June, 19511951 uheofl&iQA*xwi'CM HORSEJ * How We DidDid ItIt it* HowHow To To JudgeJudge AA MorganMorgan ColtColt ic* Green Mountain BuggyBuggy Ride Ride * EditorEditor VisitingVisiting MorganMorgan BreedersBreeders * Four HorseHorse Morgan Hitch Races DeathDeath DownDown MountainsideMountainside ROBERTSROBERTS HORSEHORSE FARMFARM Hi-Pass,Hi-Pass, SanSan DiegoDiego County,County, CaliforniaCalifornia B/teede4IZmedzn. q.Jj Alavan4Mo-Kfonl al o£chtighestJfipUeU MeMen.lt4it BLACKMAN 8622 Senior Stallion in Service ( MountcrestMountcrest \ JoeJoe BaileyBailey 7119 SellmanSellman 7289 ) KittyKitty E.E. 03308 RedmanRedman 8065 I PongeePongee Morgan BLACKMAN BLACKMAN RedRed Dot 04577 74277427 86228622 * RodotaRodota 04185 BlackBlack FoaledFoaled 19421942 GoGo HawkHawk 7457 ) SunnySunny Hawk 7456 GojeaGoiea 04610 \ BomboBombo 0437904379 ) KnoxKnox ReadeReade 7089 JeanneJeanne 04140 1 JeanJean AnnAnn 03250 OurOur fiftyfifty broodnzaresbroodmares havehave beenbeen mostmost carefullycarefully selected. We havehaveat atall all timestimes MorgansMorgans ofof all agesages and both sexes forfor sale. MR.MR. ANDAND MRS.MRS. E.E. W.W. ROBERTS,ROBERTS, OWNERSOWNERS AddressAddress correspondencecorrespondence to: 236236West West 15th St.St. LosLos Angeles,Angeles, California Tel.Tel.Richmond Richmond 7-06587-0658 QUESTIONIMIREQUESTionnniRE no.no.10107 10107 Sire: HavenHaven 80538053 Dam: June June De De Jarnette Jarnette 05789 05789 Champion Morgan atat 19511951 NationalNational Stallion Show, Waterloo,Waterloo, Iowa Iowa ## At Stud Stud to to a a few few approved approved mares. mares. MARIANNE R.R. BLICKBUCK &* 8615 CedarCedar St.St. ^>* Minneapolis, Minn.Minn. FOR SALESALE We will sell the following for for less less than their truetrue valuevalue asas we we must must makemakjs roomroom forfor young mares and their future foals. These are of the finest bloodlines,condition and and sound. sound. BelldaleBelidale 0576405764 —— ChestnutChestnut star,star, 10 10 yrs. yrs. old. Sire: Sire: Lippitt Lippitt Croydon Croydon Ethan Ethan 7929 by Lippitt Ethan Ash Ash 7621.7621. Dam:Dam: Annadale Annadale 0467204672 byby Monterey Monterey 74757475 outout of of Florette Florette 04233.04233. A mare of great beauty beauty and type type and and an an excellent excellent producer. producer. WinnerWinner 2nd2nd prize prize in in 1949—1949— Brood mare Class at National Morgan Morgan Show. Show. Lippitt GaietyGaiety 0726207262 ——Dark Dark chestnut wide strip.strip, 4-yrs-old. Sire: Lippitt Lippitt Nekoman Nekoman 8330. Dam;Dam; Lippitt Gay Sally 05727. AA close-coupledclose-coupled youngyoung mare with good good action action and show possibilities. High percentage blood.blood. Trained Trained to to ride. ride. Spring Patience 0777607776 —Chestnut,star,— Chestnut, star, red mane,mane, 2-yrs-old.2-yrs-old. Sire:Sire: SpringfieldSpringfield 8241.8241. Dam: LusealectLusealect X-05190.X-05190. Strongly built,built, well-grown (illyfilly withwith good style style and and action. action. Just startingstarting her education inin harness. Should Should maturemature atat 15 15 or or 15:1 15:1 hands. ClementinaClementina 08045 —— Chestnut Chestnut goldengolden redred manemane andand tail. White White hind hind sock,sock, yearling. Sire: Jubilee's CourageCourage8983. 8983. Dam:Dam: Springlet 06887.06887. AA veryvery appealingappealing fillyfilly withwith muchmuch personalitypersonalityand andMorgan Morgancharacter. character.The Thebest bestof of legslegsand and feet.feet. WillWill make oneone ofof those "tough little good ones." SupersamSupersam 1042610426 —— Dark Dark chestnut,chestnut, star, yearling stallion.stallion. Sire:Sire: LippittLippitt Sam Sam 7857.7857. Dam: Paragraph 04027. AA splendid splendid colt colt with with promise promise of of good good size size like like his his sire: sire: HeHe hashas greatgreat stylestyle andand naturalnatural action.action. HisHis dam dam has has long long beenbeen aa producerproducer ofof outstanding outstanding stockstock whichwhich isis makingmaking successsuccesswherever wherever it it goes. goes. ThisThis coltcolt isis a real real show show as as well well as as breedingbreeding prospect.prospect. He started started wellwell byby winningwinning 2nd2nd prize prize in in 19501950 StallionsStallions atat NationalNational Morgan Show. MEETINGMEETING WATERS R.R.F. F.D. D. 2, 2, Springfield,Springfield, Vermont TableTable ofof ContentsContents fe£ette/i6 t f0to SpecialSpecial ArticlesArticles RunawayRunaway . .. For . For LifeLife 6g Buzzard'sBuzzard's Bay, Bay, Brown Brown and and Chestnut Chestnut 88 the Sditotd HowHow We We Did Did It It < 1010 the Editati HowHow ToTo Judge Judge A A Morgan Morgan 1212 BookBook ReviewReview 1515 EditorEditor Visiting Visiting Morgan Morgan Breeders Breeders 1919 NationalNational Stallion Stallion Show Show 19ig IllinoisIllinois Morgan Morgan Futurity Futurity Nominations Nominations 2525 "By"By theirtheir Fruits"Fruits" GreenGreen Mountain Mountain Buggy Buggy Ride Ride 3838 DearDear Sir:Sir: II thinkthink youyou areare makingmaking thethe MorganMorgan RegularRegular FeaturesFeatures HorseHorse MagazineMagazine anan excellentexcellent publica-publica NamesNames in in Pedigrees Pedigrees 1414 tion.tion. It Itis isa afine line exponent exponent of of the the Mor- Mor YoungYoung EnthusiastsEnthusiasts 16]5 gangan Horse;Horse; itit hashas objectivityobjectivity andand TheThe Vet Vet Says Says 18\q journalistic quality. I am beginning to NorthernNorthern California California Horse Horse Club Club 2222 journalistic quality. I am beginning to BreezeBreeze From From The Great Great Lakes Lakes 2424 expectexpect each new numbernumber willwill be be the the NewNew England England News News and and Notes Notes 2626 best.best. CertainlyCertainly thethe April April number number is is Buffalo,Buffalo, N. Y.Y. NewsNews ' '' 3333 the best so far. MaineMaine Morgan Morgan Club Club 3434 the best so far. StableStable Hints Hints 3737 II want want to to congratulatecongratulate bothboth the the editor and thethe authorauthor onon Dr.Dr. BobBob Orcutt's article "But Is Is He He a a MorganMorgan Horse?" Horse?" Officers of the Morg an Horse Club Here at at EarihamEarlham CollegeCollege wewe havehave aa Officers of the Morgan Horse Club young Holstein bull that has added an President MERLE D.1). EVANS EVANS young Holstein bull that has added an Ohio Merchants Bank Building, Massillon, Ohio average of 14401440 pounds of milk and and 89 89 Ohio Merchants Bank Building, Massillon, Ohio pounds of butter fat to the productionof Vice-President FREDERICKO. 0. DAVIS DAVIS pounds of butter fat to the production of Windsor, Vermont each of his his firstfirst sixsix daughtersdaughters asas com- com Windsor, Vermont pared with theirtheir dams.dams. I think thatthat Secretary FRANK B. B. HILLS HILLS 90 Broad Street, NewNew YorkYork 4, 4, N. N. Y. Y. goes aa long wayway to proveprove thatthat he he is is a good Holstein. Improved use is cer Treasurer WHITNEY STONESTONE a good Holstein. Improved use is cer- 90 Broad Street, New York 4, N. Y. tainly one of of the the criteriacriteria inin selective selective 90 Broad Street, New York 4, N. Y. breeding. IfIf an an outcrossoutcross improvesimproves thethe usefulness of of aa horse that is aa strongstrong justification for for thethe mating mating and and es-es pecially isis thatthat true if the the improvementimprovement The MorganMiorgan HorsenorseH< MagazineMilYLagaztne seemsseems toto reach its climax in thethe thirdthird Vol. XIXI June,June. 1951 No. 3 or fourth generation. generation. No. 3 Beauty isis also one one proper proper criterion criterion A Bi-monthly for the judgment of a mating. Cer The Official Publication ofof for the judgment of a mating. Cer- THETHE MORGANMORGAN HORSE CLUB.CLUB, Incorporated tainlytainly thethe Morgan Horse would be be the the 9090 Broad St., New York 4, N. N. Y. Y. poorer ifif it did not not have have the the beautifulbeautiful examples of Morgan individuality PublicationPublication Office: examples of Morgan individuality Leominster,Leominster, Mass. picturedpictured asas thethe third generation in your chart if, as I understand, they do, these PublisherPublisher TheThe EuseyEusey PressPress chart if, as I understand, they do, these for The Morgan Horse Club. Inc. horseshorses havehave theirtheir full share ofof otherother for The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. EditorEditor SumnerSumner KeanKean goodgood Morgan characteristics. characteristics. EspeciallyEspeciallyis is a Morgan Morgan outcrossoutcross CONTRIBUTINGCONTRIBUTING EDITORS justified if it brings back into the Mor C.C. FvedFred Austin DanaDana V/ingateWingate KelleyKelley PattyPatty Davis justified if it brings back into the Mor- HelenHelen Brunk Greenwalt RussellRussell Smith Mrs.Mrs. LarryLarry OakleyOakley gangan stream the bloodblood of great MorgansMorgans likelike IndianIndian Chief, Peavine and Senator Senator SUBSCRIPTIONSUBSCRIPTION RATESRATES Two Years 54.00 ReadeReade whichwhich hadhad been lost toto Mor-Mor OneOne Year $2.50S2.50 Two Years S4.00 gangan pedigrees. Obviously,Obviously, justjust any any outcross will not do. Breeding is an outcross will not do. Breeding is an TheThe MORGAN MORGAN HORSEHORSE MAGAZINE,MAGAZINE,published publishedbi-monthly bi-monthlyby by THE THE art.art. ThereThere mustmust bebe a a reasonreason for a MORGANMORGAN HORSE HORSE CLUB, CLUB, INC., INC., 90 90Broad BroadSt., Si.,New New York,York, New York.York. matingmating andand itit must be justified by the PrintedPrintedby byThe The EuseyEusey Press,Press,
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