KERALA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY PROCEEDINGS KAU -DoR - Revision ofsale price of seeds-ndlEntin! materials with effect fro m 25/Otn0I8 - Sanctioned - Orders issued. DIRNCTORATE OF RESEARCH No. Rl/68289/2002 Dated, Vellanil*ara .03.2018 Read: Requests receivea no. utttt@ of seeds and planting materials. ORDER price sale of seeds and plan-ting rnaterials has been revised with effect iiom 25.01.2018-_ -_ -J!" and the consolidat€d list is aidebiled below : SALE PRJCE OF SEEDS AND PLANTING MATF.R|ar.s wc f n1 nl tnle Code No. Item F I _ . - - paddy seeds breeoer Seeds -:_----_- 57.00 2 toarse grarn tYDes 45.00 3 rxrs gram rypes (Easumatht type) 60.00 4 F.S. 45.00 5 40.00 5.1 +g!Ijs9g:i-Ig!g!4!41& candhakasala 60.00 6 rre - release cultutes 42.00 lveolcrnat rrce -Ntavara 100.00 7.b roKKalt seed {Kg) 50.00 8 Mat nursefv 40/m2 9 vrotnaty nurserv 201m2 Rate per kg Vegetable II seeds - TLS (Rs.) 10 Amalanthus 1750.00 It ASngouro 2500.00 t2 l'nlnol6i-=_:-i_- {UKra) 1500.00 13 l,nlnot^t-j-:=:--_ t I nybnd 3000.00 L4 :jl9s]I)lqql9ther varreties 2500.00 l) Binergourd - privanka =+5lgggl9 3000.00 I6 troffi 1000.00 t7 l,flntal H 2000.00 ljflnlat - tt hvbrrd ^H 10000.00 L apsrcum / Whtte Kandhari / Bird Chilli, kandhari and other t9 ly!es 4000.00 20 3000.00 2l uluster bean 1200.00 22 Lowpea (t'usn Lypes Includinq Anaswara) 1000.00 23 Lowpea {Kanakamonv) ;:l---:_--t_:-- 500.00 Lucumper- Uutrnary (Vellayani _ melon Sambar Veilarii 3000.00 - 9!gumber- Salad (AAUrc-2 Cucumber-OP meton udikode/Arunima./S Dolicohos Bean French bean Drumstick seeds Smooth sourd Snake gourd 1500.00 Sword bean/Jackbean Tomato 1500.00 Watermelon 2000.00 ble seedli icheera (PB Bare root seedlin Brinjal- Hybrid, Cabbage..Snakegourd Bittirgour{ and other seedli C^ubbug", cu,r lifl o*"iiGd tin-gs in p-iuyi6itterffi 225.00/- pu 106 Kanrnafl, snakegourd and other hvbrids le seedlins (PB Cucurbit seedli Drumstick limb cu Dmmstick(imI cuttin Annual Drumstiok seedlingTE Drumstick Seeds lum limb fresh cu alons with ?ulse 420.00 eukeslcowpea@and oil seeds red gram. black qramlnc. t -r Pulses(horse Arecanut SeedlingslpB; lMang-ala,S,.,mangala and varieties) othE Arecanut Seedii Cashew Seedli Cocoa -Poty clonil Hy6rid SeedG Cocoa -BLrdded SeedG Cocoa-Hybrid seed Cocoa-Ordinarv seed Coconut seed nui6F1fr 62 Coconrrt sec,l""+ -7i'.lr 63 Coconut seerl' tFiil:.r- 70.00 64 ' ' 150 nn wcT) @-S4ffi.*}op-_- 100.00 65-l 120.00 66 150.00 67 2s0.00 68 coconii!.Jar;#, 130.00 69 -+ 280.00 69.1 I50.00 70 120.00 VI 10.00 7l ffi Rate/No. 72 ffi 10.00 20.00 74.a r0.00 74.b .usnlepoer I naia"-*-pil,, o=;--;-- ;-- 7 5.00 a*0"'oilsiaffi* r00.00 76 #ry 8.00 77 40.00 '78 25.00 79 ffi 2.00 80 15.00 8l 25.00 82 100.00 83 50.00 84 4.00 85 10.00 86 25.00 87 500.00 ffi -oryDap) P.ffi 250.00 88 other local 89 10.00 ay ffi r5.00 *pp;L unxrs - s;;;;t.-".:* -,- 90 9l ffi 20.00 92 ffi 30.00 93 ffi 50.00 94 10.00 95 ffi 3.00 96 H 10.00 TTI 10.00 97 Rate/No, 98 30.00 98-1 20.00 99 30.00 20.00 100 15.00 ffi"lou'*o sjoar. 101 et tJtg 'arrBa, xeo oanana & Nendran varieties) 20.00 tlAnan^ .r?1tai- tw ^^--l onan. Anunendran, 102 Lnengalrkkodan) 103 H 30.00 t04 15.00 104.1 50.00 r04.2 20.00 105 75.00 106 15.00 107 ffi 25.00 108 40.00 109 ffi 15.00 I l0 H 30.00 lll 50.00 tt2 20.00 t13 F uuH 20.00 114 40.00 i l5 '15.00 I l6 ffi Lemffi 150.00 n7 40.00 117.1 50.00 118 ."H 20.00 l l9 roH 40.00 t20 20.00 t2l 20.00 250.00 r22 ffi 100.00 123 aR) '-" 'atcLtes laPProach t24 ManH 125.00 124-l v"ffi 50.00 125 1000.00 t25-l 75.00 126 15.00 126-1 50.00 r27 ffi Ne 100.00 t28 Ne 50.00 129 Oft 20.00 130 rapiydnv-oiTG"Jn;, pE\-- 25.00 30.00 132 15.00 t32-l ffi 20.00 133 iffi'ffi 15.00 t 3l-r Pineaffi 8.00 mffi 10.00 H 15.00 135 !inffi 8.00 136 lrne# 10.00 137 Pin"uffi 5.00 8.00 - 137-l MD-2 suckers 15.00 138 Plurn seedlings(PB) 10.00 139 Pomegranate- Layer(PB) 40.00 140 Pomegranate seedling 20.00 I4I Rambootan seedlings (PB) 20.00 141-1 Rambootan- grafts (PB) 1s0.00 142 Sapota $aft (PB) 50.00 t43 Tamarind graft(PB) 50.00 t44 West Tndian & Karonda Cheny-Lavers(PB) 40.00 tll Ornamental Plants Rate/No. t45 Annual Flowers- Seedlings (PB)* 10.00 r46 Annual Floulers- Seedlings (SP) 25.00 147 Annual Flowers- Seedlings (MP) 50.00 * List ofAnnual flowering plants Aster Gaillardia Baby zennia Hollyhock Balsam Marigold Calendula Petunia Celosia Phlox Coreopsis Salvia Cosmus Srutflower Dianthus Verbena Zennia 148 Anthurium -Spl. Grade( LP) 250.00 r49 Anthurium -Spl. Grade( MP) 100.00 150 Anthurium -Spl. crade( PB) 50.00 't 51 anthurium -T.C. plantscNet Pot) 35.00 152 Anthuriumordinary&,4 .crystal lani un(elephant ear) -( Mpl 200.00 153 Anthurium-Ordinary&,4 . c rys tallnniun(elephnt ear\( LA 100.00 154 Anthurium-T.C.-Flask (1 0 plants) 100.00 155 Anthurium-T.C.-Hardened plants(PB) 40.00 '156 Asokam Seedling (PB) 20.00 157 Begonia -Ordinary ( PB) 20.00 '158 Begonia -Spl. cr.(PB) 50.00 '159 Cactus -Ordinary(SP) 50.00 160 Cactus-Special (SP) 250.00 161 Carpet Grass (sq.feet) 20.00 162 Chempallam Seedling (PB) 10.00 163 Chempakam -Craft(MP) 50.00 164 Chinese Balsum (PB) 20.00 165 Chinese Balsum (SP) s0.00 t66 Divi-Divi(PB) 10.00 167 Fems - Ordinary(PB) 10.00 168 Ferns- Ordinary (MP) 50.00 169 Ferns -Special( MP) 200.00 t'l0 Fems -Special( PB) 100.00 t7l Ficus (LP) 100.00 l7l.a Ficus (MP) 75.00 172 Ficus Gq) 15.00 173 Flowering shrubq propagated through cuttings-ORD(Lp) 100.00 Flowering shrubs pro Flowering shrubs cuttings-ORD Flowering shrubs- Flowering shrubs d through cufti Flowering shrub! ** List ofFlowering shruE Allamanda Annanas Hydrangea Bougainvillae Ixora Calliandra Jacobinna Callistemon Jasserea Canna Jatropha Chinese Balsam Kalanchoe Chrysanthemum Lantana Clerodendron Mussanda Crossandra Pentas Cufia Petria Dahlia Phyllocactus Hamaelia Hibiscus 100.00 * * * List of Foliagi pian-G Acalypha Agave Eranthemum Aglonoema Ficus Alocasia Graftophyllum AIoe Juniper Araelia Maranta Asplenium Monstera Bamboo grass Oxalis Caladium Pgperomia Calathia Philodendron chlorophytum Phyllanthus Coleus Pothos Croton Rheo discolor Cryptanthus Sanseiveria Cupresses Schefflora Cyprus Sy,ndapsis Diffenbechia Tapioca Dracaena Thuja Duranta Tredescantia 7 '189 Gerbera ordinary ( PB) 20.00 190 Gerbera Specia! @B) 40.00 (Rate/No) f91 Gladiolus- Corms 10.00 192 Gladiolus (PB) 25-00 193 Hanging Pot with plants (ordinary) 50.00 194 Hanging Pot with plants (speoial) 100.00 195 Heliconia suoker (Ordi!ary) 30.00 r95.1 Heliconia sucker (Rare varietigs) 100.00 Heliconia 196 sucker (Rare uarieriesl lClump 4 L Nos) 500.00 197 kis - (PB) 25.00 198 Iris-(SP) 50.00 199 Iris( MP) 100.00 200 Jasmine- Bush Type(PB) r0.00 201 Lilly ( PB) 50.00 202 Lilly ( SPJ 100.00 203 Lilly( MP) 150.00 204 Poftulaca 10.00 Nun 205 Orchid (MP) 100.00 Orchid -Monopodial -Arachnis,V-da3eddacfiG-uttG 206 (50 cm) 40.00 206.1 -Vanda Orchid flowering hybrids 400.00 207 Orchid - Sympodial (SP) 40.00 208 Orchid - Sympodial - flowering (Sp; 150.00 209 Orchid - Sympodial - flowering (Mp) 250.00 210 Orchid Special Hybrid {MP) 500.00 211 @lms@B) 20.00 212 Palms ( MP) 150.00 213 Palms (LP) 200.00 Rose cufting (PB) 20.00 215 Rose cutting(MP) 50.00 216 Rose Bud (PB) 30.00 217 Rose Bud (MP) 60.00 218 Tuberose (PB) 10.00 219 rrar Krr (naKsnatnra ktt) {plJ) 1200.00 Kare omamenlat plants (nor inclltded in the above list) 220 r,are ornarytentat ptants pB 50.00 221 Rare ornamental plants Sp 100.00 222 plants Rare omamental Mp r00.00 223 Rare ornamental plants Lp 400.00 *Rare ornamental plants Adenium Heliconia rare varieties Euphorbia Special vadeties of Hibiscus Rare palms and others Medicinal (Poly x Plants bags) Rate/No. Aambal - Nynphaea stellata 1s0.00 224. a Anachuv adi- E I eph a n top u s sc a bi 10.00 Aalt]wanchi - Hanonia riDeria 15.00 226 Aaval - Holoptelia iktegrifolia 15.00 227 AOaKKyA Ntanlan -sphaeranthus i ndi cus 5.00 228 A4amb!t.- Iponea pes caprae ,)o 10.00 dien 229- 15.00 =i;--_-ffiH#j@ 230 10.00 231 +#y!+:!e!8+!tu!!t!]!n 10.00 o 10.00 232 - st quosa ^tppa|t ^puma 10.00 233 +myKKuram - Withania sotunifera 233-r 2s.00 234 25.00 235 ;;;h;-"n- r;;;;:- 10.00 10.00 236 _ At:stonia vc nena +nallvegafi ta(ordinafy) 10.00 237 ty egam - A { s ton i o ve ne na +n?t t a rcrj ginal ) 100.00 - Atangiuth sqlvifolium ^nKotam 10.00 239 Annavegam - Lvodia sn 10.00 240 lrrcyat - f icus reli?iosa 20.0( 241 '-;'-v.,6t:P*:.t:::!!e?839!!!t!!s 15.00 242 20.00 243 4rY?ueppg - A"odirocin indica 10.00 244 I oar4cca asocal Layer/p8 gmft 100.00 245 15.00 246 10.00 247 W 20.00 248 Avanakk - Ric i nus comiiiil 10.00 249 NI 50.00 250 ##Hm#::! 250-l 10.00 n^ar.t"nffi 25.00 251 Benoel L,'.i"ii - <'-^t tllili t0.00 10.00 253 Chakkarakkolli - r:.
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