went to Athens in 1S06, and ho cnscrpft, of "the Brombroujh club, Chicago' fighter could have.' bro'jgh i—Edmonton. Bulletin. ' ••"• Tvere giving a boxing losson. gaiug was bringing in moro thin SCO,- was successively a member of the 'Tho'nrald Hills golf course, in. Eil- Enjland, d«fe«ted Mils Marion Oilurphy was able to reach the body the bout to a quicker^terniination'hai Holllns, of New York, In the final 000 hvcotd.cash. Had.the. series gone' American teams 5T London in 1EOS ;tnburgh, Scotland, Is a Btrlkiug exam- only a few times in the entire fight. he so desired. .-.-;'/.-..'.-.''.' 1 nijrteh;'fe>"tKe *omen'« national the lull seven games the public would and Stockholm in 10IS, always pie of what may be accomplished a- gold'chimpior.ship, 2 up. have 'contributed to the two parlici-' brindng -hojni; first place, until last long these lines. Some fifteen yeairj paling:clubs approiiuiitfly'.SlOO,000 .year7 ivhrn he v:as beaten by McDon-:ago this was.a free course Inside" the Tk HERALD CONTINGENT - Wilmjnsloiir-DelvOcl.. "•".— rcore cash. If baseball clubs orbase-jaid, an American, with a put eight city limits. Tho number of people largest-, gallery o! the weeV was on ball players were "not on the.square inches, sbort ol Hose's own world's playing Increased so rapidly that e:; :: Old Country;,Football:A; : : : WON ANOTHER SERIES hand early today to follow Miss Mar .-'••". ' •'•'•'^ -. '- .-.?..:'.•*'..'.•-••• -.-t would that•. >100;ODG be outside the record ol 51 icet flat lor the 10-pound , a charpo of one penny per round wr ion' Hpilins, ol the. Westbroot club ON Y.M.C.A. ALLEYS cJubs'-.cotietrisa todaim-nyj ?; . i ishot, made at Travcrs Island, N. Y., iadc. After a year or two this char. Ihe .young • metropolitan champion AirdriEor.ians 4,".Duinbarton-1. It-tie onneis oI.thB Philadelphia.^ 1959, j ge was raised to twopence, and the:] i'artick -ThistletS.XlMe U "V ball club had been' crooked would j ' In -,jjj(iun tc Kcords. with ilie'to threepence.., At 'iho- present .-Urio 1 Morten 3, Kilinarnock 0." • "' . The' Herald its second there not havo been sulTicient -induce ,iB.pOUnj Ei,ol, 'tight-hand putting,. I believe It is -fourpence. ' Hibefrlians l,'-Falkirk 4. \1ctory in. the"" V. >1. C-'A- l'0??Uns roeJilUor tliem to 'attempt -to prolong jjose also held all American' records' ' ' t!ie series? 'And i' Connie 'Jl act or gue, last night, Trhen they 1oofe" the I'had the pleasure ot many games' championship. Lumbermen Into cainp ib a regular The'WilniinEton Counlrv club was Blackburn-Hovers 6, Bradford City iliree-game .series.. The* flraj. game : thronged with • new .arrivals, who. 0. • -' \ Kas.'won by tba^lerald t"y 63 p'as, came to see,the .final strupgle to keep Boltoa Wanderers "2, Aston ViUa 0. and Jic, second ji'en't the.Eamo way trie American championship at'hotne. -Burnley-3, Tottenham Hotspurs 4. «hy .53 pins.' .' The .third _c5csh things Chelsea -^--Liverpool p:-'• •-•'•• ' The \veatier was", warm and cloudy; .ACTOR AOLF broke better for thejLunitierpiien, and tag. at-5.45 o'clock.- On'a Saturday with a po/sihility, of showers: ; -'.-. Everton 5, Derby County-0. " they rolled ..out. just sU pins' to the pessimistic knocker" must admit-that 55 feet", 6 j'inches ;"Yighl; 49 frel 2 ; : : there", ."was honesty spraeivhere or . _ 39 i'i| . afternoon 1 purchased tickote -about IiiarichesE«iyr^ ""Hr« 3, 1'restoa good, Tv a total of 538. the best inches ]M rfct ilKhcs r 1.15 o'clock, went to.a cricket match o'rth End O: " '"' '." FORlbc.
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