Regional moss mat-sediment geochemical survey in the Porcher Island, Grenville Channel, and Dundas Island area, central British Columbia coast R.E. Lett British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2018-5 Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Mines and Mineral Resources Division British Columbia Geological Survey Recommendation citation: Lett, R.E., 2018. Regional moss mat-sediment geochemical survey in the Porcher Island, Grenville Channel, and Dundas Island area, central British Columbia coast. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2018-5, 32 p. Front cover: Typical moss mat sediment. Photo courtesy of W. Jackaman, Noble Exploration Services Ltd., Jordan River, British Columbia. Appendices for this paper can be downloaded from http://www.empr.gov.bc.ca/Mining/Geoscience/PublicationsCatalogue/GeoFiles/Pages/GF2018-5.aspx Regional moss mat-sediment geochemical survey in the Porcher Island, Grenville Channel, and Dundas Island area, central British Columbia coast R.E. Lett Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2018-5 Regional moss mat-sediment geochemical survey in the Porcher Island, Grenville Channel, and Dundas Island area, central British Columbia coast R.E. Lett1a 1Emeritus Geoscientist, British Columbia Geological Survey, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Victoria, B.C., V8W 9N3 [email protected] Recommended citation: Lett, R.E., 2018. Regional moss mat-sediment geochemical survey in the Porcher Island, Grenville Channel, and Dundas Island area, central British Columbia coast. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2018-5, 32 p. Abstract Geofile 2018-5 describes a reconnaissance-scale moss mat-sediment geochemical survey carried out in 2000, in the Porcher Island, Grenville Channel, and Dundas Island area of coastal British Columbia (NTS 103G, 103H, 103J). Seventy five moss mat-sediment samples were analyzed by a combination of a HNO3-HCl-H2O (modified aqua regia) dissolution - inductively coupled plasma emission/mass spectrometry and instrumental neutron activation, resulting in a total of 65 analytes. They were also analyzed for F and loss on ignition. Water samples were analyzed for pH, SO4, F, and U. The moss mat-sediment analyses reveal scattered Au anomalies that may reflect Cu-Mo sulphide mineralization on Porcher Island. Stronger Cu-Ag-V-Fe and Ba- Mo-Zn anomalies in streams draining the northeast part of Porcher Island, the central part of Porcher Island and along Grenville Channel can be explained by northeast-trending, metavolcanic-hosted, exhalative style magnetite and sphalerite-chalcopyrite mineralization. Only background Au, Cu, Pb and Zn values were found in the moss mat sediments collected from Dundas, Dunira and Melville islands. Keywords: Porcher Island, Grenville Channel, Dundas Island, geochemical survey, moss mat sediment, exhalite 1. Introduction most elements fall within guidelines for acceptable precision Analytical results and field observations compiled by the and accuracy established by the National Geochemical Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) program in British Columbia provide a database for mineral exploration, resource assessment, geological mapping, and environmental studies. In 2000, the British Columbia Geological Survey conducted a reconnaissance-scale moss mat-sediment, stream-sediment and stream water geochemical survey in an area along the central coast of the province. The moss mat-sediment samples were collected at 11 sites on Dundas Island, 26 sites on Porcher Island, and 34 sites along the Inside Passage (Grenville Channel; Figs. 1, 2),extending across an area of 1800 km2 at an average density of 1 site per 7 km2. The moss mat-sediment samples (Fig. 3) were analyzed for: 1) 37 elements by a 1HNO3:1HCl:1H2O dissolution (modified aqua regia ) followed by inductively coupled plasma emission/mass spectrometry (ICP-ES/MS); 2) 35 elements by instrumental neutron activation (INAA); 3) F by ion specific electrode; and 4) LOI (loss on ignition) at o 550 C. The stream waters were analysed for pH, U, F and SO4 (Jackaman et al., 2001). Immediate release of the analyses was delayed because of concerns about the reliability of the geochemical data. However, an examination of the quality control data reveals that Fig. 1. Survey location. British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2018-5 1 R.E. Lett Fig. 2. Area detail and sample locations. Fig. 3. Typical moss mat sediment. Photo courtesy of W. Jackaman. Reconnaissance (NGR) program (Ballantyne, 1991). This From mapping and MINFILE descriptions, Neoproterozic GeoFile summarizes the geology of the area and its base and to Cretaceous rocks host several types of base and precious precious metals mineralization, documents sample collection, metal mineralization. At the Surf Point - Edye Pass (MINFILE preparation, and analytical methods, releases the raw data as 103J 15), past-producing gold mine on the north end of Porcher readily usable spreadsheets (Appendices A-D), and provides Island, gold-bearing pyritic quartz veins are confined to a maps summarizing anomalies for selected commodity and northwest-trending fracture zone in a Cretaceous granodiorite- pathfinder elements in the moss mat sediments. tonalite stock. The quartz vein style suggests that it is an example of an orogenic Au deposit. At the LOR occurrence 2. Physiography, geology, and mineralization (MINFILE 103G 12) in the southwest part of Porcher Island, Porcher Island, Dundas Island, and Grenville Channel are in disseminated molybdenite and pyrite in a northwest trending the Hecate Depression of the British Columbia Coastal Trough belt of Jurassic to Triassic metasedimentary and metavolcanic (Holland, 1976). The area is mountainous, and the land surface rocks that are intruded by a granitic to quartz diorite pluton rises steeply from sea level to elevations of greater than 500 m. suggest porphyry Mo mineralization. Several sphalerite- Landforms such as U-shaped valleys are evidence of erosion galena-chalcopyrite occurrences on Dunira Island, south of by Pleistocene glaciers of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, which Dundas Island (e.g., Mineral Reef, MINFILE 103J 05, Clam advanced southward through the Hecate Straight. Bay, MINFILE 103J 42) hosted by tuff and rhyolite suggest Because Nelson et al. (2010, 2012) and Angen et al. (2012) VMS Cu-Zn mineralization. Nelson at al. (2010) discussed have recently described the geology of Porcher Island and the VMS potential along the east coast of Porcher Island Grenville Channel in detail, only a brief summary will be given and along Grenville Channel, based on metavolcanic-hosted here (Fig. 4). Intrusive and metamorphic rocks predominate magnetite and sphalerite-chalcopyrite occurrences such as and, according to Nelson at al. (2010), Porcher Island, Pitt the Star (MINFILE 103J 03) and the POR (MINFILE 103J Island and Grenville Passage are “…underlain by a series of 23). They suggested that “many small rhyolite and dacite northwest-striking panels of metamorphosed supracrustal and volcanic centres; local premetamorphic clay sericitization metaplutonic rocks, intruded by late synkinematic, Cretaceous and silicification of rhyolite; magnetite iron formation, and plutons”. To the north, Dundas, Dunira, and Melville islands metachert with magnetite, sulphides, manganoan zoisite are underlain by Paleozoic volcaniclastic and rhyolitic rocks and axinite” represent metamorphosed exhalites and provide intruded by granodiorites of the Ecstall plutonic suite. The oldest evidence for the existence of syngenetic submarine hot-spring rocks mapped by Nelson at al. (2010) on Porcher Island are systems. a Neoproterozic to Cambrian succession of metasedimentary rocks, felsic metavolcanic rocks, amphibolites, schists, marbles, 3. Survey methods and pillow basalts tentatively assigned to the Wales Group. 3.1. Sample collection Above this succession is a sequence of limestone, andesite, Helicopter- and boat-supported sample collection was dacite and volcanic pebble conglomerate tentatively assigned carried out in August, 2000. A total of 75 moss mat-sediment, to the Descon Formation (Ordovician). The youngest rocks are and stream water samples were collected from 71 sites, Devonian sandstone and pillow basalt. Paleozoic to Cretaceous providing an average sample site density of 1 site per 7 km2. diorite, tonalite and granodiorite bodies have been intruded Moss mat-sediment samples (Fig. 3) weighing 1 to 2 kg were into the Neoproterozic to Paleozoic rocks. Nelson at al. (2010) collected from active (subject to annual flooding) stream suggested that the Wales Group and Descon Formation in the channels and placed in Kraft paper bags. Samples consisted Porcher Island area are part of the Alexander tectonic terrane. mainly of material finer than medium sand mixed with varying British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2018-5 2 R.E. Lett Fig. 4. Geological framework and mineral occurrences. Key to principle commodity: AU - gold; CU - Copper, FE - iron; MO - molybdenum; ZN - zinc. Geology after Cui et al. (2017) based on Gehrels (2001) and Nelson et al. (2010). British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2018-5 3 R.E. Lett amounts of coarse sand, gravel, and organics. Contaminated Table 1. Detection limits and analytical methods. ICP-ES/MS - or poor-quality sample sites were avoided by choosing an HNO3-HCl-H2O dissolution, inductively coupled plasma emission/ alternate stream or
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