Grand Valley State University ScholarWorks@GVSU 1994-1995, Volume 19 Grand Valley Forum, 1976- 11-28-1994 Grand Valley Forum, volume 019, number 18, November 28, 1994 Grand Valley State University Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/forum19 Part of the Archival Science Commons, Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Grand Valley State University, "Grand Valley Forum, volume 019, number 18, November 28, 1994" (1994). 1994-1995, Volume 19. 16. http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/forum19/16 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Grand Valley Forum, 1976- at ScholarWorks@GVSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1994-1995, Volume 19 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@GVSU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Monday, November 28, 1994 Volume 19, Number 18 Lakers Rack Up Another Winning Season The GVSU Laker football team tenth straight winning season, and ended the 1994 season where it the Lakers' 8-2 conference record was began, in the Pennsylvania foothills. good enough for second place in the Grand Va lley lost the NCAA Divi­ Midwest Intercollegiate Football Con­ sion II play-off game to Indiana Uni­ ference. versity of Pennsylvania, 35-27. It was Grand Va lley has led the MIFC in against IUP that the Lakers opened total offense for the past five seasons. the season in September, losing 35- 33. Despite those setbacks, Grand Valley's 8-4 overall record marked the Holiday Party To Honor Faculty and Staff Seventy-seven faculty and staff Maintenance/Service The 20-year award recipients are: members will be honored for their Willard Nyenbrink, Hardware Spe­ Faculty years of service to Grand Valley at the cialist. Max Densmore, Professor of Market­ annual Holiday Party on Thursday, ing; M. Chris Falvey Professor of Psy­ December 1 The 25-year award recipients are: chology; Carol Garey, Senior Librari­ Eight facu lty and staff members Faculty an; Constance Jones, Assistant will receive their 30-year awards, 15 John Batchelder, Professor of Political Professor of English; Stanton facu lty and staff will receive their Science; Roelof Bijkerk, Professor of Lindquist, Professor of Accounting 25-year award, 15 faculty and staff Psychology; Thomas Cunningham, and Taxation; Harvey Nikkel, Profes­ will receive their 20-year awards and Professor of Philosophy; Ronald sor of Chemistry; Ronald Poitras, 39 w ill be presented with ten-year Dwelle, Associate Professor of Eng­ Associate Professor of Anthropology pins. All faculty and staff are invited lish; Paul Grischke, Associate Profes­ and Sociology; Margaret Proctor, to attend. The reception will be held sor of Music; Kenneth Johnson, Asso­ Associate Professor of Communica­ in the Kirkhof Center, Promenade ciate Professor of Computer Science tions; John Shontz, Professor of Biol­ Deck, from 3 to 5 p.m., with the and Info rmation Systems; James Scott, ogy award ceremony beginning at 3:30 Associate Professor of Physical Educa­ p.m. To allow all employees to par­ tion; Donald Williams, Professor of Executive, Administrative and ticipate, campus offices w ill be closed Anthropology and Sociology; F. West­ Professional beginning at 3 p m. on Wochholz, Associate Professor of Richard Mehler, Facilities Ma nager, Education. Grand Rapids Campus; Nancee Miller, The 30-year award recipients are: Director of Alumni Relations. Executive, Administrative and Faculty Professional Clerical, Office and Technical Carl Bajema, Professor of Biology; Arend Lubbers, President; Allen Doriana Gould, Secretary, Foreign Marvin DeVries, Professor of Econom­ Wygant, Director of Public Safety Ser­ Languages; Sandra Longstreet, Ad­ ics; Robert Hoeksema, Associate Pro­ vices. ministrative Assistant, Continuing fessor of Foreign Languages; Carl Education Dean's Office; Stella Kobernik, Associate Professor of For­ Clerical Office and Technical Weber, Administrative Aide, Educa­ eign Languages; Donald Vanderjagt, Marilyn Clubine, Administrative Assis­ tional Support Program. Professor of Mathematics and Statis­ tant, Athletics; Pamela Tober, Secre­ tics. tary, Music. Maintenance/Service Donald Drooger, General Mainte­ Executive, Administrative and Maintenance/ Grounds nance Mechanic. Professional Gary Jaarsma, Heating, Ventilation, Ai r Glenn Niemeyer, Provost and Vice Conditioning Specialist; Peter Ritsema continued on page 2 President for Academic and Student Groundskeeper. Affairs; John Scherff, Plant Services supervisor. @GRANOVALI.EY STATE UNIVERSITY Page 2 fORlM Across Campus New Donors, New Dollars donors will receive a "Don's Dough­ dents who could not be added during the year. The 1994 Faculty Staff Campaign nut Dollar" to have coffee and dough­ continues to make progress. nuts with President Lubbers at select­ Due to a change in legislation, you ed sites in January. As of November 18, 1994, 346 will also be required to list the names, employees or 37 percent of the GVSU Using payroll deduction makes birthdates and social security numbers work force contributed $75,140. This giving easy. A $4 per pay period of your dependents who are covered year's goal is to reach a participation deduction result-; in a $104 gift. under your policies at the university. rate of 60 percent, meaning 222 more If you have questions or need a A section has been added to back of donors are needed before the end of form, call Nancee Miller at 771-6537 the enrollment form for you to pro­ the year. Many funds need support. or Dori Gates at 771-6530. vide this information. Some important points to consider Meetings have been scheduled include: Personalized Benefits Program during open enrollment to explain Enrollment Deadline December 2 All gifts to named endowment funds plan options and answer questions. will be matched by undistributed The open enrollment period for The elates and times of the remaining interest from the general endowment. the Personalized Benefits Program meetings are as follows: Two new endowment funds have will encl on Friday, December 2. The November 29 - Tuesday - 9 a.m. recently been established. The MSW IRS requires, all program participants Portside - Kirkhof Scholarship Endowment will provide to complete an enrollment form, November 29 -Tuesday - 5:30 p.m. scholarships for graduate students in whether or not any changes are Cabins D, E, and F - Kirkhof Social Work. The Ara Carey Endow­ made. Spouses are encouraged to attend. ment Fund will bring experts on child An enroll ment workbook was To make a reservation for one of welfare to campus to speak to G VSU delivered to all regular faculty and these meetings, call the Benefits Hot­ students and the community. staff on November 4. Open enroll­ line at x2220 o r send your reservation All contributions to the University ment provides the opportunity for by cc:Mail, addressing your message faculty and staff members to change qualify for a State of Michigan tax continued on page 3 credit and a federal tax deduction. All insurance carriers and add depen- Holiday Party To Honor Faculty and Staff continued from page 1 Kirkhof School of Nursing and Pro­ cation; Andrea Marks, Admissions fessor of Nursing; Gregory Houghta l­ The ten-year award recipients are: Office Assistant; Carolyn Modderman, ing, Architect; H. Bart Merkle, Associ­ Library Clerk, Library; Peg1:,,y Moore, Faculty ate Provost and Dean of Students; Clerical Assistant, Financial Aid Gordon Alderink, Assistant Professor Dewey Newsome, Swim Coach/ Office; Dan Seeley, Media Services of Physical Therapy; Lucille Grimm, Coordinator of Aquatics; Virginia Assistant, Student Life Office; Elsie Associate Professor of Nursing; Gayla Randall, Assistant Dean of Students. Sova, Bookkeeper, Accounting Office; Jewell, Assistant Professor of Nursing; Clerical, Office and Technical Susan Speck, Clerical Aide, Account­ Benjamin Lockerd, Jr., Associate Pro­ Mary Beversluis Tuinstra, Executive ing Office; Suellen Terry, Clerical fessor of English; Marie McKendall, Assistant, School of Education; Associate Professor of Management; Secretary, Provost's Office; Pamela Biller, Clerical Assistant, Anthropolo- Dorothea Thomas, Secretary, Interna­ Alexander Nesterenko, Associate Pro­ tional Affairs; Thomas Underwood, 1:,,y /Sociology; Joyce Black, Adminis­ fessor and Director of School of Com­ Television Equipment Operator, munications; Donald Paszek, Associ­ trative Assistant, Office for Economic Expansion; WGVU/ WGVK-TV; Maurine VanHuis, ate Professor of Psychology; James Diane Breeman, Clerical Assistant, Computer Science and Bookkeeper, Accounting Office; Persoon, Associate Professor of Eng­ William Willea, Computer Operator Information Systems; Nancy Brown, n, lish; Patricia Rowe, Assistant Professor Administrative Computing. of Physical Education. Secretary, English; Patricia Deverney, Clerical Assistant, Registrars Office; Maintenance/ Service Executive, Administrative and Michele Golightly, Clerical Assistant, Joyce Cummings, Custodian. Professional Bookstore; Lisa Ham, Secretary, Sci­ Farley Coomber, Plant Services Super­ ence and Math Center; Lorna Hol­ Public Safety visor; Deborah Dencer, Assistant Ath­ land, Student Employment Assistant; Gregory Pruitt, Public Safety Officer. letic Trainer; Mary Horan, Dean of Diana Kirby, Secretary, Physical Edu- fORlM Page 3 Coming Events Student Employee Training at the corner of College and Fulton in Lesbian, Gay Task Force Meets Sessions Scheduled Grand Rapids. Interested members of the GVSU All student employees currently Pratt will perform works by Bach, community are
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