LAND AT BROOKFIELD STABLES WARFIELD INTERIM ECOLOGICAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EcIA) Written By: L. Gilbert Checked By: D. Wood Date: 11.12.2020 Document File Ref: BEW21975_EcIA Revision: * Date of last revision: Revised by: QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.1. This report has been prepared in accordance with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) Guidelines for Ecological Report Writing (2nd Edition, December 2017). 1.2. The facts stated in this report are true to the best of our knowledge and belief, and any opinions expressed are held genuinely and in accordance with the accepted standards of the profession. ACD Environmental Ltd is a CIEEM Registered Practice. Client: Bewley Homes Site/job: Land at Brookfield Stables, Warfield Author: L. Gilbert Technical review: D. Wood CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2 INTRODUCTION 3 3 PLANNING POLICY AND LEGISLATION 5 4 METHODOLOGY 9 5 BASELINE ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS 16 6 SCHEME DESIGN 38 7 ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 39 8 BIODIVERSITY NET GAIN 53 9 CONCLUSIONS 55 APPENDIX 1: PHASE 1 HABITAT PLAN APPENDIX 2: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX 3: FIELD SURVEY METHODOLOGY APPENDIX 4: POND LOCATION PLAN APPENDIX 5: HSI RESULTS Interim Ecological Impact Assessment Land at Brookfield Stables, Warfield 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose of To provide an interim assessment of the ecological impacts of a proposed report development at Land at Brookfield Stables, Warfield, based on the surveys carried out to date. A full assessment will be provided once update surveys have been undertaken in 2021. This will clearly identify any ‘significant effects’ on important ecological features (including designated sites or protected species) and detail any mitigation and/or compensation measures that are required, and how these could be secured. This report outlines likely impacts and potential mitigation and compensation solutions. Description of Outline planning application for residential development of up to 90 proposed dwellings including public, open space and associated infrastructure, development including a new cycle path connecting to Edmunds Lane. Application to include access with all other matters reserved. Brief The proposed development site (hereafter referred to as the Application description of Site) is currently in use as a horse livery yard. The Application Site the Site comprises species-poor, semi-improved grassland bound by hedgerows and woodland with scattered trees. There are numerous buildings and areas of hardstanding within the centre of the Application Site. Designated The Application Site falls within 5km of Thames Basin Heaths SPA, nature therefore mitigation will be required in the form of contributions to a SANG conservation and SAMM, to prevent impacts on the designated site. The Application Site sites also falls within a SSSI Impact Risk Zone, which states that the LPA should consult Natural England for ‘any residential development with a total net gain in residential units’. Information to inform an Appropriate Assessment will be provided to demonstrate how impacts on Thames Basin Heaths SPA will be avoided. Potential mitigation options have been outlined within this report. Key habitats The most valuable habitats present within the Application Site comprise woodland, scattered mature trees and native species rich hedgerows with trees. Bull Brook runs adjacent to the western boundary of the Application Site. Key species The Application Site supports three bat roosts within two buildings: including a soprano pipistrelle maternity roost. Foraging and commuting bats use the habitats on-site and several trees have features suitable to support roosting bats. Nesting birds, including swallow, have been recorded within the outbuildings on-site and the hedgerows and trees offer good bird nesting and feeding opportunities. Key impacts • The removal of approximately 20m of the southern boundary hedgerow with trees and a small number of trees; • Demolition of the buildings that support bat roosts (including a maternity roost); and • Lighting impacts on retained hedgerows and woodland edge habitat during construction and operation, which could affect foraging/commuting routes of bats (including a maternity colony). ACD Environmental 1 Interim Ecological Impact Assessment Land at Brookfield Stables, Warfield Mitigation • Retention of the majority of the woodland and trees on-site with suitable RPA’s; • A sensitive lighting scheme to ensure dark corridors are retained around the development; • A 25m buffer between the development and the offsite Bull Brook; and • Implementation of precautionary measures of working, including seasonal restrictions and supervision of works by an ecologist where necessary. Compensation Creation of areas of species rich grassland within areas of open space and new tree planting throughout the development. Replacement roosting provision for bats will be incorporated into a number of buildings on-site. Full details will be outlined within the final EcIA and EPS licence application. Enhancements Integrated habitats for roosting bats, nesting birds and invertebrates will be incorporated into the design of the houses at a ratio of 1 box per property. Conclusions A full assessment of impacts will be carried out following completion of the surveys. The following surveys will be carried out in 2021: • Update bat emergence/ re-entry surveys of the buildings; • Ground level assessments for bats of trees likely to be impacted by the proposals both directly (e.g. felling) and indirectly (e.g. lighting); and • Climbing surveys/ endoscope inspections of trees for roosting bats. An EPS licence will be required to allow for the demolition of the buildings which support bat roosts. If required, EPS licences will be obtained for tree roosting bats. Information to inform an Appropriate Assessment will be provided to demonstrate how impacts on Thames Basin Heaths SPA will be avoided. Providing the measures outlined within this report are incorporated into the detailed scheme design and implemented, this development is capable of achieving a biodiversity net gain (11.36% habitat units and 40.25% hedgerow units), which has been demonstrated though the Defra Metric 2.0. ACD Environmental 2 Interim Ecological Impact Assessment Land at Brookfield Stables, Warfield 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1. This report provides an interim assessment of the ecological effects of the proposed development at Brookfield Stables, Warfield, hereafter referred to as the Application Site (see Image 1). The principal author of this report is Lily Gilbert MCIEEM. The client is Bewley Homes. Background 2.2. The Application Site is situated in the semi-rural village of Warfield, which lies to the north of Bracknell. The Application Site is in-use as a horse livery yard. The Application Site is bordered by Bracknell Road to the north, Hayley Green Road to the east and the B3034 to the south. Bull Brook runs along the far western site boundary. The surrounding area comprises residential areas interspersed with grassland fields and areas of woodland. 2.3. The client intends to submit an outline planning application, which this report will accompany, for residential development of up to 90 dwellings including public, open space and associated infrastructure, including a new cycle path connecting to Edmunds Lane. Application to include access with all other matters reserved. Competence 2.4. This report has been written by Lily Gilbert, a Senior Ecologist at ACD Environmental Ltd. Lily has seven years' experience working for commercial consultancy and specialises in European Protected Species (EPS) legislation and mitigation, holding licenses for bats, great crested newt Triturus cristatus, hazel dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius and barn owl Tyto alba. She has significant experience of EcIA and is a Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (MCIEEM). 2.5. A Technical Review of this report has been undertaken in line with ACD Environmental Ltd’s Quality Assurance procedures. The Technical Review was undertaken by Daniel Wood, Director of Ecology at ACD Environmental Ltd. Daniel has 14 years' experience working for commercial consultancy and specialises in European Protected Species (EPS) legislation and mitigation, holding licences for bats, great crested newts, hazel dormouse, barn owl and badger Meles meles. Daniel has significant experience of EcIA and has acted as Expert Witness at Public Inquiry. He is a Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (MCIEEM). Purpose of the report 2.6. The purpose of this Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) is as follows: ACD Environmental 3 Interim Ecological Impact Assessment Land at Brookfield Stables, Warfield • To identify and describe all potentially significant ecological effects associated with the proposed development; • To set out the mitigation measures required to ensure compliance with nature conservation legislation and relevant planning policy, and to address any potentially significant ecological effects; • To identify how mitigation measures will/could be secured; • To identify any significant residual ecological effects and set out any compensation measures proposed to address these; • To identify appropriate enhancement measures in order to achieve Biodiversity Net Gain; and • To set out the requirements for post-construction monitoring. Image 1: Application Site location and approximate site boundary shown in red. Map data (2017): Google. Imagery (2017): Getmapping plc. ACD
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