Local Spring- Local Women in couple field’s law firms hard hats; provides YMCA make a breaking insight, has new motion to the glass comedy heart and new ceiling. on Fox 55. “Sowle.” offices. LAUGHING AND P. 5 PERSONALITY P. 8 LAW FIRMS P. 13 WOMEN IN P. 27 SURVIVING PROFILE RELOCATE CONSTRUCTION FEBRUARY 2013 www.springfieldbusinessjournal.com (217) 726-6600 Springfield [email protected] business .journal BUSINESS. NEWS. PAPER. Taking pulse of the local economy Sparc cuts cost, acronym Locally owned businesses In part two, local business people 2008, but local business people’s sale of property is tremendous. chime in on economic were invited to provide their opinions take on economic barometers “When new owners acquire a Drops affiliation with The barometer, projecting on gauging economic barometers. signals a stabilizing economy. property there is remodeling to be done which means work for Arc and planning Determining the health of the Real Estate contractors, electricians, plumb- By Job Conger, By Betsy Butler, economy is not an easy task nor “When commercial real estate ers, furniture companies, phone Correspondent Senior Correspondent is planning for the future but lo- is moving, everyone benefits,” installation companies and a cal business owners forge ahead said Michelle Higginbotham, myriad of other businesses,” The Springfield not-for-profit Editor’s Note: This article is in such areas as commercial and commercial broker and realtor Higginbotham said. serving mentally and develop- the second of a two-part series. Part residential real estate, construc- with Coldwell Banker Commer- Predicting the commercial mentally challenged individuals one included insight from the public tion, business and auto sales. cial. has discontinued its institution- sector – economists, academia and The economy has been strug- The trickle down effect of the Continued on Page 10, al membership with their long- local public administrators. gling mightily since the fall of Economic Barometers time affiliate. Carlissa Puckett, executive director of Sparc, recently an- nounced the local organization City eyes YWCA site for redevelopment was discontinuing its long affili- ation with The Arc of Illinois, the Seeking special statewide organization, based in Franklin, Illinois. designation from State ”It was strictly a financial By Chris Stroisch, decision,” Puckett said. “As the Correspondent state has given no cost of living increases for nine of the past 12 City leaders hope to bring fiscal years, the cost of things new life into a downtown have increased with inflation, Springfield eyesore that once making more difficult the pro- housed the local YWCA chap- cess of deciding what do we cut ter but are in a holding pattern this year and next year. until the State of Illinois decides “We truly believe in what whether to give the property a The Arc does: individual and sys- special designation so the city tems advocacy. Even though we can take it over. as an organization are no longer Mike Farmer, director of the a member, we encourage indi- city’s Office of Planning and Eco- viduals to become members. It’s nomic Development, said the only $25 a year. I continue to be city would like to see the prop- a member,” she said. erty, which sits between Fourth Puckett said the cut saves and Fifth streets and Capital Sparc about $14,000 a year. Avenue and Jackson Street, con- Sparc contracts with the State of verted into a “creative mixed use Illinois to provide services and infill redevelopment that might bills the state every year. Their include residential, commercial, yearly budget for the current fis- office or educational uses.” cal year that runs from July 1 to However, the city cannot June 30 is over $8 million. acquire the old YWCA building “The lack of cost-of-living Continued on Page 33, Continued on Page 9, YWCA Vacant YWCA building at the corner of Fifth and Jackson Streets Sparc COMING NEXT MONTH ... TWO SPECIAL SECTIONS Residential Real Estate BUSINESS CONNECTIONS & Home Builders • PREVIEW 2013• CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED SERVICE CHANGE The March issue will feature local Springfield Business Journal has joined PERMIT NO 209 NO PERMIT news and information about resi- with The Greater Springfield Chamber SPRINGFIELD IL SPRINGFIELD CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED SERVICE CHANGE PERMIT NO 209 NO PERMIT Springfield, Ill. 62791 Ill. Springfield, dential real estate: selling and pur- of Commerce to preview Springfield’s PAID SPRINGFIELD IL SPRINGFIELD chasing houses, home construction only business trade show coming in U.S. POSTAGE U.S. P.O. Box 9798 Box P.O. PAID Springfield, Ill. 62791 Ill. Springfield, U.S. POSTAGE U.S. and renovation. The Lists: March. Look for an exclusive preview PRSRT STD PRSRT P.O. Box 9798 Box P.O. SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL BUSINESS SPRINGFIELD PRSRT STD PRSRT SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL BUSINESS SPRINGFIELD – Residential Real Estate Firms for this year’s show and exhibitors in – Home Builders and Remodelers next month’s issue. 2 • February 2013 • Springfield Business Journal Springfield Business Journal • February 2013 • 3 • the rookery CEO informational lunch The Jacksonville Chamber of Com- The Sangamon Creating Entrepreneur- merce, 155 W. Morton, will host a work- ial Opportunities (CEO) program holding shop on Monday, Feb. 25; 9 to 11 a.m and an informational lunch. the Taylorville Chamber of Commerce, The speaker is founding instructor, 108 W. Market, will host on a workshop Craig Lindvahl, executive director of the on Wednesday, Feb. 27; 2 to 4 p.m. Midland Institute for Entrepreneurship. Registration is required. For more in- Lindvahl will share information on the formation about ISBDC workshops or ser- CEO program and how it prepares youth vices, call 217-544-7232. to become entrepreneurs contributing in to the economic development and sus- UIS online programs ranked by tainability of Sangamon County. U.S. News & World Report This free lunch provided by Mid-Amer- UIS is among the top 100 Best Online ica Advertising will be Wednesday, Feb. 6 Bachelor’s Programs in the country, while at 11:45 a.m. at the Knight of Columbus UIS also ranks 16th nationwide in the cat- Hall at 2200 Meadowbrook Rd. egory of Best Online Graduate Business You may R.S.V.P. by Friday, Feb, 1 to Programs on U.S. News & World Report’s Christine Carrels at 217-726-1561 or cca- 2013 list of the best online education pro- [email protected] grams in the country. “These rankings acknowledge that UIS SHG REALTOR open house is a leader in online learning,” said UIS Sacred Heart-Griffin High School will Chancellor Susan J. Koch. host an Area REALTORS Open House on U.S. News & World Report looked at Thursday, Feb. 7 at SHG’s East Campus, best practices and factors, such as gradu- 1200 W. Washington St. ation rates, assessments, class size, reten- Springfield-area realtors are invited to tion rates, and time to degree deadline. come learn more about the school’s stu- They also examined program accredita- dents, academics and extra-curricular ac- tion, faculty education, student debt at tivities all in a faith-based environment. graduation, and technologies and services The Springfield Catholic grade schools available to online students. will also have information on display. UIS offers seven undergraduate de- The program begins at noon. Lunch grees online in Business Administration, will be provided by Neuhoff Media Computer Science, English, History, Lib- Springfield and tours will be available. eral Studies, Mathematics, and Philoso- phy. An online graduate business degree SAHBA healthcare seminar is offered in Management Information The Springfield Area Home Builders Systems (MIS). Association is hosting a seminar on the “MIS online was the first online grad- regulations governing health care reform uate program at UIS and the U.S. News legislation. ranking recognizes the quality and value The seminar is scheduled for Wednes- of a UIS degree. Our faculty is to be com- SBJ 12-2013_Layout 1 12/12/12 2:58 PM Page 1 day, Feb. 13 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. mended for their dedication to student at the SAHBA office, 3921 Pintail Drive, learning and a professional degree pro- Suite B. American Central Insurance Ser- gram,” said Ron McNeil, dean of the UIS vices and Kerber, Eck & Braeckel LLP will College of Business and Management. keep attendees up to date on reform regu- View the rankings online at www.us- lations that could impact employee ben- news.com/education/online-education. efit programs and tax implications. Registration is at springfieldareahba. SIU center earns FQHC com. The event costs $10 for SAHBA The Springfield Center for Family LLCC Day! members and $25 for non-members. Medicine at Southern Illinois University Monday, Feb. 18 (Presidents Day) School of Medicine will be able to treat LLCC-Springfield Campus Sliders stay at Robin Roberts more patients, especially the uninsured The Springfield Sliders have an- population, thanks to a federal grant nounced the signing of a lease extension that designates it as a Federally Qualified between the team and the Springfield Health Center. The grant, from the U.S. LLCC Day is a special campus visitation day for Park District that will allow the Sliders to Department of Health and Human Ser- continue playing at Robin Roberts Stadi- vices, totals $595,833 for the first year. prospective students, parents and adult learners um through the 2017 season. The center, located at 520 N. Fourth St., to introduce them to LLCC. “We see a future for the team in Spring- will be able to add 2,000-3,000 patients, field and we are thrilled to make Robin many uninsured or underinsured, to the 17,000 patients already established. Roberts Stadium our home for the next Choose a morning (9-noon) or evening (5-8 p.m.) session five years,” said Shane Martin, owner.
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