1 QUEBEC & LABRADOR RAILWAYS – SL 150 10.07.19 Page 1 of 23 PASSENGER STATIONS & STOPS Canadian National Rly

1 QUEBEC & LABRADOR RAILWAYS – SL 150 10.07.19 Page 1 of 23 PASSENGER STATIONS & STOPS Canadian National Rly

1 QUEBEC & LABRADOR RAILWAYS – SL 150 10.07.19 page 1 of 23 PASSENGER STATIONS & STOPS Canadian National Rly (1-53), Montreal & Southern Counties (18-19) and associated Short Lines (54-56), Canadian Pacific (60-87), Quebec Central (88-92), Maine Central (93), New York Central (94), other Short Lines (95-106) & Expo Express (107) Based on 1858 Dinsmore Guide (x), USA Official Guide (G)1875 (y), 1893G (z),Company Public (t) & Working (w) TTs as noted, 1976G (e) and VIA TT 2000/current (f). k: current AMT (Agence Metropolitain de Transport) TT; v: 1884International Guide AG/CG/IG/MG/PG/RG: Appletons/Canadian/International/Rand McNally/Pathfinder/Russells Guides. a*b*c*: former name noted in 1913/1923/1936CG; op. opened; cl. closed; rn. renamed; rl. relocated; tm. terminus of service at date shown; Former names: [ ] Distances in miles Gauge 4’ 8½” unless noted (date)>(date) start/end of passenger service Certain non-passenger locations shown in italics thus: (name) # names from Histories. pass?: passenger service? Reference letters in brackets: (a), location shown in public timetable, but no trains stop. x-f = xyzabcdef etc. Concurrent bilingual names: English/French; Temiscouata Rly: see NB 31 CANADIAN NATIONAL RLY (CN) [Ste. Luce a ] ex Grand Trunk (GT); Canadian Northern (CNo); Canadian 494.3 St-Anaclet bcd [St. Anaclet & Father Point a ] Northern Quebec (CNQ); Canadian Government (CG), Quebec 499.0 Rimouski y-z > & Lake St. John (QLSJ) & Intercolonial (IC) Rlys; 500. Quai de Rimouski pass? z:1893t; a:1911IC/1912GT; a+:1914CNo; b:1925t; c:1935t; 503.2 Sacré-Coeur abcd d:1956t; e:1976t; h: 1900QLSJ; n:1914CNo; 509.5 Bic y-e p:1916G/1917GT; q:1917CNo; r:1928t; s:1942t; t1:1949t; 514.9 Mountain b pass? t3:1959t. w:1919w; w2:1928w 518.9 St-Fabien a-e [St. Fabian yz ] 523.3 Port Pic bc pass? >> RIVIERE DU LOUP – EDMUNDSTON 528.8 St-Simon y-f see Temiscouata Rly, NB 31 532.9 Rioux bc pass? 537.4 Trois-Pistoles y-f 1. MATAPEDIA - MONTREAL 540.1 Tobin bcd [Tobin’s a ] ex Intercolonial Rly (IC); y: 1877(IC)t/1875G 543.8 St-Éloi abcd [St. Eloie 1907t ] St.Leonard>St.Hyacinthe ex Drummond County (z: 1893G) 548.2 Isle-Verte y-e St.Hyacinthe>Montreal ex St. Lawrence & Atlantic 556.7 St-Arsène y-e 558.9 Cacouna y-d 385.6 Flatland (NB 1) 564.4 Rivière-du-Loup yz-f (NB 31) (New Brunswick – Quebec border) 570.4 Chemin-du-Lac cde [Lake Road y ] 388.4 Matapédia a-f [Metapediac yz ] [Notre Dame du Portage z ] 391.6 Champion bcd [Old Lake Road ab ] 393.7 St-Alexis a-e 576.2 St-Alexandré y-e 395.1 Dawson bcd 580.5 St-André z-d 398.3 Millstream/Ruisseau du Moulin abcd 584.2 Ste-Hélène y-e [Mill Stream yz ] 586.5 Dessaint abcd 404.3 Glen Emma bcd 589.8 St-Pascal y.bcde [St. Paschal za ] 406.0 Milnikek bcd 594. St. Dénis y 409.5 Routhierville bcd [Assametquaghan yza ] 595.8 St-Philippe-de-Néri z-e 412.4 Bellavance c 599.4 Rivière Ouelle yzbcd 416.6 Ste-Florence bcde [Beau Rivage a ] [Rivière Ouelle Junction a ] 420.0 Heppell d [Heppels b ] 601.3 St-Pacôme abcd [Heppel c ] 605.5 La Pocatière ef [St. Anne y ] 423.1 Causapscal y-f [Ste-Anne z-d ] 430.9 Lac-au-Saumon a-e [Salmon Lake 1907t ] 612.9 Ste-Louise abcd [St. Roch y ] 436.5 Amqui y-f [St. Roche z ] 439.2 St. Lawrence Lumber Company bc 616.8 Elgin Road/Chemin Elgin z-d 444.9 Val-Brillant bcde [Cedar Hall yza ] 620.7 St-Jean-Port-Joli y-e 451.5 Sayabec y-f 624.9 Trois-Saumons z-d 454.7 Saucier cd [Bellavance b ] 629.1 L’Islet y-e [L’Isletville d ] 459.0 St-Noël de [St. Moise abc ] 632.5 L’Anse-à-Gilles 1962t [L’Anse á Gile yz ] 463.8 Dufaultville bcd [Tartague yz ] [L’Anse-à-Giles abcd ] 467.0 Padoue bcde [Kempt a ] 635.6 Cap-St-Ignace y-d 471.8 Petit Métis bcd [Little Metis za ] 642.5 Montmagny a-f [St. Thomas x(tm)yz ] 475.6 St-Octave y-e 647.4 St-Pierre z-d 478.7 St-Rémi de Price d [Priceville bc ] 650.7 St-François y-d [St. Francis or Berthier x] [St. Rémi de Metis 1942t ] 655.9 St-Vallier 1959t [St. Valier z-d ] 481.0 Mont-Joli b-f [St. Flavie yz] 659.2 La Durantaye bcd [St. Michael x ] [Ste. Flavie a ] [St. Michel yza ] 484.1 Lavoie 1928t 665.7 St-Charles xy.cde (5) 489.2 Luceville bcde [St. Luce yz ] [St. Charles Junction zab ] 2 669.0 Ville Marie cd 836.5 Victoria Park z 672.5 Begin bc pass? 837. (Pont Victoria) 674.6 Harlaka zbcd [Harlaka Junction a ] 838.1 Bridge Street d 677.1 St. Joseph abcd 840.0 Montréal, Central Station/ Gare Centrale def 679.2 Lévis z-e (opened 1943) 680.2 Point Levis zab [Quebec (Point Levi) xy(tm) ] [Point Levi 1902t ] 2. MONTREAL: BRIDGE ST – BONAVENTURE 681.6 Hadlow zabc ex Montreal & Champlain 683.5 St-Romuald abcd 687.3 Charny b-f [Chaudière Curve yza ] (7) 838.1 Bridge Street (1) 687.9 West Junction b [Chaudiere Junction xyza ] 839.3 Pointe St. Charles c [Point St. Charles zab ] 688.5 Chaudière x-e (16) 839.6 Hibernia Road z 691.9 St-Nicolas d [St. Nicholas abc ] 840.8 St. Henri (1st) zabc [Tanneries 1851DG ] (29) 696.3 Filteau c [Filteau Siding w2 ] [Tanneries Junction 1868G ] 700.6 St-Apollinaire abcd [Lachine Junction yv ] 705.3 Tilly c 841.3 St. Cunegonde z 708.6 Laurier abcd [St. Croix 1900G(index) here? ] 842.3 Montreal (Bonaventure) (cl. 1948) (29) 712.6 Joly c [Montreal (GT) xyz ] 713.9 Fortier b 716.0 Henry River b [Riviere du Chien 1903t map] 3. ST-LAMBERT - LONGUEUIL [River Henry b* ] ex South Eastern RR (SE) 719.2 Val-Alain bcd [De Lotbiniere a ] 725.5 Villeroy abcd (8, 9) 0.0 St-Lambert (1) [Kingsburg Junction 1903t ] 2. Grand Trunk Crossing v 731.8 Manseau abcd [Moose Park 1903t ] 6 Longueuil (1st SE) v (ferry to Montreal) 736.5 Soulard b pass? 739.8 Lemieux abcd [Forestdale 1903t ] 4. RIVIERE OUELLE BRANCH 743.7 Lavergne ab 746.1 Daveluyville abcd 0.0 Rivière Ouelle (1) [Maddington Falls 1896G ] 3.2 Letellier a 751.2 Aston Junction abcd 6.3 Rivière Ouelle Wharf a [St. Denis 1903t ] 755.0 St. Wenceslas abcd 759.2 St-Leonard-de-Nicolet cd [St. Leonard z ] 5. ST-CHARLES – WEST JUNCTION [St. Leonard Junction ab ] (13) 764.1 Ste. Perpétue abcd 0.0 St-Charles (1) 765.6 Mitchell z-d 7.9 Carrier a [St. Henri xy ] 767. Blake z 13.0 St-Jean-Chrysostome (IC) ya 770.2 Bon Conseil cd [Carmel zab ] 13.9 Levis Junction (7) 772.9 St. Cyrille z-d (see 7 to:) 777.5 Drummondville z-f 15.4 Joffre (7) 782.0 St. Germain z-d 16.9 West Junction (1) 786.8 Duncan zabc 788.3 St. Eugène z-d 6. MATAPEDIA – GASPÉ b: 1923CG 793.4 Bagot abcd [Ste. Helene z ] ex Atlantic & Lake Superior; Quebec Oriental Rly & Atlantic 796.4 Charlotte bc Quebec & Western Rly 797.9 St. Edward zabc [St. Edouard 1903t ] 799.4 St. George abc 0.0 Matapédia (1) 804.1 Ste-Rosalie (2nd) bcd 4.7 Sellars ct3 804.5 Ste-Rosalie Junction abcd [Ste. Rosalie (1st) z ] 8.8 Broadlands act3 [Bourdon 1899Glist ] 806.5 St-Hyacinthe (GT) x-f 12.8 Cross Point/Pointe à la Croix a-e 814.0 Ste. Madeleine z-d [Soixante xy ] 16.2 Oak Bay abct3 819.1 St-Hilaire East/St-Hilaire Est a-e 22.1 Pointe-à-la-Garde abcd 819. Mont-Saint-Hilaire k(tm) 26.7 Escuminac abcd 819.9 St-Hilaire x-e 32.5 Nouvelle West/Nouvelle Ouest cd 820.8 Otterburn Park/Otterburn Parc a-e 35.5 Nouvelle a-f 821.2 Beloeil z-e [Beloeil & St. Hilaire 1851DG ] 38. Robitaille 1927t 824. McMasterville k 40.0 St. Omer abcd 825.2 St-Basile-le-Grand de [St. Bazile za ] 44.5 Carleton a-f [St-Bazile-le-Grand bc ] 52.7 Maria a-e 826.3 Montarville (2nd) bcd 57.5 Irishtown t3 827.4 St-Bruno y-f [Boucherville Mountain x ] 60.7 Cascapédia a-e 828.9 Montarville (1st) 1902t 67.8 New Richmond a-f 832.1 St-Hubert y-e [Charons x ] > 71.8 Black Cape d [Black Capes abc ] 836. Longueuil (GT 1st) x 76.4 Caplin River a 836.0 St-Lambert xyz.b-e [St. Lambert Junction a ] 78.6 Caplan cdef [Caplin ab ] 3 84.4 St. Siméon bcd 393.0 Ste-Euphémie qbcd 89.3 Bonaventure a-f 396.5 Morin bcd 98.1 New Carlisle a-f 399.3 Langlois bcd 101.7 Paspébiac abcd 401.4 Armagh qbcd 109.2 St-Godfroi a-e 406.4 St-Nérée d [St. Neré bc ] 114.3 Marcil abcd 409.3 St. Lazare qbcd 120.6 Port-Daniel a-f 410.2 Brie bc 126.4 Gascons abcd 412.1 St-Damien qbcd 135.0 Newport a-e 417.3 Abenakis qbcd 142.2 Chandler b-f 421.3 St-Malachie bcd [Ste. Malachie q ] 146.2 St-Adélaide cd [St.

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