,Vi •/. • »V ^‘DOLLAR DAY" HSl T H E BARGAIN ADVS. A V B U O I DAILY OIBOVLATIOM Itr tiM MmHIi of DabnMTjr, 1M4 Foroeoot of D. 8. Wc Now Bo^ 5,402 ^ Bbsr of Dm AadH ^ F . Meetly doady mad wafiner wHh •M of dfoaliMeM. jn * nOa bectanlac lote toid ^ or 8»t- i l a n r ! If r Kiif tttttg IrraUi oH oy . VOL. UIL, NO. 129. (dflodioi AinrtlM af oa Pofo lA). MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAROtt 1 ,1984 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ALL DOLLAR DAY REUEF BOARD Sweden’s Prince and Cmnmoner-Fiancee CHENEYS SE K BARGAINS DEFY REDUCESUST NAMES OF ALL PRESIDENT ASKS POWER PRICE EQUAUTY NEAMW J O M UNION TO TRAFFIC IN TARIFFS local MerdniiU Unite To­ Cheney Assessmwt is Cm In Aim nr to Kd of New Wants Congress to Give Him morrow in Offering Mm- 1202,271; No Reduction Textile Load for Recof- Roosevelt Asks Change Right to Make Treaties dnndiw of Unsnrpasted ADowed Bectric Co^ nition, Finn Asks for In Philippine Measure and Modify Duties — U. S. Vahe— Amiffe Parking Grand List ^ 1 ,5 9 5 ,0 5 4 Membership RoD. Washington, March 2.— (AP)—^mended “toe ultimate settlement of Must Be in Position to The flfit ontotoadUiig sales event The Board of Relief has ffled a President Roosevelt today asked this matter on terms satisfactory to Formea demand that (Jheney of the year—Dollar Day—will be total of 1243,818 in reductions from (Congress to revive the Hawes-Cut­ our own government and that of the Brothers recognise Manchester ting Philippine independence law Bargain, Rooseyelt Says held in Manchester .tomorrow, when the 1988 grand list, of which Che­ Philippine islands.” Local 2125, United Textile Workers with an amendment for relinquish­ “I do not believe,” he said; “that local merchants will unite in offer­ ney Brothers received a 1202,271 re­ of America, is made of Ward Che- ment of the military base when the other provisions of the original law in Message— Asks for ing the public a splendid opportuni­ duction following their appeal for islands become independent and need be changed at this time. ney, president of the firm, in a letter ty to obtain amazing values at bar­ an assessment of 1998,479 less tbtgr provisions for “ultimate settlement” Where imperfections or inequalities gain prices. No effort has been spar­ the vsduation determined by the signed by officers of the union and of the disposition of the naval exist, 1 am confident that they can Haste But Says It’s No members of toe executive commit­ bases. ed to make this popular sales event Board of Assessors. No reductions be corrected after proper hearing tee. The Hawes-Cutting legislation, and in fairness to botb peoples. most important to all who seek to were granted the Manchester ESec- Time for Wholesale Cuts. spend wisely and well. Seek Names e f MCembers . passed a year ago by Congress, au­ “May I emphasize that while we Co-operating merchants have all tric company despite the claim of The Cheney firm today posted an tomatically lapsed early this year desire to grant complete independ­ marked drastic reductions on stock the utilities company for a valua­ answer to the letter of toe union by failure of the Philli^lne govern­ ence at the earliest proper moment, ment to 8u:cept It. Washington, March 2— (AP) — articles and m»chandlse to asstu'e tion of 1100,000 less thnji their officials throughout toe mills. Re­ to effect this result without allow­ It provides for independence with­ ing sufficient time for necessary po­ President Roosevelt today asked the townspeople of bona fide values assessment. quest was made by toe firm that toe names of those enrolled In toe union in 12 or 14 years. litical and economic Euljustments Congress for authority to modify that would be extremely difficult to Additions on the list amounted to be made known. It provides that the United States would be a definite injustice to the tariff rates in negotiating commer­ duplicate ansrwbere. Placards will $26,158, leaving a net grand list, on would retain the option of keeping be prominently displayed by all President Arthur Shorts declared people of the Philippine islands cial agreements with other nations. which the tax rate for the year will in a statement today that, "the re­ certain military and naval bases in themselves little short of a denial of merchants taking part and a store be set Monday night, of $41,595,054. “I am requesting the Congress to ply of Cheney Brothers has not an­ toe islands after Independence. independence itself. with a “Dollar Day’’ sign is a store No Cheney Statement. authorize the executive,” the swered the questions contamed in Mr. Eloosevelt proposed that the "To change, at this time, the eco­ where best values can be secured at Cheney Brothers asked to com­ President, “to enter into executive toe letter of toe union olfldtais.” Ad­ military bases be relinquished sim­ nomic provisions of the previous the lowest possible price. ment on the reduction reported that ultaneous with independence. commercial agreements with for­ ditional conferences are anticipated. law would reflect discredit on our­ eign nations; and in persuance Despite the heavy snowfall dur­ they had “nothing to say.’’ The As to the naval bases he recom- selves.” ing the past two weeks, Main street Manchester Electric Company offi­ The Letters thereof within carefully guarded has been entirely cleared and ample cials stated that 'ormal notice had The letters, which are self-ex­ limits to modify existing duties and parking facilities are available in not yet been received r^;ardlng the planatory, follow: import restrictions in such a way as the shopping district Streets lead­ Manchester, Conn., will benefit American agriculture action of the Board of Relief, and and Industry.” ing into Main have also been cleared that they were not prepared to w February 27, 1984. to allow space for parking; in fact comment at th<« time. Mr. Ward Cheney, President, WAS INVITED TO JOIN The President discussed at length Cheney Brothers, eversrthing has been done to give the Other reductions <m the grand Ust the reasons for asking such power. Manchester, Conn. First, he said, world trade has public a chance to take advantage over $1,000 are; Rogers Paper Com­ Dear Sir: • of the wealth of bargains that will pany, $7,671; Susan Gorman, $1,620; declined approximately 70 per cent “Bearing in mind toe thought that RUSSIAN MURDER P A R H from its 19^ volume. Second, other be offered at the lowest cost possi­ Everett Keith, $1,655; Rockville toe unionization of laborers is in goversments to an increasing ex­ ble. Savings Bank, $4,016; Charles Sire, $2,088. conformance with toe rulings of tent are “winning their share of President F. D. Roosevelt’s National intematioral trade by negotiating to Mills or More. Recovery Ac$» the Loomflxers’ and reciprocal trade agreements.” It is expected that the tax rate Member of British Parfia- EMPEROR KANG TEH for the year, based on the reduc­ 'If American agricultural and (Oonttamed en Page Two.) industrial interests are to retain SAYS NRA HURTS tions of the Board of Relief, which ment Causes Sensation at their deserved place in this tra^,” is greater than for several years, he asserted, “the American govern­ will be 20 mills or more, according ^ BEGINS m s REIGNI « ment must be in a position to bar­ NATION’S FARMERS to the standing of the town appro­ Rasputin Libel Soit Trial gain for that place with other gov­ priations to be submitted to toe taportant to Prince S^pvard of Sweden than his title and toe ernments by rapid and decisive town m eeting Mon<^*y night. ^ n g i t toinberlt toe SwetUfh crown is toe beautiful German iUm actress by TeDmg His Story. negotiation based upon a caretolly g ica Fatodk, wtom be is detefaittied to wed to toe face of objectloiu Dons American Clothing and considered program and to grant Sewtor Fnzier UsdwM fay u i R oyal Mous^- The P riM w ’ aafT hto^diMhitKmer b iid c-to-b e are r o W S Q V M with — r<----- *• q^esponding op­ photograph together as they, arrtoed in U>ndon to plan to the Auezican market WESTISOMVBK Lemdott,, M atch 2— (A P ) — The Fnffs OB .^nkrican C^-| foreign products supplemoilary Thej Hare to Pay I f i { ^ defense wound Its case in the to our owB.” “Rasputita Ubtf sifit” . today hi a The tariff-bargaining eaeperhaent Four New Pirisions to rettes u ^ Takes Office. ■Was proposed to (Jongress with as- Prices Under Codes. nucwoitJCBMiiii - I blaze of new sensations—incluifing sqrafice from the Democratic lead­ StrUUtihCB Home Duf61IS6 revelatkm for the first time by ers of support but with a bitter FRENCH POUCE ARREST a member of the British Parliament Halnklng (Ohitogchun); < Man- partisan debate in prospect on the ancient-folitical issue. Washington, March 2.— (A P )— that be bad been invited to join the chukuo, Msirch 2,—(AP) — Tl»e Hepee for Early Action and Its Naval Fleet party which poisoned, clubbed and Senator Frazier (R., N. D.), pre­ Expect 100,000 Men to Be Emperor K ^ Teh, disdaining his “I hope for early action,” said Mr. dicted today toe whole NRA pro­ shot to death Rasputin, the Russian dragon rol^, demned 'an American MME. ARLETTE STAVISKY Imperial Court’s “Mad Monk.” t. “The nia^ Immediato' gram would fail tmless toe farmer, sack suit and puffed on American | in the field'of in tem s- Employed Before Smnmer <•' ------ - - London, March 2.—(AP)— Pro­ It remained for Commander tioual trade that today await our like the businessman, were permit­ Oliver Locker-Lampson, to supply cigarettes today as he began his ted to base bis prices on production visions for addmg four new squa­ attention can thus be met effective­ the dramatic climax to,the day's reign over 34,000,0(X) Manchukuans.
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