W V D S p s d A t , MAT IB, 1949 Tht WMthcr of V. «. Weotiw iUlanrI;?0tpr Eotnittg Averags Daily Circalathm F*r For tha MMi«h al Aprtk '*h4S dloady with rain mmd Sttl* dMUig* la temporatora toatglit: veatlgatlng officer, Joseph A. Ster­ Mary C. Keeney Tent Daugh­ were' MraXThelma Drew, 27. of 6 turn on Its side. The car was bad­ T 9,058 FrMay rain foDowod by ehoirlag ters of Union Veterans of the Civil Four Are Hurt Charter Oak ' ‘ lace, Hartford; ly damaged, according to the. In- ling. •Ml nttle —— r - la About Town War, will hold Its regular meet­ RythPlppen, 27. of the New Cen- Meoabw of the Aodlt tfal hotel; Hartford, and Albert ing tomorrow night at 47 Maple Botmm of Olicalatfoa* ChuHlIa, 31, of 32 Lenox street, New! Different! Monchesfer— 4 City of Villnge Charm street As this will be the .last IiiAutoCra^ i - ■ ' ttekat rttunw on th« crocheted meeting before Memorial Day, ■ ' lyfknchester. j ■ . --------- All of the patients suffered frson (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 'UiocM given by the Mancheeter plans will be made for participa­ MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1946 / tion in the obaer\'ances of the day. minor injuries and shock and Chu- (ClaaaSod ASverttolas oa Pag* IS) SuvMlI* Omnir^ muat be made to None Seriously; I'-ar IfllH rilla sustained a laceration of the VOL. LXV., NO. 193 Mn. Ha«el Anderson before Sat­ Members aie reminded to bring We Are Taking Orders On donations to the National Food head and multiple bniises and Rdey Poley Customette i n y . ___^ ^ Fence and Fole,oii.^id- shock. Drive. die Turnpike ^Jtsl Tlie car which was operated by The aiuiual meeting of the Past Mathewson wept on Middle Turn­ Fight Infantile Paralysis With Fire Matrons and Patrons of Chapman The footings ha\*e been Installed Electric > pike. went ou t'of crntrol, crossed 27 Die When Airliner Court Order of Amaranth, will be for the new businesa building be­ y'if^our persona, ;,wo young wom­ the road And stnick a highway Truman Proposes held at the Masonic Temple at 8:00 ing erected at Main and St. James, en and two m eo^one a resident of t guard fence, crashing through that Furniture Slip Covers p. m. tomorrow'. streets. The Alexander Jo^vts ■ to hit a telephone pole and over­ Company today started pouring Manchester, ,^ere hospltallxed at Washing M^ii^ines « Center Hose Company No. 2 of cement for the foundation. 1:45 this morning following an Fine Quality Printed Floral Pattern Knit the South Manchester Fire Depart­ automobile accident which oc­ Arbitration Plan Crashes Woods; ! ment answered a still alarm at The Mothers' Circle of the Sa­ curred on Middle Turnpike, iSaSt. See Our Floor Models . S:0S last night and extinguished a cred Heart will meet tomonovy between Lake street intersection LECLERC gras# fire In the coal yard at Cen­ evening at the home of Mrs. Ed-, and the Old Bolton road. • GENERAL ELECTRIC ter and New street. ward Lynch, 2.'15 Verhon street. None of the four were seriously FUNERAL HOME To Settle injured although the ear sldewlped a highway guard fence and stnick 23 Main Sfraat ^ A P E X Airport Today Is the last day for the A daughter. Kathleen Diahe, Wreck payment of the first half of the was bom yesterday at the Hart­ a utility pole and ov/rturned. Phone 52B9 • SPEED QL EEN P m ident Sets 5 :3 0 p . \jinnUafW ag6 town tax. All bills of twenty dol­ ford Hospital to Ml. and Mrs. Those In the Car • •<> lar* and less are to be paid by to­ Frank Kosak of Blsself street. The driver of the car. police said, m. Deadline for Disput-' was Charles Mathewson. Jr., of 277 ITwin-Engide Viking Air­ night. In order to assist the tax­ The couple also have a four year ' We .\re .\lso Taking Orders On payers In making this payment, old sort. Mrs. Kosak Is the for­ Silver I,ane, East Hartford', who ants to- Accept; Next To Be Steel will be arrested upon his discharge India Federal Union liner^ Comes to Grief the office of the collector will be mer Miss Virginia E. Gorman, DIAPER Move by Chief Execu- open till 9 o’clock tonight. daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. from the hospital today on a In. Heavy Overcast;) W. Edward Gorman of Spring- charge of reckless driving. The SERVICE tive If Plan Rejected fjttlO tt 8 \jrOUV fleld. Mass. other occunants of the car, all Plan Told Commons plows Through Trec^t The opening of the Hartford treated at the Memorial hospital. Pbobe The New Thor Ironer Is Left Unanswered! ------ Qaidens, scheduled for this eve- Sbterprise - • ....... —-----*--■ ■ ■ ..j And Bums Only Few idng, has been postponed until to­ T V WSC.S of Bolton regrets morrow evening because of in­ the fact that due to unforeseen 1510 i.* * -Soy* Am ericans Thousand Yards fropi clrcurastances the supper planned COME IN AND SEE THE ONE AND ONLY W«hm*to„, May | ^ Minim um clement weather. The garden — President Truman put it Tril^utes Paid Richmond Airpoit/Ti Uuqpection is being sponsored by for Friday night has been can­ Coll Manchester A T i m e s a v e r Chsdrs $6.98 Cabinet Mission rol-^ the Hartford Art school. celled. ■> squarely up to the coal strike ^ Guaranteed Pay; Wilt Don't wash diapers. Don’t lowing Unsuccessful day; 24___ ^ Pas^^^e„ e T 8 disputan1;s today to leV-him Be Demanded in 1947 Bv Assemhlv 5986 buy diapers. We supidy know by 5:30 p. m. whether clean, comfy, quality diapers. Deep Freeze Cabinet Negotiations in^India ^ i /-arr- • i Richmond, May 16.— they will leave to one-man i For Expert ond Twice weekly deliveries and AtlanUc City, N. J., May 16—OP) {/P) — Twenty^even persoij^ pick-ups. The only home freezer with the compreiisor 9 inches Davenports $12.50 arbitration the settlement of Loudon,t May 16.—(/P)— A , And Umeials HALE'S SELF SERVE Guaranteed I their prolonged dispute. He —CIO President Philip Murray were killed^to^y in the crash 60 Diapers W eekly... .SI.S5 away from the cabinet. Over 9 cubic feet capacity. says Americans are entitled to a six-point. plan for a federal of a SQdthbound charteraA The Original In New England! For perfect fit, and brand new multi-color floral pattern told President John L. Lewis 70 Diapers W eekly.. .f l .45 Holds 320 pounds of assorted foods. minimum guaranteed anifiial wage union of India was announced ; Legislators Pul Aside All airlin^ which ran into trpii* Repair Work on knit fabric. Ecru background. of the United Mine Workera and in theAt HouseTT^........ of r^rtoviVYSrtvtaCommons Frt-to­ " ____ Chorlea O’Neill, repreaenting the and that his United Steelworkers Pressing Matters at ble“ 8 few minutes- after its AND HEALTH MARKET On All Makes of Washing mine operators: union would consider a demand day by Prime Minister. Att­ takeoff from Byrd airport Machines, Vacuum Clean- Regular Straight Cushion Chairs Country In Desperate Straits for that kind of pay in 1947 con­ lee. Published as a govern­ Special Session to near Richmond and plunged Call "The country is in desperate tract negotiatiems. ment White Paper, the plan g'rs. Etc. Free Estimates T-Cushion Chairs Give Praise to Dotvfe into a rain-drenched stand at Enterprise straits. Coal must be gotten out “ It is the opinion of your officers was drawn up by a three-man pine woods in a vain attempt to given in your home. Heating Pads- of the ground. that the steel industry can pioneer 1510 Modem Chairs cabinet mission to India fol­ state Capitol, May 16.—(.e)— return to the field. THURSDAY SPECIALS! ‘“The whole life of the nation in the field of minimum guaran­ lowing ito unsuccessful negotia­ WRINGER ROLLS IN o (iENEyAL ELECTRIC has suffered from the coal strike teed wages,” Murray told the Gdvqmor Baldwin an<f-'state offi­ Bums on Banks of C re^ ^ Green Stamps Given With Cash Salesj Regular Straight Cushion Davenports tions for Indian leaders them­ The twin-engine Viking airliner STOCK FOR ALL MAKES Hartford's and suffer increasingly if Steelworkers’ third biennial con -(NBA '.eiephotoj. cials Joined with tp e' General As­ Original o KNAPP-MONARCH a doMn more cases of Infantile I'a/e been reported. selves to formulate a plan for In­ came to grief in the bea'vy over­ OF WASHERS there la another stoppage.” vention yesterday. dian Independence and an Interim sembly, meetinj^,fn joint session, All Amerioaa Diaper Modern Davenports Mr. Truman said in a statement The tall, baldi^ CIO leader said cast about 1:10 a. m., plowed Service / • CASA government to rule while the new in paying sorrowful tribute to­ through the trees and burned os Also Brushes for that Lewis and ONeill agreed be favored an annual wage de constitution was being drafted the soggy banks of Doran crsek.| "they would present the proposm termined by collective bargaining day to the late Comptroller John S Lb. Bag Vacuum Cleaners Second Floor. and adopted. only a few thousand yards from Flour 33c to their respective committees and over one fixed by legislation. He New Eatmg Yoshida Dominates M. Dowe* the airport. come back today as I request­ was referring to a presidential Six Point* Set t ’orili Electrical Dept. — Basement. The plan eet forth these six The legislators, putting aside The airliner left Newark, N. J., ed.” . committee currently studying the all of the pressing matters which \ Left unanswered for the present Mark Bei?ig points: , ^ ■ early last night for Atlanta.
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