We express our extreme gratitude to Temple Israel, Portsmouth, NH, for allowing Congregation Beth David to use parts of its on-line Shabbat siddur for our live-stream Shabbat services. This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements. 65 Preliminary Service MORNING BLESSINGS BIRCHOT HASHACHAR Just as one should not begin physical exercise without first warming up, so too, one should not begin davening (prayer) without “warming up". The early morning prayers, birchot hashahar, give us an opportunity to warm up our voices and spirit. They begin with a series of b’rachot (blessings) that trace the process of awakening. These b’rachot thank God for the gift of our bodies and souls; they describe God as providing for our physical needs of sight, strength, clothing, etc. It is no accident that the first and last thing Jews do every day is pray. What could be more appropriate in these moments of quiet reflection than to thank God for the myriad blessings of each day. - Please rise - Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ a-sher na-tan la-sech-vi vi-na, ,dp¨ia¦ ie¦k§ V¤ l© oz© p¨ xW¤ `£ l'hav-chin bein yom u-vein lai-la. :dl¨ i§l«¨ oia¥ E mFi oiA¥ oig¦ a§ d© l§ We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who gave the heart for understanding the difference between day and night. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ she-a-sa-ne b’tz-al-mo. :Fnl§ v© A§ ip¦ U«© r¨ W¤ We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, for making me in the divine image. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ she-a-sa-ne Yis-ro-el. :l`¥ x¨W§ i¦ ip¦ U«© r¨ W¤ We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, for making me proud to be a Jew. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ she-a-sa-ne cho-rin. :oix¦Fg ip¦ U«© r¨ W¤ We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, for giving me freedom. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ mal-bish ah-ru-mim. :min¦ xª£r WiA¦ l§ n© We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who clothes the naked. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ po-kay-ach iv-rim. :mix¦e§r¦ g© w«¥FR We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who gives sight to the blind. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ ma-tir ah-sue-rim. :mix¦Eq`£ xiY¦ n© We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who releases the bound. - 63 - This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements. Preliminary Service 65 Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ zo-kef key-fu-fim. :mit¦ EtM§ sw¥ Ff We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who straightens the bent. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ ro-ka ha-ah-retz al ha-ma-yim. :mi¦O«¨ d© lr© ux¤`«¨ d¨ rw© Fx We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who creates heaven and earth. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ she-asa le kol tz-or-kei. :iM¦ x§v¨ lM¨ iN¦ dU¨ «r¨ W¤ We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who has provided my every need. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ ha-may-chin me-tza-dai ga-ver. :xa¤ «b¨ ic¥£rv§ n¦ oik¦ O¥ d© We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who guides us on our path. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ oh-zer yis-ro-el big-vu-ra. :dx¨Eab§ A¦ l`¥ x¨W§ i¦ x¥fF` We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who guards Israel with might. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ oh-ter yis-ro-el b'tif-ah-ra. :dx¨`¨ t§ z¦ A§ l`¥ x¨U§ i¦ xh¥ Fr We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who crowns Israel with splendor. Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam, ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ ha-no-tain la-yo-ef ko-ach. :g© ŸM« sr¥ I¨l© oz¥ FPd© We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who gives the weary strength. -You may be seated- May it be Your will, Ah-do-nai our God and God of dp¨W¥ xia¦ £rO© d© ,ml¨ Frd¨ Kl¤ n«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ our ancestors to make us familiar with Your Torah, dF¨di§ ,Li«p¤t¨ N§ n¦ oFvx¨ id¦ ie¦ .iR¨ r© t§ r© n¥ dn¨ Epz§ E ip¨ir¥ n¥ and to help us adhere to Your commandments. Keep us far from sin and disgrace, let no evil Epw«¥A§ c©e§ ,Lz«¤ x¨FzA§ Epl«¥ iB¦ x§Y© W¤ ,Epiz«¥ Fa`£ id¥Ÿl`e¥ Epid«¥Ÿl`¡ impulse have mastery over us. Keep us far from an ic¥il¦ `Ÿle§ ,`h§ g¥ ic¥il¦ `Ÿl Ep`«¥ ia¦ Y§ l`© e§ ,Liz«¤ Ÿev§ n¦ A§ evil person and a corrupt companion. Help us l`© e§ ,oFiG¨a¦ ic¥il¦ `Ÿle§ ,oFiQ¨ p¦ ic¥il¦ `Ÿle§ ,oŸer¨ e§ dx¨a¥ £r cultivate our good and noble inclinations so that we .rx¨ xa¥ g¨ n¥ E rx¨ mc¨`¨ n¥ Epw«¥ig¦ x§d© e§ .rx¨d¨ xv¤ «i¥ EpA«¨ hl¤ W§ Y© may perform good deeds; and bend our will to Your Epx«¥v§ i¦ z`¤ sFke§ ,mia¦ Fh miU¦ £rn© a§ E aFHd© xv¤ «i¥A§ Epw«¥A§ c©e§ service. Grant us this day and every day, grace, love and compassion in Your sight and in the sight of all. cq¤ g«¤ l§ E og¥ l§ ,mFi lk¨ a§ E ,mFId© Ep«p¥z§ E .Kl¨ cA¤ r§ Y© W§ d¦ l§ Grant us a bountiful measure of loving kindness. mic¦q¨ g£ Epl«¥ n§ b§ z¦ e§ ,Epi`«¥ Fx lk¨ ip¥ir¥ a§ E ,Lip¤ir¥ A§ min¦ g£ x©l§ E .mia¦ Fh - 64 - This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements. 66 Preliminary Service Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, ,dF¨di§ dY¨ `© KExA¨ go-mel’ cha-sa-dim’ to-vim’ le-a-mo’ Yis’ra-el’. .l`¥ x¨U§ i¦ FOr© l§ mia¦ Fh mic¦q¨ g£ ln¥ FB We bless You Ah-do-nai, who bestows loving kindness upon Your people Israel. VERSES OF PRAISE SECTION (PESUKEI DEZIMRAH) The Verses of Praise section was initiated as an optional part of the prayer service and was recited privately. Today, these verses are recited every day, in private and public prayer. The Verses of Praise consist of a series of psalms, preceded and followed by a special blessing. The recitation of these psalms is intended to prepare and uplift the soul, purify our thoughts, and make us clear in our approach to God and prayer. Following the Verses of Praise, the Kaddish is recited to indicate that a subsection of the prayer service has now concluded, and we continue with a major section of the prayer service, namely, the blessings of the Sh'ma and the Sh'ma prayer. May it be Your will, Ah-do-nai my God and God of my ,iz© Fa`£ id¥Ÿl`e¥ id©Ÿl`¡ dF¨di§ ,Li«p¤t¨ N§ n¦ oFvx¨ id¦ i§ ancestors, to protect me this day, and every day, from arrogance of others and from arrogance in myself. Save ,mip¦ R¨ zEGr© n¥ E mip¦ t¨ i¥Gr© n¥ mFi lk¨ a§ E mFId© ip¦ l«¥ iS¦ Y© W¤ me from a bad companion and from a bad neighbour, ,rx¨ rb©R«¤ n¦ E ,rx¨ ok¥ X¨ n¦ E ,rx¨ xa¥ g¨ n¥ E ,rx¨ mc¨`¨ n¥ and from any mishap or evil; from a harsh judgment, and from a harsh opponent, be they a child of the ,dW¤ w¨ oiC¦ lr© A«© n¦ E ,dW¤ w¨ oiC¦n¦ ,zig¦ W§ O© d© oh¨ V¨ n¦ E covenant or not.
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