Energy 'l!BME-1~5< ·RME 155 RME-155 TID UC-51 PRELIMINARY RECONNAISSANCE FOR URANIUM IN ' -COCONINO COUNTY, ARIZONA, 1951 TO 1955 By Grand Junction Office, AEC and U. s. Geological Survey June 1970 (supersedes PB-172479) Division of Raw Materials U. s. Atomic Energy Commission Washington, D. C. 20545 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price $1 Mesa State College Library Grand Junction, CO FILE ED-R-1130 PRELIMINARY RECONNAISSANCE REPORT E:>ru\MINED BY H. p. Horner and D. F. 0 Is en 2. STATE Arizona COUNTY Coconino DA.TE(S) EXAMINED ----'2;J./...ol-=.l/~.,..,5~3----- DISTRICT______ U~n~o~r~g~a~n~1~·z~e~d~----------- 1. SAMPLES Nl.JiffiER TYPE AND WIDTH RADIOACTIVITY NEAREST TOl-IN ___C~a~m~e~r~o~n~------------- 22 108 Grab from hot spots 300-400 cps PROPERTY Public Land - anomaly No. 18 22 109 LOCATION: SEC. ___ T. ___ R. 3. TYPE OF EXAMINATION: Surface, radiometric and geologic 4, DIRECTIONS TO DEPOSIT: See sketch map.* This map is diagrammatical only. Anomaly is about 3 miles north of prominent leva-capped mesa. Mileage begins at Buck Roger's Trading Post on highway 89, about 2 miles south of Cameron, Arizona. Roads are unimproved dirt tracks. Bearings from anomalous area: S.5° W. to intersection of lava cap and monocline ridge on skyline. S.l7° E. to east end lava cap. * See map for ED-R-1129. 5 , OWNER OR OPERATOR: ADDRESS: 6. MINE OR PROPERTY HISTORY, PRODUCTION AND WORKINGS: Discovered by AEC airborne reconnaissance methods; anomaly No. 18 7. RADIOACTIVITY: Area was traversed with Halross Model 939 Scintillometer held at waist level. Background - 20 cps; high count - 400 cps; average count - 150 cps. Area of abnormal radioactivity about 100 1 in diameter. 8. DESCRIPTION OF DEPOSIT (A. Topography, B. Geology, C. Mineralogy): A. Anomaly located on gravel-covered flat. Painted-desert topography. B. Samples taken from high count areas in soft, clayey sandstone near base of Chinle formation. Radioactivity is associated with silicified logs. c. No radioactive minerals seen; spots of high radioactivity are altered from gray to orange yellow. - 3- FILE ED-R-1128 PRELIMINARY RECONNAISSANCE REPORT EXAMINED BY W. P. Horner and D. F. Olsen 2. STATE _.:.;A:::r..::i=.z;:;.on'-'a==---· COUNTY Coconino DATE(S) EXAMINED __..:::2"-/-=-11"-'/-"5"'-3 _____ DISTRICT Unorganized l. SAMPLES --~~~~~--------- NUMBER TYPE AND WIDTH RADIOACTIVITY NEAREST TOWN -~C~a~m~e~r~o~n~---------- 22111 Grab from hot spot 600 cps PROPERTY Navajo Indian Reservation Anomaly No. 20 LOCATION: SEC. ___ T. ___ R. 3. TYPE OF EXAMINATION: Surface, radiometric and geologic 4. DIRECTIONS TO DEPOSIT: See sketch map.* This map is diagrammatical only. Anomaly is about 3 miles north of prominent lava-capped mesa. Mileage begins at Buck Roger's Trading Post on highway 89, about 2 miles south of Cameron, Arizona. Roads are unimproved dirt tracks. * See map for ED-R-1129. 5 . OWNER OR OPERATOR: Navajo Indian Reservation ADDRESS: 6. MINE OR PROPERTY HISTORY, PRODUCTION AND WORKINGS: Discovered by AEC airborne reconnaissance methods - anomaly No. 20 7· RADIOACTIVITY: Area was traversed with Ralross Scintillometer Model 939 held at waist level. Background - 20 cps; high count - 600 cps; average count - 80-100 cps. 1 1 Anomalous radioactivity in area about 200 by 300 • 8. DESCRIPTION OF DEPOSIT (A. Topography, B. Geology, C. Mineralogy): A. Anomaly located on gravel-covered flat; painted-desert topography. B. Samples taken from soft clayey sandstone near base of Chinle formation; radioactivity is spotty. c. No radioactive minerals seen. Radioactivity associated with carbonaceous material in sandstone which is altered from gray to orange yellow. - 4 - FILE ED -R-1143 PRELIMINARY RECONNAISSANCE REPORT EXAMINED BY W. P. Horner and D. F. Olsen 2. STATE --~A~r~i~z~o~n~a~-- COUNTY Coconino DATE(S) EXAMINED 2/26 thru 3/4/53 DISTRICT.____________ _ 1. SAMPLES NUMBER TYPE AND WIDTH RADIOACTIVITY NEAREST TOWN Cameron, Arizona %vzo.2 %U30sc %U308e PROPERTY Navajo Indian Reservation 22119 A-33 Grab from 0.02 0.02 0.01 A-33, 34,~3~5~,~3~6-,~3~7~,~3~8~,~3~9~,~a~n~d~4~0~-- 22120 A-34 Hot spots 0.02 0.01 0.02 LOCATION: 22125 A-36 0.03 0.01 0.01 SEC. T. ___ R. ,.., " 22123 A-37 " 0.07 0.01 0.03 22124 A-39 " D. OS 0.03 0.03 3. TYPE OF EXAMINATION: These discoveries are all considered in one report because they are closely grouped and have similar geology and topography. 4. DIRECTIONS TO DEPOSIT: See map. 5. OWNER OR OPERATOR: Navajo Indian Reservation ADDRESS: 6. MINE OR PROPERTY HISTORY, PRODUCTION AND WORKINGS: None. Discovered by airborne reconnaissance methods; anomalies 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39 and 40, 7. RADIOACTIVITY: The areas were traversed with Halross Scintillometer and with a Precision Scintillator. Count was generally low, never exceeding 175 cps, or .20 mr/hr. Average count was much lower, 40 to 60 cps, .03 to .05 mr/hr. 8. DESCRIPTION OF DEPOSIT (A. Topography, B. Geology, C. Mineralogy): A. An area of low mesas and benches, small steep-sided canyons, and dry stream channels. Accessible by four wheel drive vehicle. B. Radioactivity from a coarse-grained, well-cemented, crossbedded, 3-10-foot- thick layer of sandstone in the Shinarump formation. Radioactivity is associated with fossil wood buried in the sandstone layer. The layer extends over the entire area and is underlain by a variegated mudstone which shows chunky parting. The anomalous spots surround a structural bowl about 1 mile in diameter. (See map) The sediments dip toward the center of the bowl at an angle of about 15 degrees. Chinle remnants lie within the bowl. c. No radioactive minerals were seen. The highest radioactivity is from iron-stained haloes surrounding the fossil wood, The wood is silicified and contains some green copper staining, - 5 - ED-R-1143 5 f;--u c foo Y a/ Bow/ ., ()" ' " -.:;'k v:1-. fj fl."' f = ' NAVf;.JO L:DIAN RESERVATION, COCONINO COUNTY, ARIZONA - 6 - FILE ED-R-1129 PRELIMINARY RECONNAISSANCE REPORT EXAMINED BY W, P. Horner and D. F. Olsen 2. STATE Arizona COUNTY Coconino DATE(S) EXAMINED 2/ll/53 ----~~~----------- DISTRICT____ ~U~n~o~r~g~a~n~i~z~e~d~-------------- 1. SAMPLES NUMBER TYPE AND WIDTH RADIOACTIVITY NEAREST TOWN --~C~a~m~e~r~o~n~-------------- 22110 Grab from ho• spot 500 cps PROPERTY Public Land - Anomaly No. 19 LOCATION: SEC. ------ T. ------ R. 3· TYPE OF EXAMINATION: Surface, radiometric and geologic 4. DIRECTIONS TC DEPOSIT: See sketch map. This map is diagrammatical only, Anomaly is about 3 miles north of prominent lava-capped mesa. Mileage begins at Buck Roger's Trading Post on highway 89, about 2 miles south of Cameron, Arizona, Roads are unimproved dirt tracks. 5 • OWNER OR OPERATOR: ADDRESS: 6. MINE OR PROPERTY HISTORY, PRODUCTION AND WORKINGS: Discovered by AEC airborne reconnaissance methods; anomaly No. 19 7· RADIOACTIVITY: Area was traversed with Halross Scintillometer Model 939, held at waist level. Background 20 cps; high count 500 cps; average count 80-100 cps. Anomalous radioactivity in area about 200 1 long, 100 1 wide. 8. DESCRIPTION OF DEPOSIT (A. Topography, B. Geology, C. Mineralogy): A. Anomaly located on gravel-covered flat; painted-desert topography. B. Samples taken from soft clayey sandstone near base of Chinle formation; radioactivity is spotty. C. No radioactive minerals seen; radioactivity associated tvith carbonaceous material in sandstone which is altered from gnay to orange yellow. - 7 - FILE ED-R-1129 9· PROOF OF OWNERSHIP RECEIVED: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH RECEIVED: 10. OTHER INVESTIGATIONS: ll. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1 12. MAP: 1 1!1 \'S""'~ ~ dlo{f s 1. \>, .o, o:l.\ "('('~.\. ' " N ... 18 13. SUPPLEMENTARY RECONNAISSANCE REPORT TO FOLLOW _ ___:N;..o____ _ - 8 - FILE ED:R-227 PRELIMINARY RECONNAISSANCE REPORT EX.AJUNED BY c. Clare Gregg 2. STATE Arizona COUNTY Coconino DA':::rE ( S) EXAMINED -""-5.::.-1:;8<=-""-53"-------- DISTRICT____ ~M~a~r~b~l~e~C~a~n~y~o~n~----------- 1. SAMPLES NUJ'.!BER TYPE AND WIDTH RADIOACTIVITY NEAREST TOWN Marble Canyon 3 Grab samples from one outcrop went from 3 PROPERTY La Salle Mining percent to 5 percent U303 and about 7 percent Cu. LOCATION: SEC. 18,21 T. 39 N. R. 8 E. --'-- 15848 2-Ft. channel U308 (Chern) 0.03% 3· TYPE OF EXAMINATION: Geologic 4. DIRECTIONS TO DEPOSIT: Two miles west of Marble canyon, then up a draw (with spring). All of the claims are in this draw. 5. OWNER OR OPERATOR: La Salle Mining Co, ADDRESS: 6. MINE OR PROPERTY HISTORY, PRODUCTION AND WORKINGS: None 7· RADIOACTIVITY: Up to 15 mr/hr 8. DESCRIPTION OF DEPOSIT (A. Topography, B. Geology, C. Mineralogy): A. At the base of the Vermillion Cliffs - Shinarump bench 400 ft. above highway. B. Shinarump channel runs parallel to highway and rim then turns up draw. Channel is 1000 feet wide and cuts Moenkopi 50 ft. to 70ft. c. Much copper and copper color - carbon not abundant. Some count over most of the contact. One "hot spot" (see map). - 9 - FILE ED :R-227 9· PROOF OF OWNERSHIP RECEIVED: No PERMISSION TO PUBLISH RECEIVED: No 10. OTHER INVESTIGATIONS: ll. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 12. MAP: Jl ,"Rc. I 1 / / \'(\ Q-.'<- 'ok / C.o..'<''\~'(V '?-. ""'"' - SeA a: IJ .____ __. ~ /)'/1/e 13. SUPPLEMENTARY RECONNAISSANCE REPORT TO FOLLOW ------- - 10 - FILE R-R-200 PRELIMINARY RECONNAISSANCE REPORT EXAMINED BY H. S. Scott and L. Davis 2. STATE __A_r_i_z_o_n_a ___ COUNTY Coconino DATE(S) EXAMINED 6-15-54 ----~~~-------- DISTRICT None l. SANPLES ---------------------- NUMJ3ER TYPE AND WIDTH RADIOACTIVITY NEAREST TOWN Marble Canyon Lodge PROPERTY Red Wing No, 4 Claim F-13H Pulp - argillaceous LOCATION: sandstone 2.257 2.43 SEC .
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