KAWAI, K., TERADA, R. and KUWAHARA, S. (eds): The Islands of Kagoshima Kagoshima University Research Center for the Pacific Islands, 15 March 2013 Chapter 23 A Review of Insect Fauna Reports for the Islands in Kagoshima Prefecture Yositaka SAKAMAKI 1. Introduction 2. Characteristics of insect fauna in Osumi ost of islands in Kagoshima Prefecture are Islands Mthe northern part of in Nansei archipelago he Osumi Islands have various environments: (=Ryukyu Archipelago), which extends from TYakushima Is. has high mountainous area Kyushu in the north to Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa (about 2,000 m a.s.l.), Tanegashima and Mages- Prefecture) in the south. These islands are often hima Is. are flat, and Kuchinoerabujima and Iojima called the Satsunan Islands and subdivided into Is. with a very active volcanoes. Thorough surveys three island groups: Osumi, Tokara and Amami have been conducted on Yakushima Is. (OKADOME Islands. Two additional island groups lie northwest 1973, WATANABE 1980, NAKANE 1984, TAKAKUWA of the Satsunan Islands: the Koshikijima and Uji / and FUJITA 2010), identifying many endemic spe- Kusagaki Islands. This chapter focuses only on the cies and subspecies of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera Nansei archipelago. As the climate of Kyushu is and Homoptera, e.g. Dorcus striatipennis koyamai temperate and that of Ryukyu is subtropical, the (Nakane), Prismognathus tokui Kurosawa, Dorcus islands can be regarded as a climatic transitional rectus yakushimaensis Tsuchiya, Aesalus asiaticus zone, in which many temperate and subtropical sawai Fujita & Ichikawa, Leptura yakushimana species come into contact. (Tamanuki), Acalolepta masatakai Makihara, Several reports on insect fauna of these islands Necydalis yakushimensis Kusama in Coleoptera, have been published in Japanese. Unfortunately, Lyristes esakii (Kato) in Homoptera, Thermozeph- no well organized publication has summarized yrus ataxus yakushimaensis (Yazaki), Scoparia the entire insect fauna of the area, other than yakushimana Inoue, Notocelia yakushimensis AZUMA and KINJO (1987) and AZUMA et al. (2002), Kawabe, Trichocerota yakushimaensis Arita, Phyl- which are primarily checklists of the insect fauna lonorycter yakusimensis (Kumata) in Lepidoptera. of the adjacent Ryukyu Islands. These checklists Yakushima Is. is also well-known as the southern treated over 8,000 species, and recorded about limit of some hymenopteran species, eg. Xylocopa 4,000 species from Satsunan Islands. According appendiculata circumvolans (Smith) and Plyer- to AZUMA et al. (2002), 3,054, 1,740, and 3,385 gus samurai (Yano). Since the environment of the species of insects have been recorded from Osumi, central high mountains ranges from subtropical to Tokara, and Amami Islands, respectively. Many subarctic, many unique insects live there. Kuchi- more species (i.e., 4395) have been recorded noerabujima Is. is home to the endemic species from the Okinawa Islands, which are south of the Aphaenogaster erabu Nishizono & Yamane, Pro- Amami Islands. Although Okinawa is recognized taetia exasperate erabuana Nomura, and is the as one of the most biodiverse areas in Asia, with northern limit of Xylocopa amamensis Sonan. 408 endemic species, 513 species are endemic to the Amami islands, reflecting the insect species 3. Characteristics of insect fauna in Tokara richness of the Amami Islands and adjacent area. Islands This section introduces characteristics of insect he Tokara Islands consist of 10 small islands fauna in these areas below. Textended north and south, and the insect fauna is characterized by a high endemic rate, as well as 146 The Islands of Kagoshima being the northern or southern limit of the distribu- also small and near Ukeshima Is., two stag beetle tion of many species. Takarajima Is. is home to the subspecies coexist: Aegus subnitidus taurulus Di- endemic species Crenitis (Acrenitis) tokarana Na- dier, which mainly occurs on Amami-Oshima Is., kane, Dorcus titanus takaraensis (Fujita & Ichika- and Dorcus titanus tokunoshimaensis (Fujita & wa), and Rhabdoblatta takarana Asahina, and is Ichikawa) from Tokunoshima Is. the northern limit of the ranges of Zizina otis riu- Kikaijima Is. is also home to endemic species kuensis (Matsumura) and Prosopogryllacris okadai and subspecies, including Nocticola uenoi kikaien- Ichikawa, southern limit of Symploce striata Shira- sis Asahina, Agrypnus miyamotoi kikai Kishii, ki. Akusekijima Is. is home to the endemics Drilas- and Paracardiophorus tokara kikai Kishii. Toku- ter akusekianus Nakane, Melanotus akusekianus noshima Is. has a central mountainous area like Ohira, Cryptophagus callosipenis Grouvella, and Amami-Oshima Is. and many endemic species and Camponotus kaguya Terayama, and is the northern subspecies, e.g. Dorcus amamianus kubotai (Fu- limit of Hexacentrus unicolor Audinet-Serville. jita & Ichikawa), Drilaster iokii Sato, Tiphia toku- Nakanoshima Is. hosts the endemics Madrasostes noshimana Tsuneki, and Planaeschna naica Ishida kazumai Ochi, Johki & Nakata, Panelus ovatus (endemic to Tokunoshima and Amami-Oshima Is.). Nomura and Papilio dehaanii tokaraensis Fujioka, Though Okinoerabujima Is. is relatively flat, and is the northern limit of Rhyothemis variegata it also has many endemic species, e.g. Symploce imperatrix Selys, Hermatobates weddi China and okinoerabuensis Asahina, Aegus laevicollis ta- Curtos costipennis (Gorham), and the southern manukii Ichikawa & Imanishi and Dorcus titanus limit of Planaeschna milnei (Selys). Protaetia ex- okinoerabuensis (Fujita & Ichikawa). Moreover, asperate suwanoseana Nomura is endemic to both the island is known as the northern limit of the trop- Suwanosejima and Yokoatejima Is. ical lamp beetle Curtos okinawanus Matsumura. 4. Characteristics of insect fauna in Amami 5. Taxa-specific records and fragmented Islands faunal records ince Amami-Oshima Is. with Kakeromajima he Atlas of Insects, -Common insects in Ky- SIs. has high mountains inland area and many Tushu, Kagoshima area- (FUKUDA et al., 2009) mountain streams, they have diverse dragonfly treated 2,542 species of common insects (286 faunas. Asiagomphus amamiensis amamiensis Butterflies, 871 moths, 161 Dragon flies, 135 -or (Asahina), Planaeschna ishigakiana nagaminei thopterans, 668 beetles, 421 other insects) in Ka- Asahina, and Coeliccia ryukyuensis amamii Asa- goshima including the islands, and recorded de- hina are known as endemic subspecies, and the tailed distributional information. For some insect islands are the northern limit of Matrona basilaris taxa, the distributional records in the island series japonica Förster, and Rhipidolestes amamiensis were good, e.g. Aculeata in Hymenoptera (YAMANE Ishida. Many endemic species in the other insect et al. 1999), Odonata (HIRAMINE, 1981), Orthoptera orders are found, e.g. Pararrhynchium tsunekii (YAMASHITA, 2001), Cecidomyiidae in Diptera (YU- Tano & Yamane, Vollenhovia amamiana Terayama KAWA, 1988), aquatic beetles in Coleoptera (MAT- & Kinomura, Pyrocoelia oshimana Nakane, Dor- SUI et al.1988) and Cerambycidae in Coleoptera, cus titanus elegans (Boileau), Diestrammena gigas (MORI, 1988). Sugimoto & Ichikawa and Papilio okinawensis Kagoshima Prefectural Museum continues to Fruhstorfer etc. survey the insect fauna of some of the islands ir- Although Ukeshima Is. is a small island, it is regularly, focusing mainly on Osumi islands and very close to Amami-Oshima and Kakeromajima Tokara islands, and the resulting insects lists have Is. The Ukeshima population of a stag beetle Neo- been published in The Bulletin of the Kagoshima lucanus protogenetivus Kurosawa is distinct from Prefectural Museum. The reports in the past three the Amami-Oshima population and is regarded as decades for each island are as follows: an endemic subspecies. On Yoroshima Is., which is 147 Kagoshima University Research Center for the Pacific Islands 1: Yakushima Is.: KANAI (2011), NAKAMINE (2010) 7. Faunistic survey bias depending on taxa 2: Kuchinoerabujima Is.: HIROMORI, (1999a) Although many faunistic surveys have been con- 3: Kuroshima Is.: KANAI et al. (2012), NAKAMINE ducted, knowledge on the total insect fauna of the et al. (2007), EHIRA and ONODA (1996), HATADA islands inadequate because of bias in the insect (1987, 1990a), FUKUDA and HIROMORI (2002) groups targeted in every faunistic works. For ex- 4: Takeshima Is.: NAKAMINE (2006) ample, considering the micromoths in the Gelechi- 5: Iojima Is.: HATADA (1990b) oidea, which are the main target of my taxonomic 6: Kuchinoshima Is.: KANAI and MORIYAMA (2012), study, AZUMA et al. (2002) recorded only 22 spe- NAKAMINE (2005), NAKAMINE and MORIYAMA cies from eight families from Nansei archipelargo, (2010), and HIROMORI (1999b) while recording 145 species or subspecies of but- 7: Nakanoshima Is.: KANAI and MORIYAMA (2012), terflies in seven families. Therefore, I collected NAKAMINE (2005, 2008), HIROMORI and YAMASHI- many specimens from major domestic museum TA (2001), EHIRA (1996) and KUROE (1996) and revised distribution information for Gelechioi- 8: Suwanosejima and Tairajima Is.: NAKAMINE and dea on the islands and found 81 species in 11 fami- MORIYAMA (2010), NAKAMINE (2008), HATADA lies from Nansei islands. Of these, 40 species of 11 (1991), FUKUDA (1991) and FUKUDA and EHIRA families inhabit the Satsunan Islands (SAKAMAKI, (1992) 2013). However, I exclude some undescribed spe- 9: Akusekijima Is.: HIROMORI (2003), Ehira (1993) cies from this list and because I could not obtain 10: Takarajima and Kodakarajima Is.: HIROMORI enough specimens to determine their distribution (2001)
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