British Cactus and Succulent Society

British Cactus and Succulent Society

BRITISHV.A C.T. AReCg. NTo.U 22S2 7 9A85N 47D S U RCeg.C ChUariLty ENoN. 29T07 8S6 OCIETY SEED DISTRIBUTION – 2020/21 Before ordering – please read the following carefully. K Indicate by marking with a cross in the order column the seeds you require. No more than TWO packets of a particular species can be ordered. Please indicate in the order column if you require two packets. K If a particular species is in short supply it may not be possible to supply more than one packet of that species to each applicant. K The seed offered is obtained from a number of suppliers and listed under the identifications given by them. The Society regrets therefore that it cannot accept responsibility for incorrect names on the seed packets. K We will endeavour to send you the seeds of your choice but please be aware that some species may be available only in very small quantities and substitutes or a credit note may have to be sent. Please therefore tick one of the three boxes below: I have indicated acceptable substitutes by placing crosses in the substitute columns. Please send substitutes of your own choice. No substitutes – Please send a credit note. K Please add up the number of packets on each page in the spaces provided and calculate your remittance. PLEASE CHECK THIS as errors will delay your order. K If you would like a copy of the BCSS Seed Raising information leaflet, please tick this box: K Please add £1.50 (£4.00 overseas airmail) to the total amount of your order towards the cost of post and packing and MAKE YOUR CHEQUE OR POSTAL ORDER PAYABLE TO BCSS . K Please allow 28 days for delivery before enquiring as interruptions to deal with enquiries whilst the Seed Distributor is packing orders only delay the work further! K Overseas Members only please note: Total Remittance: l Payment may be made via PayPal using the link from the BCSS website: Page 2 l Before sending your order please satisfy yourself that the local Total 1: £— p Customs and Import Regulations permit entry of cactus and succulent seeds. The Society regrets that it cannot be held responsible for Total 2: £— p seeds that are confiscated. l We regret that CITES and Phytosanitary Certificates cannot be supplied. Page 3 K Please order on this distribution list, which will be returned with your seeds. Total 3: £— p K Further information and habitat details are available for many of the items Total 4: £— p on the BCSS website: K Total 5: £— p Please print your name and address in the space provided below and forward your completed form, plus remittance and postage, to: Page 4 Mr Peter Lewis, Firgrove, 1 Springwoods, Courtmoor, Fleet, GU52 7SU. Total 6: £— p Name: . Total 7: £— p Address: . Total 8: £— p . P & P * £— p Post Code: . Membership No: . * (UK £1.50 – Overseas £4.00) Email address: . Total: £— p Cactus Seeds at 30p Cactus Seeds at 30p O S Place ‘X’ in box (O = Order, S = Substitute) 51 Echinopsis obrepanda var. purpurea WR461 52 Echinopsis werdermannii 1 Acanthocalycium klimpelianum (variety) P91 53 Epithelantha micromeris 2 Acanthocalycium thionanthum 54 Eriosyce atacamensis (Quebrada San Ramón) 3 Acanthocalycium thionanthum var. copiapoides n.n. P54 55 Eriosyce aurata 4 Ariocarpus trigonus var. minor (Jaumave, Tam) 56 Eriosyce ausseliana RS1374 (Incahuasi-Domeyko, Chile) 5 Astrophytum asterias RS1297 (Lucio Blanco, Tam) 57 Eriosyce recondita subsp. iquiquensis (Tarapana, Chile) 6 Astrophytum capricorne subsp. sanjuanensis MZ671 58 Escobaria chihuahuensis 7 Astrophytum coahuilense KS14 (Viesca) 59 Escobaria hendricksoniae 8 Astrophytum coahuilense SB1474 (Lerdo, Dur) 60 Escobaria grata MK140.430A (Melchor Múzquiz, Coah) 9 Astrophytum myriostigma (Jaumave, Tam) 61 Escobaria strobiliformis RS587 (Cuatro Ciénegas to Monclova) 10 Astrophytum myriostigma (Las Negritas, SLP) 62 Eulychnia acida 11 Astrophytum myriostigma var. jaumavense SB264 (Tam) 63 Eulychnia castanea 12 Astrophytum niveum (Sierra Madre, Coah) 64 Eulychnia castanea CHKP&JB2022 (Caleta Chigualoco, Coq) 13 Astrophytum niveum var. nudum (Cuatro Ciénegas, km41) 65 Ferocactus glaucescens 14 Astrophytum senile 66 Ferocactus hamatacanthus BKLM1045 (Nueva Reforma, Dur) 15 Astrophytum senile MZ120 67 Ferocactus hamatacanthus subsp. sinuatus (Ciudad Victoria) 16 Astrophytum senile var. aureum (Sierra de la Paila, Coah) 68 Ferocactus latispinus LM580 (La Tapona, Guanajuato) 17 Blossfeldia campaniflora 69 Ferocactus schwarzii 18 Blossfeldia fechseri 70 Ferocactus townsendianus BKLM986 (El Centenario, Baja C S) 19 Corryocactus melanotrichus 71 Ferocactus wislizeni 20 Echinocactus grusonii (ex cult) 72 Ferocactus wislizeni (New Mexico) 21 Echinocactus platyacanthus (Peñamiller) 73 Frailea mammifera subsp. angelesiae P390 22 Echinocereus arizonicus subsp. matudae 74 Frailea cataphracta var. pirateta 23 Echinocereus carmenensis SB1476 (La Cuesta) 75 Frailea chiquitana (Divi Miserato) 24 Echinocereus coccineus subsp. roemeri DJF789.25 (Kimble Co) 76 Frailea pygmaea var. curvispina FS1 25 Echinocereus coccineus subsp. roemeri RP719 (hardy) 77 Gymnocalycium achirasense (Achiras, Cord) 26 Echinocereus coccineus subsp. rosei SB236 78 Gymnocalycium baldianum SL384 27 Echinocereus coccineus VZ218 (Delaware Mtns) 79 Gymnocalycium baldianum (Ancasti, Cat) 28 Echinocereus dasyacanthus (Franklin Mts, Tx) 80 Gymnocalycium baldianum (Anquincilla) 29 Echinocereus fendleri (Silver Peak, Esmeralda Co, New Mexico) 81 Gymnocalycium baldianum (West of Singuil, Cat) 30 Echinocereus fendleri (Sandoval Co, NM) (hardy) 82 Gymnocalycium bicolor (San Pedro Norte, Cord) 31 Echinocereus fitchii SB861 (Webb Co, Tx) 83 Gymnocalycium carminanthum (Cuesta de los Ángeles) 32 Echinocereus grandis (Isla Estebán) 84 Gymnocalycium delaetii (14km North of La Vina, Salta) 33 Echinocereus parkeri P367 85 Gymnocalycium gibbosum var. nigrum 34 Echinocereus reichenbachii subsp. caespitosus JRT214 86 Gymnocalycium glaucum RP40 (Alpasinche, La Rioja) 35 Echinocereus roetteri (fantastic flowers, hardy) 87 Gymnocalycium glaucum (San Blas) 36 Echinocereus trig. var. gonacanthus SB753 (McKinley Co, NM) 88 Gymnocalycium horridispinum (Cerro Bola, Cord) 37 Echinocereus triglochidiatus (1-2 spines, robust, hardy) 89 Gymnocalycium intertextum aff. BKS150 38 Echinocereus triglochidiatus SB223 (Sandoval Co, NM) 90 Gymnocalycium monvillei var. steineri PC100 (Los Gigantes) 39 Echinofossulocactus albatus Rep628 (Ojuelos de Jalisco) 91 Gymnocalycium monvillei var. steineri (Niña Paula) 40 Echinofossulocactus anfractuosus (Dos Cedros) 92 Gymnocalycium monvillei (Dos Ríos, Sierra Grande) 41 Echinofossulocactus anfractuosus RS928 (Gilo, Hidalgo) 93 Gymnocalycium quehlianum (Villa Carlos Paz, Cord) 42 Echinofossulocactus erectocentrus (La Soledad, NL) 94 Gymnocalycium saglionis var. tilcarense (Purmamarca Jujuy) 43 Echinopsis (Pseudolobivia) ancistrophora P68 95 Gymnocalycium saglionis (San Blas) 44 Echinopsis (Pseudolobivia) ancistrophora P68A 96 Gymnocalycium sanluisense n.n. P103B 45 Echinopsis eyriesii 97 Gymnocalycium schickendantzii (Casa de Piedra, Cord) 46 Echinopsis leucantha KLA53 (El Corralito II San Carlos, Salta) 98 Gymnocalycium schickendantzii (Salinas Grandes) 47 Echinopsis leucantha (El Obelisco, Salta) 99 Gymnocalycium spegazzinii (3km W of Colalao de Valle, Tuc) 48 Echinopsis mamillosa var. flexilis MPL102.1 100 Gymnocalycium striglianum (Jeggle, Mend) 49 Echinopsis millarensis n.n. WR293 101 Gymnocalycium sutterianum subsp. dolezalii P192 50 Echinopsis obrepanda f. yungasensis FR331 102 Gymnocalycium taningaense (Taninga) packets at 30p = £ — p (Total 1) packets at 30p = £ — p (Total 2) Cactus Seeds at 30p Cactus Seeds at 30p 103 Gymnocalycium vatteri WP86-116 155 Thelocactus conothelos var. aurantiacus (Dolores, NL) 104 Helianthocereus huascha var. rubriflora 156 Thelocactus conothelos var. aurantiacus (Marmelejo, NL) 105 Lobivia akersii 157 Thelocactus conothelos var. macdowellii SS212 (Higueros, Coah) 106 Lobivia aurea var. lariojensis P207 (Ulapes La Rioja, 500m) 158 Thelocactus freudenbergeri PC630 (Grutas de García, NL) 107 Lobivia cinnabarina var. prestoniana 159 Thelocactus heterochromus VZD694 (Santa Gertrudis, Chih) 108 Lobivia haematantha var. antennifera n.n. P238 160 Thelocactus heterochromus (San Rafael, Dur) 109 Lobivia rebutioides JO541 161 Thelocactus hexaedrophorus 110 Mammillaria albilanata Rep1262 (Mexcoala, Que) 162 Thelocactus hexaedrophorus var. jarmilae CH641 (Cerritos, SLP) 111 Mammillaria duoformis 163 Thelocactus lausseri MZ1452 (Sierra de las Ovejas, Coa) 112 Mammillaria erythrosperma SB825 164 Thelocactus multicephalus (La Soledad) 113 Mammillaria gigantea subsp. flavovirens Rog486 165 Thelocaphala llanensis (Llanos del Challe Nat Park, Chile) 114 Matucana intertexta 166 Thelocaphala napina var. duripulpa RS1377 (Maitencillo, Chile) 115 Melocactus caesius (Cumana, Venezuela) 167 Trichocereus chiloensis 116 Melocactus curvispinus subsp. dawsonii 168 Trichocereus pasacana KLA50D (Gruta San Cayetano de Tuc) 117 Melocactus diersianus HU404 (Granjas Reunidas, Minas Gerais) 169 Trichocereus tarijensis 118 Melocactus oreas HU532 (Brumado, Bahia, Brazil) 170 Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele MZ276 (Bernal, Qro) 119 Melocactus uebelmannii HU528 (Rio São Françisco, Bahia, Br) 171 Turbinicarpus rioverdensis MZ340 (Río Verde, SLP) 120 Neop. curvispina f. descendens CHKP&JB2005 (El Col, Metro) 172 Weingartia lanata FR814 (Oropeza) 121 Neoporteria curvispina var. felipensis CHKP&JB2006 (Put, Val) 173 Wigginsia arechavaletae WRA11 122 Neoporteria rapifera (Huasco, Ch) 174 Wigginsia fricii

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