THE LONDON GAZETTE, JULY 4, 1862. 3405 John Haley, of No. 1, Everton-place, and late of Gray- himself to Thomas James Hooper, Esq., Registrar of the said street. Stockport-road, Manchester, Provision Dealer and Court, at the first meeting of creditors to be held before the Beerhouse Keeper, having been adjudged bankrupt under said Registrar, on the 15th day of July instant, at ten o'clock a Peiition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in the in the forenoon precisely, at the Office of the said Court. County Court of Lancashire, holden at Manchester, Mr. Thomas James Hooper is the Official Assignee, and on the 1st day of July, 1862, is hereby required to sur- Mr. Horace Isaac Barker, of Biggleswade, is the Solicitor render himself to Mr. Samuel Kay, Registrar of the acting in the bankruptcy. said Court, at the first meeting of creditors to be held before the said Registrar, on the 22nd day of July instant, at Henry Mitchell, of Warboys, in the county of Hunting- halt'-past nine o'clock in the forenoon precisely, at the said don, Miller, previously travelling with a Horse and Van Court, Nicholas-croft, Manchester. Mr. Samuel Kay is the and exhibiting Natural Curiosities, before that residing at Somersham, in the county of Huntingdon, Journeyman Official Assignee, and Mr. \V. Andrew, of Manchester, is Miller, and formerly of 'Southgate-street, Bury Saint Ed- the Solicitor acting in the bankruptcy. munds, in the county of Suffolk, Miller, having been Joh i Timperley, late of No. 22, Pump-street, Oldham- adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication road, Manchester, and having a stall in Smithfield-marlcet of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Hunting- Manchester aforesaid. Sausage Maker, having been ad- donshire, holden at Huntingdon, on the 2nd day of jul^ed bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication of July,' 1862, is hereby required to surrender himself to bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Lanca- Mr. Charles Margetts, a Registrar of the said Court, shire, holden at Manchester, on the 30th day of June, at the first meeting of creditors to be held before the said 1862, is hereby required to surrender himself to Mr. Samuel Registrar, on the 23rd day of July instant, at one o'clock Kay, Registrar of the said Court, at the first meeting of in the afternoon precisely, at the said Court. Mr. Charles creditors to be held before the said Registrar, on the 22nd Margetts is the Official Assignee, and Mr. James Hunt, of July instant, at half past nine o'clock in the forenoon of Cambridge, is the Solicitor acting in the bankruptcy. precisely, at the said Court, Nicholas Croft, Manchester. Mr. Samuel Kay is the Official Assignee, and Mr. J. William Lego, of Paignton, in the county of Devon* Stiles, of Manchester, is the Solicitor acting in the bank- Baker, having been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition ruptcy. for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court Thomas Barton, of No. 42, Richmond-street, Manchester, of Devonshire, holden at Totnes, on the 30th day of Labourer, and late of Liverpool-road, Manchester aforesaid, June, 1862, is hereby required to surrender himself to Beerseller, having been adjudged bankrupt under a Peti- Theodore Bryett, Esq., a Registrar of the said Court, tion for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in the County at the first meeting of creditors to be held before the said Court of Lancashire, bolden at Manchester, ou the 30th day Registrar, on the 23rd day of July instant, at eleven o'clock of June, 1862, is hereby required to surrender himself to in the forenoon precisely, at the said Court. Theodore Mr. Samuel Kay, Registrar of the said Court, at the first Bryett, Esq., of Totnes, is the Official Assignee, and Mr. meeting1 of creditors, to be held before the said Registrar, F. Kellock, of Totnes, is the Solicitor acting in the bank- on the 22nd day of July instant, at half-past nine in the ruptcy. forenoon precisely, at the said Court, Nicholas-croft, Man- chester. Mr. Samuel Kay is the Official Assignee, and Mr. Richard Threadgould, of Attercliffe, near Sheffield, in R. Swan, of Manchester, is the Solicitor acting in the bank- the county of York, Picture Frame Dealer and News ruptcy, Agent, having been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for Heinrich Stapfer, otherwise Henri Zenon, of No. 2, adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court Churchill-street, Manchester, Dentist's Assistant, haying of Yorkshire, holden at Sheffield, on the 30th day of been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication June, 1862, is hereby required to surrender himself at the of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Lancashire, first meeting of creditors to be held on the 23rd day of July holden at Manchester, on the 30th day of June, 1862, is instant, at two in the afternoon precisely, at the Office hereby required to surrender himself to Mr. Samuel Kay, of the said Court, in Bank-street, Sheffield. William Wake Registrar of the said Court, at the first meeting of credi- and Thomas William Rodgers are the Official Assignees, tors to be held before the said Registrar, on the 22 nd day and Mr. C. E. Broadbent, of Sheffield, is the Solicitor acting of July instant, at half-past nine o'clock in the forenoon in the bankruptcy. precisely, at the said Court, Nicholas-crofr, Manchester. Edward Lowther, of Little Bampton, in the parish of Mr. Samuel Kay, is the Official Assignee, and Mr. George Kirkbampton, in the county of Cumberland, Shoemaker, W. Wharton, of Manchester, is the Solicitor acting in the having been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for ad- bankruptcy. judication of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Edwin Thompson, formerly of No. 84, High-street* Cumberland, holden at Wigton, on the 1st of July, 1862, Borough, Southwark, in the county of Surrey, Dealer in is hereby required to surrender himself to Anthony Berwick Coals and Manures, afterwards staying occasionally at the Were, Esq., the Registrar of the said Court, at the first Standard Inn, Queen's-road, and the Prince Albert Inn, meeting of creditors to be held before the said Registrar, on Trafalgar-street, both in Brighton, in the county of Sussex, the 16th day of July instant, at eleven of the clock in the and late of the Swan Inn, East Grinstead, in the said forenoon precisely, at the said Court. Mr. Anthony Ber- county of Susses (lodging there), Dealer in Manures and wick Were is the Official Assignee, and Mr. Robert Cart Grease, having been adjudged bankrupt by the Regis- Stamper, of Wigton, is the Solicitor acting in the bank- trar of the County Court of Sussex, holden at Lewes, ruptcy. attending at the Lewes Gaol, on the 23rd day of June, Thomas Harrington, of Carleton, near Carlisle, in the 1862, and the adjudication being directed to be prosecuted county of Cumberland, Blacksmith, having been ad- at the County Court of Sussex, holden at East Grinstead, is judged bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication of hereby required to surrender himself to Mr. William Peer- Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Cumberland, less, Registrar of the said last-mentioned Court, at the first holden at Carlisle, on the 28th day of June, 1862, is hereby meeting of creditors, to be held before the said Registrar, required to surrender himself to Mr. Henry James on the 31st day of July instant, at ten o'clock in the fore- Halton, the Registrar of the said Court, at the first meet- noon precisely, at the County Court Office, East Grtnstead. ing of creditors to be held before the said Registrar, on The Registrar of the said Court is the Official Assignee, the 16th of July instant, at three o'clock in the afternoon and Mr. George Robert Goodman, of Ship-street, Brighton, precisely, at the Court-bouse, in Carlisle. Mr. Henry James is the Solicitor acting in the bankruptcy. Halton is the Official Assignee, and Mr. John Christopher William Young, of Groonabridge, in the parish of Withy- Wannop, of Carlisle, is the Solicitor acting in the bank- Lam, in the county of Sussex, Baker, Tea and General ruptcy. Dealer, having been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition William Callander, formerly of Tait-«treet, in the city of lor adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Carlisle, in the county of Cumberland, Travelling Draper, Court of Sussex, holden at East Grinstead, on the 2nd day and now of James'-terrace, in the said city of Carlisle, in of July, 1862, is hereby required to surrender himself to the county of Cumberland aforesaid, Joiner, having been ad- Mr. William Fearless, the Registrar of the said Court, at judged bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication of Bank- the first meeting of creditors to be held before the said ruptcy, filed in the County Court of Cumberland, holden at Registrar, on the 31st day of July instant, at twelve o'clock Carlisle, on the 26th day of June, 1862, is hereby required at noon precisely, at the County Court Office, East Grin- to surrender himself to Mr. Henry James Halton, the stead. The Registrar of the said Court is the Official Registrar of the said Court, at the first meeting of Assignee, and Mr. William Charles Cripps, of Tunbridge creditors to be held before the said Registrar, on the 16th Wells, Kent, is the Solicitor acting in the bankruptcy. day of July instant, at three o'clock in the afternoon pre- cisely, at the Court-house, in .Carlisle. Mr. Henry James William WagstafF, now and for a period exceeding six Halton is the Official Assignee, and Mr.
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