For onida' use CENSUS Of INDIAt 1981 SERIES--16 ORISSA P~rt I.A ADMINISTRATION REPORT--ENUMIERATION 'A. R. NA.\lDA of the Indian AdMinistrativ4! ServiCe Director of Census OperatiooSi, Orissa CONTENTS CHAPTERS PAGE 4 1 T Jntroduction " I T Preparatory Steps. " 2 HI Census Preparation , r 7 IV Building up of the Organisation 12 V Touring and Training Programme 14 VI Census Schedules 17 VII Procurement of Map 18 VI[[ Preparation of Rural and Urban Frame . 20 Ill' IX Enumeration agency 27 X Houselisting Operation. 29 XI Enumeration 84' XH Instructions and Directives issued by the State Government 14 XII r General ". 41 XIV Post Enumeration Check and Census'Evaluation Study 154 XV Conclusion and acknowledgement . " 56 Al'PFNDICES I Circular No.2 from the Regisfr;r General, t;aia 59 II Circular No. 1 from the Registrar General, India 63 _) HI Circular No. I of the Director of Census, Orissa (General instructions regarding the 1981 Census Operations) 67 IV Schedules canvassed during 1st Pretest of 1981 Census ~. 72 V A copy of the D.O. letter No, 25740JR dated 13-4-78 of the Chief Secretary, to Government VC-2/78 of Orissa, addressed to all Collectors 79 VI Schedules canvassed during 2nd Pretest of 1981 Census 81 VII List of circulars (Circular No, 1 to 21) issued by the Director of Census Operations, Orissa, for the 1981 Census 88 VIII Census Calendar, 1981 Census-Orissa. 1st Stage-Housenumbering and houselisting (In- cluding economic Census) Second Stage-Enumeration (May 1980-March 1981) " I 89r IX Statement showing the existing strength at the time of assumption of office by the Director of Census and the additional posts created for the 1981 Census in different categories .. 94 X Letter of R. G. India regarding clerical assistance to district, Sub-division, Tahdsil establish- ments and Urban local bodies'in connection with the 1981 Census work, . .. 96 XI Letter of approval regarding the revised procedure for payment of honorarium to the enu- meration stafr in connection with the 1981 Census work 99 XII Relaxation of travelling expenses over the existing ceiling for state government officials en- gaged in Census ofIndia-1981 JO,O XIII Receipt and supply of forms and schedules ] 02 XIV Distribution of operational forms for houselisting and Printing~and distribution of forms 1 and schedules for the 1981 Census (enumeration) ]04 85·1U/J(N)164DCO-l Appendices PAGFS xv Preparation of district and tahsil/police station/CD Block/Circle maps for District Census Handbooks-(Circular No. 19 of the RG. India) 1981 Census . 112 XVI Circular No.4 of the Registrar General India 011 compilation of Vi1Iage & Town Directory 116 XVII List of town$ of Orissa-1981 Census .' , . 118 XVIII Statement showing the Urban Agglomerations for Orissa in the 1981 Census 120 XIX Letter of A.R.G.(SS)India regarding delineation of Standard Urban Areas-1981 Census 122 XX Statement showing the list of Standard Urban Areas and' rural component units: 1981 Cen- sus j 123 XXI Boundaries of administrative units-Fixity during the'1981 Census Operations 129 I ~ " XXII Location code of Districts/Police Stations/Part Police Stations/Town,s for the i ~81 Census 13 J XXIII l!rban ~harge Register form (Register No. V) ~uraI Charge Register form (Register No. VI) 139 XXIV Circle Register (Urban) (Register No. HT) Circle Register (Rural) (Register No.,IV) 141 XXV Charge Register (enumeration) (Register No. VIII) . 143 XXVI Selection and appointment of enumerators and supervisors for houselisting operations, 1980 (Circular 7 of Director of Census) . 144 XXVII Copy of the notification, dated Bhubarieswar, the 7th September, 1979 of Government of Orissa, Revenue Department 147 XXVIII Copy of the letter No. VC-4/79/4735/R dated 23rd January, 1980 of the Chief Secretary to Government of Orissa, addressed to all Revenue Divisional Commissioners, Director of Bureau of Statistics and Economics, Director of Municipal administration and all. Collectors in connection with the 1981 Census Houselisting Operations 148 XXIX Copy of the letters No. IK. EM9C. 1l0j79-EXS dt. 29-11-79, No. 11911/UD dt. 3-4-1980, No. EDU-168 E/79, 38133/TRW dt. 11-12-1979, and Memo No. 9449(10)/3F-429/78 dt. 17-4-1980, Education and Youth Services Department, Urban Development Department, Tribal and Rural Welfare Department and G;hieC Conservator of Forests, GOyt. of Orissa respectively for engagement oftelchers and field level functionaries for houselisting operations, 1981 Census 150 XXX Copy of the letters No. 31251/EYS, IX. EM. C. 24/80 dt., Bhubaneswar the 23rd July, 1980 afrd No. 27479/HUD dt. 25-8-1980 of Education and Y~uth Services Department and Housing Spl. Ext. 36/80 - and Urban Development Department respectively in connection with the engagement of School teachers for the 1981 Census Enumeration 155 XXXI A copy of the Enterprise List Form, 1981 Census Houselisting Operations (Economic Census) 161 XXXII Message by Shri Bhagawat Dayal Sharma, Governor, Orissa ]62 XXXIII An appeal of the Collector to the General Public to help and co-operate the Enumerators during the houselisting operations. 163 XXXIV Houselist and Houselist. Abstract Forms of 1981 Census 164 XXXV Copy of the letter No. VC 4/80-24066/R dated 29-3-80 of Assistant Secretary to Govt. ofOrissu to Secretary, Board of Revenue, Orissa regarding payment. of T.A. & D.A. to Enumerat.ors/ Supervisors attending training classes and perfOrming duties in connection with the 1981 Census , 165, XXXVI Training of Census Personnel-Houselisting Operations (Circular No.8 of Director of Census Operations, Orissa) 166 XXXVII Handling of records of Houselisting Operations on completion of field work. (Circular No. 12 of the Director of Census Operations, Orissa) , . 170 ii PAGES XXXVIII Notification of Registrar Generai, India on reference date of 1981 Census 174 XXXIX Copy of the Abridged Houselist form 175 XL Copy of Individual Slip-Universal and Sample, Household Schedule (Oriya & English) of 1981 Census 181 XLI Message by Shri J. B. Patnaik, Chief Minister of Orissa on the eve of the enumeration 193 XLII Statement showing Census division and personnel-1981 195 XLIII The Census Act, 1948 196 XLIV Government of Orissa, Revenue Department "Notifications" dated, Bhubaneswar the 7th September, 1979, 14-12-79 and 23-8-1980 . 199 XLV List of general circulars issued by the Registrar General, India in connection with the 1981 Census 202 XLVI Statement showing the amount of honorarium paid to Census Officers, Enumerators and Supervisors . 203 XLVU Acopyof the letter No. 1/34f79-Ad. I dated 26-6-1979 of the Registrar General, India to Chief Secretaries to Government of all States and Union Territories regarding clerical assistance to district/Sub-division/Tahsil, Urban local bodies in connection with tne 1981 Census work. 204 CENSUS IN ACTION (pHOTOGRAPHS) 207 ....111-IV 'CHAPTER r INTRODUCTION It is" the 'usual practiCe to leave behind a record of It, therefore, did not take me long to get myself attuned experience gained in conducting the Census Operations to the new organisation. Immediately on joining the for the benefit of 'the sllccessor in' organising the n-ext organisation I went through the administration reports decennial Census. Census, by its nature and dime'n'sion, of my illustrious predecessors Shri M. Ahmed and Shri is ftaught with a lot of 'imponderables and uncertain­ :S. Tripathi. I went through the guard file of circulars ties and depends for itS' success very much on individual ussed in the earlier census and some of the important ingenuity and personal and circumstantial factors. publications. I also laid down my hand on the adminis­ The experience gained in one Census ih a particula-r ·tration reports of 1971 Census from some other directo­ State of circumstances may have, at the most, limited Jates. The sense of loss for leaving the glamorous' post value in the changed circumstances obtaining a decade of Director of Industries vanished in a matter of days hence. While, therefore, making out this report I am as I got acquainted with the Census family headed by ful)y conscious of this limitation. the Registrar General and my colleagues in various States and Union Territories. 2. Census is a pretty old subject. We have completed Census Hierarchy 100 years of Census-taking ip. India by now. Indian Census has earned high reputation all over the world 4. I had the privilege to inherit a fairly well organised f.)r its completeness and accuracy anq it has been ac­ office located in the rented private buildings at Cuttack. claimed as the greatest administrative venture in the I have inherited a regular established office with fairly world. experienced officers and staff as given below. The two Deputy Directors working at the time of my joining had been brought on deputation from the State Govern­ 3. The designation "Director of Census Operations" ment and the rest belonged to the Census establish­ dates back to 1st September, 1969. Previously the post ment. WaS known as "Superintendent of Census Operations". 1. Deputy Director 2 An officer heading an organisation like the Directorate of Census at the State level is usually an officer of 2. Assistant Director (Technical) 1 thc Indian Administrative Service in the senior scale 3. InVestigator 4 or selection grade from the same State cadre and is on 4. Tabulation Officer 6 deputation to Government of India the moment he joins as Director. He is required to muster the support 5. Statistical Assistant 13 of various officials of the State administrative machinery 6. Computor 42 at the State, district and lowest local formations and 7. Assistant Compiler 49 to share the responsibility jointly with them in conduct 8.
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