^OAG 5 SOf'S* -!« y B 30 1833 ^ B/WD£R/ 350 Serving Thm Lowell Armafor over 100 Year* J ^^•WGPORr .. ' MlCHI GAM C ^dih 49284 The Lowell Ledger Volume 23, Issue 45 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, August 159 2001 (CPAP) to assist his breath- closely, but so far things are aul Sikkenga had a For some, that may seem came parents of quadruplets for 26 week-old babies," said going well," Teri Sikkenga dream that his four more like a nightmare, but for (14 weeks premature) back Teri Sikkenga. ing. said. "Megan is the only in- children, bom July Paul and his wife, Teri, it will in July, exactly one year af- Katelynn, born at 2 Megan, bom at 1 pound, P ter they lost twins who were pounds, 1 ounce, is now able 12 ounces, has the most ob- fant who is not yet being fed 6, were walking around in be a welcomed sight. breast milk by tube." dirty diapers. The Lowell couple be- bom at 17 weeks. to breathe on her own. She stacles to overcome. The in- The premature quadru- needed surgery (July 28th) to fant has had to deal with As for mom, "I am tired plets, now all well over two help close a vessel in her bowel, kidney and breathing all the time. It's going to take pounds, are expected to re- heart. difficulties while also being a while to get going again after main in the neonatal unit at Ryan, bom at 1 pound, treated for brain bleed. Doc- such a long labor," Sikkenga Spectrum Health until at least 14 ounces, breathes with the tors have told the Sikkengas said. Doctors ordered com- Oct. 10, their original due help of a ventilator. that they expect her bowel plete bed rest for Sikkenga on date. Tyler, bom at 1 pound, and kidney problems will April 27; on May 26th she 'They are still critical, 15 ounces, needs Continu- resolve themselves. 'They entered the hospital. Sikkenga but stable - they * re doing well ous Positive Airway Pressure are watching the brain bleed had been in labor four hours on July 6 when her doctor de- Ryan Megan termined that a C-section was necessary. "Paul and I have wanted children for six years. Since we' re not getting any younger, there has been a new sense of priority. Some take having To Have, But Not Hold children for granted, but after losing twins a little over a year ago, that changes things," Paul and Teri Sikkenga spend all of their Sikkenga explained. As with becoming preg- free time at the neonatal unit at Spectrum nant with twins, Teri Sikkenga needed the aid of fertility pills. Health watching and helping to nurture According to the Sikkengas, the perception is that if a couple uses fertility their little ones, who were bom 14 weeks pills, they are going to have six or seven children. While it premature on July 6. The Lowell parents increases couples' chances of having multiple births, are hopeful that their children's Sikkengas say most of the time i.fi- it's not that way. "My sister used fertility improving health will enable them to pills and she has two children, Katelynn Tyler both single births," Teri take Tyler, Megan, Ryan and Katelynn Sikkenga said. By Thaddeus J. Kraus Lowell Ledger Editor When the Lowell couple heard they were going to have home some time in October. Quadruplets, cont'd, pg. 8 Proposed ordinance would enable Weekend accident claims life of Ml man city to negotiate construction By Thaddeus J. Kraus from Houston, Texas, where he had been Lowell Ledger Editor working for Pontiac Motors. management agreement for City "He came back here looking for work. An accident in Ionia County took away Jerry was going to open his own business," a college buddy, an em- Rickert said. Instead Hall/police station project ployee and best friend from Rickert hired him as an Lowell's Jay Rickert. estimator for Rickert Elec- By Thaddeus J. Kraus The accident occurred tric. Lowell Ledger Editor dinance authorized by section the city council to adopt an at the intersection of Potters "He took care of bill- 13.3 of this chapter, each con- ordinance providing for an ex- Road and Whites Bridge ing and stuff I didn't want It will take the adoption tract for construction of pub- ception to this provision," said Road Saturday aftemoon to do," Rickert explained. of an ordinance if the city is lic improvements... shall be city attomey, Richard Wendt. (Aug. 11) at 3:36 p.m. "It freed me up so that I to enter into a negotiated con- let after opportunity for com- "If such an ordinance were Lowell resident Gerald could work in the field." struction management agree- petitive bidding. adopted, there would be no E. Laveque was pronounced Shirley Kloosterman, a ment with Fishbeck, Thomp- "The applicable provision legal impediment for entering friend of the Laveque fam- dead at the scene after a son, Carr & Huber (FTC&H) of the city charter does permit Agreement, cont'd, pg. 8 1997 Chevrolet, driven by a ily, said the Rickerts were for the City Hall/police de- 17-year-old male from like a second family to partment facilities. Allegan, stopped for a stop Jerry. "He was an up front The request made by sign at Potters Road and then kind of guy. If he said FTC&H would have the ar- proceeded into the intersec- something - it was like writ- chitectural firm serve as con- tion. Upon entering the in- ten it in stone. He also had struction manager and sub- tersection, the Chevrolet a great sense of humor. contract with various subcon- Jerry Laveque struck the eastbound CMC There's a big empty space tractors for services required pickup driven by Laveque, in all of our lives. He was to complete the project. 40. The pickup left the south liked and respected so The city's charter, how- Dunn Crowned portion of the roadway and rolled over. much." ever, contains language "Jerry was everybody's friend. He'd do Laveque and his close and trusted friend, which prohibits the city from Kent County Fair anything for you," Rickert said. "He always Maria Rozcma were on their way back to his entering into such an agree- had fun." home to host a picnic when the accident ment. Rickert and Laveque went to Central occurred. Chapter 13, Section 13.1 Queen, Page 17 Michigan University together in the early "Jerry and Marta met about a year ago. (c) provides in pertinent part: '80s. Eight years ago, Laveque returned Laveque, cont'd, pg. 8 Except as provided by or- The Lowell Ledger-Wednesday, August 15,2001 -Page 3 The Lowell Ledger -Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - Page 2 Church in Saranac. Surviv- of Sheridan; 12 grandchil- and Evans Funeral Home, SPECKIN - Madeline L. Speckin, aged 83, of Lowell, ing are her children Sandra dren, 27 great-grandchildren 5391 Highland Rd.. Jeanne and Mike Hawkins of and several nieces and neph- Waterford on Wednesday passed away August 7,2001 OBITUARIES at Cumberland Manor in California, Loretta "Lorrie" ews. She was preceded in from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m.; Ro- JeRue of Lowell, V aughn and death by her first husband L & N CARPET CLEANING sary Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Lowell. She was bom July Sonia Vickery of Saranac, Kenyon Vickery and her sec- Memorials may be made to 26, 1918, in Lowell, the Valerie Lordly of Arkansas; ond husband Clair Speckin. the American Heart Associa- daughter of Myron and LAVEQUE - Gerald (Jerry) hunting, fishing, golfing and stepchildren Ronald and Su- Funeral services were held We're Out To Take Care Of All Your Carpet Needs! tion. Envelopes available at Gladys (Callier) Kyser. She E. Laveque, aged 40, of Low- skiing with his family and his san Speckin of Ionia, Robert Friday at the Galilee Baptist ir ir ell, formerly of Waterford, many friends. He will be the funeral home. lived all her life in Boston Twp. She was a graduate of and Debra Speckin of Church in Saranac with Rev. died August 11, 2001; cher- dearly missed by all those who Greenville, Dennis Speckin James Frank officiating. In- SNYDER - Millicent Snyder, Lowell High School in 1936. ished son of Joseph and the knew and loved him. Mr. of Ionia, Brian Speckin of terment Sunset Memorial aged 103, of Saranac, died She was an avid gardener and late Jean Laveque of Laveque was a member of Ionia; sisters JoyceLyn and Gardens. Memorial contribu- Wed., Aug. 8, 2001. She is active environmentalist. She Waterford; beloved brother Our Lady of the Lakes Catho- Dick Chase of Lowell, Toni tions may be made to Ionia survived by her daughter loved to travel, listen to mu- of Denise (Brian) Stevens and lic Church where he will lie in Haller of Lowell; sister-in- Commission on Aging. Winnie (Karl) Fry of Lowell; sic, dance and read. She was Joe (Tracy); loving uncle of state Thursday, Aug. 16, law Jane and Bill Wieczorek Hannah and Cooper; and 2001,10:30 a.m. until timeof son Clair (Kathleen) Snyder a member of Galilee Baptist 2 Rooms Cleaned By L&N 3 Rooms Cleaned By L&N 6 Rooms Cleaned By L&N friends to many, especially the Funeral Mass at 11 a.m.. of Reed City; eight grand- to Marta Rozema and her Rev. Lawrence Delonnay of- children; many great-grand- children David, Kyle, Matt ficiating. Rite of Committal children. As per her request, Riverwalk Festival offers a healthy fair CALL 241 -2343 CALL 241 -2343 CALL 241-2343 and Anna.
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