X Y, THE WEATHER AVEBAUB d a il y CIRCDLA'no.N Foreceat of V, S. Weather Barcaa for Uw month of AprU, 1939 X A •aew v "■ is* Inrreulng cloodlneaa foilnwed by translated from '‘Tonerna’* (Bwed- 6 , 2 3 8 ahowera beginning late' tonlgM or BEETHOVEN GLEE CLUB .(J ' In Graduate Cla^s | lah) by SJoberg. ^ Member ol the Aodlt Himday- ABOUT TOWN The service will begin at T o’clock ~ Burcao qt Ctrooiaaons [ of Teachers’ College TO SING ON SUNPAY and It Ui hoped many win attend. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHAR!VI Everyone te yvelcome. Members V r«. John Pickle* and Mr*. ' ------- / / of the QleeOlee clilbcitib will meet at 8 enVELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 'ChariM Houae attended the annual " r e Summer Activities MANCHESTER, CONN., S.ATT’RDAY, MAY 27, 19.19 (Ulasstfled .Ad\-ertistag on Page 10) 'tflnner of the Ck)nnectlcut Society for To Make Final A p p ^ n c e Of o'clock promptly for a short VOL. LVIIL n o . 2 0 .3 / CMppIcd Children, held at the New- The Seaimn At l ^ e Emanuel hearaat > I kwtoa home Wednesday evening, Lutl(eran C h ^ h . •nd reported a total of $182 from ■1 Races Death ei«i« town in the annusl-Kaster sale The Beethpy« Glee club sill EXPERT “Tumor Girl” Mmpalgn. Final reporta Indicated a make It* flhhl appearance of the iegin this Week-end UNION LEADERS total oC $19.»00.3S collected In the season Bunday ^ n ln g at the Kman- s h o £ r e p a i r i n g qnallty Materials — First Class ASSEMBLY HOLDING "W * 990,000 drive, with eight towns still GOEBBELS SAYS AXIS iiel LuDremn chiil’Ch. A splendid to ta heard from. program of songs Irgve been pre­ Wiiikinaaililp aad fleivlea. DIFFER W ID EY pared by the alngefe Including Frank C Healey, son of Mr. and Mkllehijah fhnnis" hy^^eethoven, SAM YU LYB 8 Xra. Andrew J. Healey of Buckland. Henibtm Song" by Borlnlanaky, 201 Mala Ht. Jetmaak Bloeh SATURDAY SESSION ana • senior at Massachusetts State •Now le t Every Tongue Adortf Swim Suits by Jantzen ONIONS WILL ANSWER EVERY Callage at Amherst, haa been elected . to Adelphla, the senior honorary so­ ciety. He Is one of 15 out of the of 800 graduating next month AS CLOSING NEARS i Action Proposed By Nation­ Your Bwim suit should be flattering, gay to receive thw honor. and smart. Above all, it should fit you BANK ACCEPTS ’’CHECH” • ATTACK FROM FRONT al Labor Relations Board ■ An children and young people Special Sale! with* wrinkle-defying perfection. So Legislators Not Disposed To | WHTITEN ON CARPEl' ♦siring part In the pageant to be pre- FUE8 TO HOME TOWN aentTC on Children’s Day, June 4, at choose a Jantzen! In the water and out I Bloomsburg, P*., May 27.—t/P) , Director To Settle Strike FOR A ri’ENUlX REMOVAL Germ ai Propaganda Mioio* the North Methodist church, are re­ they give you true girdle fit, moulding and- Act With Undue Haste In —Samuel Johnston bet hie friend - quested to attend rehearsal Satur­ SEEKING SENATE B ^ b o o holding you snugly yet comfortably. See Horace Wllllama $10 It would I i Crawfordsvllle, Ind., May 27.— | day afternoon at 9:30 at the church. rain at a certain store, on a eer- \ In Automobile Industry. </P)— Charles' Beeson, former i ter Soonds *Tnial W an­ Olga A. Kwaah the new suits — they are a revelation ij] Important Matters; Mon­ • tain day and at a certain hour. | Crawfordsville man who now | Members of Orford Pariah Chap­ richness and comfort. WUIlams accepted the wager' ACnON ON RAIL llvei In Detroit, flew back here tar.ter, uaugnteriDaughter* «of theio» American Mias Olga A. Kwash. daughter of -•a. Porch Screens >f and with about 100 unofficial, wit-1 D e t r ^ May 27— Rival union to have his appendix taken out ' ing” To Powers Seeltiog Revolution, are requested to meet at William Kwnali of day Meeting Uncertain. nesses was on hand at the ap- | We have a limited number of leaders differed widely today In because, he aald, ’’when I g o t! l6;S0 Sunday morning at St. Mary’g. jf,3 center street, will be a iiieiidHT SlsMSItodt. Prksat pointed hour. It rained, all right ’ their attitude .toward proposed Na­ B A N K K BILL ■Ick I wanted to come home.” T a ^ d e ”Nalioii;Ew Bplscopal church, to attend the of the graduating i,'ln*.a from thp these porch screens that ara \ —synthetic rata, which fell In a Stricken with appendicitis' mortal service In a body. / iTeachrrs College of Ciiiini ctlciit nl slightly Imperfect. Every on* State Capitol, Hartford, May 27-:- j ! window display. tional Labor Relations Board con- early yesterday, he took an air-1 —— New Britain when- ahe has majored » ducted consent election* among em­ of these screen* will give long (/f)—TTie General Assembly went Wllllama thought he’d get even —liner, to Indianapolis and came on i : phasizet An^w SerioiiK M o n d ay being the fifth J ^ ila y In in English ami sw lal studied to ployes of two automotive companies to CrawfordsvUle In an am- • wear and service. Come In and Jnto the first Saturday session of i on the pay-off. He wrote a Administration Leaders the month, all groups of dne Mrmo- teach In the Junior and aenliir high to decide a Jurisdictional dispute bulance. ! tha year today because It had so I "check” with charcoal on a strip rial Hospital auxiliary Will meet at school Miss Kwnsh rerelve.d a make your own aelectlon. to I of carpet 27 Inches wide and six and facilitate settlement of strikes A surgeon In a local hospital i I ness With Which Nazb the T. M. C. A. Members of Group tuition wholarshlp In her freshman much .business to do and' so little feet long and "dared” Johnston which threw 70,000 persons out of Want Showdown Vote On removed the appendix. No. 4. Mrs. William Knofakie, leader, year. ' , time In which to do It, but still the to cash it. work. Yiew Efforts To Briif win be the hoeteMea. • Mi.'w Kwnsh. an honor $1.25 5 FT. SCREENS .., legislators were not disposed to xct A bank told Johnston It would The offer to conduct Immediate — from the Manehester High si hmd 83c Revising Procedure By with undue haste on any of the Im­ accept the "check.” elections was made by Frank L, iei..,.r and IJlllan «"* been arllve In numerous extra portant matters ponding.- ------------------------------------------- Bowen, reg^lonal NLRB director, last R n sib Into Affiance. W oftty who were married at the lo- $1.49 6 FT. SCREENS Thus the House postponed a de­ night on condition that consent be Setting Up Special Court. FRENCH DEVOTE cal BMvaUao Array rltadel. Turwlay, n ^ $ 1.00 D O U B L E ’ cision qnd bills markedly revising given by the strike-bound firms— the state liquor law, starred for ac­ the Briggs Manufacturing Oo.. and Berlin, May 27.—<F>—Propagan­ *’^iddi’ ” Vrii*'»o*inortdi"'Mir^J^ Handicraft cliih, n memlier tion 3resterday, and the Senate, the Orabam-Palg* Motors Corn, a wading trip to “ ‘’, f of the College Ihealer for two yenrs, $1.98 7 F^. SCREENS .. Washington, May 27—(S’)—Ad­ da Minister Paul Joeeph Goebbela m r t l ^ a short ^ *‘t with 1 member of the Aasemhly-Id’ctiire $1,32 \ w though receiving from the House FEDERAL TAX and the CIO and Independent CABINET MEET the all-lmportant $100,000.00 ap­ ministration forces soiight a show­ sounded a “final warning” today' f ' ^ ’^ w '^ e h 'l^ fo lT t ^ ln e SI; knnri"- committee and on the pho- branches of the United Automobile James W. Beech before taking up I t'lgrnphy stnfT- ,for the ...jiar’*’Dlar’, methe Greem Stamps Given propriation bill and companion workers. down vote In the Senate t<iday on for powers seeking to “encIrCI*^ their work In Pennsyh'anta. college yearly pnlillcntlnn. She will $2.25 8 FT. SCREENS .. measures raising, the liquor t u and REVISION JOB The Briggs strike was called by a bill to re'Vlee railroad bankruptcy TO TURK F A Q Germany and aald "every blow o f $1.50 With Cash Sales All transferring from the Highway De- dlrert the play for class night. the ClO-wlng of the UAW which procedure by piecing It under a spe­ this front wlU be answered by us Members of the local Salvation parement budget balancing funds claimed the management gave the with a deafening counter-btow.” . • Army corps are requeated to T>e Complrtr with roprn nnd pulley*.Color*: Oreen or BrowTi, day SATURDAY. which would piece out state police cial five-member court. The ’’warning” empbaelaed anew , and general fund -expenses, laid STARTS TODAY union no aatisfactlon on a long Ugt present at a special’ soldiers’' meet- Although facing some opposition Expect Agreement Like One the seriouaneea with which Ger­ A aon was bom Frlilny, May 19 ^ e m aside until next Wednesday. of grievances. The CIO group also bag tonight at 7 30 at the citadel. to Mr. and Mrs, Angelo Glnla of T called the Oraham-Palge strike an­ to the Ides of creating,* new divi­ many views afforta in Londoa and \ A week from ■ Wednesday, the a 1 ■■ n • IIdcltinalnck nlrcet, at Bt. Krancla • PLYMOUTH• nouncing It as In protest against sion of the Federal Juillclary, Dem­ Pula to bring Soviet Rueala Into AD pupils of the Recreation On- This all wooden chair ocratic Lender Barkle^ said he waa Signed By Britam W ill Be ^spllal, Hartford.
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