Species Checklist Species Checklist National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Color Species Habit Season Color Species Habit Season W Ambrosia dumosa (burrobush) S C Rhus aromatica (skunk bush) s C Joshua Tree National Park W Brickellia atractyloides (pungent brickellia) S C Senegalia greggii (cat's claw acacia) s H w Chaenactis fremontii (Fremont pincushion) A C Senna armata (desert senna) s CM w Chaenactis stevioides (Esteve's pincushion) A C Tetradymia stenolepis (Mojave cottonthorn) s H w Cryptantha angustifolia (narrow-leaf forget-me-not) A C Adenophyllum porophylloides (San Felipe dyssodia) SS C w Cryptantha barbigera (bearded forget-me-not) A C Sphaeralcea ambigua (apricot mallow) p C w Qyptantha circumscissa (western forget-me-not) A C Calyptridium monandrum (sand-cress) A CM w Qyptantha decipiens (gravelbar forget-me-not) A C Castilleja chromosa (desert paintbrush) P H w Cryptantha dumetorum (bush-loving forget-me-not) A C Echinocereus mojavensis (Mojave mound cactus) c C w Cryptantha maritime (white-haired forget-me-not) A C Epilobium canum (California fuschia) SS H w Cryptantha micrantha (red-root forget-me-not) A C. H Lomatium mohavense (Mojave desert parsley) p C w Cryptantha nevadensis (Nevada forget-me-not) A C Boechera xylopoda (bigfoot hybrid rockcress) p C w Cryptantha pterocarya (wingnut forget-me-not) A C Coryphantha alversonii (cushion foxtail cactus) p C w Cryptantha utahensis (scented forget-me-not) A C Echinocereus engelmannii (hedgehog cactus) c C "'ftbofiecV-'' w Descurainia pinnata (tansy mustard) A C Eriogonum wrightii (Wright's buckwheat) SS H w Eriogonum fasdculatum (California buckwheat) S C, H Krameria erecta (littleleaf ratany) s C 1300 Feel w Eriogonum saxatiie (rock buckwheat) SS H ?I\N Mirabilis laevis (wishbone bush) p C 400 Meters See inside of guide for a selection of plants found on tfiis trail. w Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia (spotted eucrypta) A C Opuntia basilaris (beavertail cactus) c c w Eufi^orbia aibomarginata (rattlesnake weed) A C, H Stephanomeria paudfiora (brownplume wirelettuce) SS c The Flora of Joshua Tree National Park w Galium angustifolium (slender bedstraw) S H Delphinium parishii (Parish's larkspur) p c Three distinct biogeographic regions converge in Joshua Tree w Gaiium stellatum (starry bedstraw) SS C Eriastrum eremicum (desert woollystar) A c National Park, creating a rich flora; nearly 730 vascular plant w Lepidium lasiocarpum (white pepperweed) A C Lupinus concinnus (elegant lupine) A c species have been documented here. w Lyciumandersonii (Anderson's boxthorn) S C Lupinussparsiflorus (Arizona lupine) A c w Porophyllum gracile (odora) SS C Phacelia distans (lace-leaf phacelia) A c The Sonoran Desert to the south and east, at elevations w Prunusfasciculata (desert almond) S C Salvia columbariae (chia) A c less than 3000 ft (914 m), contributes a unique set of plants w Rafinesquia neomexicana (New Mexico chicory) A C Scutellaria mexicana (paper-bagbush) S c that are adapted to a bi-seasonal precipitation pattern w Thysanocarpus curvipes (fringe-pod) A C Thamnosma montana (turpentine broom) S c (winter and summer), as well as a low frequency of freezing w Yucca brevifolia (Joshua tree) T C Xylorhiza tortifolia (Mojave aster) S c conditions. The higher elevations of the park are dominated w Yucca schidigera (Mojave yucca) S C Myriopteris viscida (viscid lip fern) P by the Little San Bernardino Mountains, an eastern extension Acmisponrigidus (desert rock pea) SS C Aristida purpurea (Fendler'sthreeawn) PG H of California's Transverse Ranges, Although this desert Amsinckia tessellata (desert fiddleneck) A C Phoradendron californicum (desert mistletoe) PP c upland area represents the southwestern corner of the Anisocoma acaulis (scalebud) A C Simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) S c Mojave Desert, it also serves as a conduit for many plants Skull Rock Trail Artemisia ludoviciana (silver wormwood) P H Stipa speciosa (desert needlegrass) PG C, H to reach their easternmost distribution, thus providing for an Bahiopsis parishii (Parish's goldeneye) S C interesting mix of chaparral, montane, and desert species. Ephedra nevadensis (Nevada jointfir) S C A Botanical Trail Guide Brickellia californica (California brickellia) S H Juniperus californica (Californiajuniper) S,T Start this dirt trail across the road from the entrance It is the intermingling of species from all three of these Cylindropuntia echinocarpa (silver cholla) C C is: Pinus monophylla (singleleaf pinyon pine) T Cylindropuntia ramosissima (pencil cholla) C H to Jumbo Rocks Campground, at the Skull Rock biogeographic regions that lends the Park its incredible parking lot, or from within the campground. If you Dudleya saxosa (desert live-forever) P C diversity: shrub assemblages here, for example, are among go counterclockwise rom the parking lot, the trail Encelia actonii (Acton's brittlebush) S C H the most diverse vegetation types in North America. To KEY proceeds north of Park Boulevard through Mojave Ericameria cooperi (Cooper's goldenbush) S C appreciate the full floristic richness of this area, try to catch Color (flower color) mid-elevation mixed scrub and riparian corridors, Ericameria cuneata (rock goldenbush) 5 H the fleeting bloom of annual plants, which represent half W (white); Y (yellow); O (orange); R (red); P (pink to where you will see cat's claw acacia and desert almond Ericameria linearifolia (linear-leaved goldenbush) S C the species found in the park. Many of these annuals will purple); V (violet to blue); F (fern); G (green); C (cone) dominating the sandy areas. After crossing Park only flower after hot monsoonal rain events, at a time of Ericameria teretifolia (terete-leaved rabbitbrush) S H Habit(general growth shape) Boulevard you will see oak woodlands among the year when many people assume the desert to be completely Eriogonum pusillum (yellow turbans) A CH A (annual); P (perennial); PG (perennial grass); boulders, with California buckwheat and Mojave yucca dormant. Looking at plants is a year-long activity in Joshua Eriop^yllum wallacei (Wallace's woolly daisy) A C SS (subshrub); C (cactus); S (shrub); T (tree) along the ridgeiines. This trail has many interpretive Tree. Pair the list in this guide with a botanical field guide Eschscholzia minutiflora (little gold poppy) A C Season signs along the path and takes you by the famous Skull and see how many you can identify, Keckielia antirrhinoides (bush penstemon) S C H: responds to hot season precipitation (generally blooms Rock. The last stretch of the loop follows the paved Happy hiking! Larrea tridentata (creosote bush) S C June-Oct); C: responds to cool season road through the campground. The loop is 1.8 miles Opuntia chlorotica (pancake cactus) C C precipitation (generally blooms Feb-June) (2.9 km)with an elevation gain of 120 feet(37 m). Quercuscornelius-mulleri (Mulleroak) T C Guide 4 In This Series .
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