1913-14 hockey · 3St IS WHERE IT'S AT! The LOFT at McGregor-Soderstrom i1 the place to go for the late1t in sportswear at a price you CM afford. Choose from Soder1trom'1 1.-ge ,election of 1weatera, sport 1hirt1, jean, and double knit 1lack1 from the LOFT, and check out the outerwe•. 1uit1, and sport coat, on the main floor. lt'1 alway, the late1t in fashion, and they've got your 1ize. 722·1775 · 219 WEST SUPERIOR STREET University of Minnesota-Du/nth 1973-74 Hockey Program GE ERAL INFORMATION: Location: 2400 Oakland Avenue Duluth, !innesota 55812 Founded: 1895 as State Normal School; 194 7 as branch of University of Minnesota Enrollme nt: 5,600 Started Hockey: 1931 ickname: UMD Bulldogs Colors : ~laroon a nd Gold Conference: Western Co ll egiate Hockey Association (WCHA) Home Arena: Duluth Arena (5,400 seating capacity) Head Coach: Terry Shercliffe (UMD '65), Fourth Year Assistant Coach: Chuc k Whalen (UMD'74), First Year Team Physician: Dr. 1-1. Jeronimus Trainer: Don Roach A sistant Trainer: Mark iergarte n Provost: Dr. Raymond w. Darland Faculty Representative: Dr. Richard Ojakangas Ath letic Director: Ralph A. Romano Ath letic Business Manager: Bruce McLeod Sports In fo rmation Director: Bruce McLeod Student Assistant SID ' s: Pat Bailey and Brad Swenson Secretaries: Kathy Erickson and Pat Bjorklund Pub Ii hed by the Un ivers ity of Minnesota, Duluth Athletic De partment Ralph Romano .. Athletic Director Bruce McLeod ... Athletic Bus iness Manager Ken Moran ... Photographer Security Jewelers 307 West Superior Street 727-1301 featuring KEEPSAKE The University diamond rings Largest Selection of Trophies in the City - Free Engraving - We belong to the Student Discount Program Al & Lou's Shell Service U-HAUL TRAILER RENTALS AAA-EMERGENCY SERVICE 1624 Woodland Avenue Phone: 724-0102 One of five campuses of the Uni- Your Locally-Owned vers ity of Minnesota , the Univers ity Linen Supply Minnesota-Duluth offers a small col- lege atmos phere with a univers ity setting. DULUTH UMD's e nrollment this fa ll is e x- pected to exceed 5 ,000 students. Its LAUNDRY acade mic offerings inc lud e 50 majors in 32 academi c areas, as we ll as We Special ize In Cleaning and graduate study in 15 s ubj ects . The Repa iring Athletic Uniforms bas ic science program in medi c ine, the dental hygiene program and the 17 Nort h 20th Avenue West 727-2955 First American National Bank Member FDI C .,,.. AlfilialMolNorthMslllanco<potation BAD IAMk 1-tOUIS Mo"·· Thwu .l A.M.- j , .M. h i. I A.M.. 6 P.M. A UTO I ANK HOUIS Mort . f,i. I A. ,M , · 6 , .M.' Graduate School of Soc ial Work are a II in the ir second years . COMPLIMENTS .. The campus , de ve loped s ince u ~m·s establis hm t' nt in 1047, re pre- sents an investment of more tha n S43 ECONOMY million in la nd and huildings. Among ne w stru cture s schcduk,ct to ope n MOTORS during thi s acade mi c year arc the Performing Arts building, a res ide nce HORTH COUNTRY DISTRIBUTOR OF hall dining area, a 312 -stuct cnt apart- GMC AND PETERBIL T TRUCKS me nt building near the Griggs Stadium a nd a ne w C lassroom-Laboratory bui !d- ing. Ground was broke n this s ummer 3102 West 1st St. 628-1044 fo r a$ l. 7 million Physical Education Fie ldhouse, jus t south of the stadium. Compliments of UMD offe rs its s tude nts opportun- ities both in and out of the class- STEWART'S room. Taking advantage of the unique WHEEL GOODS a nd beautiful Northern ~linnesota c n- STORE v ironme nt, UMD offe rs s uc h c lasses HOCKEY EQUIPMENT as sailing on La ke Superior, winter- t im e ski courses on the campus s ki CCM- Cooper-Weeks hill, biology s tudy at the natural ar- North land-Koho- Lou isville boretum and the man-made la ke on Hyde-Bauer-Riedell Professional Skate Sharpening campus, a s um me r biology tour us in g a mobile laboratory, geology fie ld 1502 EAST SUPERIOR ST. 724-5101 trips and othe rs. There are a lso in- creasing opportunit ies for stude nts to purs ue inte rn s hips with community The GO Business Team agenc ies for coll ege crcd it. Comple- Says: GO BULLDOGS ment ing the acade mi cs is a full pro- gram of extra-curri c ul ar activ ities rang ing fr om intram ura ls to mu s ic organi zations to 100 s pecial intcrq_st stude nt groups . The Kirby Stude nt Cent er features scvera I lounge and recreation areas whe re a host of pro- gra ms and events arc schedu led SUPPLY weekl y by the s tude nt program board. COMPANY th ~ ru,Nese LANTERN ,* The lllrimare in ChinPSP 1l And American Cu isine 'I~ Oµe11 Sun days an d Hu li d11 ys Ph one ~:~4-~: ::- 403 WEST SUP ERIOR ST~-E~-~ -- THE BANKERS LIFE IOI Athktic Department IANKERI Llfl COMP'ANY DEi MOINEI, IOWA LIFE, HEAL TH, PENSION, GROUP 715 1st American Bank Building For the best in professiooal insur- ance counseling, see DAVE ZENTER UMD Ath letic Director Ralph Romano, eyeing excellence in UMD ' s YOUR BANKERS LI FE 11 sport program, is in his fifth year REPRESENTATIVE as t he head of the department. A native of T hunderbay, Ontario, Roma no moved to Duluth while in high school. He graduated from Duluth Phone: (218) 727-7437 Central and continued his education at U~ID . While at UMD, he was a goalie with the Bul ldog Hockey squad. Following gt'aduation in 1956 he Fashioned Clothes served as a navigator in the Air that are Winners on Force. Romano returned to his a lma the Campus Scene. mater in 1959 as head hockey coach We i nvite you to shop our store for new and sports publicity director. He soon sty I es and values for your need s. We took on the responsibilities of athletic feature notionally advertised lines and ticket manager and athletic business ai m to please you in every way. 10% discount on Items as arranged by Stu- manager as well as continu ing the de nt Ass ociation . coaching . He re linquished his coach- ing job in 1967 to accept a position of UMD Ass 't. Athletic Director. FAMQUScLOTHING co. When long t ime AD Lloyd Peterson 12 East Superior Street retired, Romano wa the logical c hoice for t he job. Get in on the FUN! JOIN THE DULUTH BLUE LINE CLUB see any Blueline member BUSINESS MANAGER-S.I.D. Bruce McLeod a former Bulldog hockey great, is in his fifth ye ar as Romano's top assistant. McLeod, CURL Y'S a native of F'ort Frances, Ontario, is a jack-of-al I trades with res pons i- ROUND-UP bilities in the financial and _publicity SPLIT LEVEL BAR • COLORED TV areas as well as assisting the athletic Bus Trips For All UMD director with his duties. Hockey Games-Leaves 7:30 p.m. SENIOR SECRETARY 2013 West Superior St. Kathy Erickson has moved into special projects as we! I as her regular 727-9895 secretarial duties. Miss Erickson hand les season tickets in all sports, the North Star Scholarship Program, COMPLIMENTS OF . summer camp programs, all financial ticket records, the aid and eligibility PLET'S GROCERY situations. Complete Grocery & Snack Needs Only Blocks EQUIPMENT MANAGER from the Campus Clarence Hi ll man is in his second Open 7:30 to 10100 Dolly season of responsibility for al l Bull - Sundoy 8100 to 10:00 dog team equipment as we ! I as locker 1619 Woodland Ave. room control. Hil lman 's duties inc lude inventory and control. 724-8525 First American National Bank lolemb.- FDIC -al-Bac:upo.-. - I.AHi'. t+OUI$ Mon.- Thvn . lA.M.- .S P,M ,,i. I A.M. 6 P.M. AUTO UN• HOUIS Mo ft . · ,,i. I A.M , • 6 , .M.' EVERYTHING IN The Coach . TRAVEL ANYWHERE! BY EXPERtENCED TRAVEL CONSULTANTS A World of Experience To Serve You DOMESTIC • FOREIGN dial· AIR • TOURS ~_,.,---. 727-8456 STEAMSHIP · PALLADIO BLDG. 4th AVE. W. & SUP. ST. DULUTH, MINN. PHONE 727-8456 LAST CHANCE After three years at the BuHdog helm, Terry Shercliffe has establish- ed a record of sol id consistancy LIQUOR STORE and growth . But Shercliffe has higher aspira- tions for UMD hockey and hopes BIGGEST SELECTION IN TOWN that 1973-74 will be the year the Bull dogs move from solid to strong. -WEDEIJVER- " We have great ·support," said 619 East 4th 727-6825 Shercliffe, " and hope we can pro- vide excitement and success this season." A native of Regina, Sask., Sher- Schrader cliffe was a three-year letterman for Bulldogs' hockey team while Drug attending UMD. He captained the squad in his senior year and was Everything In DrlNJS voted UMD 's Outstanding Senior Athl ete Awa rd in 1964-65. The Blue Line Club needs YOU !! Shercliffe won a B.S. degree in physical education at UMD and fol- Free Parking lowing grad uation, he became head hockey coach and physical education 504 E. 4th St. 722-1788 instructor at Osseo, where Sher- cl iffe established himself as a hard- working, winning coach. Former FALK'S UMD coach and current Athletic Director Ralph Romano persuaded Shercliffe to return to his alma mater WOODLAND as assistant coach, a position he held for fo ur years .
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