Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Kentucky Library - Serials Society Newsletter Winter 1995 Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 18, Number 1 Kentucky Library Research Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn Part of the Genealogy Commons, Public History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Kentucky Library Research Collections, "Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 18, Number 1" (1995). Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter. Paper 112. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn/112 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ''''ff~. HU'~T[R ~~S" 1067 7J48 60lYth~t-n ~entvckB (5 ~n ~ ulo 91 C 0.1 Socl~lB -+-I VC>I.UMF; XVTrJ. J SSlJF:1 SOUTHERN KENTUCKY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. Box 1782 Bowling Green , KY 42102-1782 1995 OFFICERS AND CHAIRPERSONS ***************************************************************************** President Barbara Ford, 545 Cherokee Dr., Bowling Green, KY 42103 Ph. 502 782 0889 Vice President: Gene Whicker, 1118 Nahm Dr., Bowling Green, KY 42104 Ph. 502 842 5382 Recording Secretary: Gail Miller, 425 Midcrest Dr., Bowling Green, KY 42101 P h. 502 781 1807 Corresponding Secretary Betty B. Lyne, 613 E 11TH Ave., Bowling Green, KY 42101 Ph. 502 843 9452 Treasurer Ramona Bobbitt, 2718 Smallhouse Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42104 Ph. 502 843 6918 Chaplain James David Evans, 921 Meadowlark Drive Bowling Green, KY 42103 Ph. 502 842 2313 Progran Chairperson Rivers Ford, 545 Cherokee Drive Bowling Green, KY 42103 Ph. 502 782 0889 Longhunter Editor Leroy Collier, 1644 Sma1lhouse Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42104, Ph. 502 843 4753 Longhunter Co-Editor Sue Evans, 921 Meadowlark Drive. Bowling Green, KY 42103 Ph 502 843 2313 Exc/Publication Chairperson Barhara Ford, 545 Cherokee Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42103 Ph. 502 782 0889 Membership Chairperson Gene Whicker, 1118 Nahm Dr., Bowling Green, KY, 42104 Ph. 502 842 5382 Historian Chairperson Irene Constant, 364 Old Lovers Lane Bowling Green, KY, 42103 Ph. 502 842 8400 Telephone Chairperson Louise Taylor, 331 Bellevue Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42101 Ph. 502 842 7808 Hasp/Social Chairperson Jean Bays, P.O. Box 10153, Bowling Green, KY 42102 Ph. 502 7~6 ;n33 Public/Pub.Rel. Chairperson Mildred Collier, 1644 Smallhouse Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42104 Ph. 502 843 4753 Sunshine Chairperson Nadine Smith, 443 Bellevue Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42101 Ph. 502 842 0976 Libr/Liaison Chairperson Sue Spurlock, 537 L.C. Carr Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42101 Ph. 502 781 4790 Immediate Past President Alexandra Ebling, 1500 Bryant Wy, C7 (Helper corner) Bowling Green, KY 42103 Ph. 502 781 6568 ***************************************************************************** MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society is open to all persons, especially to those who are interested in research in Allen, Barren, Butler, Edmonson, Logan, Simpson, and Warren Counties in Kentucky. Member­ ship is by the year, 1 January through 31 December. DUES for individual or family membership are $15 per year and include a subscription to the LONG­ HUNTER which is published quarterly. MEETINGS The SOUTHERN KENTUCKY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY meets REGULARLY on the third Monday of each month at the Houc h e ns Center, 1115 Adams Street, at 7 PM. A cordial welcome is extended to all visitors and prospective New Members. Announcements of date, time, and place of all mee tings will be displayed on the Community Bulletin Board, Channel 6, and on the Agenda listing in the Park Ci ty Daily News. ~--------------------------------------------------- --.-- . THE LONGHUNTER VOLUME XVIII, ISSUE NO. I .JANUARY ISSUE - 1995 ******************************************************************************** Table of Contents, Out of Town Visitors 01 Longhunter, Queries, Back Issues, Book Reviews 02 Early Settlers of South Central KY, by Leroy Collier 03 Abstracts of Warren Co, Ky Deed Books, by Leroy Collier 11 Ancestry, Pedigree, and Ahnentafel Charts: Jerry/Ruth Williams 19 Leslie J. Whiteley 20 Wm. Wayne Miller 21 Betty Potter 22 Warren County, Kentucky 1791-1900 Marriages, by Pat Reid 23 Gleanings - Henrietta Johnson's Scrapbook, by Sue Spurlock 31 The William T. Welborn Family Bible Record, by Gail Miller 35 Kentucky and her Counties, by Wendell H. Rone, SR 36 Queries 37 Books donated to Kentucky Library in 1994 39 Settlements 1520-1820 42 1995 SKGS MBR List (MBRS who have paid 1995 dues to date) 43 Index 45 Books and Publications Available from SKGS Members Inside Back Cover ********************************************************************************* OUT OF TOWN VISITORS Out of town visitors may want to: 1. Visit the Special Collection at the Kentucky Library, Kentucky Building, on the campus of .Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, KY. A compe­ tent staff is there to help with Genealogical Research. If further help is needed, Officers or Chairpersons listed on the facing page may be called. 2. Visit the Counl.y Court Clerk Collection in the Warren CounLy Courthouse, in Downtown Bowling Green. Extensive court records, either the actual books or microfilmed copies dating from the time the county was formed in 1796, are on file there and are in excellent condition. :1. Call one of the Officers or Chairpersons listed in this Quarterly for help or visiL with us at our regular meeting at the HOUCHIN CENTER, 1115 Adams St., Bowling Green, KYat 7:00 PM on the third Monday Night in each month. THE LONGH UNTER, VOL. XVIII, ISSUE 1, PG. 2 THE LONGHUNTER THE I,ONGHUNTER is published quarterly and is mailed to approximately 200 Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society members and to 100 other societies in exchange for their pUblications. This quarterly contains 40 to 50 pages each issue and is indexed with a full name index. It is designed to give researchers information about the Ancestors and Descendants of Members of the SKGS and other information from the South Central Kentucky and the North Central Tennessee areas. Members are encouraged to submit articles for publication. Local newspaper clippings from the past, Census Records, Re­ cords of Court Proceedings, Bible and Cemetery Records, Family Histories, which you may have written, Pedigree Charts, Photographs (send copies only I, wi.!l be welcomed by our Editors. Articles written for publication should be typed or printed legibly and should not be over 10 pages in length. Sources for information you submit should be stated in the article or put in Footnotes at the end. The right to edit any material for presentation is reserved by the Longhunter F:ditor. Although it is the desire of the Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society to publish reliable genealogical material, neither t he Society nor the Editors assume responsibility for Facts or for opinions expressed by the contribut.ors. Submitted material becomes the property of the LONGIHJ NT ER and will not. be returned to the contribut.or. QUEIUES AJI members are urged to submit Que ries. These should be limited to about 80 words per Query, but there is no limit to the numbe r a me mbe r may send in. Since the LONGHUNTER w"ill he read by t he people in 200 me mbe r h o u sehold plus the ho use holds of 100 other societ.ies who r eceive ou r quarte r­ ly in exchange we believe you will be pleased with the results you will get from t his muc h exposure. BACK ISSUES Current and Back issues of the LONGHlJNTER are available back to 1978, and are $4.00 each postpaid. Orde r s should be placed with the Southern Ke ntucky Gen e alogical Society, P. O. Box 1782, Bowling Green, KY 42102- 1782. BOO K REVIEWS The SOUTHERN KENTUCKY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY we lcomes do na t ed books for r eview in the LONGHUN'fER. After review all donate d books a r e placed in the Special Collection at t he Ke ntuc ky Library, Ke n t uc ky Building, on the campus of Western Kentuc ky University, in Bowling Green , KY, for all to use . Please include price and ordering instructions when yo u send a book in for review. If the person who donates a book is a me mber o f the S KGS, t he title and description of the book a long with t h e price a nd o rde ring inRtruc:­ tions w"ilI he p laced with othe r me mber's books on the inside back cover of the I,ONGH UNT ER and will stay there as long as the autho r iR a me mbe r. MEMBF:RSHIP DUES Membership dues in the SOUTHERN KENTUCK Y GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, which are $15 per cale nder year and include a subscription to the LONGHUNT­ gR which is published quarterly, s hould be sen t to SOllTHERN KENTUCKY GF:NF:AL,OGTCAL SOCIETY, POBOX 1782, BOWLING GREEN , KY 42102- 1782. THE LONGHUNTER, VOL. XVIII, ISSUE 1, PG. 3 EARLY SETTLERS OF SOUTH CENTRAL, KENTUCKY, Cont'd ***************************************************************************** WlLLTAM DEPP FAMILY William Depp was born on 25 March 1761 in Cumberland County, VA in an area which later became Powhatan County. He was a son of Peter Depp (Name was originally spelled Deppe). After fighting in the Revolutionary War, he married Elizaheth Walker, who was born 13 July 1772. In 1792 they moved to Warren Co., KY and settled on Skaggs Creek near the mouth of Nahob Creek, an area which in 1798 became Barren County. They had the following twelve children: Nancy Depp, who married Benjamin Davidson; Elizabeth Depp, who married Thomas Winn; Joel Depp, who married Elizabeth Montague; Peter Depp, who married Mary Hansom Courts; Susanna Depp, who married Jesse Davidson; P.
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