Admission Committee For Professional Courses, Gujarat Diploma To Degree Engineering Admission Year 2021 Board Mapping with Code for Merit Merit Merit Board Last Five Digit - Sr. No. Board Name Code - First Two Actual Merit Rank Digit Position GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL 1 11 1100001 UNIVERSITY 2 R K UNIVERSITY 12 1200001 3 D D UNIVERSITY 13 1300001 4 M S UNIVERSITY 14 1400001 5 IGTR 15 1500001 6 CIPET 16 1600001 7 UKA TARSALIA UNIVERSITY 17 1700001 8 RAI UNIVERSITY 18 1800001 9 C U SHAH UNIVERSITY 19 1900001 10 GANPAT UNIVERSITY 20 2000001 11 ITM VOCCATIONAL UNIVERSITY 21 2100001 12 MARWADI UNIVERSITY 22 2200001 13 SWARNIM UNIVERSITY 23 2300001 14 PARUL UNIVERSITY 24 2400001 15 GOKUL GLOBAL UNIVERSITY 25 2500001 16 OTHER STATE CANDIDATE 99 9900001 Important Instructions for Students who have passed Diploma Examination from Outside Gujarat – Choice Filling • As per the admission notification of Education Department for Diploma to Degree Engineering admission, the students who have passed their Diploma Examination from valid Professional Courses Diploma Board/University will be eligible for 5% seats of total available seats in Government and Grant -in-Aid Institutions. • The all candidates who have cleared examination from November- 2020 onwards are eligible for the admission in above mentioned seats. • Merit list for D to D course has been announced on 26.07.2021 by Admission Committee . The process of choice filling of mock round can be carried out from 26.07.2021 to 29.07.2021 (till 12.00 Mid night). Applicants are advised to study the allotted seats in the institute (seat matrix announced on the committee's website) and make a choice. 26/07/2021 -Member Secretary ગ ભ ટે 犾ણલ જોગﺂડીપ્રોભ廒 થી ડીગ્રી ઈજનેયી પ્રલેળ – ચોઈસ પીલર -૨૦૨૧ • પ્રલેળ સમભમિ દ્વ ય િ . ૨૬.૦૭.૨૦૨૧ ન યોજ ડી ટુ ડી અ뛍મ સક્રભ ભ ટે ની ભેયીટ મ દી 犾હેય ગ ની ક મયલ હી ણﺂકયલ ભ આલેર છે. ભેયીટ મ દી સ થે મલદ્ય થીઓ ની ભોક ય ઉન્ડ ચોઈસ પીલર ળરુ થમેર છે. આ ક મયલ હી િ . ૨૬.૦૭.૨૦૨૧ થી ૨૯.૦૭.૨૦૨૧ (ય ત્રે ૧૨.૦૦ સધીુ ) હ થ ધયી ળક ળે. અયજદ યો ને 狇 િે ફોડય ભ 廒 પ લ મેર ફેઠકો (સમભમિ ની લેફસ ઈટ ય 犾હેય કયેર સીટ .ગ કયલ ભ ટે સર હ આલ ભ 廒 આલે છેﺂભેટ્રી囍સ ) નો અ뛍મ સ કયી ને ચોઇસ પીલર • મલદ્ય થીઓન હહિભ 廒 狇 િે ફોડયને પ લ મેર અને ખ રી ડિી ફેઠકોભ 廒 પ્રલેળ પ લણી ન હેતથીુ દયેક ફોડયન મલદ્ય થીઓને AVAILABLE ફધી જ ચોઈસ ફિ લલ ભ 廒 આલેર છે. • 狇 િે ફોડયભ 廒 પ્રો- યેટ મજફનીુ ફેઠકોની પ લણી ફ દ 狇 િે ફોડયભ 廒 ફેઠક ખ રી યહેળે િો િે ફેઠકો અન્મ ફોડયન મલદ્ય થીઓને નીમભોઅનસુ ય પ લલ ભ 廒 આલળે. 狇ની ર ગ ુ ડિ સલે મલદ્ય થીઓ ન⺂ધ રેલી. • મલદ્ય થીઓને સર હ આલ ભ 廒 આલે છે કે AVAILABLE ફધી જ ચોઈસ ભ 廒થી લધ ુ ને લધ ુ ચોઇસ બયલ ભ 廒 આલે 狇થી મલદ્ય થી પ્રલેળ થી લ廒લચિ ન યહે. ગ કયલ ભ ટે સમભમિ ની લેફસ ઈટ www.jacpcldce.ac.in ઉય ભ ગયદમળિક આલ ભ 廒ﺂચોઈસ પીલર • આલેર છે િેભજ લધ ુ ભ હહિી ભ ટે સમભમિ ની લેફસ ઈટ જોિ યહેલ જણ લલ ભ 廒 આલે છે. તા. ૨૬.૦૭.૨૦૨૧ - સ뛍ય સચિવ શ્રી Steps for Choice filling Fill the choice • Check your rank from • Rearrage your profile sequence by various • Fill the maxmium • Check available choice tools choice by clicking add from dashboard • Save the choices choice • Check all choices Check Rank and been added Rearrange and Choice final save choice Step 1 : Check your rank Currently, you can check your rank from your profile. The detail merit calculation is available on www.jacpcldce.ac.in in D2D section. The available choices been displayed in dashboard by choice filling and locking. All choices will be automatically locked on 12 midnight at last day of choice filling. Before that, you can modify, add and rearrange choices as many times as you want to. Step 2 : Fill the choices The all available choices will be displayed to you. The same will have bifurcation of Institute name and branch name, TFWs seats, Type of Institute (Government or Private). By adding the choice, you can easily add the choice on table. The choices can be filter, by Type of Institute (Govt or Private), Branch wise and by name of Institute. Student can fill all available choice. There is no restriction in choice filling. Secondly, You can add all choices and later you can arrange it. All time it will be saved automatically in fix duration of time. You can also save the choice by clicking on Save and Continue. Available Choices : Available Choice : Selection Institute Type Available Choice : Institute name wise Available Choice : Branch wise Fill Choice : Step 3 : Rearrange the choices After adding all available choices, you can now rearrange the choices based on your priority. However, you can also add choices or delete choices anytime during choice filling schedule and later rearrange it. The Remove ,UP and Down choices button is already available in choice filling section. The major rearrangement can be easily done by Manage filed choice, Choice interchange, Choice rearrange or Multiple deletion. Function Activity Remove Single choice removed and shift to available choice. You can again add it if you want Up Choice will be moved up by a step Down Choice will be moved down by a step Manage filed choice Choices will be removed, moved up and moved down together Choice interchange Particular set of choices can be altered in their position (3 to 1 / 1 to 3) Choice rearrange All added choices will be displayed and priority can be given in single step Multiple deletion More than one choice can be deleted in single step Removal of the choice ChoiceInterchange Choice rearrange Multiple deletion of choices Dashboard Display .
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