ROSTER OF REGISTERED ATTORNEYS ENTITLED TO PRACTICE· BEFORE THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. REVISED JANUARY 2,1902. PRICE ~rEN CENTS. :. WASHINGTON: GOVERNl\IENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1902. ( "d "" j" I I t ) I EXTRACTS FRO~f THE RULES OF . PRACTICE. I I APPOINTl\IENT. ~" RULE .; . 17. An applicant or an assignee of the entire interest may prosecute his own case, but he is advised, unless familiar with such" mat~ers, to 81;Uploy a competent attorney, as th~ value of " patents depends largely upon the skillful preparation of the speci­ fication and clailns. The office can not aid in the selection "of an attorlley; REGISTRATION. " "I'\ A register of attorneys will be kept in this office,on which will I t be entered the nmnes of all persons e"ntitled to repi'esent applicants I before the Patent Office in the presentation and prosecution of 1 applications for patent. " T~e names of" persons in the following classes will, up6n their written .request, be entered upon this ",' I register.. "\. " I (a) Any person who on June 18, 1897, was engaged as attorney I i or agent in the active prosecution of applications for patent before I this office, or had been so engaged at any time within five years I prior thereto and is not disbarred, or is or was during such period f a member of a firm so engaged and not disbarred, provided that " such person shall, if required, furnish information as to one or more applications for "patent so pro~ecuted by him. I . (b) "Any attorney at l~w who is in good standing in any court of ! record in the United States or any of the States or Territories .~ "i thereof and shall furnish a certificate of the clerk of such United I '--- States, State,. or Territorial court, duly authenticated under t.he I seal of the cOlli·t, that he is an attorney in "good standing. I :. (c) Any person who has been regularly recognized as an attorney I\ " or agent. to represent claimants before the Department of the 1", Interior or any bureau thereof and is in good standing, provided ., that such person shall furnish a" statement of the date of his adinissiOli to pi'actice as such attorney or ·agent, and shall further "show, if required by the Oommissioner, that he is possessed of the "necessary qualifications to 1~8nder applicants for patents valuable / .j service,~and is other;wisecompetent to advise anci assist them in the present ati9n and' prosecution of their applications" before the Patent Office. .(3) 5 4 .EXTRACTS FROM: THE RULES OF PR.ACTICE. EXTRACTS FROM THE RULES OF PRACTICE. (d) Any person not an attorney at law who shall fiie a certifi­ ,1 NAMES OF M:EMBERS OF A FIRM M:UST BE GIVEN. cate ,from a judge of a United States, State, or Terrltorial court, ' ,I A power of attorney purporting to have been given to 'a firm or duly authent~cated under the seal of the court,that such pe'rson is­ . \ copartnership will not be recognized, either in fj1vor of the firm or of good moral character and of good, repute and possessed of the ! of any of its members, unless all its', members' shall be named in necess~ry qualifications to' 'enable I him to render 'applicants'for such power of attorney.' patents valuable service, and js otherwise competent to 'advise and ./ assist them in the presentation and prosecution of their applica- SUBSTITUTION AND ASSOCIATION. tions before the Patent Office. ' ":) (e) Any firm which on June 18, 1897, was engaged ,in the active I RULE 19. Substitution or association can be made by an attorne) prosecution as attorneys or agents of applications for patents before l upon the written authorization of' his 'principal; but such authori­ the Patent Office, or had peen so engaged at ~ny thne within five '; .1 zation, willllot empower the second agent to appoint ,a third. ' 'years prior thei'eto, provided,'such firm or any member thereof is .:'.1 not disbal'l>ed, provided the names of the individuals cOlnposing I REVOCATION. the firm are stated, and provided, also, that such' firm shall, if I RULE 20. Powers of attorney may be revoked at' any stage in required, furnish information as to one or more applications pro,se- the proceedingsof a case upon application to and approval by the cuted before the Pat,ent OffiQe by them. " , ' I Oommissioner; and when so revoked the' office will communicate , (f) 4-nyfirm riot entitled to registration under the preceding 'directly with the applicant., or such other' attorney. as he may sections which shall show that the individuals composing the firm 1 appoint. An attorney will b~ promptly notified by the docket are each a'nd' all recognized as patent attorneys' or agents or are j clerk of the revocation of his power of attorney. An assignment each and all enti~led to be so recogniz~d under the preceding sec- i of an undivided interest will' not operate as a revocation of the tions of this rule. I po,ver 'previously given; but the assignee of the entire interest The Conimissioner luay demand additional proof of qualifica­ I may be represen'ted by an attorney of his own seiection. tions and reserve the right to decline to recognize any attorney, "<I , '\" " agent, or other person'applying for registration under this rule. '. i ACCESS, TO PENDING APPLICATIONS~ 1 LDIITED RECOGNITION. , ! , Order No. 12,71.-Hereafter no person except the applicant, the I assignee whose assignment is of record, or the attorney of record , Any person or firm not registered and nqt entitled to be rec()g­ will be permitted to have access to the file of any application, ex­ nized under this rule as an attorney or agent to represent applicants cept as provided 'for under the interference rules, unless written generally may, upon a showing of circumstances which render it authority from the applicant, assignee, or attorney, identifying necessary or justifiable, be recognized by the ,Oommissioner to the application to be inspected, is filed in the case to become a P3:rt prosecute as attorney or agent certain specified' application or ap­ , of, the record thereof, or upon the written order of the,Oommis:' plications, but this limited recogniti9n shall not extend further sioner, which will also become a· part of the record of the case.- than theapplieation o~' applications named. [0. G.,. April 4, 1899.] , NONRECOGNITION. JULY 1, '1900. No person not registered as ~bove provided will b,e permitted to :. prosecute applications before the Patent Office. ' POvVER ,OF ATTORNEY TO BE 'FILED. , RULE 18; Before any attorney, original'or associate, will be ~llowed to inspect papers or take action of any kind, his power' of' attorney must be filed. But general powers given :by.a principai -to 'an associate can 'not be considered. In each application the' written authorization must ,be filed." , , ' I I ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ATTO~NEYS REGISTERED T.O PRAOTICE I IN TH~ UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. :a~VISED JANUARY 2,1902.- \ , Reyistration \ No. ' 1999 Abbot, H. S., Longbeach, Cal.. , 2517 ~bbott, Charles F., Rosenberg's Block, Gardner, ,Mass. Abbott, E. W., 10 -Whitney Opera House Block, Detroit, :Mich. , I 448 ! 4475 Abbott, O. A.,,9 Security Building, Grand Island, Nebr. I 152 Abbott, Phillips, 206 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1 ·2972 Abbott; V. H., Carrollton, Ky. Abraham, Lewis, 90-91 Corcoran Building, 'W'ashington, D. C. 1- 319 1653 Acker, J. Fred, 361 Broadwuy,New York, N. y.. J 553 Acker, N. A., 14 Sansome street, San Francisco; Cal. Acker, Samuel N., 111 Fourth street SE., Washington, C. / j 1652 D. ! 1916 Adams; Albert H., 1147 1\lonadnock Buil,ding, Chicago; Ill. 3095 Adams, Alton D., box 1377, Boston, Mass. 4875 Adams, Emily H., 10 Colman Block, Seattle, Wash .. 574 Adams, Frank E., room 10 Colman Block, Seattle, 'Wash. I ,1467 Adamson, Charles Eo, Muncie, Ind. ' I Adcock, Edmung., 906 )larquetteBuilding, Chicago, Ill. ! 1251 I 1785 Addington, A. H., 13%, East State street, Columbus, Ohio. Addington"KeenE\H.,,810 Title and Trust Building, Chicago, Ill. .\ 2966 I 4719 Adler, Isaac, 1006 G-ranite Building, Rochester, N. Y. ' 1 2426 Adriaans, J. H., 494 Louisiana avenue, "\Vashington,D. C. Agramonte, C.II. 1\1. y., 1 A, Independencia No.4, :Mexico City, :Mexico. 1 4614 Agramonte & 1\loore, box 388 :Mexico City,)lexico, and Loan and Trust 5152 Building, Washington, D. C. 5026 Aiken, Albert C., :Mills Building, San Francisco, Cal. 531 Albee, G; H., 103 The Avenue, Neenah, Wis. 4711 Albertine, P., jr., "\Vinterthur, Switzerland. 2622 Aldrich, George S., St. Louis, )Iich. 3009 Aldrich, George S., 800 Broad street, Newark., N. -J. 3080 'Aldrich, John, 7 Phrenix B,uilding, 307 lI[ai?street, Springfield, 'Mass. 4328, 'Aleinikoff, Nicholas, 93 Nassau street, New York, N. Y. 1100 Alexander, AllenK., 38 Park Row,New York, N. Y. 3003 Alexander, Harry J., Noblesville, Ind. 663 Alexander, John ]3., 3in Tl{~ Na.sby Building, Toledo, Ohio. 1783' Alexander, T. H., 607 Seventh street NvY.,"\Vashington, D. C. 1080 Alexander & Co., 38 Park Rbw, New York,N. Y., and Loan and Trust'Build- ing, 'Washington, D. C. 646 Alexander & Davis, 709 Gstl'eet, Washington, D. C. ' Alexander'& Dowell, 607 Seventh street N,,\V., Washington, 446 D. C. 592 Allen, A. 111., 304 Bell Block, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1222 Allen, Charles E., 2 City Hall, Burlington, Vt. 1171 Allen, Frank H., Norwich, Conn. ' 2110 Allen, Frederick 1.,75 Genesee street,'Auburn, N. Y. 5046 Allen,Frederic S., 220 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 4946 Allen, Lafon, Louisville, Ky. " (7) 9 LIST OF.
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