576 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 23 FEBRUARY 1980 Royal College of Radiologists, British Institute of Radiology, and Royal Society of Medicine Radiology Section-Joint radiological meeting, 28-29 BMA NOTICES March, Southampton. Details from the meetings Instructions to authors secretary of the college, 38 Portland Place, London WIN 3DG. Central Meetings "Medical aspects of adoption and long-term The following are the minimum require- fostering"-Seminar, 22-24 April, Manchester. Details FEBRUARY ments for manuscripts submitted for from the conference organiser, Association of British 26 Tues Scottish Joint Consultants Committee (7 Adoption and Fostering Agencies, 4 Southampton Row, Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 publication. London WC1B 4AA. (Tel 01-242 8951.) Closing date 7QP), 10.15 am. A stamped addressed envelope or an for applications 17 March. 27 Wed Council Executive, 10.30 am. international reply coupon must accompany Atkinson Morley's Hospital Neurological Depart- ment-Day course on "Disorders of speech," 10 May, MARCH the manuscript if acknowledgment of its London. Details from the neurological office of the 5 Wed Central Ethical Committee, 10 am. receipt is desired. hospital, Copse Hill, Wimbledon, London SW20. 5 Wed Finance and General Purposes Committee, (Tel 01-946 7711.) 10 am. 6 Thurs General Purposes Subcommittee (GMSC), (1) Typing should be on one side of the Marie Curie Memorial Foundation-Symposium 10.30 am. "Cancer-questions and answers," 20 May, London. 10 Mon Medical Academic Staff Committee, 10 am. paper, with double or triple spacing Details from the foundation, 124 Sloane Street, London 12 Wed Negotiating Subconmmittee (CCHMS), 10 between the lines and 5-cm margins at the SW1X 9BP. (Tel 01-730 9157.) am. World Congress Foodborne Infections and Intoxi- 13 Thurs General Purposes Subcommittee (CCHMS), top and left-hand side of the sheet. cations-"Safe food for all," 29 June-3 July, Berlin 10 am. (West). Details from Generalsekretariat Weltkongress, 13 Thurs Charities Committee, 10.30 am. (2) Two copies (or preferably three) c/o Institut fur Veterinarmedizin, Thielallee 88-92, 14 Fri Scottish Committee for Community should be submitted. Postfach 330014, D-1000 Berlin 33. (Tel (030) 8308-1.) Medicine (7 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edin- British Nutrition Foundation-Annual conference burgh EH3 7QP), 10.30 am. (3) Spelling should conform to that of "Preventive nutrition and society," 1-2 July, London. 19 Wed Council, 10 am. Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary. Details from the secretary of the foundation, 15 Belgrave 20 Thurs General Medical Services Committee, 10 am. Square, London SWlX 8PS. (Tel 01-235 4904.) 26 Wed Consulting Pathologists Group, 2 pm. (4) References must be in the Vancouver Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and style (BMJ7, 24 February 1979, p 532) and Spina Bifida-XIV annual general meeting, 2-5 July, Division Gottingen. Details from D G Young, Royal Hospital Meetings their accuracy checked before submission. for Sick Children, Yorkhill, Glasgow G3 8SJ. Tel 041- Members proposing to attend meetings marked * are asked are 339 8888 ext 389.) to notify in advance the honorary secretary concerned. (5) SI units used for scientific measure- International Congress of Aviation and Space ments. In the text they should be followed Details from Blackburn-At Montague Health Centre, Wednes- Medicine-8-1 1 September, Montreal. day, 27 February, 8 pm, meeting to discuss con- by traditional units in parentheses. In the secretariat of the congress, 935 Lagauchetiere St sultative document "Patients first." tables and illustrations values are given West, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3N4, Canada. (Closing Bradford and Airedale At Bradford University, date for receipt of abstracts 30 April.) Wednesday, 27 February, 8.30 pm, Dr Keith Man- only in SI units, but a conversion factor United Kingdom Intraocular Implant Society- chester: "Diseases in antiquity." must be supplied. For general guidance on Autumn meeting, 1-3 October, Moretonhampstead. Bury-At Bury General Hospital, Tuesday, 26 International Details from Mr W J Rich, FRCS, West of England February, 8 pm, special general meeting. the System of Units, and Eye Infirmary, Exeter, Devon. Clwyd North-At Postgraduate Medical Centre, some useful conversion factors, see The SI Rhyl, Thursday, 28 February, 7.30 pm, financial forum.* British Postgraduate Medical Federation-Details (Preceded by light buffet. Wives, husbands, and fiancees for the Health Professions (WHO, 1977). and copies of the 1980 programme of specialist courses invited.) are now available from the federation's Central Office, Darlington-At Darlington Memorial Hospital, (6) Authors should give their names and 33 Millman Street, London WC1N 3EJ. (Tel 01-831 current 6222.) Wednesday, 27 February, 8 pm, special meeting. initials, their appointments, and Dudley-At Guest Hospital, Tuesday, 26 February, not more than two or 8.15 pm, business meeting. degrees diplomas. Eastbourne-At Queen's Hotel, Tuesday, 26 Each author must sign the covering letter February, 7.30 pm, Dr J Leahy Taylor: "Medical as evidence of consent to publication. SOCIETIES AND LECTURES negligence, present and future." East Hertfordshire-At Lister Hospital, Wednes- Letters to the Editor submitted for day, 27 February, 8 for 8.30 pm, clinical meeting. (7) For attending lectures marked * a fee is charged or a ticket Glasgow-At BMA Glasgow Regional Office, publication must be signed personally by is required. Applications should be made first to the Thursday, 28 February, 8 pm, social meeting "Antiques all the authors. institutions concerned. mini road show." Gwent-At St Mellons Country Club, Friday, 29 will not be sent February, 7.30 for 8 pm, pre intemational rugby dinner.* (8) Acknowledgments Monday, 25 February Halifax-At Royal Halifax Infirmary, Thursday, unless a stamped addressed envelope or an UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON-5.30 pm, Freud 28 February, 8.30 pm, Dame Josephine Barnes: international is enclosed. memorial lecture in psychoanalysis by Dr A Green: "Gynaecology in the 1980s."* (Guests and members of reply coupon A hypothetical model of language in psychoanalysis. Huddersfield Division invited.) (9) Detailed instructions are given in Kingston/Richmond/Epsom - At Sandown Park Tuesday, 26 February Race Course, Wednesday, 27 February, 8 for 8.30 pm, the BMJ7 dated 5 January 1980 (p 6). annual dinner.* (Guests welcome.) WORTHING POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL CENTRE-1 pm, Manchester and Salford-At Boyd House, Tues- Professor B E C Nordin: Metabolic disorders of day, 26 February, 8 for 8.30 pm, scientific meeting, bone and their treatment. speaker Mr T A Mulligan: "Meniere's disease."* (Cold Wednesday, 27 February supper provided.) ROYAL COLLEGE OF OBSTETRICIANS AND Northallerton-At Manor House Hotel, Friday, GYNAECOLOGISTS INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGY-Sandoz Foundation ad- 29 February, 8 for 8.30 pm, annual dinner.* (Guests vanced lectures on clinical and experimental neurology, welcome.) The following were admitted members of the college on 6 pm, Dr E L Trickey: Mechanisms, classification, Scarborough-At Scarborough Hospital, Thursday, 1 and 2 February-S Agarwal, S Aggarwal, M A-R and diagnosis of spinal cord injuries. 7 pm, Mr D 28 February, 8.30 pm, Dr Clive Aber: "What is Al-Irhayim, R S Anderson, Jillian M Arnold, T Aslam, Gordon: The treatment of spinal cord injury. coronary care ?" C H Baird, S N Bakhoum, D H Barlow, P S Benny, INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY-5.30 pm, Dr Eve Johnstone: Solihull-At George Hotel, Thursday, 28 February, P Beresford, Jill Blacklin, V Boriah, Susan Brown, The outcome of schizophrenia. 7.15 pm, dinner/lecture, Mr J B Haycraft: "Antiques at C J Chandler, S K Chattopadhyay, E S C Chau, P K ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND-At Uni- auction."* (Wives/husbands invited.) Chng, J P Cresswell, Patricia A Crowley, Caroline A versity of Birmingham Medical School, 3.30 pm, South Middlesex-At Oak Lane Health Centre, Crowther, D C Damodaram, W A R Davies, Carol A Hunterian lecture by Professor D B Clarke: Pulmonary Wednesday, 27 February, 7 for 7.45 pm, buffet supper Dixon, N C Drew, J N T Edwards, M Y S El-Zibdeh, embolectomy re-evaluated. 5 pm, Arris and Gale and talk by Mr A W Goode: "The history and develop- J 0 Emembolu, D C Evans, Dorothy Fernandes, W K lecture by Mr B Williams: Chronic herniation of the ment of medical findings in manned space flights; its Fiamanya, C Ganesan, R T Geirsson,* P G George, hindbrain. application to clinical medicine; and where we go in B K Ghosh, J Glatt, T Gorojini, K W Hill, P J Hill, ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL-5 pm, Dr A Bryceson: Hydatid future with space laboratories and space shuttle."5 D J Houghton, M Hussain, A H A Ismail, D K James, disease. Walsall-At Manor Hospital, Thursday, 28 February, C V Kamath, S Kanagaratnam, B C Kang, W H Kee, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE-At Fenner's, 3.30 pm, 7.30 for 8 pm, musical evening with Mr Downes.* M Keshavarzian, M H D Khatree, P H Kirwan, H C Dr T R Cullinan: Epidemiology and visual disability, Worcester and Bromsgrove-At Ronkswood Kitchener, I E Lowles, T H R Lui, G MacNab, F R UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD-At John Radcliffe Hospital. Postgraduate Medical Centre, Friday, 29 February, McLeod, M Mahfoudh-Chbib, C T Maitin, M J A 5 pm, Dr J Newsom Davis: Myasthenia gravis: 7.45 pm, buffet supper and talk by Mr Tony Grabham: Maresh, Heather J Mellows, B K V Menon, R A M immune mechanisms and therapeutic implications. "Current medical political problems." (One guest per Mesleh, M T Mikhail, D M Morris, M N A M Moursy, member invited.) S Munjanja, N Naha, A K Nandi, S Naqvi, M R B Thursday, 28 February Newman, B I Nsofor, N J Nwabineli, G Ohel, C J Orchard, Augustine Orhue, C 0 Osula, D J Parkinson, BRITISH MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY SOCIETY-At Royal Regional Meetings B G Patel, P N Patel, P Patroclou, H N Pepas, G R M D Anthropological Society, 6.30 pm, film meeting.
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