Alfi’s Goldener Spiegel, 204–205 B Index Alsergrund (9th District), 65 Bach Consort Wien, 196 accommodations, 96–97 Baden bei Wien, 217–220 See also Accommodations and restaurants, 123–124 Barfly’s, 203 Restaurant indexes, below. Alter Steffl, 144 Bar Italia, 203 Altes Rathaus, 176 Barockmuseum (Museum of Altmann & Kühne, 187 Baroque Art), 135 General Index American Airlines, 43 Bars, 203–205 American Express, 52 Beer, 35, 36 A American Express Travel, 60 Beethovenhaus (Baden bei American Foundation for the AARP, 56–57 Wien), 218 Blind (AFB), 55 Abbey Heiligenkreuz (Abbey of Beethoven Pasqualati House GENERAL INDEX Andau, 237 the Holy Cross; Mayerling), (Beethoven Pasqualatihaus), 155 Antiques, 184–185 215–216 Belmar (Havana Club), 200 Apartment rentals, 73 Abercrombie and Kent, 60 Belvedere, 135, 138 Arcadia Opera Shop, 190 Access-Able Travel Source, 55 Bergkirche (Church of the Architecture, 27–30 Accommodations, 72–97. See Calvary; Eisenstadt), 231 Area codes, 238 also Accommodations Index Bermuda Triangle, 203 Art, 24–27 Alsergrund (9th District), Bicycle Rental Art galleries, 185–186 96–97 Hochschaubahn, 156 Artis International, 207 Baden bei Wien, 219–220 Biking, 49–50, 156 Art museums best, 3–4 Blue Danube Shipping Albertina, 127–128 Dürnstein, 228–229 Company, 47 Barockmuseum (Museum Eisenstadt, 232–233 BMI, 44 of Baroque Art), 135 family-friendly, 92 Boating, 157 Belvedere, 135, 138 finding a hotel, 72–73 Boat travel, 47–48 Ephesos-Museum (Museum for honeymoons or Boat trips and excursions, 47–48 of Ephesian Sculpture), anniversaries, 79 Books, recommended, 30–31 130–131 Illmitz, 237 Bookstores, 186–187 Galerie des 19. und 20. Innere Stadt (Inner City), Botanischer Garten (Botanical Jahrhunderts (Gallery of 73–86 Garden of the University of 19th- and 20th-Century Josefstadt (8th District), Vienna), 151 Art), 135, 138 94–96 British Airways, 43, 44 Gemäldegalerie der Krems, 226–227 British Airways Holidays, 59 Akademie der Bildenden Landstrasse (3rd District), The British Bookshop, 186 Künste, 138 87–90 Bruckner, Anton, 34, 128 Kunsthalle Wien, 134 Leopoldstadt (2nd District), Brunnenmarkt, 189 Kunsthistorisches Museum, 139 86–87 Buchhandlung Walter König, 186 Leopold Museum, 134–135 Mariahilf (6th District), 91–93 Burgenland, 210 Liechtenstein Museum, Mayerling, 216–217 Burggarten (Castle Garden), 151, 139–140 Melk, 230 169–170 MUMOK (Museum Moderner Neubau (7th District), 93–94 Burgkapelle (Home of the Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Neusiedl am See, 233–234 Vienna Boys’ Choir), 129 Wien), 135 private homes and furnished Burg Kino, 207 Museum Mittelalterlicher apartments, 73 Burgring, 132 Kunst (Museum of Purbach am See, 235 Burgtheater (National Medieval Art), 135 Rust, 236 Theater), 166, 198 Österreichisches Museum near Schönbrunn, 97 Business hours, 238 für Angewandte Kunst seasonal hotels, 73 Bus travel, 47, 49 (Museum of Applied Tulln, 224 Art), 148 Westbahnhof (15th District), 97 Secession, 140 C Wieden & Margareten (4th & Art Nouveau (Jugendstil), 29, 174 Café Alt Wien, 207 5th districts), 90–91 Askö-Sport-Centrum-Schmelz, Café Berg, 205 Wiener Neustadt, 221 158–159 Café Leopold, 200 Wienerwald (Vienna Askö Wien, 159 Café Savoy, 205 Woods), 213 ATMs (automated-teller Calendar of events, 40–41 A. E. Köchert, 189COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL machines), 52 Camera Club, 201–202, 204 AirAmbulanceCard.com, 55 Augarten Porzellan, 191 Canoeing, 60 Airport security measures, 44 Augustinerkirche (Church of the Car rentals, 50 Air travel, 43–45 Augustinians), 128–129 Carriage Museum Akademie der bildenden Künste Augustinian Herzogenburg (Wagenburg), 142 (Academy of Fine Arts), 170 Monastery, 225 Car travel, 47, 50 Akademietheater, 198 Austrian Academy of Sciences, 180 Casino Baden (Baden bei Albertina, 127–128, 163 Austrian Airlines, 43, 44 Wien), 220 Albin Denk, 191 Aux Gazelles, 199–200 Cellphones, 61–62 242 116_9780470975961-bindex.indd6_9780470975961-bindex.indd 242242 11/14/11/14/11 22:26:26 PMPM Centers for Disease Control Domkirche St. Stephan Franz Josef, Emperor, 131 and Prevention, 54 (St. Stephan’s Cathedral), Frauencafé, 205 Chelsea, 200 143–144, 168 Frederick III, Emperor, Children, families with, 57 Donauinselfest, 41 tomb of, 144 GENERAL INDEX accommodations, 92 Donaupark, 152 Free or almost free activities, 5–6 best activities for, 6–7 Donauturm (Danube Tower), 152 Freud, Sigmund, 148 restaurants, 118 Donner Fountain, 164 Museum Wien, 150 Christmas Markets, 41 Dorotheum, 164, 185 Frey Wille, 190 Churches, 143–147 Drinking and drug laws, 238 Fürnkranz, 188 best, 8–9 Driving and traffic regulations, 50 Church of St. Charles Dr.-Karl-Renner Ring, 132 G (Karlskirche), 146, 173 Dürer, Albrecht, 127, 139 Galerie bei der Albertina, 185 Church of St. George (St. Dürnstein, 227–229 Galerie des 19. und 20. Georgenkirche; Wiener Jahrhunderts (Gallery of 19th- Neustadt), 221 E and 20th-Century Art), 135, 138 Church of St. Michael Eagle Bar, 205 Gasoline, 239 (Michaelerkirche), 145, 167 Eating and drinking. See Food Gays and lesbians, 56 Church of the Calvary and cuisine bars, 204–205 (Bergkirche; Eisenstadt), 231 Egon Schiele Museum (Tulln), 224 Gegenbauer, 192 Church of the Capuchin Friars Eisenstadt, 210, 231–233 Gemäldegalerie der Akademie (Kapuzinerkirche), 144–145, 163 Eistraum, 40 der Bildenden Künste, 138 Church of the Jesuits Elderhostel, 57 Gerngross, 187 (Universitätskirche), 146 Electricity, 238 Gerstner, 187 Church of the Minorites Elisabeth, Empress (Sissi), 130 Glasgalerie Kovacek, 185 (Minoritenkirche), 145, 166–167 Elite Tours, 156 Gloriette, 142 Church of the Piarist Order Embassies and consulates, 238 Golf, 157 (Piaristenkirche), 147 Emergencies, 239 Golfplatz Föhrenwald, 157 Church of the Teutonic Order EMI, 191 Golfplatz Wien-Freudenau (Deutschordenskirche), 143 English Lovers, 198 65A, 157 Classical music, 194–198 Entry requirements, 42–43 Great Hall (Austrian National Clemencic Consort, 196 Ephesos-Museum (Museum of Library), 131 Climate, 39 Ephesian Sculpture), 130–131 Griechengasse, 176 Club and music scene, 199–202 Ernst-Happel-Stadion (Wiener Grinzing, 205–206 Coffee, 35 Stadion), 159 Grosser Passauerhof (Krems), 226 Concentus Musicus, 194 Eurailpass, 45–46 Gumpendorferstrasse, 174 Confectionery, 187 Eurolines, 47 Consolidators (bucket shops), 45 European Health Insurance Card Consulates, 238 H (EHIC), 54 Credit cards, 52 Hats, 188–189 Eurotunnel, 47 Crime and safety, 54–55 Hauptstrasse (Dürnstein), 228 Crystal Lakes & Mountains, 60 Haus der Musik, 138 Currency and currency exchange, F Haus des Meeres, 154 51–52 Families with children, 57 Havana Club (Belmar), 200 Customs, 42 accommodations, 92 Haydn, Franz Joseph, 33, 128 best activities for, 6–7 Haydnhaus (Haydn’s House), 155 restaurants, 118 Haydn Museum (Eisenstadt), D Fasching, 40 231–232 Da Caruso, 190 Fashion (clothing), 188 Health clubs, 157–158 Dance clubs, 201–202 evening dress, 194 Health concerns, 53–54 D&S Antiques, 184 Federal Chancellery, 166 Heeresgeschichtliches Museum The Danube Felixx, 205 (Museum of Military cruises, 223, 225 Filmmuseum, 207 History), 150 cruising, 157 Films, 31–32, 207 Heiligenkreuzerhof, 178 Danube Tower (Donauturm), 152 First Floor, 203 Heldenplatz, 165 The Danube Valley, 222–230 Flaktürme (anti-aircraft Herzogenburg, 225 DDSG Blue Danube towers), 139 Herzogenburger Augustiner Shipping Co., 157 Fleischmarkt, 176–177 Chorherrenstift, 225 Delta Vacations, 60 Flex, 202 Heurige Mayer, 206 Department stores, 187–188 Flohmarkt, 173–174, 185 Heuriger (wine taverns), Der Rudolfshof, 206 Food and cuisine, 34–37. 37, 205–206 Deutschordenskirche (Church See also Restaurants Hiking, 158 of the Teutonic Order), 143 picnics and street food, 122 Hinterbrühl, 214 Dining. See Restaurants supermarket (Julius Meinl History of Vienna, 11–24 Disabilities, travelers with, 55–56 am Graben), 192 Hitler, Adolf, 138, 170 Doblinger, 190–191 vinegars and oils, 192 Hofburg, 164 Dominikanerkirche, 179 Football, 159 Hofburgkapelle, 129 243 116_9780470975961-bindex.indd6_9780470975961-bindex.indd 243243 11/14/11/14/11 22:26:26 PMPM Hofburg Palace complex, Insurance, 239 KunstHausWien, 150 126–134 International Association for Kunsthistorisches Museum, 139 Hofjagd und Rüstkammer, 130 Medical Assistance to Künstlerhaus, 172 Hoher Markt, 176 Travelers (IAMAT), 54 Kurhaus (Baden bei Wien), 219 Holidays, 239 International Gay and Lesbian Kurpark (Baden bei Wien), Horr Stadion, 159 Travel Association (IGLTA), 56 217, 218 Horse racing, 159 International Music Festival, 40 Hospitals, 239 International Student Identity L Hotels, 72–97. See also Card (ISIC), 57–58 Lace and needlework, 190 Accommodations Index International Theater & Lainzer Tiergarten, 158 Alsergrund (9th District), Fundus, 198 Lake Neusiedl, 210, 233–237 96–97 International Youth Travel Card Landes Museum (Krems), 226 GENERAL INDEX Baden bei Wien, 219–220 (IYTC), 58–59 Landstrasse (3rd District), 64 best, 3–4 Internet access, 62 accommodations, 87–90 Dürnstein, 228–229 Itineraries, suggested, 65–71 restaurants, 117–118 Eisenstadt, 232–233 Language, 239 family-friendly, 92 J Lanz, 188 finding a hotel, 72–73 Jagdschloss (Mayerling), 216 Legal aid, 239 for honeymoons or Jägerball (Hunters’ Ball), 197 Leopold Museum, 134–135 anniversaries, 79 Jazzland, 201 Leopoldstadt (2nd District), 64 Illmitz, 237 Jesuit Church/University accommodations, 86–87 Innere Stadt (Inner City), 73–86 Church (Jesuitenkirche/ restaurants, 113–117 Josefstadt (8th District), 94–96 Universitätskirche), 179 Liebfrauenkirche (Wiener Krems, 226–227 Jesuitenkirche/Universitätskirche Neustadt), 221 Landstrasse (3rd District),
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