vtry claims art matters m dis¬ Scbr Artan, for New iT?«rred, with" TB® tiler, Whiting York, with lumber to Ca*vtrv. May Tublaaon, New Turk for pute, for aetDtmeal con" YEW ORLEIJg Simpson A clam). Via yueeustown. H-Arrlwd, Agder, <"')¦ SI Croix. by the convention rcee-."T FLOODS, Bvlir Sw-an, Fisher, Rockland for New with Cleared 22 ^9111)1^ Junu3-Arrived, schr P Boice, Adam* " York, lime to J, 8 F chriso. The idea of R Hrovro. Sailed lid. Heraey, Bmatl, Montevideo. Gaur.elowa, DC. force, therefore, . - fcbapciar, Nellson, New \ork;24th. Bavaria, 8»lled.Kclir Lady Carter. New Tort. ¦ , S S Lewie, Rockland for New do Antrim, WASHINGTON- terour. ' K'wood, York, with Lowe, j 2ith, Flth), M Bos¬ Mailaen. do, McKar.aue, Hall, JuU" The H|u"«""r,~Tbe Nuppl,-.f fJ. Una, Brown, ton; Crimea, Blab- Cha* An<>. Wolia, Uoooken; Hy Ulbbs. UkvtRVf buvannah- * tilth, Sarah It Smith, VMMfc* "-ear Fnllluc Off io - lime to 0 "'*n. Westport for New York, with lura¬ op, Mobile. Intern t.lvliiif Out. ti. hr Adi iallk< -fell?!?.p Stlckney. Matthews, and Sea Nymph. ****«.*» <i>{. "" ch*UDei from Now York «ntn- Sew Orleans, 1871. ber to J Royntun's eon A pg, "nrv. with lumber for ( Psr«e»»r*noe' HowJTKnr.i^8' .e^i'Vl I,rrT. an.l Gulden ltagle; States The nuu. -^aai T^xtnne sources the joue c, Schr Klor* Co«P BrU? J°18 * BUUtb' The United Financial receipt* King. OaWli for New . ,. The remains the t f C«tt«, Ma, 17- Arrfveo, JfnTw7;i,dsVkCtV.T8X"hrra^h.W^0or:'aI,. w^'ter one inch below Tub . 4. Magna ' first six davs m tM lontb of June of the preseut autiouary, to Chase. 4 YoV*. "* Charts, Port JohMfln (and sailed in highest reached. The continue moving tse'r G M PtHrhlge, Bunker, Rockland for New York, with Palled 17tb, Margaret Btb.-IT'^'iI^'S6Hral1, r°?.b-i Agency London. year, compare 1 ffllh the bsdk ome of June, 187>, polut people lime to J K Brown. Leah, Charlea, Philadelphia. iWBuattorown. teres, fun Johnson; Falr- irom the overflowed districts. The President of tlio Sclir darah it lor Phlladel- Cairn, Ma, '^-^rrlr'd, Geo Glbral- wind. N*W TOrtr. snow a falling off of beany five millions of doU**lS> Tbomas, Arnold, Providence VLv!>d»t, Robinson, Bowmgtt, ... Gas states that if the ph!ft. NEWHURYVORT, June I-ArrlreJ, schr William Capes, Thy, U attributable to ttie operations of tbn new L'ght Company water continues Kchr Susan McDevltt, McDsyltt, New Haven for Philadel¬ Ufciailed 3i th. Pannhe, Plancbel, Gloucester, Mala. Baker. Georgetown. DO. *> at its present height two days longer the company phia. Colombo, April Id.Iu port bark Francis ,Fr>, Barrett, for NEW PORT, dupe 5, PM.Arrived, sohr« Satan K Nash, 1/ w. The subscription* to the new loan to-day were Sclir White Sea. Haven for New York, New Vork. Nash, Pawtugkel for New York: Ellen Perkins, Keller, New Governor Orr on Ku Klux will be uuable to supply gas. donee, Vineyard P Organizations with alone to Bridge Co, Caiuakicn, Ma, If.In port,' harka Carlton, Trecsrtln . Bedford for do; slo )> William Hunt, Terry, New York loT [ $2 t,000v The authorities and charitable Sclir Laura P.oblnaon, Cove for New ra la II.n|r|..a. f 11 n r >. t< 'a U 4* Weymouth galled to Paid bat Once vlty committees Koomaon, Pigeon Jand fit! Tax ou Tannajb be Duriua con'tnuethe di.-t.ribui.on York. ;v4th, I'M. Aatl»i, schrs Fred4U|j, Tyler, Terrlll, Pawtucket for in South Carolina. the Year* of food, Ac., to the needy Schr Alligator, Bobbins, Calala for New York, with lum¬ New York; Bella reck, Avery, nrovldeuoe for do; Nicholas k'lWW® . » *"v* In flooded quarters. ber, to Simpson A C'app. 1 »«aaiw<n aavotww t VIJUDt fun, ¦»« , Uaullll Mehrhof, Mehrhof, do lor Crown; Emma White, Taunton for The Secretary of the Treasury has just issued a Schr Stephen Wairrman, Chaae, New Bedford for New Sblelda, all Ida for ixirta In the United States: \«v>n ws'sh New York; Josephine Whltmore, New York; Phil Sheridan, York. Jr, Vanaelow. wtg; acbra Lugano, Steel, and *na Murphy, Kail Hirer for do, Kanuie Q Warner, Nlokeraon, 'circular on the subject of the tax on tonnage, ad¬ Flor au, Chaa Bo" ' elL,--.' Died. Schr Clara U Covert, Covington, Port Jefferaon for New log; Quango, do; Dennis, , Philadelphia; Barah Jane, Jackson, Nsw York; Elisabeth B, / to York. ELL.' MaT <-P4Med do. and Officers at/ dressed collectors of customs and others, in which "P. from Uogan, _ _ jr fhitenthropisti Army Logger- Dowi.ing..Oil Monday, June &, Mart Dowuno, Schr George 8 Reppley, Griiwold, New Haven for Phila¬ Nw York ln''^L, IUnua..n, 6th.Arrived, tchrs Richard Hill, trom Philadelphia; Henry U appears that the term '-license" in the first pro- aged 5w years. delphia. Castoff, fromBocklaud for New York: W B Manouey, from brads Over the Indian vlso of the actot 14, shall be held to ex¬ The relatives and friends of the are re* Schr ArtWl Forrester, Somerset for South Amhoy. aalled lor Philadelphia). Georgetown, DC; Ney, Chase, and Favorite, Clark, from (tiKstiea. July 1862, family Schr Greenwich for New York. Wd' JOhl1 T Man,on, Susan A Hoboken lor Vawtucket; Han¬ tend to all vessels authorized law to in speetfnlly Invited to attend tne funeral, this (Wed¬ Katclle, Blrney, Jfanion, from Shields for New Philadelphia; Marv, by engage attornoon, at one trom her resi¬ Sclir Revenue, Richardeon. Clouceder lor New York. Haven" nah, Wuletts, do for Button. the coasting whether under nesday) o'clock, late Schr Jessie Koeerulaie. Hunter, Sail River lor New York. Paaaed do 2Uh, Oraoe ^argent, p0te, from Callao for Ham¬ The yeaeels have all sailed, except brig John Balch. trade, sailing registers dence, so i Uleecker street, corner or Charles. Schr Hairy Lea, Mayo, Hoaton for New York. burg. 7 :3J PM .AnIved, tchrs B Bradley, Vapor, and Billow, of or enrolments and licenses. The tonnage dnty Philadelphia papers please copy. Schr Kaklr, Noyea, Providence tor New York. Off the 8outh F-VeUnd 23d, harka Schiller, from Philadel- from Philadelphia; (loop Pearl, from Havaratraw. Proprrtlens the |PiW Ulfi r DraUti Nhuh Hclir Nelson. Kerria. Port Jefferaon for New York. from NEW LONDON, Juno 8-Arrive I, achra .Success, Richards, Threatening now imposed on all ships, vessels or steam¬ Paye.\ Schr Norwich for Trenton. Wundeart 11'TordeIuk.JoW»Christian, Portland, O, Providence for New H P Cushion from New York Surf, Abbott, York; for Colored Laborers* Strike. ers engaged In foreign or domestic commerce Schr A II cm ton. Phlnney, Northport for New York. Pcstiits'VnB, Ma, 24 Off, Sonoma, Howes, from Neweas- for Boston: Chancellor, Ferguson, Hoboken Paw- Schr Cabinet, Gates, Newport for New York. tle fp; sau Praneiaco; 25th, tioachen, Uenke, from Bremen tucket; J Hurley, Saunders, do for Providence; Yankee is to be levied but once within one year; and when Schr h B Church, GlITord, Provlncetowntfor New York. for New York. Boy, Heweon,Port Johnson for do; Eli Tuwusend, Nichols, paid by such ship, vessel or steamer no further ton¬ SHIPPING NEWS. Schr Kn.thi, Beebe, Providence for New York. ElhINOM, Ma, IIS.Arrived, Minerva, Torgeaen, New Or- Hoboken for Warren; aloop Harvest, Corwln, New York for R' hr Native. North, New Haven for New York. leane for Cronstndt. Providence. nage tax shall be collected within one year from Port I'ai mouth, 24- Off the 6th.Arrived, schrt W W Bralnard, Pendleton, and Kate Scur Onward, Whee'er, Jefferson tor New York. Ma,* ". Ilolman, of the . Claims Alatattai- >ot- New Lizard, " Maggie, Meeting Spanish date of such payment; and hereafter. In cases of York.This Day. Schr .John H rooka, Foi, New Haven for New York. from Charleaton for London Carl, utten, from>ra Renew Yort for Callahan, Averv, Ellxabethport; Marlei, Fletcher, from Pork- Schr Mantle, Mi ls. I'aunton for New York. Bremen ; Messrl, Pedereen, from llnladnlphla for Hamburg; land. Me for Bridgeport. Commission. vessels making regular dally trips between any port Sun rises 4 29 Moon Self 8i,nny Hula, Hartford for New York. Napoleon, (Jilleepie, from New Orleane for Bremen. Sailed, brig Nebo Br>, McLeod, Arroyo, PR (to load for of the united States ana any port of the Dominion rises....eye 11 49 Schr Nathaniel Holmes, Holmes, Mvailc for New York. Oi.nocEbTKR, Ma, 25.Arrived, Latona, Williams, New New London); schrs Charger and Success, for New Ycrk. Sun sots........ 7 28 water. mom 11 hT Sclir John hler, Pcuuyteafher. Taunton for New York. York. NEW HAVEN, June S -Arrived, schrs hlixa, Bell; Stated of Canada, wholly npon interior waters, not naviga¬ High Se lir Geo R Conover, llolti, Hartford for New York. Glasgow, Ma, 28 Sailed, Caroline O Small, Small, New Islander, and Henry Lemuel. Schr A G Portland for New York. York: 241b, Tinto, Cleared.Sloop A U Barrett, New York. ble to the ocean, no tonnage or clearance fees shall Hazard, Heaiy, McEwan, Philadelphia (and left Green- PHILADELPHIA. June 5.Arrive OCEAN STEAMERS. Schr Geo K Br- wn. He lucy. New Haven for New York. OCk 25th); 2">th, n.DaMu.iatNAlexandria .«j.ah Lees,, ., Newi,r. York (and left I, steamship Norman, WasuiMGrex, Jane a, 1811. sum officers of Schr Nlckerson, Boston brigs Samuel Welsh, Darrab, Matanxas; be charged against vessels by the the Sarah Maria, Hall, Cold 8|iring tor New York. Lough Foyle 2<lth); Eldorado, Tornesen. do. L Kl«hl 'fr,« Iks American Muunrial irrui y 1UTI OF OKPARTl'ItKS FROM NEW Schr O'tver Perry, Murphy.
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