Decentralization and Local Government Strengthening Program (DLGP) Government of Suriname and the Inter-American Development Bank District Strategic Development Plan Paramaribo South-West 2014 - 2025 “The future depends on what you do today.” ― Mahatma Gandhi Uitgave: DLGP-Projectbureau, mei 2014. Samengesteld door DLGP consultant mw. C. Partoredjo-Feurich MSc. in samenwerking met de DLGP Task Manager Districtsinkomsten en –uitgaven, drs. M. Pershad. Bij overname uit dit document is bronvermelding verplicht. District Strategic Development Plan Paramaribo South-West 2014 INHOUD Hoofdstuk Pagina Summary 3 1. Inleiding 6 2. Achtergrond 8 3. Ruimtelijke Ordening en Vergunningenbeleid in Suriname 27 4. Visie, Missie en Doelstellingen voor Paramaribo 32 4.1 SWOT Analyse voor Paramaribo 34 5. Geidentificeerde projecten op kort, middellang en lang termijn 37 Bijlagen Bijlage 1 Verslag Openbare Vergaderingen in de ressorten Flora, Latour en Livorno 63 Bijlage 2 Verslag van de Workshop met de DMT‟s Paramaribo 69 Bijlage 3 Vergunningenbeleid 76 Bijlage 4 Bouwkundige Werken en Ruimtelijke Ordening 77 Bijlage 5 Voorbeeld Landmeterkaart met Perceelsituering 78 Bijlage 6 Bedrijfsvergunningen 79 Bijlage 7 Voorstel Aanvraag Bouwkundige Vergunning Suriname 82 Bijlage 8 Voorbeeld Omgevingsplan 86 Bijlage 9 Voorbeeld Liggingsplan 87 Bijlage 10 Ruimtelijke pratkijkvoorbeelden Paramaribo Zuid-West 88 Bijlage 11 De Vergunningplichtigen 97 Bijlage 12 Decreet Vergunning Beroepen en Bedrijven 100 Bijlage 13 Gebiedsmatrix van de Ressorten van Paramaribo Zuid-West 109 Bijlage 14 District Project Matrix 2014 126 2 District Strategic Development Plan Paramaribo South-West 2014 Summary Every nation has a future that is determined by the decisions and actions of today. The President of the Republic of Suriname, His Excellency Desire, Delano Bouterse, in his preface to the Development Plan 2012-2016, stated that the vision for Suriname is „to build up a nation for our children and grandchildren while securing our national dignity, identity and pride‟. The condition to realize this vision is solidarity among all social partners, organizations and individuals. In short: a Social Agreement! In this social agreement, the government is responsible for the advancement of the wellbeing of all Surinamers in the broadest sense of the word. The „Suriname MDG Progress Report 2009‟, states that Suriname is well on its way to reach the goals set for 2015. Areas where there is still room for improvement are: adequate jobs for all unemployed citizens, access to well-rounded primary education for everyone, healthy drinking water and sanitary provisions in all areas of Suriname, well organized, transparent, non- discrimanatory trade and financial systems, strategies for creating adequate and sufficient employment especially for youth and the availability of new technology (information and communication technology) for everyone. The Decentralization Program of the government of Suriname contained in the „Decntralization and Local Government Strengthening Program‟ (DLGP), in the first phase of the program, has worked on a program specific legal program for the institutional strengthening for the execution of an independent fiscal, budgetary and financial management of the districts. With this program the pilot districts were enabled to execute their own economy and development programs. The district management has successfully involved the local community in the local decision making process through weekly meetings in their jurisdictions (ressorten) en annual hearings. The goal of these public meetings is to discuss the activities of the previos year and the plans for the current year. The local community also gets the opportunity to voice their concernes and give suggestions for plans. These concerns and requests are incorporated in the District Plan for the next year. In the second phase of the program, DLGP-II 2009-2014, work has continued on the legal framework, the financial planning and administrative capacity of the districts, the population participation and actual participation in the program, capital investments, capacity building and the investment programs of the districts incorporated in the annual „Disrict Plans‟ and a „District Strategic Development Plan‟ (DLGP, 2009). The Law on Regional Bodies (Wet Regionale Organen) states that the Distrcit Council is esponsible for drawing up an annual District Plan and a budget with income and expenses. The District Council for Paramaribo has, in accordance with the guidelines set in this law, composed 3 District Strategic Development Plan Paramaribo South-West 2014 the District Plan 2014. This plan incorporates the input of the population in the annual hearings of the local councils. Thus, the local communities have participated in the plans to improve and increase the prosperity and well being of the population of the Paramaribo District. The last phase of the DLGP-II program includes the formulation of the „District Strategic Development Plan 2014-2025 Paramaribo South-West‟, containing short term, medium term and long term plans for socio-economic development based on a long term vision for the district. This vision was set through both a consultative process with the Distrcit Management Teams of Paramaribo North-East and Paramaribo South-West and the public meetings held in January and February 2014. The vision for „Paramaribo 2025‟ especially gained spatial significance in a workshop on the 15th of January with the District Management Teams of Paramaribo. This vision therefore has a good chance of success especially combined with a more srtructured land distribution system based on long term planning and the use of the land based programs, sytems and databases available at the MI GLISS (Management Institute for Land and Landinformation Systems Suriname). This information is also crucial for incorporating the District Plans in a spatial plan for Paramaribo. This spatial plan has to incorporate the unique characteristics (physical, environmental and socio-economic) of the area and the specific wishes and needs of the population. The strength of Suriname lies in her multi-cultural population which is evident in our urban areas which gives it its unique character. This strength is the basis for the vision and mission for Paramaribo. The vision statement for Paramaribo is: Paramaribo, the cultural melting pot of the Carribbean. The mission statement for Paramaribo is: In 2025 Paramaribo is a modern, dynamic, vital city with a variety of cultural experiences and expressions. In a workshop on January 15, the District Management Teams formulated the following objectives. In 2025 Paramaribo is a modern clean city with: Inhabitants that have a strong national pride. A factory complex (industrial area) at „Weg naar Zee‟, modern seawall and international sea port. One central administration and centrally located government services at the higest level, High technological level on all schools up to the highest level and in all other sectors. Good facilities such as: water and electricity, sport facilities, playgrounds, health and community centers in all areas, shopping centers, banks and government institutes. Development based on three pillars namely: tourism (green environment), service (business) and environment. A better infrastructure and accessibility: traffic flow, roads with all necessary facilities (footh and bycicle paths), a second bridge at Leonsberg, a new market, industrial center, 4 District Strategic Development Plan Paramaribo South-West 2014 recreation and green in the city, government center outside of Paramaribo, international harbor, airport in Commewijne to relive the busy „Indira Ghandi road, a car free zone in Paramaribo and multi-floor parking facilities. Clearly defined residential areas outside the inner city with parks and services close by where the safety of the population is guaranteed with multi-story apartments and a car- free zone in the heart of Paramaribo. Well planned economic activities and a central location for government services. These objectives have been incorporated in short-term, mid-term and long-term activities and projects for Paramaribo South-West. 5 District Strategic Development Plan Paramaribo South-West 2014 1. Inleiding Elke natie heeft een toekomst die bepaald wordt door de besluiten en acties van vandaag. De President van de Republiek Suriname, Zijne Excellentie Desire D. Bouterse, gaf in het voorwoord van het Ontwikkelingsplan 2012-20161 aan, dat de visie voor Suriname is „een natie opbouwen voor onze kinderen en kindskinderen waarbij wij onze nationale waardigheid, identiteit en trots veiligstellen‟. De voorwaarde om deze visie te verwezenlijken is: solidariteit tussen alle sociale partners, organisaties en individuen. Samengevat: een Sociale Overeenkomst! In deze „sociale overeenkomst‟ is de overheid verantwoordelijk voor de bevordering van het welzijn van alle Surinamers in de ruimste zin des woords1. Uit het „Suriname MDG Voortgang Rapport 2009‟2, blijkt dat Suriname goed op weg is om de doelen voor 2015 te bereiken. Gebieden waar er nog ruimte voor verbetering is, zijn: werkgelegenheid (gepast werk voor alle werkzoekenden), (mogelijkheid tot) afgerond primair onderwijs voor iedereen, gezond drinkwater en sanitaire voorzieningen voor de gehele bevolking, goed georganiseerde, transparant, niet-discriminerende handels- en financiele systemen, strategieën voor het creeren van adequate en voldoende werkgelegenheid voor jongeren en de beschikbaarheid van nieuwe
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