The Original Post Office Box 985 Corporate Offices: Greensboro,N.C.27402 503 Martin Street Telephone (919) 274-2713 Greensboro,N.C.27406 ~~Candle Company Handcrafted Candles Since 1970 Post Office Box 985 Corporate Offices: Greensboro, N.C. 27402 503 Martin Street Telephone (919) 274-2713 Greensboro, N.C. 27406 Post Office Box 985 Corporate Offices: Greensboro, N.C. 27402 503 Martin Street Telephone (919) 274-2713 Greensboro, N.C. 27406 ~Candle Company Handcrafted Candles Since 1970 The Original Post Office Box 985 Corporate Offices: Greensboro,N.C.27402 503 Martin Street Telephone (919) 274-2713 Greensboro, N.C. 27406 ~Candle Company Handcrafted Candles Since 1970 ·~-...;~~_,,_,,.., Post Office Box 985 Corporate Offices: Greensboro, N.C. 27402 503 Martin Street Telephone (919) 274-2713 Greensboro,N.C.27406 ~Candle Company To Place order toll free Handcrafted Candles Since 1970 1 800 !l33 8591 Effective 1/1/8B PRICE LIST ITEM# Description Size or PC/CS Cost Each Burn time (Apx) SHADES OF THE CARIBBEAN Bring Spring and Summer into your home with solid Colored Pillars in colors of the Caribbean. You may choose from the following color/scent combo. P3 Lavender /Lilac 3x3 12 2.00 Yellow/Jasmine Peach/Rose Teal/Sandlewood P6 Lavender /Lilac 3x6 12 3.50 Yellow/Jasmine Peach/Rose Teal/Sandlewood EUCALYPTUS CANDLES These unique candles are heavily scented with the distinct fragrance of eucalyptus and are handcrafted with specially hand cut eucalyptus. E3 3x3 12 3.30 3E6 3-kx6 12 5.00 E4 4x4 12 5.00 E6 4x6 12 6.10 E9 4x9 6 9.10 ES 5x6 3 9.70 Terms: Net 30 Days Minimum order and reorder: $100.00 Freight: F.O.B. Greensboro Returns: Must have return mdse authorization Post Office Box 985 Corporate Offices: Greensboro, N.C. 27402 503 Martin Street Telephone (919) 274-2713 Greensboro,N.C.27406 To Place order toll free 1 800 233 8591 Effective 1/1/83 PRICE LIST ITEM # Description Size or PC/CS Cost Each Burn time (Apx) FLOATING CANDLES INDIVIDUAL FLOATERS ST Strawberry 3-4 hrs. 12 .50 D Daisy 3-4 hrs. 12 .50 B Bunny 3-4 hrs. 12 .so BF Butterfly 3-4 hrs. 12 .50 p Pineapple 3-4 hrs. 12 .50 G Goose 3-4 hrs. 12 .50 SHALL FLOATER BASKET 3 Floaters in Basket ST/BK Strawberry (3) in basket 12 1. 75 D/BK Daisy (3) in basket 12 1. 75 B/BK Bunny (3) in basket 12 1. 7 5 BF/BK Butterfly (3) in basket 12 1. 7 5 P/BK Pineapple (3) in basket 12 1. 75 G/BK Goose (3) in basket 12 1. 75 Assorted floaters in duck basket SDK Small duck basket filled with 6 asst. floating candles 6 3. 7 5. LDK Large Duck Basket with 12 Asst. floating candles 6 6.50 FRUIT BASKETS FB Basket contains: 3 Strawberry candles 3 Apple Candles, 6 Pineapple candles 3 14.00 ST/T Basket Contains 4 Strawberry candles 3 6.95 Cap/S Single Apple in Basket 12 1. 7 5 ST/S Single Strawberry in Basket 12 1. 7 5 Terms: Net 30 days Minimum order and reorder: $100.00 Freight: F.O.B. Greensboro Returns: Must have return mdse. authorization ... EFF. 10/1/87 "Quality Handcrqfted Candles Sine~ 1970" P. 0. Box 985, Gr~~nsboro, NC 27402 919 274-2713 TAKE THE STING OUT OP SPRING PRICE LIST I'l.'EM f DESCRIPTION SIZE OR PC/CS COST EACH BURN TIME (appx) NOSTALGIA 'll''l:N ASSORTMENTS NS-1 Assorted Designs 1 Size 12 4.50 Burn Time 20-25 HR. NS-2 Assorted Designs 3 Sizes 12 5.00 Burn Time 30-35 HR. Assorted Fragrances CITRONELLA SCENTED PRODUCTS Large & Small Watering Cans LWC-1 Assorted Colors 6x3~x4~ 12 7.50 Burn Time 50-60 HR. SWC-1 Assorted Colors 4~x2x4~ 24 5.50 Burn Time 30-40 HR. TULIP TINS CT 21-24 Assorted Sizes & Shapes 12 4.50 Bu~n Time 20-30 HR. TERRA COT A POTS TCP Filled With 3~Hx3~DIA. 12 4. 50 CITRONELLA Scented Wax colored in RED, YELLOW, BLUE Burn Time 25-35 HR. OUR STANDARD TERMS ARE NET 30 DAYS F.O.B. GREENSBORO,NC. PLEASE ALLOW 2-3 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY Post Office Box 985 Corporate Offices: Greensboro,N.C.27402 503 Martin Street Telephone (919) 274-2713 Greensboro, N.C. 27406 ~Candle Company To Place order toll free Handcrafted Ctmdles Since 1970 I 8oo !233 8591 Effective 1/1/88 PRICE LIST ITEM # Description Size or PC/CS Cost Each Burn time (Apx) MATCH HOLDERS AND CANDLE POTS HANDCRAFTED POTTERY Color and size may vary MMH Medium Match holder 6 5.15 SMH Small Match Holder 6 4.00 LMH Large Match holder 6 8.00 SMH/BK Gift Basket includes SMH and 3x3 scented candle and is shrink wrapped. 6 6.10 VP/Asst Votive Pots-Assorted Styles with hand cut designs includes 4-8 hour votive candles. 6 10.25 All Pottery items are designed and handcrafted by Gail Miller Terra Cotta Citronella mutdoor Lights for Patio or Deck-Attractive way to repel the insects. TCP 3~x3~ terra cotta pots 25-30 hours assorted colored wax burn time 12 4.50 SEA SHELLS Our shell candles are made from sea shells gathered from beaches all over the world. All pillar candles are available in THREE COL~R/SCENT combos. Please Specify. White/Vanilla Blue/Sandlewood Peach/Ambrosia S3 3x3~ 12 3.30 S4 4x4~ 12 5.50 S6 4x6!;z 12 6.90 S9 4x9!;z 6 9.90 ss 5x5~ 3 10.50 DRIED FLOWERS These heavily scented pillar candles fashioned with preserved flowers, wheat and pine cones are available in Three COLOR/SCENT combos. Please Specify. Buff/Vanilla Blue/Sandlewood Peachf Ambrosia DF3 3x3 12 3.30 DF36 3~x6 12 5.50 DF4 4x4 12 5.50 DF6 4x6 12 7.20 DF9 4x9 6 10.50 DFS 5x6 3 11.00 Terms: Net 30 Days Minimum order and reorder: $100.00 Freight: F.O.B. Greensboro Returns: Must have return mdse authorization ~ Qlantit)' Itea Description Qlat 11.131 I«<W"n He...-t:; wl Jute, blue & ""'uve, :;pee if)', M1n. 6 pr 1.80 pr 1032 Burlap Heart w1 Jute, 16", Min. 6 pr 1.10 pr Wood"n Apple Core, lwnd carved, M1n .6 3.25 ea -- 1033 ]6.00 d& ·-~ 103'1 Whl;lle Wooden Apple, Min. 6, NOT AVAILABI..£ 2.95 ea ]11.00 d& 1035 Countr)f Onion Wreath, 10" wire w/aried onions, Hln. 2. unaecorilt.ed aecorated 1036 ___ Count.r)' Herb Wreath, to• wire w/herbs, Min. 2 undecorated 10.70 ea aecor11t.ed 16.50 ea 1037 Count.r)' Corn wreath, 10" wire w/corn, Min. 2 9·50 .. 1038 Onion Bunches, Min • 3 5.00. 1039 Carrot. Bunches, Min. 3 5.00 .. 10110 Countr)f Rat. tan Basket, set./2, Min. 2 seta 111.00 at./2_ 10AI1 Countr)f Ra& llilaket, round, Min. 2 7.60 ea 10112 Countr)' Rag Basket, >100<1en hdndles, rouna, Min. 2 11.50 .. 10AI3 Country Rag Basket, round, Min. 2 8.75 .. 101111 Countr)' Pewter wreath, II" vine ..-.. at.ll wit.,.. 11.25 .. animals, Min. 1 set/11 aut. 17 .oo at./II_ 10AI5 Countr)f Pewter Bow, triple bell han11er, Min. 3 6.00 .. 10AI6 Country Pewter Bell Garland, 9' on jute, Min. 3 5.50 .. 10AI7 Countr)f Barn Door Geese, >100<1 painted, Min. 2 7.25 .. 10118 Country He~~rt Wooden Arm Chair, Min. 2 6.80 •• 10AI9 Black Willow Love Seat, Min. 2 11.115 .. 1050 Black Willow Ani Chair, Min. 2 ].15 .. 1051 Sophiat.icat.ea Country Bow, Mw. 6 ].50 .. 1052 Sophisticated Countr)' Baaket, Min. 6 ].75 .. 1053 Sophisticated Country Heart wr .. ath, a•, Min. 2 12.50 .. 10511 Ha)fatliCk, 5"x7" hioybale, Mln. 3 6.00 .. 1055 1].00 .. 1056 P~in lluapkin wre_at.ll, 111" straw, Min. 2 16.00 .. 1057 Autii!IO Harveat wreath, 111" arapevine, Min. 2 19.00 .. 1058 Cowltr)' Illite Biosket, wire wlblade vasa, tl~a Min.2 co.oou - 1059 Countrlf White Wreath, ~o~ire lollblade araaa, tl~a Min.2 22.00 .. 1060 Aut..8l Harvest. Bllaket. arapevine .. pvc 12.00 .. ___,... 1061 3" Frosted Tree, >IOOQen ba:le, !WI. 3 d& 5.00 d& 1962 11• Froat.ecl Tree, ..ooaen base, Min • 3 d& 7.00 d& 1063 5" Frosted Tree , loiOil<1en baa.. , Min • 2 d& g.oo d& 10611 Slaall En&lhll Cottage, plaster hl;luse ].15.u 1065 Melli .. £n&liah Cottage, plaster IK>use II .... 10b6 5.00 .. ····r; ~ •., .y;..·" ,..,..'III'Mi'iia~ .... ~ ...,.-_,_,) tHIIII J t~""'t~,~k... ~.~ •.,.._,..,.,,.-. • ,. .• ·"-......- -.. ..... .-~.""","<+~ ,, _A._ li .--- June, 1987 TUtHSt • ....... Ptl J C£5 Wfi(IU''>AI.F. • PlEASE SEND ORDERS TO: Min~ opening order $150.001 Rewder $75.00 Orden under •in~ subject to $5.00 MIV~ cb,vg~t Net 30 days fro. date of invoice Finance Charves of 1 1~ charged Oft !all paat M ~~ ~inCent Lilt • All prices subject to change without notice " • -Jf ABSOUM'ELY NO RE'I'\IRNS without written a~&thoriaation frQII ~ Favorite 'rtl.iftpl !ship Tos 11 EAST 26 STREET ~ NEW YORK, NY 10010 - Reps" E~d~t ~~~t. (212) 679-1573 : ORDER TOU FREE (800-221-2488) • Bili Too !order Dates Ship Dates !cancel Date 1 jP.o. • 1 Dept. t I ,._... I l I Taras• ~~·· ~IIJ'Ir N... ; 11U11Mr ~t.1ty Ita DI8Cr1ptioll ClMt N~r QuantU.)' lt.eiD Deacript1on Coft 72 - Sk1 Jo)', ....
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